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Description of Michigan's Dramatic Return
from Cambridge Game,--A Chinese Puzzle
Professor Karpinskl Appears
Club at Union Tonight
'I nIL
alt Declared
d by Coach Farrell, sof
'ack team, Ufer, Carrofl,
r, M. G. Robinson and
yesterday afternoon for
here they will take part
and the 4,000-yard relay
at Madison Square Gar-
Membership dance at Union, 9:00
Prof. L. C. Karpinski will give an exhi-
bition chess match before the Chess
and Checker club at the Union, 8:00
Senior lit dance at the Union, 2:30 to
5:30 o'clock.
Albert Parker Fitch will speak at the
Majestic theater, 6:00 o'clock.
Henry R. Pattengill will speak on "The
Citizens' Try-Square" at the Union,
3:00 o'clock.
Bishop G. l. Williams will speak on
"One of God's Noblemen" at St. An-
drew's church, 7:30 o'clock.
Arcade Joining with Maynard Street to
Be Constructed at Cost
of $150,000
Among the descriptions of Michi-
gan's dramatic return from Cam-
bridge last fall, one has come to light
that gives an opportunity "to see our-
selves as other see us." it is a Chi-
nese student's early attempt to wres-
tle with the English language. and
reads as follows:
"I did not do nothing at yesterday,
evening. I gone out of room because
I had something to say to Mr. Whang.
Just I walked through State street,
suddenly there -was a sound came into
my ear. I stopped at once and looked.
I saw a great many people, "about one
thousand," who take march on this
street from east forward to west and
with tirumpets and drums. I did not
know about 'chat to feel very wonder-
ful. Then I take swift step behind
them until the main group people
reach the front of Liberty street. All
stopped here. I saw that there were
seven or nine men sat one by one In
the car. But not clearly. A man of
these stand up and made a speaking
against all the 'people. Then every
man of these made speaking in contin-
nation. Sometime a man stand up
among the others. He moved his arms;
right and left, up and down in the air
and cried in a great voice. When he
cried the other people cried as loud as
him in the same. They stopped here
about an hour. They made speaking
and moving, crying again and again.
Then they gone back. What is the
matter? Why did they do? Why was
he crying? Please tell me."
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the de-
partment of mathematics, will appear
before the Chess and Checker club at
8:00 o'clock tonight, at the Union, in'
a simultaneous exhibition match of
chess. An attempt is also being made
to have Professor Karpinski give an
exhibition of blindfolded chess play-
ing against a picked team.
Professor Karpinski has appeared
before the local players only once pre-
viously this season. At that time he
won two games and tied one, out of a'
total of five games played simultane-
ously, and consequently a close contest
is expected in tonight's match.
For the benefit of those who are not
members of the club, arrangements
have been made whereby any non-
members who desire to participate in
the match tonight may do so upon no-
tifying W. T. Adams, at 653-J, between
3:00 and 5:30 o'clock today.
H has been non-commit-
i's chances, but he stat-
cted to see the Wolver-
e a creditable showing.
egations will stack up
of the fastest men in
the relays are open to
as well as to collegiate
$et the dope when he
, John, Huntington and
trials for the position,
was no doubt to his
b, as he bettered the
rd by almost a full sec-'
Length of Tin ie Required to Obtain
D.D.q. To Be Increased After
1916 or 1917
Boasts Championship Quartet in 40004
Yard Race; Princeton Also
Looks Strong
Candidates for 1915 Gridiron I
Commence Regular Workoul
in Waterman Gym
Next Week
Cards Mailed Informing Team
bers of Times Allotted for
To further Michigan's chances
championship football team next
candidates for 1915 Varsity gri
honors will begin next week to
out regularly in Waterman gym,
The squad has been divided
small groups of from three to six
and each bunch will work out i
the direction of one of the mor
perienced players.
Yesterday the athletic associ
mailed out post cards to the foc
candidates, telling them of the
tains to whom they were assigned
the times allotted to them in the
Each man is expected to notif:
captain at the time he receive:
card, and, in case of conflicts, Ca
Cochran or the athletic association
cials are to be notified.
