The ichigan Daily SUBSCRIBE NOWV pl.vv mmxmmmmmmmmmrr rryu . . .... ......... . ... ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MARCH: 2, 1915. PRICE FIVE R 'H 4000. [EY RE llegiate 0 Con- .y teams adison Sqi .y on Marc it coif ron Varsity ti entered in d in the n ill be held ffair in wl anted, cons ances are ihen the t ylvania. ill cover the third J yards. C will run running 300-yard n the last used on the quest En- TODAY Fresh lit assembly in University Hall, 4:15 o'clock. Busoniplays at Hill auditorium, 8:00 o'clock. Northwestern club meets at Union, LAY1 7:30' o'clock. S to TOMORROW All-society dinner at Union, 6:00 o'clock. that Noted Socialist Talks Here Tomorrow uare Dr. Harry W. Laidler, of New York h 6, City, organizer of the Intercollegiate ting Socialist s o c I e t y, will speak on rack "Christianity and Socialism" at Mcmil- the Ian hall tomorrow evening at' 7:30 ned- o'clock. Dr. Laidler spoke here about to- a year ago. He is the author of sev- eral books on socialism and social ser- hich vice, the best known of which is a ists treatise on "Boycotts,"' written as his not major thesis for his master's degree at eam Columbia university. All students, The who are interested in socialism and 200 social service, are invited to attend 500 this lecture. ap- the the two-COACH CUTS SQUAD. dis- two the tion T El C N 19 [ - cad- dis- Baseball Men Struck from Tryouts ata- May Appear Again When Out- for door Work Starts will . ' ace ENGAG(E IN FIELDING PRACTICE. de- pon Coach Carl Lundgren, of the Varsity 300- Baseball team, made the first cut in de- his 1915 squad yesterday afternoon re- LOOK FOR LARGE ENTRY LIST SOPH LITS GET EXTRA NUMERALS HOLD 6iDUB" MEET IN~i GM MACH ,13 E dible Prizes Range from Vegetables to Fruit, With Chance for Last to Win Michigan's second annual "Dub" track meet, scheduled for March 13, promises to be the most interesting meet on the year's list of track dates, and with first, second and third prizes ranging from half a cabbage to a peck of apples, a large entry list is antici- ,pated. Any man in the university, who is not working under Coach Farrell, either on the Varsity or All-Fresh squads, is eligible to participate in this meet. Winners of points in the "Dub" meet may be awarded numerals if their classes so decide, but in either case, the number of edible prizes put up by the athletic authorities makes it high-, ly probable that anyone who enters will stand a good chance to win a light lunch. The prizes are to be awarded in a new way this year. The man who wins first place may not receive any- thing, while the last man to finish may carry off the biggest prize of all. Be- fore each event, the numbers indicat- ing what places are to receive prizes are to be placed in a sealed envelope, and this envelope will not be opened until after the event has been decided. This method of awarding the prizes gives everyone an equal chance to win, while the winners of the first three places in each event may be given their numerals, upon vote of their class. Under the new plan, a record- breaking list of entries is looked for by Intramural Director Floyd Rowe, who is in charge of the plans for the meet. Everyone desiring to enter should give his name to Director Rowe some- time this week. He may be found at the gymnasium from 3:00 until 5:00 o'clock each afternoon, and from 7:00 until 9:00 o'clock each evening, during which hours he will work with men who desire to practice for the meet. Emmett I. Connely, '15, will take the place of Varsity track manager, left vacant recently by the resignation of W. B. Palmer, '15. This was the de- cision of the board of directors of the athletic association, reached in its meeting yesterday afternoon. The two vacancies on the football committee will be filled by John W. Langs, '17, and Earl E. Pardee, '17, AS TRA.CKMANAGERH Replaces W. B. Palmer; John Langs and Earl Pardee Made Assistant Football Managers PICKED QUARTET SLATED FOR INITIAL FRESH LIT ASSEMBLY Dean Effinger to Outline Purpose and Prospects; Attendance Not Compulsory Singing at the literary college's first freshman assembly, to be held at 4:16 o'clock this afternoon in University Hall, will be led by a quartet of the Varsity Glee club. Peter A. Hartes- veldt, '16L, Don Smith, '16E, R. M. Parsons, grad., and C. F. Bushnell, '15, are the men selected to fill the bill, The purposes and prospects of the assembly will be outlined by Dean John R. Effinger, who will call the meeting to order. President Harry B. Hutchins will follow with a short talk. After the talks, members of the class will be given the opportunity to express their ideas on the innovation, and N. W. Wassman, '18, chairman