THB MICHIGANItAILY . 1 x I I ®h 1 I ring Suits, Overcoats is and Furnishings GET IT AT CALKINS' PHARMACY I In all the. latest and up-to-date styles. We have a line of SHIRTS and NECKWEAR that com- prises all of the nobby ideas , , ; ¢ ,- , +:, ;, j << a ! ' - ' ' Do you know we served a ton of Malted Milk at our Soda Fountains last year? We make 'em Right Our New Ice Crew m We make it ourselves, and it is REAL Cream. No Gelatin. No Ice Cream Powder. n, Copvs'W4 , D. 0 C. Society Brand Clothes for Spring also a fine line of Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Bags & Suit Cases, Come in and look them over. GET IT Our prices are reasonable for seasonable goods. AT CALKIN'S PHARMACY 342 SOUTH STATE STREET F' I I WADHAIAS & CO. 121-123 So. flain St. I. 1 gormatnicto 0 . The Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main StreetI Capital, $100,000 and Profits . . $?5,000 Individual Custom Tailoring That Is correct in style and fit The new fabrics for this season are here in large assortments. e Ann Arbor Savings Bank ital Stock $300,000 Surplus $rob,ooo Resources $3,ooo,ogo A General Banking Business Transacted s. I. iscock, Pres., Michael J. Fritz, h'r, W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres.,' Carl F.4 un, Asst. Cash'r, Wm. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r ngs Dejt. CALL EARLY, Li Mos e a ins berty and Main Sts. t Convenient Place for Your Banking A. F.,Marquardt Campus Tailor 516 E. William Street - m-- --, ' I II IIN1 { Iq 1 1 't 1 11 MY LE cllot l S-liop - I I Editor, The Miclhigan Daily- 1 believe that in yesterday morn- ing's issue, Mr. Grauzutes comes near- er to the true necessity for national preparedness than has any other local writer yet. Still his interpretation and suggestion for cure seem to me ques- tionable. The reason it behooves our nation to become strongly armed to- day, is that we are on the threshold of the greatest epoch of foreign com- mercial possibilities that has ever con- fronted a nation. In the high wide ports of the world, the successful nation at trade has al- ways been, and will always. continue to be, the one which can and does com- mand respect by the exhibition and use of arms on occasion. Nobody uses a vacuum cleaner agent like a dog, if the agent happens to have a brace of guns on him. In our own ports, boats of big nations generally get more prompt port action than those of the petty powers. It seems to be the analogy between human nature and national temperament that the big and well-protected gets his due first. Our world wide trade is going to en- ter every heathen and Christian coun- try. In many of these, the law wof might still prevails. Whether our na- tion is going to stand by substantially and protect the agents of her industry in these foreign fields, or whether we are going to continue with the turtie- like policy of self-sufficiency, will be largely determined by our stand on this armament question. The ramifi- cation of the armament issue leads to our own campus. Whether we shall be able to go forth from this institu- tion as complete men, prepared to serve efficiently our nation in time of war, and as disciplined men, to suc- ceed fully in directing her industrial, projects during the time of peace, will depend in a measure upon the sanity of our present vision. As the beastly nature of humanity makes the continuance of war inevita- ble, why not cease this puerile piffle about the fashions in infinity and live today? MILITARIST. iltAILORS- Service and durability, built on the lines of fashionable Tailor- ing, you will find in the Myles productions.. Our own Tailors and our own Workshops u Temple Theatre ADMISSION Sc. (except Friday and Saturday) THURS., MARCH 11 "The Navajo Ring" "Sophie's Home Coming" "Patsy in Business' FRIDAY, MARCH 12 "The Plot" with Estello Mardo also 8th story of the "Th'le Master Key" SAT., MARCH 13 4Every Inch a king" with Francis X. Bushman and also Mary Pickford in "Female of T-he Species" Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Thurs., March 11 and Fri.. Mar. 12 "Handworth in The Shadows" Octavia. Sat.,March 13 "In the Truth Wagon" Max Figman Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4:00: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Thurs., Mar.11 -Underneath the Paint, Three part Special Feature, with Helen Gardner. Olive's Manufactur- ed Mother, Edison; and a Biograph SComedy. Friday, March 1 2-"The School of Scandal" with Alice Joyce and Guy Coombs. The famous.comedy in re- mnarkable picture form, FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARWOR Capital - $100,000 Surplus and Profits 65.000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. WV. Clarkson, la. D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. ALLEGED FRATERNITY HOUSL ROBBER WNAIVES EXA:3INATION George McCauley, who is being held for complicity in the Sigma Nu frater- nity house robbery, waived examima- tion at his hearing before Justice W. G. Doty yesterday morning. He was turned over to the circuit court and placed in the county jail in lieu of $1,000 bail. "It appears," said Chief of Police John Kenny yesterday, "that McCauley is.more of a bad egg than we at first suspected. He is wanted by the police in Peoria, Illinois, and in some small town in Ohio. It is also reported that he is a married man with a family of children residing in Hot Springs, Ar- kansas." According to the law, McCauley. case will not come up for trial in the circuit court until the beginning of the next term in May. t4 for your profit-drink