-"M GET IT AT : CALKINS' PHARMACY THE GREAT 2O% BIG SALE 9 S SI ~Rr ;_ ¢ .a , '. .._ . -.,. °' ~"'i' 4> r / Do you know we served a ton of Malted Milk at our Soda Fountains last year ? We mike 'em r ght Our New Ice Cres.m We make it ourselves, and it is REAL Cream. No Gelatin. No Ice Cream Powder. -I 20% OFF On all Suits and Furnishings. Only lasts till March 27th. Now is the time to get fixed up for Easter at GET IT AT CALKIN'S PHARMACY 342 SOUTH STATE STREET Don't forget we move to our New Store, next to the Or- pheum Theatre, on Mar. 27th asonable goods. I1 I IAMS & CO. -123 So. Plain St. . .I Sin 111 Individual Custom Tailoring That Is correct in tryle and fit urplus $1oo,ooo 00 sTransacted hael J. Fritz, Pres., Carl F. z, Asst. Cash'r The new fabrics for this= season are here in large, -assortments. CALL EARLY A. F. Marquardt Campus Tailor 516 E. William Street Shop the of fashionable Tailor- Workshops APROVE TIME AND PICEFORHREGTTA Definitely Set May 29 for Water Fete to Be Held on Barton Pond NAME NEW LIST OF CHAIRMEN With the date and place of the Union Boat club regatta definitely set for May 29 on Barton pond, the work of the regatta committees, held up for some time by the uncertain time and place, is moving forward. Grand Rap- ids authorities have written their con- sent to stage an eight-oared shellrace as one of the events, but, the Detroit Boat club, which is expected to com- pete, will not answer until after a meeting Saturday night. Totals in the membership campaign are coming in slowly from the men in charge of the work in the various schools and colleges, and it is expected that all reports will be in within a day or two. The finals will probably not exceed those of last year, when be- tween 300 and 400 registered. The list of regatta chairmen has been revised and confirmed as follows program committee, E. W. Bisbee, '16; arrangements, R. C. Jeter, '16E; amusements, T. D. Weaver, '16E; judges and prizes, S. T. Steen, '16E; shell races, L. Arentz, '17; swimming, W. L. Watson, '17E; 'finance, H. H. Phillips, '16E; and publicity, V. E. Burnett, '17. Budgets have been appropriated by the officers of the club to the various committees, most of which have com- menced active work. Further plans will be decided upon at an officers' meeting tonight, at a regatta chair- man meeting Sunday and at a meeting of the Board in Control of Athletics Saturday night, when the whole status of interclass crews and the Varsity crew campaign in Detroit may be set- tied. NOTICE. At its April meeting, the board in control of student publications will choose a business manager and man- aging editor for 1915 Students Direc- tory. It is the policy of the board in filling the positions on the publications under its control to award them on the basis of merit to those who have served in minor positions on the pub- lication to which'the positions .pertain. It sometimes happens, however, that no one who has served on the publi- cation during One year is eligible or capable of filling one of the leading positions thereon for the ensuing year. When either of these sets of circum- stances arises the board finds it neces- sary to consider outside candidates. This notice should not be considered as an intimation that either of these situations will arise this year. All applications for these positions should be in the hands of Prof. F. N. Scott on or before March 31 in or- der to be considered. Each application should contain a statement of the ex- perience of the applicant and should be accompanied by the applicant's eli. gibility card and any letters of recom- r .r ... ' I' Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Thurs. & Fri.. March 18-19 Edith Taliaferro in "Young Roni- ance" The people of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County are dially invited to call at the Exhibition Rooms of the CO PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY and examine for thems the splendid values offered in choice furniture at prices repre ing, in many instances, A SAVING OF wo PER CEN compared with prices usually charged. The Come-Packt Mission and Craftsmen Designs are ticularly suitable for fraternity and club houses. We also de and make special furniture to order. Builders of new homes will find it to their advantage to ploy the facilities afforded by our factory for the productic "built-in" furniture for libraries, dens, halls, dining-rooms kitchens. Take Packard Street car to State Street and go one block s and three blocks west to factory of Temple Theatre ADMISSION 5c. (except Friday and Saturday) Thursday.March 18 Our special Vitagraph, Essanay and Lutb in Features Friday, March 19 "Two Women" "The Master Key" Saturday, March 24 "His'New Job" I Fur nituri Saturday, March 20 Original caste in Chocolate Soldier" I. --. Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4:00: EVE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Thurs. Mar. 18 - "For Another's crime,' 2-part Vitagraph drama. "Alias Greased Lightning," Mina comedy. "The New Teacher," Essanay. Fri. Mat. 1 9-"The Wishing Ring," with Vivian Martin. 5-pact Shubert feature. SSat.,Mar. 20-"In the Hands of the jury," 2 part Kalem drama. "T'he Vol- unteer Burglar," Fssanay drama. "The Chief's Goat," Vitagraph comedy. Hearst-Selig News. F I I COME-PACKT FURNITURE C Corner Edwin and Division Streets Seneca and Scout Car We have them from $2.00 up. $ .I E 9.ertk ANN ARBOR. MICE. STREET r f ./" \ I FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARD OR Capital - - $100,000 Surplus and Profits $65.000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S.= W. Clarkson, E. D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. -D!TR.LOIT WEEK OF MARCH 15 McIntyre & :Heath in THE HAM TKEE Mat. Wed. and Sat. F. L. HALL, 514 E. William DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU 1I VULCAN FIL II & ..' 4> \ , I j Phone 2225 EGds Called For and Delivered .. W W... A National Custom NO LOSS BY FIRE - m Supremacy greater strength; ability and act while thinking; ession of muscular power, rance that enable an athlete dent. ed Wheat stripes, between Fuller & O'Conner's and 426 N. Ingalls St., Saturday night March 13. Call Torrey, 16.' LOST-Rain coat and cap in library. Good reward for return to 321 S. Division. Phone 1324-J. ,WANTED-Ambitious student for the summer. $65 per month. Phone 2358-M between. 7:30 and 8:30 A. M. and 6-7 P. M. 117-8-9 WANTED-A first year law student with experience in collecting prefer- red. Salary and car fare. Phone 359-M after 8:30 A. M. and 7-8 P. M. 117-8-9-20 WANTED-Have you arranged for a good salaried position for the sum- mer? If not let Mr. Smithson out-, line what he can do for you. 503 E. Jefferson. 2466. It possesses t that con- the building "Bull" Durham is more than a national form of ei joyment-it is an expression of American characte The millions of "Bull" Durham smokers are set reliant, energetic Americans who make the Unite States the most progressive nation in the world. These men make their own opportunities, mal their own success-and they make their own cigarette to their own liking, from ripe, mellow GENUINM BL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO It is smart, fashionable, correct, upon all occasion to "roll your own" cigarettes with "Bull" Durhar tobacco - and shows an experienced smoke-taste Thesmooth,mellow flavor Ask for FREE and rich fragrance of fresh- , ak oF'dr, rolled "Bull" Durham ciga- with each 5c sack. rettes afford healthful enjoy- ment and lasting satisfaction to more millions of men than all other high-grade smoking tobaccos combined. An Illustrated Booklet, showing correct FREway to "Roll Your , Own''Cigarettes, and a p e r of cigarette papers, will both be , 0 h * mailed, free, to any address in United States on postal request. Address "Bull" Durham, Dur- ham, N. C. Room 1400. ?'TE AhMRICAN'TOBACCO CO.'_; odies nourished by SHREDDED eet emergencies, tests and crises d be met-victoriously. Ieat of the Golden Wheat" Made only by heat Company, Niagara Falls, N.Y. mendation which he may have. Board in Control of Student Publi- cations._ LOST-Small black Waterman foun- tain pen Tuesday between 209 S. In- galls and Economics Bldg. Finder please call 849-J. LOST-A black vest with fine white 522 Holmes Taxi Co. "We'll be there" 522 Day rate for single passenger now 25c. Phone taxi 2280. University Ave. Pharmacy Fbuntain Pens and Students Supplies. tf i' '-I 3 ORDERS FOR 5,000,000 VICTROLAS That was the situation at the Victrola factory Jan. t, 1915. One thousand additional men are to be added to the factory force next month. Plans have been drawn up for a solid block of four stories. That is the way the Victrola company is handling this big problem of supplying dealers with Victrolas. The North, the South, the West and the East are all crying for just a few. Girinnell Bros., the largest dealers in musical merchandise in the state, are crying for more tooe. In spite of the fact that their. stock is quite complete. The Ann Arbor store alone has TWENTY-ONE VICTROLAS on their floor. NOW is the time for you to select yours for Easter. Prices vary from $15-.$200. Terms are made to suit the buyer. CRINNELL BROS. 120 E. Liberty Phone 1707 Buy your Conklin Pen at an Dr. ea's Pkarmaey, 70 Packard street. t Fair Treatment and Good Service are what makes a satisfied customer. Both are yours by calling 15. tf Think of it, only 25c a pas Phone taxi 2280. Taxi-Cab Livery !! Six rides for a dollar 348 C. H. Brock 31 NICKELS e Campus_ Phone 130- I University Ave. and toilet articles. Drugs .v.