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March 21, 1915 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-03-21

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Theater Management Has Decided;
Offer Feature Affair n

to l

Tuesday, Wednesday, March 22-23-24.


Telegram Received Friday Tells
Booking Big Comedy Success
for Early Date



"Too Many Cooks," proclaimed the
iggest and funniest farce comedy in
veral seasons, has been booked for
performance in Ann Arbor on March'
6. This piece of good news for local
seater-goers was contained in a tele-
ram received by Manager Frank H.
utterfield, of the Whitney theater,
om his brother, W. S. Butterfield, in
hicago, Friday afternoon.
Further announcement in regard to
rices and the complete cast will be
ade later.


Manager Frank 1-. Butterfield, of
the Majestic theater, announces that
on Wednesday night, March 31, the
Majestic will give another "Big Coun-
try Store," and on that night will give
away %$100 in prizes absolutely free.
These prizes have been donated by.
the leading merchants of Ann Arbor,
and will consist of about 25 articles
consisting of groceries, meats, furni-
ture, clothing, shoes, etc. Do you re-
member the other one the Majestic
gave in December? If you were there
you do! If you were not there, these
are some of the things that happened.
Everyone saw a good bill of vaude-
ville at the same Majestic prices.
Everyone heard the man that won the
"baby carriage" make a speech. Every-
one said that after the crowd that
paeked the theater got in, the door-
tender looked as if he just came out
of a Turkish bath, and there was not
a button left on his clothes. Everyone
said they had the time of their lives.
Seats for the big country store night
will be on sale one week in advance
and you had better take a tip and get
your seats early!
Robert liantel at the Whitney April 4
The music for the production bf
Robert B. Mantell's extensive reper-
toire has all been either written direct
or arranged by Andrew Byrne, his
orchestra leader. Dr. Byrne is said to
have caught the spirit of Shakespeare
admirably in his compositions. The
traditions concerning the music ac-
tually used in Shakespeare's day are
meagre, owing to the eclipse of the
dramatist's fame which started with
the revolution of Cromwell and con-
tinued through the reign of Charles II
and his immediate successors. When
Shakespeare's genius, which had been
bright in fame in his own day, was
again recognized, much of the tradi-
tion concerning his own staging of his
plays was lost, the music traditions
being almost completely so. A few
of the Elizabethan songs outside of
Shakespeare, however, have come
down to us, and Dr. Byrne has used
these as models for his own compo-
Cornell doesn't want Billy Sunday!
At least he will not be welcomed by
the student newspaper, the Cornell
Daily Sun.
In commenting on the rumor that
the "evangelist of slang" was to pay a
visit to the university, it says, "If such
is the case, it is to be hoped that the
university will not lend its sanction or
approval to a man who gains his ef-
fects by arousing the hysterical emo-
tionalism of his hearers."
"Such propaganda," the editorial
continues, "has no place in an institu-
tion dedicated to' reason and clear
Prospect for Basketball Team Favor-
able;Addition to Gym Should
Aid Cause
Michigan's latent basketball material
is of sufficient quality, in the opinion
of Intramural Director Rowe, to be
developed into a five which should
prove the victor over any of the teams
now playing in the state.
The inter-class basketball league
has brought to light so many men of
marked ability in the indoor winter

sport that with very little develop-
ment the college should be able to turn
out such a team. This is the opinion
of Director Rowe who has seen most
of the best teams in the state at work.
The inadvisability of a basketball
team at the university has long ago
been settled, by athletic authorities,
but with this valuable material which
has been showing .its class in the
league for the past few years it seems
that the day when Michigan shall have
a Varsity basketball team is not far
off. One of the chief objections to
team being the conditions of the gym-
nasium, it will not be a surprise if the
addition to the gym carries with it the
inauguration of such a team.