Every sparkling glass of it brimful of vigor, enjoyment and downright goodness. Delieious -Refreshing Thirst-Quenching THE COCA-COLA C6. yohsee an Atlanta, Ga. Arrow think of Coca-Cola a-c Furniture 1 ete I DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU 11 618 E. LIBERTY STREET I- 'I I ( rl i It, i ' v d i i The people of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County are cor- dially invited to call at the Exhibition Rooms of the COME- PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY and examine for themselves the splendid values offered in choice furniture at prices represent- ing, in many instances, A SAVING OF 100 PER CENT, as compared with prices usually charged. The Come-Packt Mission and Craftsmen Designs are par- ticularly suitable for fraternity and club houses. We also design and make special furniture to order. Builders of new homes will find it to their advantage to em- ploy the facilities afforded by our factory for the production of "built-in" furniture for libraries, dens, halls,. dining-rooms and kitchens. Take Packard Street car to State Street and go one block south and three blocks west to factory of COME-PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY Corner Edwin fnd Division Streets Seneca and Scout Cameras We have them from $2.00 up. I I r Gymnasium Supremacy is earned through greater strength; ability to think quickly and act while thinking; through the possession of muscular power, prowess, and endurance that enable an athlete to defeat his opponent. ShreddedWha is more nourishing than meat. It possesses all the elements of whole wheat that con- tribute to tissue-strengthening and the building of brain, bone and brawn. Brains and bodies nourished by SHREDDED WHEAT meet emergencies, tests and crises as they should be met-victoriously.. TO INTRODUCE BANJORINE AT SATURDAY NIGHT UNION DANCE Fischer's five-piece orchestra has promised to introduce a banjorine at the membership dance at the Union Saturday night. Members of the ot- chestra say if the instrument meets the popularity it has at dances throughout the eastern cities, it will be an enjoyable innovation. Charles B. Stuart, '15, is chairman in charge of the affair, and his fellow- committeemen are: Stuart Dubee, '15E, George I. Murphy, '16, and D. E. Mon- tague, '18. Pasteboards for the party go on sale at the Union counter, after 5 :00 o'clock this afternoon. IIU4HITT TAKES POSITION AS MAINE FOOTBALL TEAM COACh VULCAN FILMS I MANN & WALKER 213 S. Main Street Phone 876A m 1f "All the Meat of the Golden Wheat" Ernest F.Hughitt, of the Varsity foot- ball team, and third baseman on the baseball team, has accepted an offer to coach the University of Maine football team during the coming 1915 season. The former quarterback's -contract with Maine provides that he be on the job to take the squad in charge by September 10. The coaching contract makes no provision for any other sport than football, and as yet,Hughitt is un- decided what occupation will engage him after his season of coaching. Tells Freshmen of Campus Traditions Ernest F. Hughitt, '15E, spoke on, "Campus Traditions," at the fresh en- gineer assembly yesterday morning. The speaker emphasized the import- ance of observing the present tradi- tions of the campus, and asked the freshmen to form new ones which would be a credit to the university. FOR RENT-A desirable suite and a single room. 433 Maynard. Phone 815-J. 114 FOR SALE-Fullblood Boston Bull, year and half old. For information phone 655, between 7 and 10 p. m. Buy 'your Conklin Pen at Tan Dot- e*'s Pharmacy, 703 Packard street. f $400 REWARD. The above amount will be paid to men and women students in return for three months pleasant summer work in their home town. For full particulars apply in person to Henry Stofflett, newsdealer, 110 E. Washington St. eod Tu University Ave. Pharmacy Marth Washington Candy, Cigars, Cigarette ant Tobacco. Both are yours by calling 15. University Ave. Pharmacy D and toilet articles. Phone 416. Special for Saturday A THREE FOLD ALL LEATHER BILL BOOK AND CARD CASE COMBINED - WORTH MUCH MORE THAN WE ASK - A BIG VALUE FOR SATURDAY ONLY, PRICE 14 CENTS Edsell's Rexall Drug Store 208 S. MAIN STREET tf Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company,.w Niagara Falls, N. Y. f LOST-Gold band ring. M. G. graved inside. Higly prized. phone 557-M: Reward. B. en.- Please Buy your Mazda lamps at Switzer's 310 S. Sate. t w I I Taxi 15 Prompt Day and Night service. !.Six rides for a dollar ! tf 522 522 Holies Taxi Co. "We'll be there" AMATEUR FINISHING CAMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS Are Your Victrola Records Dusty? Holmes Taxi Co.. "Back of the Union" Record Albums keeps records free from dust. Uach album leaf is aseparate, strong manila paper envelope. The pages are consecutively numbered. A handy index on the front cover indexes every record. 10 in. Albums $1.50 12 in, 56 $1.75 Dust off RecordBrushes, dig the fine needle dust out of record' grooves.- Records kept free from dust, wear long- er, and look better. 348 C. H. Brock. Taxi-Cab Livery 348 (,N8S & NICKELS Brushes, all sizes, 25a. The only Studio on the Campus Phone 130-J AN Think of it, only 25c a passenger. Phone taxi 2280. 4j Fair Treatment and Good Service are what makes a satisfied customer. University Ave. Pharmacy Fou Pens and Students Supplies. Day rate for single passenger 25c. Phone taxi 2280. Buy'your Mazda lamps at Swit 310 S. State. The We Deliver Phone 1707 GRINNELL BROS. 120-122 E. Liberty St. on m®a i ,. x'11