of the class assembly committee, will tell of the organization and early history of the assembly idea in the literary college. Promoters of the plan will follow out the original plan to refrain from making attendance compulsory. They. are of the opinion, however,.that the life of the movement depends on the' .interest shown by members of the class by attending the meetings. ] BUSONI TO RENDE PROGRAMTO-NIGI Noted Italian Pianist -to Grace Auditorium as Pre-Festival Attraction; Makes Special Trip IDOLIZED BY BERLIN PUBLIC WHEN HE APPEARED RECEN Large Number of Outsiders Expe at Concert; Sends Piano for Occasion Ferruccio Busoni, one of the gi est exponents of pianistic art, wil the attraction at the pre-Festival cert at 8:00 o'clock tonight in auditorium. The Italian artist is m ing a special trip to Ann Arbor, ar ing here early this morning from I York and leaving for the metrop again iifnmediately after tonight's c cert. An unusually large number of of-town patrons from Toledo, Jack Ypsilanti, Detroit and Lansing wil present at the concert, according the statement of school of music cials. -making a total of four assistant man- agers on the football committee, which had been reduced by the ineligibility of two of its members, to two men. Connely was a member of the track committee in 1913, and in 1914 was elected as one of the two assistant managers from a field of four com- petitors. He was recently defeated in the managerial election for the office which he now holds, by virtue of the board's action in appointing him to the vacant managersnip. Langs was among the men who took part in the competitive system for nomination for assistant football man- ager, but was not among the eight men nominated for the position at the time of the fall election.' Pardee was one of the defeated candidates for football manager at the recent election. One of. the anticipated vacancies on the Interscholastic committee was fill- ed by Ray J. Mills, '16L, becoming eli- gible. The qu'estion of the eligibility of the fourth man will be settled at the end of this week.. The board decided to award to the soph lit campus championship football team two extra sets of numerals. In taking this action, the board granted a petition to that effect which had been filed by the manager of the soph lits at the close of the class football sea-l son. the le -yard on, Fon attling teve" this r ay, isc tent up WILL ,SELECT 'TEAM FOR ORA4TORY MEET, Winners of University Contest Thurs- day Night Represent Michigan C Lo'' WEBSTER, 'AIL, PRESIDES Michigan's representatives in the Northern Oratorical League contest, which will be held. May 7, will be chos- en Thursday night in University Hall, when participants in the University Oratorical contest compete for places on the team. A special piano has been sh from New York, and is being p condition today by Mr. Busoni's sonal tuner in Hill auditorium. Mr. Busoni has attained promir from real artistic merit, and not a particular glamour or specta eccentricities. For years he was o ed to fight the Berlin critics, bl spite of the overwhelming oppos of the press, the public crowded recitals whenever he played. however, the tide has turned and many acknowledges him as the g est master pianist. His recent re-appearance in Be according to those best able to j was among the most prominent m al events of the season. He sta ducing the number of men who are medley candidates for positions on the Varsity, no par- from about 75 to 62. The cut was of the made from the. card, which has been 'obably posted in the gym, and any man 'Whose on the name has not as yet been affixed to the card, is not considered as cut from npeted the squad. trying Men who were cut from the squad team. in the first pruning, may appear for further work when the team starts ck. outdoor practice, and when there is will more room in which to work the squad. Michi- The smallness of the present accom- t the modations and the large number of adison men still on the squad will necessi- Iceton, tate another cut in the candidates, nouth, which the coach is to make the latter . All part of this week, or the beginning of legiate next. means The squad engaged in its regular be up work in the batting cage yesterday af- in the ternoon, but the usual line of work HOLD REHEARSAL AT WHITNEY was interrupted half an hour before the close of practice, and a departure )URNEYS was indulged in. The length of the gym was given up to fielding practice, Showing something which has not been empha- sized since the beginning of the work ly return- in the batting cage. hen plans Yesterday's cut in the squad went rnaments easily for the battery tryouts, almost