"Poor boy, I actually believe he's'
A kindly though thoroughly puzzled
nurse in an Ann Arbor hospital viewed
with evident concern one of her pa-
tients, whom an authoritative and re-
liable physician had described as "con-
valescent." The patient was supposed-
ly recovering from an attack of diph-
heria. However,he was either pursuing
an unusual method, or else was devot-
ing considerable of his attention to a
"side-line." Hospital patients are de-
nied this privilege. But the patient on
this occasion was marking all over a
peculiarly ruled paper with much en-
thusiasm and perseverance. He seemed
rational. The nurse remained silent.
A few days later,, a perturbed song
committee received the music for three
songs from a freshman named Mills,
and after hearing it played, they wept
salty tears of pure, unadulterated joy.
One does not customarily associate
the atmosphere of hospitals with the
genesis of music, but in the case of
the Michigan opera, some of these
songs actually can claim their origin
within the walls of such an institution.
The impatient and irritable William
was "recovering," as the doctor had
said, but a mere attack of diphtheria

is not sufficient to check real genius.
When one Willis A. Diekema turned
his back upon Ann Arbor with a dip-
loma tucked away in the bottom of his
trunk, the opera officials wondered.
Shortly after the fall term opened,
however, the wordless music from the
hospital was received, and a joyous
committe advised Mr. Mills "to con-
The first few songs were .written
entirely with the aid of a piano, for a
patient in a hospital recovering from
an attack of sickness should apparent-
ly have no immediate or pressing need
for a piano. Laboring under this han-
dicap, Bill set to work, and his results
surprised the critics. Words were
fitted to these introductory bits of the
"Beethoven stuff," and then the youth-
ful composer and Sylvan Grosner
worked in conjunction. The result has
been testified to by all who have seen
the opera.
Robert Nantehl Comes to the Whitney
Two walls in Robert Mantell's pro-
duction of "King John" are built so
massively and substantially that sol-
diers can walk about on top of them.
These walls are said to be the heaviest
ever carried in a dramatic production.

N'r"elo"s311ndReading Do
Have you heard of "Hect
those few who may not ha
let it be said that he is not
ary bow-bow, but rather tl
crat of dogdome. le is a
has during the past few mon
ed up as a new sensation a
entific world. He is a marve
reading dogendorsed by leaf
nals and scientists in all pa
world. IHis marvelous per
have been the subject of lei
cussions in scientific period
newspapers from coast to. c4
display of intelligence excee
any dog ever brought before
li'c. His demonstrations at
inconvincible to prove with(
that he is a real thinking an
ing dog.
"Hector" will be at the
theater the last half of the v
him and study his actions
"Ophelia" Won Her P]
Miss , Genevieve Hamper
Mantell's new leading wo
season, won her present pc
her performance of Ophelia
let" the closing week of la
in Ottawva. IHer Ophelia is c
a remarkable piece of work
Mr. Mantell and Co. will 1
the Whitney, Saturday, April


vaudeville offering at the Ma-
for the first three days of this

week, will consist of clean comedy,
good singing, and girls. The 'first
number on the program is Kathleen
Rooney and Wilhelmina Bowman, two
girls that bill themselves as the
"Stylish Songsters." Advance notices
claim that the girls are the possessors
of good voices and, as they carry their


own special drop, their number is
a quite pretentious. The management
n of the Majestic desires to call the at-
a tention of the ladies to the gowns
w worn by the girls in this act., Ray &
Hilliard offer a rural comedy playlet

1 star cast
Lacky, Ed-
no in "Oli-
ng the part

> was engaged for
arts and made the
'hen the play was
ction in New York
at a great expense
back from London
he American pro-
11 star cast with
anche Bates and
forget this great
be in Ann Armor,
day, April 5.

called, "Hello Sally." This act opens
in front of a special drop, showing the
exterior of a theatre where a lot of
comedy is given, then they go to full
stage where they finish the act when
Mr. Ray gives his well-known imper-
sonations. Both John T. Ray and
Grace Hilliardgare well-known on the
vaudeville stag~e and they offer a clean
little sketch that is a credit to the
American stage. The Trans-Atlantic
Trio are two women and one man who
are "Presenting Music Both Old and
New." They carry their own special
drop showing a plantation scene and
they sing and play on the banjo the
old plantation songs that we love to
hear so well. O'Neil & Walmsley are
two men who style themselves as the
"Two Lightening Bugs," and they offer
a comedy talking and singing act that
contains a lot of laughs. They sing a
couple of parodies, at the finish of
their act, that are a scream. Zamora
Sisters are two good looking girls.
who close the show with a sensational
trapeze and aerial act. Both girls do
their work in a fast, graceful manner
without stalling, and with their pleas-
ing manners and personality they
should be able to hold the audience
until the finish. The management, af-
ter sizing up this bill, believes it will
prove to be about as well balanced a-
bill of vaudeville that has been of-

g to the fem-
imes worn by
rillamine Bow-
ters," who are
he new vaude-
theater, start-
Nine changes
fashions from
present day.


Five acts of

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