THE MICHIGAN DAILY -Over Foot Wear hI d i -IL __ Dull and Patent Leather Extra "War. Zone" Special. After9 P. M. each day all "Ports" are closed but you can "shoot- your films in to the "Night Box" for early morning "Developments" -films for D~evelopment - - Ready Next Afternoon Pi-nting - ' tt ttBoth - - - E lvening and always the best work i Ann Arbor W,,e Do Repairing AND Altering IF C. I. KIDD -- = Sophomore 1630-J 1112 S. Univ. Ave Fawn and, TGreycloth Tops Price $4.00 and $4.50 115'S. Main St. LYNDON II I i 1~ -ii S'rUDE NT H1)Y1 AT TRACK MIE ET Sca rcey1100 Seatl fortHe Note coI'dilln4 to the report h, 'b Tac Mlanagr Pa"hlmerIlast. ngt All seniors and otheors \vhoS6 pth- ltcbook tiumbers w(,iv hot drawn, loan obtain seats by aplying at the athletic associationotires betwen 3:00 and 5:00) o'clock this afternool . ' tggldetn ts noll in Elee°?~ t el Voii ed° "luroliment in a now~ course now, be- ing j ,ivvin in thl'e I etrical departmlent (if the' collge of engineerng on auto- mt obile star~ting:, light ing and ign:ition has now reachled ]G. Prof. B. F.,R; iiley has, just completed fttn upa labora- tory for use in theo course, and has in- stalled somne of tho best adutomoble1 Oeecicl euipmeont, obtainable 1for dem,1)onI .; rion1 "Pupss. F. L. HALL, 514 E. Wiliahml Phone 2225 PRESSINGoGods CalledFo KESSIN GandDeliveredFoI NO LOSS ITV FIRE .. 1Li~t~ WLES ACH 1i SYRI E 11 ~ iiv 3UER1Y i L N N A SILVERSMJOS jNNAFgR Whitney Theatre M A INXFLOOR IsI1 13 Rowvs, 360O Seal s- Las,,, Rows,2 Seal, SIATS- ON - x.0 I 1st 4 E2ow 5 120 Seats - - ,"f 1.50 II Nexta Rows, 116 Seats- - .50 I Last 5 IRows, 1N1 Seats - SALE .MO)NDAY, MARCH -.- ;l 100 .W WEDNESDAY NIGHT MARCH 3rd ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY!. PDS in Omnar the Tentmaker A Spectacular Persian Romance by Rchard Walton Tully, author of "The Bird of Paradise." THE SEASON'S SUPREME SPECTACLE! M AIL ORDERS NOW CURTAIN AT 8 P. M. ... aAgY& Poi. Mat. f~ll l Week Feb .22 wed. ARlI IKNight&Sat.Mat. 25 .t 1 0 5c o $ .0DT OTJOHN CORT Present; the Syncopated Broadway Diversion WHAT'S GOING ON Tfic SongSliow-TheFunSlhow-Theflance Show Withl A ll St ar CaA--Frances Marion, Maude Be- nitty. 1)orotthy Webb, D)oyle and Dixon, and a cail dancing cilorns. CONmF E CTiIONERYF So~th mek n .Street -'V Organ Theory, and .All Branches of Music A re taught at the School of Music .YNARD STRE~ET iot advanced our articles. E n Specialties better of Students' supplies. E DELTA and Packard 605 E. WILLIAM Fro"1 'I Tri kTqeantii ~ill 1Selec t;Captaill AMembe rs of the All-Fresh track team will select their capltaini for the coiningf season at a meeccting; to be held inmie- diately folow'ing the Ine;'!onl Saturdaly Tl''.('h -MEN ('Ci1NENl LAST STIFF11111L (ontiued f romfit l} l WO, lUferCarroll, Pounelly, Kuivinen1, Fish leigh ;Notr-e )ame-W aae ar tholomlev, MeOsker.% Pole vaiult: Michign Cross, K<,ss- I er, \ Wiisol : NoIt rc )aine 1aeger, f-enehlan. liigb ,lm: iMichtiga:n Fleir