The indoor work will consist m
of light workouts, for a time. I.
practice in blocking and charging
be indulged in.
The different squads, with
times allotted in the gym, and
captains axe: Cochran, captain,
bantz, Ingham, Foster.-Wedne
Plans have finally been completed
insuring the erection of a branch of
the Farmers' and Mechanics' bank on
State street, at the eastern end of a
new arcade that is to be built from
State to Maynard streets.
The arcade, as planned, will start'
south of Franck's boot shop on State
street, coming out on Maynard street
north of the University music house.
The structure will be a two-stored af-
fair, costing $150,000, and will have
a 70-foot front on State, -street, with
room for 18 stores,
The arcade is to be built under the
joint auspices -bf the Farmers' and
Mechanics' bank and Mr. R. M. Nich-
ols, Work is to be started at once, in
order that the bank may be ready for
business with the opening of the uni-
versity next fall. '
In accordance with a bill passed by
the meeting of the Dental Faculty of
State Universities, held in Philadel-
phia last week, four years will now
be required before receiving a D.D.S.
degree, in the Michigan College of Den-
tal Surgery.
This new resolution will go into ef-
fect here in 1916, if the local college
can gain the support of other state
dental institutions, and, if not, the'
four year course will not commenced
until 1917. Mich.igan's dental college,
will probably require one year's worki
in the literary college, and the other,
three years will be devoted exclusively
to dentistry.
Faculty men in the local dental col-
lege are especially pleased with the
new law, as they have been trying for
a number of years to pass a similar
one. The law, as passed by the asso-
iation at Philadelphia, leaves the fouxe'
year plan optional with the various
dental colleges in 1916, but makes it
obligatory in 1917. The National. Den-
tal faculty meeting, composed of rep-
resentatives from 30 colleges passed
a similar resolution at their meeting
held in Ann Arbor this winter.
an rec-
ial, and
n the
d. Wil-
1 times Mr.1eonard C.Van Noppen of Columbia
Takes Leading Part in Spread
of Dutch Culture
i Michigan's relay teams which are
entered in the Madison Square Garden
meet in , New York City tonight,
are looking for as strong com-
petition from Dartmogth, as from any
of the aggregations which have been
In the 4,000-yard relay, Dartmouth
boasts of a championship quartet
which will be greatly respected by all
of the entrants. Princeton, with the
same four men that trounced Coach
Farrell's charges here at Waterman
gym a few weeks ago, is also billed
to appear, and the Orange and Black
promises to provide about as much op-
position as anyone could desire.
Princeton's latest triumph is over
Yale, the Tigers running away from
O.ld Eli in a two-mile relay. Inciden-
tally, it was the first time Princeton
has beaten Yale in an event of this
sort in six years, which shows that
the Orange and Black is unusually
The Princeton team is credited with
a slightly better record against Yale
than she hung up against the Wolver-
ines, bettering the time made here by
almost two seconds. Hayes, the midg-.
et runner who is stationed in- fourth
position and who runs the fastest lap
for Princeton, did not extend himself
at any time during his Jap, and appar-
ently could have negotiated the dis-
tance even faster, in the Yale race.
Pennsylvania will be on hand also,
and the medley team which defeated
Michigan may be entered again. This
same Penn squad which walked away
Coach Lundgren's absence from the
city, on a trip to Chicago, has had a
bad influence on the candidates for the
1915 Varsity, only about 30 of the 52
men on the squad appearing in Water-
man gym yesterday afternoon for the
regular practice session.
In the absence of Coach Lundgren
and Captain McQueen, whose presence
was prevented by classes, "Jack"'Ben-
ton took charge of the squad, sending
the men through their paces in the
batting cage and in fielding practice.
The work in the cage was curtailed by
about an hour because of the poor
light, it being almost impossible to do
any good or effective work under the
existing conditions. ,
The fielding practice consumed the
remaining time, about an hour being
given over to drill in handling giound-
era sent from the batters at the oppo-
site end of the gvm.
