THIE MICHTGAN iLAIL Y 5pring Showing of IN BLOCH SUITS" IMPERIAL HATS .11 the new shapes and colors in CAPS Reule, Conlin, Fiegel C READY AT YOUR SERVICE Correct Spring Attire for Suits Ba macaans Topcoats Raincoats $15 to $30 $12 to $25 $8 to $20 $8 to $18 Schmitt, Aptel & Cos, - :: ER LE AND. TAILORS RUNDELL NINTY-FOUR WEST FORT STREET. DETROIT, MICI. FORMFRLV WM. .". DIETFRL1 SPRING ORDERS TitKEN NOW hat animal instinct with EEAN'S Fresh Roasted Peanuts 4mFULL OUND 10 214'S. Main St.' T OMETRY Drugless System of uring eyes to deter- the need of glasses is the [, reasonable, scientific I. I will be pleased to dem- e the efficiency of my syotem measurements to you. t glasses in our own shop enables ve you the best optical service ble. Any lens furnished in from hree hours. SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION PROGRESSING RAPIDLY IN CITY Plan to Coordinate Student Activity -0thi Social Center Work Obitains Results Organization of a social service cen- ter in the third ward has been progres- sing for some time under the direction of Lionell Crocker, '18, superintendent of the Baptist Sunday school. The leaders are trying to link up student life and activities with social work in the community. Women were asked to aid in the movement, and the trustees of the Baptist church granted them the chapel for a meeting place. Since that time, several speakers have addressed audiences there. On April 23, Prof. R. M. Wenley spoke on "Community Spirit." On March 2, H. L. Sorrenson, grad., gave several readings. Harley Schanck, school of music, and Myrtle Young, '16, rendered musical selections. The next' evening Varsity Coach Lundgren spoke to 20 boys on "Baseball," and the boys later formed a club. Sunday evening an open forum was held at which H.L. Rotzel, student pas- tor of the M. E. church, gave a stereop- tican lecture on "Slum Conditions in American Cities." Mr. Rotzel also de- bated .the subject of "Sunday Moving Pictures" with Manager Allan Stans- field of the Bijou theater. This was timely, as the question comes before the city voters April 1. A male quar- tet of the Wesleyan guild furnished music for the evening. Last night, James P. Bird, secretary of the Col- leges of Engineering and Architecture, spoke on his experiences in Europe last summer. Tonight Dr. Cummings of the uni- versity health service will give an il- lustrated lecture on "Sex Hygiene" to the men and boys of the city, and Fri- day night, .a health talk by some uni- versity women is announced for the women and girls of the city. The organization has been success- ful thus far in arousing community spirit, and will welcome the coopera- tion of students in the work. Fresh it orchestra and comedian tryouts meet at the union at 4:00 o'clock. Meeting of M S. N. C. tomorrow night in McMillan hall, 8:00 o'clock. Fresh engineers hold assembly at 11:00 o'clock today, in room 348 of Meeting Awaits for Dean M. E. Cooley Dean M. E. Cooley, of the engineer- ing college, who went to Milwaukee, Wis., last week on personal business, is now in Lansing, but is expected to return to Ann Arbor tonight. A meet- ing to reach decisions in regard to the engineering exhibit and the engi- neers employment bureau is still awaiting his return and will probably be made public Friday. Results Count Continued re-orders prove the quality and merit of our work in both Portrait and Commercial De- partments. Our satisfied customers are our biggest advertisement.' S e e us about your work; we compete with one and all. We have recently received a fine new lot of Moldings, and are mak- ing a specialty of artistic picture framing. Films developed for isc per roll. Prints made from 3c upwards I I HOPPE'S Ann Arbor's Finest Studio, 619 E. Liberty Street -Temple Theatre ADMISSION Sc. (except Friday and Saturday) Look at our Show Windows for CANDY SPECIALTIES Every day in the week. The Big Store I I I .T H SUGAR BOWL fl 104 S. Main St. Fine Spring Haberdashery Headquarters ior Manhattan Shirts, $1.50 t Perrin's Spring Gloves. Beautiful Spring Neck, The World's Best Underwear Hosiery and other Quality Fixings Wednesday, Mar. 10 - "The Third Act" (with Louise Vale) Coming-"The Plot" (with Es-. tella"M arco) 1 I I Orpheum Theatre, The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. If PROTECT YOUR EYE The blinding reflection of. sunlight on the white snow causes a very severe strain on the eyes. Amber Classes will filter the light and prevent all eye strain keeping your eyes in perfect condition to study. We are showing a large line of both Amber and Dark Smoked Glasses. 20. up to $5.00 HAL LER JEWELRY CC STATE STREET JEWELERS 200-202 South Mail r Wednesday, March 10 D'Annumio's "Cabiria" (9 reels) I h Thurs. and Friday, March 11 and 12, Octavia 1 andvworth in "The Shadows." Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4;00: EVE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Wednesday, Mar. 1 O--"In the Name of the Prince of Peace," a film feature. Announce ent I You are cordially invited to attend the Opening Dist Thursday, Friday and Saturday,.of Spring Suits and Cc in the newest styles and fabrics, embodying all the lo designs, each having a distinction of style that will pl the particular dressed woman. Our DRESSMAKING department is equipped to give you the best service on short notice, and it will be profitable to you to tal the question of Spring sewing with us now, before the semi-ar rush begins. Expert cutters and fitters are always at your ser with satisfaction our positive guarantee. C. & F. Shop Phone 392 [IL H. ARNOLD >metrist - Optician h Arnold & Co., Jewelers S. Main Street Coming - Mrs. Leslie carter in "Du Barry." Watch for the date. "Ike" Fisher will furnish the music at this theatre hereafter. Spring Hats Now Ready We carry a complete stock of the most up-to-date hats to be found anywhere. All late hats are trim- med with the bow exactly on the side. Hats with bow in the back or at the quarter are out of date, old timers. We make hats to order and do all kinds of had work. Yotir last season's hat re-blocked in the latest shape, with new trimmings, will look new and uip-todate. FACTORY HAT STORE 118 E. lItZron St. 608 East Liberty Street I Florence Freeman, ATTENTION STEWARDS i a i When you are ready to place your orders for Cann d ,Goods We can save you money. Comm'It sknd look za over KYE R and WHITKER U )AVIS AFFAIR FRIDAY AT UNION who were at the en- st summer, will give Dance" at the Mich- Friday night. The n annual affair, will ,t the men will at- > clothes. The camp reproduced and the at the store for their o consist of the pro- p band and quartet several other fea- d. ering faculty are to he surveying faculty 11 act as chaperones. leers are invited to e is given to renew CAThOLICS SHOW BETTER AT WISCONSIN THAN AT MICHIGAN Although the University of Wiscon- sin drubbed the Notre Dame track aggregation in their dual meet last week, the total amassed by the Con- ference team is not as impressive as that garnered by the Michigan squad. Notre Dame scored 33 points to a total slightly in excess of 50 for the. Wis- colsin squa-.. ,otre Dame mulled-down several of the premier positions, and her men showed to a much .better advantage than they did against Michigan. This comnparative showing would indicate that Coach Farrel's men had con- siderable of an cdge upon tho western conference aggregation, something that was no: iinconmon wl en Mich- igan used' to competle in the- western classic. PHONES: 326, 32T, 328 114-116 E. WASHINGTON 11 k I A Taxi 15 Prompt Day and Night service. tf Next time you're down town, you member of some Senior class, just step in a moment to be measured for your cap and gown. No rental charge till outfits are delivered. Mack & Co. 1 Athletic Board to Map Out Schedules Beside the transaction of regular business, it is expected that the ath- letic schedules and the matter of sum- mer baseball will be :discussed at the next meeting of the board in control of the athletic association, which will be held Saturday night. I)ean's Peanuts 10 cents a pound. Listen to the music of the Banjorine Orchestra with Ike Fischer at the pi- ano, at Granger's tonight. For Musical Instrumenate of i 3 y Description, Viotrelas, a a dim Di- amond Dies Machines, go to SCRAM BERLE & SON MUSIC HOUSE, Main Street. - '.4 ' Ike Fischer's Banjorine Orchestra will play for the assembly at Granger's tonight. Tailored and street hat opening day and Saturday March 12 and : Hayley's Millinery, 206 E. Liberty. FOR SALE-Three suits of clo nearly new. Too large for ow will sell at bargain. 516-R. FOR SALE-Fullblood Boston year and half old. For inform phone 655, between 7 and 10 p. LOST-Will the person who foun purse -Saturday containing b checks marked S-22, and othei ticles, please return some to oN who will donate the cash but w the other articles. Philip P. And 1030 Oakland. Phone 30-M. LOST-Gold band ring. M. G. B graved inside. Higly prized. P phone 557-M. Reward. Are Your Victrola Records Dusty? Record Albums keeps records free from dust. kach album leaf is a separate, strong maaila paper envelope. The pages are consecutively numbered. A handy index on the front cover indexes every record. 10in. Albums $1.50 12 in. $1.75 Dust off Record Brushes, dig the fine needle dust out of record grooves.- Records kept free from dust, wear long- er, and look better. Brushes, all sites, 25a. fresher1 than a 'ou rest. O. G. eod Tu When on Main St. think of peanuts. 10 cents a pound. Dean'sI We Deliver PhOMe07, 8 GRINNELL BROS. 120-122 . Ir. Liberly St.. .. uI OUR PRICES ou Mant COME IN AND LET U$SIBH $2 lOw 5.00 TO $0W00 suit hat. YOU .OUR SPRING WOOLENS 7 ammommommomm"m .o.w.. THE CO=I TAILOR 3305S. STA. E STI ®.a o. .