r. While all of the candidates for the pitching been def- and catching positions being retained are being among the select. Every man of the g with a three that had signed up for the sec- ale that a ond base position, escaped the coach's the tour- axe, Caswell, Hughitt and Captain Mc- Fencers' Queen being left as the guardians of ork. the keystone sack. p to Cor- The 62 members of the squad fol- with the low: Gardner, Lambert, Benton, Pea- Ithacans, cock, Dunne, Krauss, McGraw, Stall- tsson in ings, Harshman, Shepard, Gee, Water- rder. The house, Nichols, Lee, Payette, Toles, 'out with McNamara, Flynn, Ferguson, Soddy, te chain- Sisler, Davidson, Dwyer, Crawford, out with Newell, Stewart, Paisley, Maltby, Cas- Catain well, Hughitt, McQueen, I. G. Fowler, Leininger, Thomas, Calvin, Johnson, Waltz, Wurster, Martin, Robinson, ylvanians Shivel, Eaton, Warner, Hunter, R. C. oe State Smith, Rowan, Shelley, Aerntz, Lutz,. Prof. F. Anderson, Labodie, Sheehey, W D.' parment, Fowler, randell, W. Stewart, Pater-, of Penn- son, H. J. Smith, L. Smith, Leiserwitz, orn, '15, Taylor, Neiman, and Wenzell. Pensyl- ichigan" *"Fritz" Blanding, '09, Quits BaseBall music. "Fritz" Blanding, '09, Varsity pitcher in 1909, who was' with the Cleveland American League team last year, has ids Crew announced his determination to giveI student up baseball. The former Wolverine1 y elected hurler says that he is through with thei Boat and diamond game and has told Manager1 s promi- Birmingham, of the Cleveland team, univer- that he will not report in the southt this spring. PRIZES FOR GEOLOGICAL ESSAYS Prof. J. E. Reighard Will Give Rules to Prepare Manuscripts Under the provisions of the will of the late Dr. W. Johnson Walker, by which two prizes are offered annually by the Boston Society of Natural His- tory, for the best memoirs written in the English language, the subject for this year must be of a geological or biological nature. The competition for the prizes of $60 and $50 is not restricted. The first prize may be increased to $100, if the winning essay is of sufficient merit. Rules for preparing manuscripts may be obtained from Prof. J. E. Reighard, of the zoology department. , Harvard Men Win Economic Prizes Harvard men have been recently announced winners of two out of the four prizes offered in the 1914 econom- ic prize essay contest, given by Messrs. Hart, Schaffner and Marx, of Chicago. This contest is the tenth one of a se- ries of annual competitions. During this time, Michigan has had but one prize captured by any of its students, while Harvard has had 10. Prof. Hen- ry W. Adams, of the economics de- partment, acted as one of the judges in the contest. Director Sanger Arrives; Models for Scenery Considered Members of the cast and chorus of the Union opera will hold their first big rehearsal at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Whitney theater. Members of the cast will lie required to know every line in their parts. Director Sanger, who 'arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday, will review the rehearsal. Mr. Sanger is to stay in .Ann Arbor until after the production of the play. Models for the scenery from various companies are now being considered by the management. One was sub- mitted by the Wolverine Scenery com- pany, and another by Mr. Borman. First tryouts for the orchestra, which will consists of at least 20 pieces, will be held on Thursday night. The place will - be announced later. Throughout this week, rehearsals for both cast and chorus will be held nearly every day, and the men are asked to watch the Union bulletin board for notices. SECURING SPEAKERS FOR ALL. SOCIETY GATHERING TOMORROW Speakers are being secured for the all-society dinner to be held at the Michigan Union at 6:00 o'clock tomor- row night, and short musical numbers are being arranged. All former mem- bers of the Sphinx, Barristers, Vul- cans Druids, Archons and Triangles are invited to attend, and are re- quested to mail cards to Howard R. Marsh, '15 who is in charge of the affair. About 120 members of the organiza- tions have promised to attend thus far. Discussion of important campus ques- tions will be held. I)esire Class Relay Tryouts to Report Interclass relay managers will meet at Waterman gym this afternoon. to ar- range the schedule for the-class relays. All men desiring to try out for their class teams should report to Intramur- al Athletic Director Floyd Rowe at Waterman gymnasium at once. I)irec- tor Rowe will be at the gym after 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, and until 9:00 o'clock in the evening, every day' this week. During these hours, he will work with any candidates for class re- lay teams that report for practice. 