THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ) r -- - a 3 t .1 ,, . 5 i Jf y 0 t U me ST. PRACHT 330 South State Street %m Gd HENRY MAKIERS. OF HIGH GRADE .; -t r ; 9 k s v ,y ', °'r., ' I t Ci S ol AT POPULAR PRICES We have just received a late shipment-of sprig an Ltsummer novelties. Let us show themtyo OUR=. PRICES RANGE FR , f r ' r v ;;-- , y yY' t is r a 5 w, n x. r , r P, r " m Now. lom >z ..+ . - rl '" 1'3 OR A~D OTHER FLAYS by Frederic Ifebbel (838 H44 tA43) of the literary drama will this long expected volume of dlays, capably translated and by L. H. Allen and Barber It contains three tragedies, rude and terrible, but fascin- ating- in their very stringency and drasticism. Hebbel uses the sledge hammer and chisel to portray his char- acters, and refuses to give us any re- lef by retouching them. "Gyges and His Ring" purports to be, a mythical and primitive, tragedy, but the three chief characters are decidedly modern Germans, and the thought is much too philosophical for the setting. The conflict is unusual in that it is the outcome of fatal misdirec- tion of virtues rather than the time 'worn battle- of virtue against vice. A certain satirist calls this play "The Tragedy of a Peeping Tom." "Herod and Miriamnne" is a fantastic conception of the biblical story twisted into a semblance of reality. The plot HITNEY THE[ATRE Friday. Night, Marclh 26 is highly involved and the motivation is, at first, difficult to grasp. But, on study, it becomes clear that the situa- tions were all tragically necessary. The character of Miriamne is power- fully drawn and might stand as one of the great women of tragedy. "Maria Magdalena" is ill, named in that it is misleading. It is a bourgeois tragedy of the most sordid type, par- taking somewhat of the nature of Strindberg, in its psychological analy- sis, but lacking his keenness and bril- liancy. Parts ofr the play, especially the 'last act, remind the reader of Ibsen's "Ghosts." Many critics hold that Ibsen was influenced more or less by Hebbel. M. S. M. -Miss Martha Tobias, '14, 'who has been teaching in Hampshire, Ill., has been appointed, through the offices of the appointment committee to the po- sition of instructor in botany and zool- ogy in the Bessemer high school, at Bessemer, Mich. -Fresh engineers plan to hold a dance the first week after the spring vaca- tion. Definite arrangements will be made soon. --Students of the university are espe- cially invited to attend the weekly meeting of the Upper Room Bible class, which is to be held from 7:00 o'clock to 8:00 o'clock tonight. The topic for study will be "Jesus as a Gentleman." Team _Averages 90 "lWhile 11 (Auiwr " Can Qualify for Govininiveut Marksmen NlE DAL SHOTING Nxi, x WEEFiv fl _ i ,'e ( tis' nte .. _'ioi i lel e lo, 1 : 1! l . t _ ai -t1 Agin_.t _ainst Aga111'~t Ark , , .. . i{1O ' ., s .. ....nd I: 1 .~ ' 911 922J 9 1, .1~ M at. .1 .Thompson... 5 L. C. WVilcoxen.. .8 . 2. Cuoris.....8. J. ..; loer...... J. l t ere.~.....72 ,. . .11ars......5 Total. 909 1454 1452 1438 1417 178 1236' 1227 1410 860 169 657 328 314 Aver. 182 182 182 179 178 178 177 177 176 172 169 164 164 157 an da doased Fi AIi.a 1 b aila At the close of its- first inidoorse- son, the Michigan ridle squadl i,, shoot- ing an average of 905 for thetem this giving each member of the b igh five, whose scores are counted, an av- erage of 181. Of the 14 ment whose- averages appear in the table bel ow , only three men are shooting below a total such as would win for thorcn the title of marksman from the ov=rn- ment. For each inan, who in match shoot- ing scores over 80 off-hand and 85 prone, the government gives a prize of a bronze watch-fob and the honorary title of marksman. Michigan menv to the number of 11 can qualify for this title on the season's average. 