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October 11, 1914 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-10-11

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"Bringing Up Father" Appears At
Whitney Theater For
One Night Stand
Oct. 13
"Bringing up Father," a satirical
cartoon series now running daily in
the New York American, as well as
in more than five hundred other news-
papers throughout the United States
and Canada, has been dramatized and
adapted for a musical comedy produc-
tion by the artist Mr. George McManus
and the well known theatrical produc-
ing manager Mr. Gus Hill. The ridicu-
lously funny plot of "Mother's" at-
tempt to move, in exclusive society
circles and to introduce her caricature
of a husband among the "Grand
Dames" of society, opens the avenue
of "endless and hilariously humorous
situations which have been taken ad-
vantage of to their fullest extent by
the authors. The production consists
of three complete and magnificent
scenes with more than ordinarily
beautiful electrical and mechanical
embellishments. Forty performers of
updoubted ability in their respective
lines, including singers, dancers and
comedians are employed. Comedy is,
of course, the predominating factor.
A chorus of genuine beauty, conbined
with real abilityto sing, is one of the
best features ofthe entertainment. Mr.
Hill's experience in the production of
cartoon musical plays extends back to
the days of the first presentation of
a play of that character upon the
American stage; in fact all of the suc-
cessful musical shows adapted from a
newspaper cartoon, are credited to the
managerial abilities of this veteran
producer. All of his efforts have been
directed toward amusing the theatre-
going public. Believing that the more
vital problems of life are realities and
do not need to be depicted as "univer-
sal joy killers," "Bringing up Father"
was designed exclusively'as an enter-
tainment to dispel that demon "Gloom."
"Father, Mother and the whole Jiggs
Family" will be at the Whitney for a
one night engagement on Oct. 13.
Philip Bartholomae's dreams seem
to be coming true these days, at least,
in the material sense of pleasing audi-
ences who are in search of something
light, amusing and at the same time
of sufficient merit to distract atten-
tion to more serious things.
In conjunction with Silvio Hein the
provider of the music, Mr. Bartholo-
mae has put forward in "When Dreams
Come True" an interesting rival of
the musical plays which have gone
before and he has managed to inject
a satisfactory amount of some, of the
characteristics of his comedy essays.
Along the producing line the stage
manager has likewise done well in
costuming, in the selection of special-
ties and the settings generally, in
addition to the main parts which are
taken by players well enough known
to draw on their own accounts.
Mr. Hein from the stand-point of
the popular catchiness inhis special
musical numbers maintains himself

well, in all the nearly two score that
are provided. Chief among these is
"When Dreams Come True" the song
which gives the play its title and

which runs through some of the or-
chestral instrumentation.
In the cast there is individual popu-
larity as well as merit; Frederic Sant-
ley as "Keene Hedges," is one of the
most capable musical comedy juve-
niles of the present time, while Mar-
garet Grae as Beth is the possessor of.
a pleasing personality and sweet voice.
For comedy work there is Jack Mundy,
as "Hercules Strong," a detective, and
Connie Mack, as "Matilda" the country
girl, is always a sure laugh producer.
"When Dreams Come True" will be
seen at Whitney Theatre, Monday
Night, October 12th.
Grace Cameron is coming to the
Majestic. This is the biggest
feather that has reposed in the Bijou's
cap for a long time. For Grace Cam-
eron is known the country over as the
star of many, many comic operas and
musical comedies. Time was, and not
long since, when the name of "Grace
Cameron" on the billboards was suf-
ficient to crowd any theatre at $2.00
England-or London, to be exact-
has claimed Miss Cameron for the
past three years. Over across the

At Least Annette Kellerman Says
Life is Not All Bliss
As Sometimes
Although Annette Kellerman is
proud of the success of "Neptune's
Daughter," the wonderful fantasy of
which she is the star, because it proves
that she is a clever actress as well as
a phenomenal swimmer and diver, she
says that the three months spent in
Bermuda in staging this production
were not without their trying moments.,
Many of the scenes were taken in the
water during what is our winter seas-
on, although Bermuda is somewhat
warmer than it is here at that time
of the year. But let Miss Kellerman
tell it:
"The production was made in De-
cember, January and February, a year
ago. That 'Forty hours from frost to
flowers' slogan which the Bermuda

The success of musical comedy is,
first, a good book, next a good cast
of principals, then a rollicking, romp-
ing, youthful chorus who can' sing,
dance, wear nice costumes, and' last
but not least, a complete and elaborate
scenic production. Such a production
has Halton Powell furnished Jack
Trainor in his new starring vehicle,
"Watch Your Step." This 'is a
rollicking farce with a musical back
ground. It is a farce of complica-
tions, the plot of which is the result
of two men who have spent the night
out, during which they get their heads
as well as their drinks, mixed. Alter
many narrow escapes, Trainor, who
plays the part of Henry Schultz, the
jolly German pickle merchant, is fin-
ally extricated from his difficulties and
everybody is happy. You will all go
home whistling and humming the
beautiful melodies and thinking of the
pretty girls and their costumes.
"Watch Your Step" will be the
attraction at the Majestic .Theatre
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct-
ober 15-16-17, with the usual mati-
nees on Friday and Saturday,



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One of 'the Comedy Bits from Bringing 'Up Father, at Whitney Theater Tuesday night, Oct. 13.



