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March 17, 1915 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-03-17

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The Cheapest and Handiest Billiard Parlors in the City





Notice Our Price-30c Per Hour


Tables Upstairs and on the Main Floor

312 So. State Street

ig Delegation




Oiomamunic~ti o



Expect High School Entries
and California

ed, and already applications to com-
pete in this class have come in. The
events in this class will consist of
five running races, the broad jump
and a relay race.
All of the cups for the class B events
have been donated by the campus hon-
orary societies and various business
Froni men. A cup will be given for first
and second places in the 100-yard
dash, the 220, the 440, half mile, broad


leon chose the
at uncle's coro-
at, which made
ce, so have the
sity chosen the
eal temperance.
k, of Ireland, for
n of the state's
ose of making
ven our worthy
raise his voice
ain a drink of
men and true,
gation who are
y to drive the
. Never again,
uccessful, will
elebration of a
ania, that the
>e. The times
. on the floor
nd other vari-

colored serpents, and yelled "Take 'em
off!" will be one of the campus le-
gends. Professors will faint when
some of the "regulars" enter the class-
room with the odor of the eye-opener
oozing from their pores. Old St. Pat-
rick drove his last snake into a cave
and promised daily that it would be
released "tomorrow," but tomorrow
ziever came, and the poor old snake, the
last of his race, died like so many of
the last scions of noble families die
in the "movies."
Backed by the sincere desire to
better the university, and feeling that
success must surely be theirs, will
these dry-zone advocates leave Ann
Arbor. The outcome is still doubtful.
The snakes remaining in Ireland are
the kind that these enlightened young
men are trying to chase out, and if
they manage to put it over, a new rec-
ord will be established.

s 15-year
d a long,
les since
king for-
id believ-I

is being followed with interest by Har-
vard students. Keane is the only stu-
dent in Harvard who still wears knick-
Appoint Dr. Vaughan to Health Board.
Dr. J. W. Vaughan, '04, has been ap-
pointed a member of the Detroit board
of .health to succeed Dr. Charles Oak-
man. Dr. Vaughan's term of office will
last until February 22, 1919.

Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
Cheating continues. No decisive ac-
tion is taken by the students. The bur-
den is left upon the shoulders of the
faculty when it should rightfully re-
vert to those of the students. When
the question is put before the majority
of students they nod, gulp and walk
away muttering, "Why concern my-
self with the dishonest ones, they can
do no harm to me?"
Here is just where the "rub" comes
in. The honor system is misunder-
stood. Its consequences have gained
but faint realization. Let us attempt
to show wherein the honest student is
harmed by ailowing the dishonest one
"to put one over," as it were. To do
this some exaggeration of the situation
will be made.
To some extent the professors must
rely on the standard of the classes in
order to gauge their grades. Here is
'where the cheat does his greatest
harm to the "innocent bystander." The
cheat hands in knowledge not his own,
and thereby influences the professor
to think that class an exceptional one,'
and his grades are gauged accordingly.
An A is no longer an A. It means
much more. The standard of the class
.is higher, and double A work must be
done to receive an A. If we carry this
far enough, and allow f6r exaggera-
tion, we have something like the table
below resulting.
For AA work one would get only A.
For A work one would get only B.
For B work one would get only C.
For C work one would get only D.
For D work one would get only E.
For E work one would get only F.
There is still another reason why it
is up to the student body to discard its
mantle of inactivity, and to go forth
and root out those who not only dis-
turb the equilibrium of the marking
system, and cause unjust grades to be
given, but also compel us to live in an
atmosphere of ethical distrust, an at-
mosphere of almost penal restraint.
They create just that stranger-dis-
trustful, suspicious attitude between
teacher and student that pervades not
only this university but also almost all
educational institutions. Michigan is
making great strides toward the lift-
ing of this veil of distrust in which we
are enshrouded, and we, the student
body, should keep the ball rolling by
active work in rooting out the black
sheep' of our fold.
i \\r-

---B D jump, mile, and the one mile relay.1
MANY CUPS WILL BE PROVIED In addition, a special cup will be givenI
to the man breakinr the niartr ila

That the competition in the annual
interscholastic meet, scheduled for the
latter part of May, will include schools
from farther away than any previous
meet, is evidenced by the letters re-
ceived by Interscholastic Manager
Frank G. Millard.
In addition to the inquiries received
last week from a Pittsburgh high
school, and several Wisconsin schools,
Manager Millard is in communication
with California schools, and recently
received a letter from a New Orleans
high school. If enough material is
developed before May, the Louisiana
school promises to send a list of en-
Although most of the entries -for
the meet will come from Michigan,
Indiana and Illinois schools, the in-
terest shown by other institutions

t.~ lf±A*S -a~f~gn qua. er, m e
Rewards for the main competition,
or the class A events, will be similar
to those of last year. They will con-
sist of medals for the first places, and
special cups given by nearly the same
honorary societies and merchants as
donated them last year. The events'
in class A will be more numerous than
in the smaller class, and probably will
be the same as those of last year.
Michigan's fencing team, which has
been resting up since the Cornell
match several weeks ago, has begun
active work again. Captain Mattsson

