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February 28, 1915 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-02-28

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Chances Good for Winning Majority of
Events if Invitation Is




Pheir Attitude Newspaper dispatches from Des
League's Moines, Iowa, indicate that Michigan
serts is to be invited to enter one or more
teams in the annual Drake relay car-
\ CETAIN ilval during the coming spring. The
N CERTAIN Wolverine officials, however, have re-
ceived no indication of the intention
in Enzenroth of the westerners to ask Farrell's men
all team, who to compete, and until such notification
kout with the is received, have refused to make any
ilne, the Fed- comment on the niatter.
Just what bearing such an invita-
) stay in the tion would have on the now nearly
th is the Kan- extinct Michigan-Conference dispute,
atcher and is is a question. The Drake Games are
>f the organi- largely attended by Western Confer-
ising so much ence teams, which under normal con-
dized baseball ditions, would not be allowed to con-
pete with a Michigan squad. The
source of the newspaper dispatches
ex-Wolverine relative to the invitation to Michigan,
has behind it is reported to be official, but doubt is
r its ultimate expressed on the campus that such
randcould have been the case.
That Michigan could send a 4-mile
agers toward relay team to Des Moines which would
> are support- be more than a match for the western-
ntered into it ers, is the belief of those who have
with the ex- been watching the development of the
y for the sake Wolverine distance runners. If Lynch
were eligible, the task of putting a
Aie what they winning distance quartet in the field
eball that the would be comparatively easy. It is be-
With their lieved that out of the squad composed
purpose, it is of Carroll, Grauman, Ufer, Fox, Don-
at eventually nelly, Walters, Fishleigh and one or
witeventaly two other recruits, a fast aggregation
win for itself could be sent west.
i recognition
the organized Y. 1. C. A. REPORTS PROGRESS
point of per- F. A. Nagler, Grad, Supervises Work
f Done in Religious Campaign

Robert Collins, '17E, Appointed G(en-
eral Chairman with Large Number
of Assistants
This year's Soph Prom will be strict-
ly informal, according to plans formu-
lated by Robert Collins, '17E, general
chairman. The party will be held in
the Armory, and April :0, has been set
as the tentative date.
"The sending of flowers and the use
of carriages will be discouraged," said
Chairman Collins. "A number of feat-
ure dances have been planned, in
which the sophomore class colors will
play an important part."
Light refreshments will be served,
consisting of punch, wafers and bon-
bons, and "Ike" Fisher's orchestra will
furnish music for the occasion.
The tickets for the function will sell
at $2.50. They may be obtained about
April 1, from the committee in charge,
or at Sheehan's and Wahr's book-
stores. The sale will be limited to
members of the '17 class for the first
week, after which they may be se-
cured by any students.
The following committees have been
appointed to assist Collins: Arrange-
ments committee: J. H. Connelly, '17,
H. A. Taylor, '17E; banquet commit-
tee: E. R. Akers, '17E, Russell Craw-
ford, '17; program committee; E. E.,
Mack, '17, E. J. Huntington, .'17; dec-
oration committee: George Smith, '17,
H. S. Nichols, '17,; publicity commit-
tee: W. K. Niemann, '17, C. T. Fish-
leigh, '17.
Five faculty men will carry out the
program of this week's university ex-
tension lectures, all the out-of-town
talks being scheduled for Friday.
Prof. Robert M. Wenley will speak on
that day in Flint on, "Changing Amer-
Prof. David Friday and Prof. Aubrey
Tealdi go to Coppersville where they
will address the Ottawa County Grange:
Teachers' and Patrons' meeting. They
will speak on, "Tax Refo.rm in Michi-
gan," and "Home Grounds," respec-
Prof. Henri Huss is booked to talk
on "Luther Burbank" at Galesburg,
'while Dr. Walter R. Parker will lec-
Cure on "Conservation of Vision" .in



the men in
ugh the repu-
for giving the
further stars
y of the Fed-
tot fail to se-
from the or-
will be satis-
is the opinion
ter. That this
g time in com-
be what is now

Work of the Y. M. C. A. conservation
committee is progressing rapidly un-
der the supervision of Floyd A. Nag-
ler, grad. The committee is endeavor-
ing to keep students interested in
church work and to encourage their
taking part in some sort of religious
Through the efficient methods of
Nagler, the committee is able to keep
in close touch with more than 300
students who are at present actively
interested in this conservation work.
He has appointed nine captains to take
charge of the work in their respective
churches. Assisting these captains is
a corps of 51 sergeants. The captains
who were appointed to do work in the
various local churches are as follows:
Methodist church, W. A. Pearl, '16,
W. G. Payette, '15, M. S. Reed, '16E;
Presbyterian church, C. H. Ross, '15,
W. J. Goodwin, '16L; Congregational
church, E. R. White, '16, G. B. Ham-
mond, '16; Baptist church, C. R. Os-
born, '15; Church of Christ, R. E.
Richardson, '16L.