Conch Keane
Effort t
Here Mareli
Mr. Leonard C. Van Noppen, Queen
Brownrigg, Sha
Monday and Fri
and Dieters, Frida
ain, J. Dunn, John
1y at 3:00 o'clock,
y only; Bastian,
r, Gardener, Braza
ay and Wednesd
and Lyons, Wedi
captain. Calvin,
y at 4:00 o'clock, o
only; E. James,
E. Shadford, P. M.
Wilhelmina lecturer of Germanic lan-I WRESTLING FINALS HELD T'ODAY
ions for the State
contest, which is to
, in University Hall,
ade by N. E. Pinney,
colleges which will
en as follows, in the
hey will appear: Al-
A. C., Michigan Nor-
'et and Hope. These
respective represen-
of local contests, and
state meet will have
king for the state of
entral Group contest,
ght at Ripon College,
April 23, and which
f orators from Michi-
aa, Illinois, Wiscon-
a. The victor of the
ttle will secure the
t that group in the
e which takes place
n New York state.
s of selection of rep-
be followed in the
ivisions of the Unit-
Atlantic,Soqth Atlan-
guages at Columbia university, who
comes to Ann Arbor Monday, under'
the auspices of the Graduate School,
to deliver a series of lectures dealing
with Dutch literature, is a member of
the Society in Holland for the Encour-
agement of Dutch, and, as such, has
taken a prominent part in spreading
the knowledge of the literature of Hol-
land, through the instrumentality of
lectures that he has given at different
American universities.
Mr. Van Noppen believes the Dutch
literature to be "apractically undis-
covered continent, rich in plots and
themes, pregnant with beauty and lof-
ty thoughts." He has translated Von-
del's "Lucifer," from which Milton is
claimed to have received his, inspira-
tion for "Paradise Lost."
In speaking of the possibilities for
the student of the Dutch literature, Mr.
Van, Noppen has said: "Vondel was
Milton's inspiration, so in the future,-
other Dutch writers will be the foun-
tain from which our poets, drama-
tists and novelists will drink. The
Interest Centers in Contest Retween
Weske and Reimann
Michigan's wrestling champions hips
will be decided in Waterman gyni at
3:00 o'clock today, as the conclt.sion of
the annual wrestling tournameint. T.he
chief interest will be dentereel in tle
heavyweight division, where Uleimanim
meets Weske. This should iprove to
SYRACUSE, N. Y., March 4.-
termined to avenge last season's de
by the Michigan track squad, CO
Keane is pushing his men to the 11
to be in shape by March 13.
The Michigan track squad took
1914 indoor meet by the rather meE
margin of seven points, despite
fact that two Syracuse men broke
be a real contest, since both naen have from the Maize and Blue in Buffalo,
defeated their opponents in thi3 tonrna- fell before the Dartmouth medley
ment without much exertion. squad later, susta'.ning a bad beating
In the middleweight secticin, A mts- at the hands of the Green, although
buechler will wrestle with Pittt;ley. the absence of one of the Penn stars
Crandall and Tuttle will fight it out detracts somewhat from the result.
for the welterweight honors. The The way in which the various coach-
lightweight class will bring togetimer es arrange their men, .will affect the
Baker and Walls. result of the race to a considerable ex-
Captain Watson, of the wrestling tent. With any number of possible
team, will referee all of the matche a.
Cups and numeral- caps will be awards-
ed to the winner in each division:
Pattengill to Talk on, "The Arid Zone"
"The Arid Zone" will be the subject
of an address to be delivered by Mr.
