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March 18, 1915 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-03-18

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I b A




It's in the air.

It's everywhere.

I'll trade you
One of the new Model Kodaks
for your old one
and a reasonable "boot"


t I

The real "Spruce Up"
weather, when men cast
aside their winter togs
and bedeck themselves
with brand new Spring

I want 50 more 2nd hand KODAKS to
rent and sell.



N. University


With Made-To-Measure Suits
This season we will give away absolutely FREE
a $6.oo Raincoat or Palm Beach suit with every
$18.oo, $20.00, or $22.50 suit; or an $8.oo Panama
hat or Palm Beach suit with every $25.00, $27.50
or $30.oo suit. Palm Beach suits will be all the
rage this Summer, don't miss this opportunity to
get one FREE with your Spring suit.

e .



This store is the birthplace of good
clothes, where "Malcolm Tailoring"
has made its home, and when that
"Spruce Up" feeling starts creeping
down your spine. Come in here as
quick as you can and we'll relieve



Shirts to order. Dress Suits to rent
5UoFor thebet stK J MALCOLM
Suin town jur 604 east Iberty street Malcolm Block


. Cleari ng Sale
of Broken Sizes
Mens and Womens Shoes
At the Sign of Satisfaction

Coach Lundgren Puts Infield Players
Through Snappy Workout of
Throwin1g tO Bases
Innovations are now being sprung
by Coach Lundgren, the first one com-
ing yesterday afternoon in the regular
practice when he closed the day's
work by choosing three sets of infield
men and sending them through a snap-
py drill in fielding and throwing the
ball around the bases. The second
surprise of the coach is coming this af-
ternoon after the regular workout,
when the squad will gather in the tro-
phy room for a blackboard talk on the
finer points of the game.
McNamara, who was one of Coach
Lundgren's promising candidates for
the pitching staff, and who was the
star south paw of last year's All-
Fresh, yesterday announced his with-
drawal from the competition for a
berth among the pitchers on this year's
Varsity nine. McNamara has been suf-
fering from a pain in his side and doc-
tors have declared that he must be op-
erated on for appendicitis. it is on
account of his coming operation that
the left-hander is leaving the squad.
Work in the batting cage yesterday
afternoon lasted the usual period of
about an hour and half, and was fol-
lowed by the first of the coach's new
lines of work. The first infield to
practice in regular formation was
composed of Captain McQueen at sec-
ond with Maltby at first, the other two.
positions being taken by Brandell at
short and Waltz at third. Benton
caught for the quartet.
The talks in the trophy room will
be held frequently in the future, it be-
ing the purpose of the coach to drill
into the men in these talks the lessons
which are being learned on the gym
floor. The blackboard demonstrations
will be of plays which will be used by
the coach in practice, and it is iipera-
tive for every man on the squad to at-
tend the talks.
r, -


r. /
ii !may
Get Your


'IN \


-at -




We've the best facilities in
town for fitting and suiting
you perfectly. We guarantee
your complete satisfaction,
All caps and gowns are
from the well known Aca-
demic Costuming House of
and every garment conforms
perfectly with the intercol-
legiate code recently adopted.
Orders should be p'laced at
once in order to be certain
of delivery for swing out.
Rental charge $2.00 per
outfit complete. Payment not
due until gowns are delivered,


High Class Shoe Repairing

_... f


KTTi. _ __ _____

I a W henever You
/ see an Arrow'
a tip from the men who top all the
ge tables. Drink
-- --
They know it'sgood to train on-to workr
o.Teer- lbest, out-and-out thrst-
y= quencher-full of refreshment, pleasure
and wholesomeness.
N~~ ~~. Atlanta. Ga. ~ .'j

Lad es Souvenir Matinee Friday. School Childrens Matinee Sat.
Afternoon all children under 12 years of age admitted for 5c.




----- n


es for the spring vacation in the
veering College and Graduate
11 were erroneously announced in
respective bulletins as April 2 to
The vacation in both the Engi-
ng College and Graduate School
e held at the same time as in the
ary College, being from April 9
res M. Campbell, '17, who has
detained in the homeopathic hos-
for some time with milliary tu-
.losis and who was also operated
r appendicitis, has returned to his
in Saugatuck where he will re-
for the balance of the semester.

(Continued from Page 1 .
Dillman, Miller,
Baskets from field-Vonachen, 4;
1 Warner, 7; Hyde, 1; Headman, 3;
Miller, 1; Melvin, 2; Bond, 2; Enstine,
1. Baskets from foul-Melvin, 1.
The fresh lits seemed to meet with
but little difficulty in disposing of the
senior laws, the yearlings accumulat-
ing a comfortable lead in the first
half, and adding to it somewhat in
the closing stanza. The score:
Fresh Lits (25) Sen Laws ((11)
Drummond, Case..F........Goldstick
Palma ............ F ....... McClelland
Miller..........C......... Carlson
Boyd..... .......G..........Marx
Nathans ......... . G.......... Kerwin
Baskets from field-Drummond, 2;
Palma, 1; Miller, 4; Boyd, 2;Nathans,
2; Goldstick, 2; McClelland, 2. Bas-
kets from foul-Drummond, 3; Mc-
Clelland, 3.

