THE MICHIGAN AL LAILY . I Ilirli ir iYi lYYi I YI t _ _ 11 5 -ing Showing of 4 BLOCH SUITS February Cut Price Sale iI PERIAL HATS the new shapes and colors in CAPS February is the month that we cut prices down to rock-bottom. This is the time to buy. Be on hand so that you can take ad- vantage of these wonderful money saving bargains in Suits, Over- coats, Hats and Caps, Sweaters, Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes. . .. ,. I . _ . . tt, Apfel & Co. Wm. Dieterle 94 Fort Street West Detroit SPBING ORDERS TAKEN NOW y that animal instinct with DEAN'S Fresh Roasted. Peanuts A FULL POUND 10C 214 S. Main S t SEIND INVITATIONS FgO COMING MEET Millard Hopes That 50 of 700 Schools Asked to Interscholastic Will Show up MANAGER TRYOUTS TO REPORT Invitations will be sent out tomor- row to 700 Nigh schools and prepara- tory s hool in this section of the country for the 17th nnu.l iicjg n interscholastic, according to Interseho- lastic Manager Millard. The dates for the coming "prop" school meet are May 21 and 22. 1 All high schools inthe state of Mich- igan will be invited to send represen- tatives, and in addition those in nor- thern Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio. A few schools in Pennsylvania and a high school or two in Buffalo will also be invited. Wisconsin will be represent- ed by a few of the stronger track teams from that state, among which will be Keewatin. Last year there were 32 schools en- tered, with more than 150 athletes competing. This year Interscholastic Manager Millard hopes to have fully 50 institutions with 200 athletes contest-4 ing. All schools which answer the in- vitgy will receive a prospectus' contauinig jlfe information and eligi- bility rules, and in additin the 4th,.t. ic association annual. Manager Mil- lard announced last night that he wished tryouts for the position of man- 4er, would report to him at once.' DI. G. f. NA SMYTH WILL SPEAK ON ARli A4 AND WORLD STATE I WILL GIVE FREE With ten or more rolls of films,., to be developed and prints made from best nega- tives, one 8xio enlargement from the best negative or one 8xio print of any U. of M. view or one 4x6 portrait of self, made in my studio. We use Cyko Paper for our amateur work, the paper that leads, the results will tell the story. noppe's Studio 619 E. Liberty Street. I i Look at our Show Windows f.r CANDY SPECIALT IES Every day in the week. Dress Suits and Opera Hats to rent. r,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , e--.wee I Temple Theatre ADMISSION G5 (excoept Friday and Saturday) ............ I REULE, CONLIN FIEGEL CO. THE SUGAR BO4SL 14S. Main St. Monday, Mareh 1 The Magnate of Paradise, with August Phillips. Tuesday, March 2 "In the Lions' Den." Wednesday, Marel l3 "Money," with Vivian Prescott. WlAE Pride Ourselves on th kd of Program wo Prdce byus .! r TeOrpheum Theatre TeHouse of Famous Plays by Famous Players.. MON. & TUJES., MARCH z- Edward Abels in "The Million." NED NESDAY, MARCH g "Officer 666." Remember, we couldn't do this if the product didtet warrant it. Get in on a good thing and leave your next order with us.; l , Shaffner& irx V a rs i ty dels for young i are the smartest, ppiest styles ever red to the young i of Ann Arbor. i wear anything different, I show poor judgment clothes. Arcade Theatre / hPlaycr-mSdhaircr co ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN PROTECT YOUR' EYES The blinding reflection of sunlight on the white snow causes a very severe strain on the eyes. Amber Glasses will filter the light and prevent all eye strain keeping your eyes in perfect condition to study for your examinations. We are showing a large line of both Amber and Dark Smoked Glasses. I Noo Authority to Address Members 01 Cosmopoltn and Polity Clubs afford to fail to see ty of Varsity Clothes Members of the newly formed Inter- national Polity club and the Cosmo- politan club will meet at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night in Harris hall, to hear a lecture by Dr. George W. Nasmyth, president of the association of Cosmo- politan clubs and director of the In- ternational Federation of Students, on "America, and the World State.". Dr. Nasmyth was in Europe at the outbreak of the war, where he studied conditions, and consequently has an- intimate knowledge of all of the war- ring countries. It is his idea that America has a unique opportunity to serve the world by a nation-wide dis- cussion of the terms of settlement which will make for a more permanent peace in the future. Engineers Try Out Building Materials Experiments now being conducted in the mechanical engineering depart- ment along lines of the conductivity of building materials, mark Michigan's department as