Henry R. Pattengill, of Lansing, at
the Presbyterian church tomorrow. ev-
ening. Mr. Pattengill was formerly
state superintendent of public instruc-
tion, and is now president of the State
Teachers' association. At the las
state election he was the Progressive
party candidate for governor.
itain nd Pac
M Ox orators,
3 groups, willI
Lake MohonkC
C' as
eific. hour has struck; we cannot neglect
one Dutch literature longer."
par- The complete program of Mr. Van
Con- Noppen's lectures has been announced'
as follows: Monday night, 8:00
s; o'clock, "The Dutch Renaissance, with
$75, Some Reference to Holland's Influence
test, on Modern Civilization and on Ameri-
Mo- can Institutions"; Tuesday, 4:15
sec- o'clock, "Vondel, the Dutch Shakes-
peare, with a Discussion of His Con-
temporaries"; Wednesday night, 8:00
pson o'clock, "Van Eeden, the Dutch Tol-
the stol, and the Literature since 1880."
wife All of the above lectures will be given
with in the west lecture room 'of Alumni
had Memorial hall. Mr. Van Noppen will
her address the classes in English on
She "Vondel's 'Lucifer,' the Original of
orn- 'Paradise Lost,'" at 4:15 o'clock Wed-
nesday, in room 206 Tappan hall.
combinations, the entire meet is left
undecided, much more so than under
wrdinary conditions. Coach Farrell of
tthe Michigan team, stated yesterday
tohat he had not decided as yet, just
low he would arrange the- Wolverine
ranners for the two races.
harvard is entered in the medley
mtelay race, and the Crimson is touted
in eastern circles as possessing a
quartet of real runners..
Feminine humor, as exemplified in
the Women's number of the Gargoyle,
found a ready sale, when the much
heralded issue made 'Its appearance
yesterday noon.
. V9L. i £U in t Ue pole vaul, and
who thus equalled the high mark of
the Syracuse gymnasium, is working
daily, as the western institution is ru-
mored to possess a pole vaulter of ex-
ceptional ability.
The winner of this event may have
to smash the present record, for Cur-
tis has been doing around 12 feet con-
sistently. The local man is capable
of clearing pretty close to this mark,
and, if he is pushed, or forced to the
limit, the present record may fall. -
The coach is sp'ending considerable
time working with his 440 men, as the
Orange squad does not seem to be
partitularly strong is this event. The
time made in the recent trials in the
quarter has not been particularly 'fast.
Plan for Kentucky Baseball Game
Arrangements for a private car to
the Michigan-Kentucky baseball game,
which takes place during the spring
vacation, were completed at a 'jeeting
Inability of some of the members
the Rifle club's team to shoot yeste
day afternoon necessitated the a
journment of the Lehigh Universi
match until this afternoon, at the Fe
ry field range, when the men who ha
not completed their targets will fini
their remaining shots.
The pictures wil
trates his lecture,
the German-Austri,
Many of them wer
Belgian-French fr
day at 4:00 o'clock; L. Roel
tain, S. Cohen, Lyons, Maulbel
hor, Sharpe, G. Smith,-Satu
ternoon at 3:03o'clock; and R
Sharpe,-Thu. ay afternoon
Scribner's Correspondent Wi
from Standpoint of Unil
States Army Officer
James F. J. Archibald's ill
lecture on the European wa
given in Hill auditorium, for t
fit of the Polish relief fund, c
day evening, will be strictly
in attitude, the press reports :
cities where Mr. Archibald has
ed this lecture uniting in their
sis of this feature of the talk.
Mr. Archibald gives a discu
the various phases of the w
the standpoint of a United Sta
ere ta
of the Kentucky club at the Union last {prof. E. R. Turneri Writes War Articles
night. Tentative plans wer e also Prof. E. R. Turner, of the history de-
made for an All-South smoker' to be partment, is the author of several ar-
given by the club. tieles on the present war, appearing
. _____ in the February number of the Polit-
Read Graduate An'iounecment Prewfs ical Science Review. Ono of the arti-
Proofs of The Announcement, of the cles is on "The Causes of the Great
Graduate School for next yea a have War," while the other is a review of
been returned from the printe irsa, aff books relating to the present war, en-
are now being read. titled, '"War Literature."
Towns Meet in Hockey Finals Tonight
Teams comprised of men from
Houghton and Hancock, and of picked
men from Duluth and other cities, will
meet in a final hockey match at Wein-
berg's skating rink this evening. Skat-
ing will stop at 9:00 o'clock, and all
skaters will be permitted to watch the
match from the gallery, free of charge.
, and