'Ihe title of' sharpshooter is given to the man who can shoot 90 off-hand and 95 prone. While some. of the Michig an gunmen can qualify for this 41 asingle match, none of them have bee(n aL?; to mark up an average igher tba 18%, falling three points short ofL sharpshooter's average. With the season at a close, the men will begin medal shooting next week. Any one may shoot for these-titles and the bronze and silver fobs w hich ac- company them upon paying 40 cents to Secretary Rowe, of the Rifle club, for targets. The club match will prob- ably be held next week and its win- Total ~ 8142 Average ~ I. 1'. Thompson, ~ ho has lead Lx ~e en h~ average up to lavt n ~"X, has (2 ~ hii~Tie st seer.' for the a Ic ye~., hh-; mai-k being i .'~ 15. lIe I xxi Populr Ma n eWeek March 22 Wed s~myNights &Sat. Mat. k 1:."iy e; ~. F" 25c to $2.00 BESTSEAS '~00300 Orchestra Seats $1.50 .isLyibyi,. C. Wilcoxen anid G. C. (tiss with averages of .181.7 and r L repectively. The number of mt es (omipeted in, the total score ind ?w the1erae of the men now on the r quad ollo w: Williafl Ap Bldy Anouncesthe a Engagement of 00 any I,, ' H d t A S 1 c a t,. is x. LL Cooks With the original New York Company vlthout doubt the biggest and funniest Farce Comedy Produced in Several Seasons In Prices and Complete Cast Will Be Made Later. x y I~ A'~SE~ A N LASCDRAMAS "Mr Matel i te lgiiniI~I~aero1'hea a'ic an Stage"---Williamu Winter, Monda Evenng, Aarch.2...Macbeth" e::sd- Liv % - ar..23... "R.kmeo and Juliet" Wensa ah~,a'24 ,., "erchantof Venice" 9 24 ...y..v......Ma, ...... , Richelieu r Thuray Even sg, March 25......... .............."K1ing Lear" ..iday..ven.....March.2. .,King John" Satu :r "aymfleir", 1rc 27. .. Merchant of Veflice"' EEK GH 2-H.H.FRAZEE cANU2E HE3ACT FARCICAL RIOT ii By IFRE"D JACKSON. a cAN, Staged by EDGAR MacGRF GOR. Presented1 by a Niotable, Cast, Including C~ore Pr~om, erbrt orthell, [May Vokes'and RAI~PI MR(>Nh1~flT~iNhSOFAV WALI.CU AND OTHUBRS plmmwwww 1 I III 3:0 I I r 1L thee i nthig ettr or your room tha oe o or iexens~efrauiedpic- lue. haethein at all prices. We irtue potogrphs nd do all kinds o arti)t,(pictre framfing. EF IESARSTORE 223S. ~iNST. . r a ; y, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 22-23-24 Remember it Opens, Monday Matinee at 3 P. M Kathleen Rooney 4 Wilholmina Bowman STYLISH, S ONOSTERS I I NOTE-The management o1 the Majestic desires to call the attention of the ladies to the gowns worn by the two girls of this act O'NEAL & WLMSLEY "Two Lightning Btafs" y Talking and Singing Act just to make you. laugh That's all "tTRANS.ATLANTIC TRIO"9 One Ma, .n s d Two Pretty Girls "PRESENTING MUSIC BOTH OLD AND NEW" WALK FLIHT SAE HEDI FFERENCE JOHN T. RAY t . RA CE HILLARD In "HELLO SALLY" What I a~ inrent ani teroverhead expense is ad1dt:thYua1t1o12ega 2etsItailor. LET ME"ROVE IT ZAMORA SISTERS "etty girls with a winning personality who submit a al Trapeze & Aerial Act faryour" approval The Management of the Majestic believes this bill will prove to be about as well balanced a 'bill of vaudeville as has been offered at the Majestic this season. Try our $25A)() Suits Alte-rations and Repairing, y March 31, Is the "BIG COUNTRY STORE" night at the Majestic $100.00 in Prizes ,y absolutely free. Watch tbis paper for list, of prizes. Seats Reserved One Week in Advance. I TSLE .11 MERCHANT TAILO 108 . Wahingonat. Seconid Flo I _ -