But Michigan's Gun Men Must Defeat
All Remaining Contestants to
Gather Title
From the official reports last regis-
tered, the Michigan rifle team stands
in fourth place among the intercol-
legiate rifle teams which are compet-
Ing in class "C" of the National Rifle
association indoor tournament~ but
later unofficial reports based on the
official scores for the third match, have
placed Michigan in a two-cornered tie
from which she may emerge victor-
Considered from the point of matches
won and lost, Michigan is tied for first
place with Yale and Nebraska; from
the point of average scores Michigan
is tied with Kansas Agricultural Col-
lege for fourth, place. With the cham-
pionship awarded on a percentage
basis, figured on games won and lost,
as seems the most logical way of
awarding the honor, the manner of
disposition of which is uncertain to
the local Rifle club men, Michigan
must go through the season with a
clean slate.
Last Friday the Wolverine team met
the Nebraskan contingent, but the re-
sult of the conflict is not as yet known.
Should a Michigan victory be regis-
tered, the Wolverines will 'probably
jump to second place for team aver-
ages, and will be tie for first place
with 'the strong Yale team. Michigan,
inher last week's match shot a higher
score th.n she has ever before regis-
tered and it is a probable supposition
that she defeated the Nebraskans.
Four more matches remain on the
Michigan schedule and to close this
quartet comes the shoot against Yale,
Michigan's strongest opponent In the
struggle for the possession of the
championship. At present the Yale
team is shooting about 20 points above
the Michigan scores, but the Eli's ap-
pear to be going at top speed, while
the Wolverines are showing a steady
improvement fromweek to week. Mich-
igan's team is new and would be the
surprise of the class "C' contenders
if it were to capture first place, but if
the 10 men who are doing the shoot-
ing can continue to show such con-
sisten improvement as they have in
the past, the Wolverines should be
able to overtake the Yale team and
win the championship.
A slip on the part of the Michigan
team, and the loss of any one of the
next three games before the Yale
match would 'spell the destruction of
the championship chances. In order
to win in its class the Michigan team
must not, only win every one of the
next three games, but must also come
up to such excellency of scoring abil-
ity that it will be able to defeat the
Yale team in what now looks to be the
decisive match of the series.
, _)J
Keen competition is expected for
positions on the University of Illinois
track team this year, as the candidates
have a trip to California as anin-
centive to urge them on. The aspir-
ants have been working for some time,
and they have put a lot of hard work
in their training in preparation for the
Varsity tryouts which were partially
held last week.
Considerable agitation has been
aroused at the University of Illinois
where the senate is seriously consid-
ering the proposition of limiting ath-
letes to only two sports. The matter

has been referred to a committee of
the senate and will be reported on at
the next meeting. Both student and
alumni members of the board of ath-
letic control went on record as unani-
mously opposed to the measure. The
alumni members were especially op-
posed to the, adoption of such a rule,
and considered the action of the sen-
ate as unwarranted at the present
Baseball practice at Cornell started
this week when Coach A. H. Sharpe is-
sued the first official call for candi-
dates for the Varsity baseball team.
The men will work out in squads in
Bacon practice hall until the weather
will permit them to work outdoors.
No general call has been made for the
candidates for the freshman team, al-
though the battery squad of the 1918
team will work out daily.
Track athletes at the University of
Maine will learn how to run by means
of the popular "movie," according to
the plan of their trainer, Art Smith.
"I would think no more of teaching

W. L.
Dieterich ......... .. 7 2
Schmidt................8 4.
Bancroft . .... . ...........8 4
Pezold.................8 4
Kerr...... ........ 4 2
Smith.. .. . ..........2 1
Willitts...............10 8
Wickham...............5 4
Schultz. ............ .. 7 6
Leiniger................6 6
Hall...................7 8
Light.................7 8
Foran................. 3 4
Bomash................3 4
Bentley................4 6,
H. Warner...............1 2
Corbin ......... ... 3 6
Edison........... ... . . ..2 4
H. M. Warner........,..2 4
Oberteuffer..........,..3 6
Housman ........ .......1 5
James,...............- -
Thompson .... .... .....- -


and coaching track athletes on my
team without the "movies," said Smith
recently, "than I would think of teach-
ing them to fly. It teaches them the
proper form as well as detail in a
race. The time is coming when every
athletic trainer in the country will be
using the "movies" in coaching their
* * *
Seniors at Williams seem to be the
learned class, judging from the fact
that 32 percent of the class received
extra cuts for excellence in studies
last semester. The sophomores with
27 percent of the class on the honor
list are second, and the class of 1916
with 23 percent of its members en-
titled to the cuts is third. There is a
total of '87 names on the list, seven
more than were on it last year, but
this number falls far below the estab-
lished record of 114.
Dieterich still retains the leader-
ship in the staiings of the individual
bowling league, the same relative po-
sition of the three leaders remaining
unchanged. Pezold has moved up into
a tie with Schmidt and Bancroft for
second honors. The stands follow:


More Than 200 Double Stars Dis
ered by Michigan Professor at
University There
"More than 200 double stars m
discovered and over 11,000 obse
tions made with the meridian ciri
was a brief summary given by I
W. J. Hussey in regard to the w
done at the La Plata University, Sc
America, where he has been dre
of the provincial observatory for
last six months. Professor Hussey
the astronomy department and dir
or of the astronomical observat
was sent to La Plata to. carry out
co-operative plan between the Uni
sity of Michigan and the Universit
La Plata. In the main, the last
months were devoted to construe
work and the installation of new
struments, such as the Gaudier me
ian circle, a comet-seeker and a
The first publication of the Uni
sity of La Plata, which was writte:
Professor Hussey, appeared last s
mer, and contained a description
the university, and the results of a
observations. The second publica
will appear soon, as the manuscril
now ready. The latter will con
practically all of the results of
observations made in the last
When questioned as to the e
that the present war had on condit
in South America, Professor Hu
stated that it had destroyed nearly
foreign trading relations, which
South American countries had de
oped. However, the recent expulsic
the German squadron f rom the c
helped conditions greatly, he said.
Professor Hussey, Mrs. Hussey
son, Rowland, left La -Plata on JE
ary 28, and arrived in Ann Arbor

j,, ;




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