she has been a tremendous suc-
The breaking out of the war

ette Kellerman at Whitney Theater Four Nights in

ptune's Ddughter


The bill that will open at the Majes-
c Monday night Oct. 12 and continue'
uesday and Wednesday nights with
matinee Tuesday and Wednesday at
:00 o'clock-is without doubt the big-
est and most pretentious that the
.ajestic has offered this season. There
re a lot of scenery and costumes. The
11 will be opened by George Dixon
ho carries a special drop of his own
hich shows a Dutch scene. His num-
er is a novelty, comedy musical act
. which he dresses as a Dutch Boy.
e plays several instruments very well
id he makes a good opening act.
Quinn Bros. and Drake are second.
hey do a little singing, talking and
mncing. They carry a drop of their
wn which represents the outside of
vaudeville theatre and a 5 & 10c
ore. They are finallythrown out
"the theatre for having a bum act
id they then rehease it on the side-
alk in front. Then a girl makes an
itrance from the 5 & 10c store, hav-
.g supposedly lost her job there and
e three decide to go into vaudeville
gether. This is an act that has
ore than pleased wherever it has
een played by these clever perform-
In the middle of the bill is "All for
Kiss" which is a feature act on any
iudeville bill and in view of the
tmce craze that is sweeping the coun-
y should prove to be a drawing card.
The act is a dancing monologue as
at a word is spoken, and as there are
vo very good looking girls who have
ite a display of costumes. There
e eight drops, the scenery being es-
cially noteworthy as it changes from
i oriental to a beautiful garden set.
Burt Hanlon-Singer and Talker has
pleasing act. His songs are of travel
d he gives descriptions of his trips
on different foreign countries and
e many incidents that happen to

They present very puzzling illusions-
one of them is a comedian who ex-
poses the manner in which each trick
is done and as this act has a lot of
the good old rough comedy everybody
and they then rehearse it on the side-

Under the supervision of Prof. Lock-
wood of the University School of
Music, try-outs for the university or-
chestra were held Friday evening.
A Wealth of material turned out seek-
ing positions. Of these 48 were chosen
although there were many others of
fine caliber.
Rehearsals will start immediately
under the direction of Prof. Lockwood
and will continue throughout the
school year. Several concerts will be
arranged and the orchestra will also
assist in such programs as are given
by the Comedy Club, the Mimes, etc.
Although the orchestra is strictly
for the benefit of the university, its
membership is not restricted to stu-
dents and a number of other people
were among the chosen group.

necessitated her return to the states,
and the Butterfield Circuit was for-
tunate enough to secure her for a
Miss Cameron will receive a very
large salary.. Her contract is a unique
one for this circuit, calling for the
exclusive featuring of Grace Cameron
on the programme, in the slightest
doubt of her making good, for Grace
Cameron is that seldom-found delight
-a singing comedienne who has a
beautiful voice and a delicious sense
of comedy.
"The Goose Girl" marked Miss Cam-
eron's last appearance here as a musi-
cal comedy star. Her return at the
low scale of prices charged by the
Majestic is an event important enough
to crowd the theatre at every perfor-
Next Thursday afternoon will be
the date of the first Twilight organ
recital of the year. Earl V. Moore,
who gained so much popularity last
year through. these programs, will be
the performer. The Twilight recitals
will be given on the third Thursday
of each month this. year, the faculty
concerts taking place on the first

Board of Trade is so fond of adver-
tising is all right as far as it goes, but
flowers sometimes bloom when the sea
is quite chilly. In making many of
the scenes we had toAbe in the water
for hours at a time, because so much
preliminary practice was necessary.
By the time such a session was over
our bodies were blue and our teeth
dancing a maxixe.
"In one of the scenes," continued
Miss Kellerinenn, "Herbert Brenon,
who is the wicked villain in the play,
hurls me from the top of a high cliff.
We both fall over together, and as it
happened, the jar of hitting the water'
made his head hit my poor nose. The
result was a vacation of four days, be.-
cause large, puffy olfactory organs
are not supposed to be fashionable
among mermaids.
"Another thing I learned is that be-
ing a mermaid is not so much fun
as it sounds. My costume was not so
bad in the water, although I could
hardly shatter speed -records with it,
but on land it certainly had its dis-
advantages. Flopping around a seal
on the sharp cornered, coral coast of
Bermuda is annoying at times, and I
was busy every evening with band-
ages and soothing lotions."
"Neptune's Daughter," which has
created a sensation wherever present-
ed, will be seen here at the Whitney
Theatre for four days starting Wed-
nesday Oct. 14th, with a Daily Matinee
at 2:30.

F. H. Butterfield, the new manager
of the Majestic and Whitney theatres,
has brought splendid vaudeville pro-
grams 'to this city as well as slating
a number of excellent plays to appear
at the down town theatre. Mr. But-
terfield is a brother of W. S. Butter-
field, manager of the Michigan circuit
of theatres. "It is my aim to give the
students the best vaudeville obtainable
for the price," he said, "I certainly ap-
preciate the patronage we are get-
ting." Mr. Butterfield succeeds Ar-
thur Lane, who is at present manager
of the Orpheum interests in ,Memphis,
The first rehearsal of the University
Choral Union will be held at the Uni-
ersity School of Music, Tuesday even-
ing at 7:00 p. m., sharp. All former
members who wish to retain their
places should report at that time.
New applicants should meet Profes-
sor Stanley for "try-ou.ts" between
1:00 and 2:00 p. m., any day next
week, except -Saturday, at which time
the lists will be closed.

'I,,'- - ~"'~*'~ -

e show is Martini and
'ho have a real novelty.

A Scene from the first act of "When Dreams 'vine True" at Whitney Theater Monday night, Oct. 12.



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