Meredith Nicholson
Unfailing optimism and a tendency
to disregard the temporary failures of
life pervade the book. It is a reaction
against the present day worship of the
dollar sign, although there is no trace
of bitterness or satire brought into the
simple narrative.
The poet, who is undoubtedly a char-
acterization of James Whitcomb Riley,
the Indiana bard, smiles tolerantly but
wisely throughout the pages. Acting
in defense of the principles which his
poetry expounds, he steps in and saves
the home of a man who has been led
aside from his ideals to a subservience
to the idol of financial gain. And he
prevents a young man and girl from
being swallowed up by commercialism,
setting them on the road to happiness.
It is a cheery, hopeful tale, and, al-
though not so forceful or emotional as
the theme might warrant, can well be
recommended as an antidote for an at-
tack of the blues.
-J. J. B.

makes it probable that many teams is at present attempting to arrange a
will come hundreds of miles to take match with the Detroit Y. M. C. A.
part in the competition. foil men, to be held during the spring
To prevent the larger schools from vacation in Detroit. In all probability
monopolizing the prizes, a second class there will be several faculty bouts be-
of entries to include schools of less ' fore the close of the season, although
than 200 in attendance has been form- j nothing definite has been done.

Irish airs In honor of
Majestic Today.

will play several
St. Patrick at the

ld turn


. +VT


EM A W A Y F R E E -keei~~
is Season we
jive away FREE

I to '-~e

will t



A 6.00 Raincoat or Palm Beach Suit
With every $18.00, $20.00 or $22.50 Suit
Or 00 Panama Hat or Palm Beach Suit
a $ With every $25.00, $27.50 or $30.00 suit




best way to boost
strongest pulling
rer in the College.

Our Spring line of woolens is now ready for your inspection. You are invited to call and lookthem
over whether you purchase or not. We believe we have the largest assortment of late patterns to
be found anywhere. The writer has taken measures for Made-to-Measure Clothes for over twenty
years, and can assure anyone who wishes to take advantage of low prices on fine tailoring that they
will be perfectly satisfied. I fit coats.before they are finished, and give the same high-class service
you would expect to pay more money for.


"News of the Campus,
its doings and pleas-


QLNo matter how hard
a freshman intends to
study,he always likes
to look at the pleasant
side of College life.

Students of the voice, piano and
violin departments will give a public
students' recital at 4:15 o'clock Friday
afternoon, at the university school of
music. The following program has
been arranged:
Prelude, G minor.....Rachmaninoff
Louise Gaylord
An Orchard Cradle Song.....Denza
The Naughty Tulip............Salter
Florence Paddack
Jugglery ..................Godard
Patricia Ferguson
Myra Moon
Concerto, D minor (First Movement)
.....................W ieniawsky
Thelma Newell
Clara Besch
Irving Miller
Valse Romantique...........Debussy
Reflections in theCWater.....Debussy
Alzora Crowcombe
Members of the Symphonic League of
the university school of music will
hold their second annual banquet at
6:00 o'clock, Monday, March 22, in the
school of music auditorium. The com-
mittee in charge is making special
efforts to have as many alumni as pos-
sible return for the occasion..
"SPECIAL Irish Music" today by the
"Steindel Trio" at Majestic.


Enables you to share in the profits of our Tailoring line without being
under any obligation whatever. The Raincoats, Panama Hats and Palm
Beach Suits which we give with our Made-to-Measure suits are all the
best of merchandise, and would cost you the money anywhere. Of course
we get them wholesale, and that is how we are able to give them with our
Made-to-Measure suits. REMEMBER-A $6.oo Raincoat or Palm Beach
Suit FREE with every $M8.oo, $20.00 or $22.50 suit; or an $8.00 Panama
Hat or Palm Beach Suit FREEwith every $25.00, $27.50 or $30.00 suit.

Our Coat Fronts
are unbreakable, and
retain their shape. -
O ur garments are
made in such a way
that when you wear
them you will be con-
vinced that no one
can make them better
either inside or out-


4 I

We make clothes to FIT. The shoulders are per-
feet, the collar sets to the neck, the lapels hang
smooth and graceful, the whole contour of the
garment gives you a feeling of ease and satisfac-
tion. There's an artistic tone in clothes made by
us that few tailors equal, and that you cannot find
in-ready-made clothes at all.

Michigan Daily
Mailed or Local
For the balance of the year
Across from the Majestic


SPalm Beach Suits Wil "be allthe RageFR EEF
ibis Smer. Get one

W. W. MANN, Proprietor 118 E. HURON ST.


Near Atlenel H

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