Edito, The Michigan Daily:--_
I note with tolerant interest the con-
cern evinced in the "Imposition is im-
position" communication which ap-
peared in a recent issue of The Daily.
And for fear that our progenitor of
"life, liberty and the pursuit of happi-
ness," ad infi nitum, and staunch and
deadly foe of the predatory spirit in
the councils of the law faculty, by the
length of his tirade and anathemas,
shall have led some well-meaning
contemporary into believing that
his vaporizing is entitled to some
weight and credit, I beg the indulgence
of a brief hearing.
All legislation, which is restrictive
and more or less harsh in the last an-
alysis, may be interpreted as class leg-
islation. Until we attain the millen-
ium this anamoly cannot be obviated.
But does the occasional hardship that
is worked militate against the further
enactment of necessary and construct-
ive reformation of existing conditions,
whether social, economic or education-
al? No one, not even the staunchest
defender of the noble profession of the
law denies that in some respects it

merits reform. And most of the re-
sponsibility for the abuse and criti-
cism which is heaped upon
the members of the legal profession
may be laid at the door of the ignor-
ant and shyster lawyer. a
Whence did he come? Through the
easily accessible and insufficiently pro-
tected channels of lax preparations:
and loose bar requirements. Our
friend does not discredit the pertinen-
cy of this criticism, but in his mis-
guided indignation at the untoward
efforts of "those in power who are be-
hind the movement" to ruthlessly dis-
regard the Declaration of Independ-
ence, and in his efforts to espouse all
to his cause by spontaneous saluta-
tions to "Old Glory," he has lost sight
of the vital question at issue.
It seems almost elementary, espe-
cially after one has had at least some
experience in actual practice, to point
out the manifest wisdom and .fore-
thought in requiring the extra two
years preparation before allowing a
student to study law. Brought face to
face with the pitiful shams foisted up-
on the unsuspecting public, one is dis-
gusted with an educational institution
that permits and . sanctions such a
fraud. The right to practice a pro-
fession should and must be modified.
Actual competition is all that is nec-
essary to convince one that the days of
the lawyer "who never saw the inside
of a college" are dead days, lost be-
yond recall. They are "functi officio."
There are many law schools which
owe their existence to the fact that
one can drift through two or three
years under careless and incompetent
instruction, and attain some sort of a
diploma. At the particular bar exam
in wvhich I participated last year, such
law school graduates (most of them
from Chicago schools) predominated.
Superfluous to say, they were among

Our Guarantee-Every garment must be right.
not right you have no right to take it.

Windows all look alike; ads all read alike; prices don't
vary much.
You can select just the fabric that pleases your eye
and have it made up to measure in perfect style by ex-
pert Metropolitan Tailors, and pay no more than
for one of the ordinary suits you see in most shop
windows. Let us take y our measure now before the
Easter rush is on.
Our Prices--$18.00, $20.00, $22.00 & $25.00

If it is

Campus Bootery
Opposite Huston's 308 S. State Street


those not present when the list of suc-
cessful candidates was published.
Should we ask our Alma Mater to de-
scend to a similar level? No greater
farce could be conceived. Yet that is
directly where the writer of that com-
munication was drifting.
Objection is raised that students
cannot afford the extra two years re-
quired. The public tenders its busi-
ness to the lawyer who is best fitted
and qualified to do its work. Anything
which tends to so educate a maa is a-
business proposition with him, and he
can "afford" it. No man of sufficient
initiative and determination can of-
fer the excuse that he cannot afford
a college education. The trials and
tribulations of working one's way
throughcollege can not be presented
as a valid argument to one who has
enjoyed ;ix years of it at Ann Arbor.
And it need rob a man of little of the
real pleasures and activities of uni-
versity life.
As for the suggestion that the "stan-
dards be raised but not the require-

ments," my friend has overlooked the
very obvious fact that the two propo-
sitions are indissolubly linked togeth-
er-the one a step towards the at-
tainment of the other.
Furthermore, the "ne plus ultra" of
efficiency is rapidly being attained in
the Law School at Michigan. If any
question exists in the mind of Mr. '17
as to the high standard of excellence
demanded by the present law faculty,
I have not the slightest doubt but that
such dubiousness will be rapidly and
effectively dispelled when he comes in
contact with the business end of his
first semester examinations as a law
Y.N.C.A. Bureau Hands Out Board Jobs
More than six board jobs have been
given out by the Y.M.C.A. employment
bureau in the last few days, and the
authorities report that there are still
a few more jobs on hand. Those stud-
ents who wish to -have spring work
are urged to file their applications.

Requests your patronage, and insures prompt and Courteous treatment
Manager and Employees are Students
The new managemet has adopted a policy that will do away with the usual objectionable features of the
public roller rink.
There will be band music at least one night a week, tis night to be announced later.
Students' trade is being especially solicited. Student tickets are on sale at Wahr's and Sheehan's.

I Students' Supply Store

Engineer's Supplies, Stationery, Confectionery,
Newsdealer, Cigars, etc.

Open Evenings 7 to 10.

Open all day Saturday

G. R. MIRIQK, Mgr.


1111 S. Univ. Ave.

Phone 1160-R





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