being among the pro- gressive in the mechanical field. A test- ing machine devised by Dean M. E. Cooley and Prof. John R. Allen, of the mechanical engineering department, is now being used daily. Leverett WvilI Lecture on Glaciation Frank Leyerett, of the United States geological survey, will begin a series of 12 lectures on the Pleistocene glaci- ation of North America and Europe at 7:00 o'clock Tuesday evening in the Russell seminary room. The lectures will be extended over a period of six weeks, and will be given every Tues- day and Thursday evening. SHOWS:AFTERNQONS 4;00: EVE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 MONDAY, MARCH i Madam Doube X, Essanay Com- edy.. The Old Code, two part Selig drama. Mary Pickford in two short dramas. III HATS FOR SPRING Our Spring hats are now ready. We carry the most complete stock of up-to-date headgear to be found anywhere. Our prices are $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, and $-.50 for the very best; every hat guaranteed to give satisfaction. We also make hats to order and do al kinds of hat work. Your last season's hat reblocked in the latest shape with new trim- mings makes it look like new and up-to-date.. FACTONY NEAT STORE -Leo N. Burnett, '14, has sold a short story "Twenty-Five Dollars to Go" to the Black Cat Magazine in New York City, Burnett is reporting on the Peo- ering-plants at Belle Isle. -Multigraphed lists of new books r ently added to the university libra have been placed on the delivery dE at the general library, and while tI last, they may be had by any stude: interested. -Senior engineers are making pla for the second class dinner of the ye to be held It the Union within the nE two weeks. -Mrs. Adelaide Northam has be chosen as rural public health nu: for Washtenaw county. 25.. up to $8.00 HALL EJR ,JEWE L R Y CO. STATE STREET JEWELERS I 1' =1 LUTZ Gene Green "Czar of Ragtime" has a repertoire of a 1,000 ragtime songs., 102-5 In future all cars stop at Goodyear Drug Store. .t I personally claim that Gene Green is the "Czar of Ragtime." Come and judge for yourself. Frank Butterfield, Mgr. Majestic. 102-5 10c rents a kodak today. Lyndon. Buy your Mazda lamps at Switzer's, 310 S. State. tf Suite of rooms for one, two, or three boys at 523 E. Madison St. 104 &105 othing Store THE HOME OF Schaffner & Marx Clothes ria Journal, at Peoria, Ill. -Approximately 40 pounds of seeds -Dean M. E. Cooley and Prof. H. C.'valued at $60, have been received b: Anderson, of the engineering college, the forestry department. They will be returned home yesterday morning planted in the university experimenta from Washington, Baltimore and New nursery. York City, where they have been for the past week on private business. SCHOEFFEl;REPORTED TO HATE -Professor Campbell Bonner, head of GOOD CHANCES FOR RECOVERY the Greek department is giving a se- It was reported last night by Dr. H ries of talks on "Comparative Relig-'H. Cummings, of the university health ions" to university students at 9:30 service staff, that the condition ao o'clock every Sunday morning in Har- Carl.cheff, 't Lh wodwas s s hlCarl E. Schoeffel, 15L, who was se ris hall. Professor Sanders of the.Lat- riously injured in a basketball gam in department is also giving a course Thursday night, is much improved an on "The History of the Bible" in the that an operation will not be neces same building and at the same hour. sary. Schoeffel is suffering from in -Miller H. Pontius, '14L, at present ternal injuries, received from a sever coach of the football team at the Uni- blow in the stomach. Attending phy versity of Tennessee, and former Var- sicians believe that he has a good sity lineman, was in Ann Arbor yes- chance of complete recovery, but h terday. will probably be confined to the hos -Cyril Quinn'14, fullback on Yost's pital for several weeks. 1913 team, was in Ann Arbor Friday. -Frederick Stevens, '87, for many iW'omen's Gargoyle to Appear Frida years associated with J. P. Morgan and "A laugh in every line," the sloga Company, will after a short tour of of the Gargoyle, has been carried ou China and Japan take up his residence to the letter in the women's number c in Ann Arbor. the comic magazine, which will ap; -Prof. 11. A. Gleason's class in ecolI pear on Friday, March 5, according t ogy went to Detroit yesterday, where the promises of the editress, Alice W they made an inspection of the flow- ard, '15. SPECIAL OFFER TO EVERY UNIVERSITY STUDENT s 11 Open Sundays 9:30 to 4:=0, yaios The best place to buy the Best $5.06 , Men's Shoes is at Gross & Dietzel, 119 tt E. Washington St. eod W :I A Victrola IV Outfit $19.50 TERMS TO SUIT THE BtYER Grinnell Bros. PHONE 1707 DR DELIVERY' 120-1E2 . E. LIBERTY ST. !I I