1 j i 1 i 7 t t t c i I A keen fight for the positions of class representatives has resulted in the selection of the following men, who will take part in the 'Thursday night contest: I. S Toplin, 18L, the winner out of nine candidates, who will represent the combined fresh law and soph lit classes; J. R. Cotton and P. V. Ramsdell, who will fight for the juniors; C. H. Ross and Frances L. Hickok, who were chosen from the senior orators. Mr. Clyde I. Webster, '01L, United States district attorney for Detroit, will preside. The Northern Oratorical League is composed of seven mid-west univprsi- ties, Michigan, Northwestern, Wiscon- sin, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa and Oberlin. In addition to the honor of representing Michigan in the final con- test, the winners Thursday night will become members of the honorary ora- torical society. The first honor orator will be awarded a bronze medallion medal, while the second place man will represent Michigan in %the Hamilton contest, to be held before the Hamil- ton club of Chicago, and will have an opportunity to try for the first and second prizes of $100 and $50 respect- ively, which will be given to the win- ners in the May contest. has te EU warm a nature that Bus ed as he is to the his Berlin audiences, be overwhelmed. His pearance was made hall, whenwhe conduc of -two orchestral cone( the Philharmonic orches this opccasion, was assist loist Egon Petri, Busoni' most eminent pupil. PROFESSOR BARRETT HIS REPORT TO L Describes Dinner of New York Alumni Giving a detailed account of the an- nual dinner of the University of Mich- igan club in New York City, The Goth- amite has recently been issued. Pres- ident Harry B. Hutchins was the prin-: cipal speaker at the banquet, whichj was well attended by New York alumni. The publication also con- tains many notes of alumni, and a re- port showing the big balance left in the athletic association as a result of the football season. Carl E. Schoeffel Reported Improved Carl E. Schoeffel, '15L, who was se- riously injured in a basketball game last Thursday night, is believed by university health service physiciaus to be practically out of danger. At first it was feared that an operation would have to be performedI, but later devel- opments showed this would not be necessary, and all signs now point to a speedy recovery for the senior law SPEAKS BEFORE COS-NOPOLITANS Dr. Nasmyth Points Out Misconstrue- tion of Darwinian Theory In his lecture before the members of the International Polity and the .Cos- mopolitan clubs in Harris hall last night, Dr. George W. Nasmyth, presi- dent of the Association of Cosmopoli- tan clubs, refuted the popular miscon- ception of the Darwinian theory, in re- gard to the necessity of strife in the progress of the human race. He also stated the views of great men in the present age in regard to war and peace, and brought out the idea that physical struggle among men was iot an uplifting force in the progress of the race. In interpreting the theory of Dar- win, Dr. Nasmyth showed that the famous scientist's theories in regard to "the survival of the fittest," had been misconstrued. He further pointed out that Darwin laid particular emphasis upon the formation of moral laws, as the chief constructive factor in the evolution of man. Following the talk by Dr. Nasmyth, members of the newly formed Polity club adopted a constitution presented by the constitution committee, and plans for definite organization were launched, feeble-mindedness, epilepsy and ity in the state, by means of a ough examination of the inma insane hospitals, county house industrial schools. Dr. Barrett was aided in this by Harry Crane, '09, Zeltah P. of Vassar, who is in the gradm partment here, C. C. Webber, '1 several others, who applied the test, and examined the life hist every patient. LEGISLATORS PLAN TO EXA ALL PROSPECTIVE ARCHIl Legislation, which will provi the examination of all prospecti chitects in the state of Michigan being allowed to practice; is n( before the legislature of the statE ing been submitted last week. First arrangements for the int tion of the bill were madein Ar tion here, and since that time the posed legislation has been in pi ration. The bill aims to make pulsory the examination of archil just as lawyers and physicians now examined before being al4 to practice. Will Elect 1918 Track Captain T Michigan's All-Fresh track will elect its captain for the con season at a meeting of the first candidates in the trophy roon Waterman gym, at 5:15 o'clock thi ternoon. All men taking part it recent meet with the sophomores be eligible to vote.