THiE MICHI AN DAILY - ; 4 e May IGIlCLASS TAILORIiNG is the keynote of our success. For 27 years w-e hatve been -masters in the Art of Tailoring--. Our finished gar- ruenzt looks right, wears right, and staysright 'till ther fabric is worn out. Thes quaities are in _addtition .to the distinctionidiuaity, aHtl excelus-' veii ss t ha Imakes ouitr Tailoring si a iid (,rltt+ fron th ^rfcommon 't pl h ace. ~ c THlE MICHIGAN DAILY~again. Ii Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Fntered at the post-office at Ann, Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. SUb- by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.50. WVant ad.. stations- Quiarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. 11. D~avis, cor. P'ackard and State. L A Pluxcking off two good ones. Y'4 1.>1L 11'L 'CLi\.1.'LL'4"C.'. C. Roth Joseph J. Brotherton Howard R. Marsh Reporters Edwin A. llymnati Jugene L. Bulson Tomi C. Reid L. Greenebaum J. C. B. Parker Lee F. Joslyn Irwin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaum Verne Burnett C. N. Church. Vera Burridge Roy D. Lamond 11. A. Fitzgerald Edward P. Wrighit F. A. Klann Business Staff Ferris Fitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers 'Y. R. Altsheler G. I,. Kesler C. TP. Fisleigh :Delos Smith Thatcher Rea K"irk White FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1915. 1 Night Editor-Lee E. Joslyn. MEN'S DORMITORIES. About 2,500 mien students live in pri- vate homdes. A large portion of this number is freshmen. Probably the ma- jority of these men are satisfied with their living conditions. On the other hand, there are many who are not. The ordlinary rooming' house is almost de- voidI of conveniences for comfort. and sociability. The remedly seems to lie in the installation of dormitories. rDormitories would help) unify the student body. They would serve to deC- velop a comimunity spirit which would foster some of the traditions which are groing down into disuse. But their chief function would be to supply hy- gienic and comfortable lodgings for sttudents, at rates which would not be so prohibitive as are the )irQ5Cnt prices for the fear first-class roonis, in Annt Arbor. D~ormitories are a long ways oiff, it seems, for praLctical reasons, but a general understanding of their ad- vantages may aid in hastening their comnin g. Anent- "Worrietulum," one face- ious contrib. writes to ask uis if it is t rue, viz, does worry end 'em ? I tat studious lJ(ersoit sneaking for the library may be trying to avoid roomy's callers. Spring Styles Ready C bhop oft a few minutes and eait somye of GEORGE'IMUO 314 S .State St. Phone 12441-tM Look in at 514 E. William Bu rrett, Brber I',dgar Atchison Ely,, with a company of four, presented a clever comedy dealinag with the loss of a set. of false k-0el i. as the headliner of the Majesictic bill for tho ltist half of this week. Wil- hug , Bentley and 'Willing pleased the crowd, iprincilaally by using nmost of their vocab~ularies in calling each oth- er names. An ordinary singing and dancing act, including five people, a singing comedienne and an acrobatic act complete a good bill. Recently developed plans on voca- tional counseling for university wom- en include the bringing of* Miss Helen Bennett, manager of the Chicago branch of the Intercollegiate Bureau of occupations to Ann Arbor two or three times more during the present year for consultation on vocational training and the entrance into the va- rious vocations. Miss Alice Evans, 1004 Oakland Ave., will hold her last "at home" for uni- versity women from 4:00 until 6:00 o'clock Saturday, March 6. University women will have a new bulletin board 'which will be placed in the women's League room of Universi- ty hall readly for use today or tomor- row. Its purpose is as a mxedium for official and unofficial communications b~etween university women. A section in a lower corner is to be dlevoted to the use of Dbean Myra B. ,Jordan, Miss Evans, D~r. Pratt and other women in ftaculty capacities. Miss Kate Oglebay, national chair- lutat of junior wvorkl of the D~ramna League of America offers a prize of :100 for the best two-act play for chil- dren from sip to 16 years of age, writ- ten by a member of the League in ac- cordance with certaini requir~ements, and submitted before June 1, 1915. Further information concerning the delA tIs oi'li tec(ompjetition may be ob- tainted from lNliss Clara Belle Dunn, of the rhetoric department. F~EW (ASES OF STREPTOCOCCUTS RIEP( wti,1) AT IWFAITIi OFFICES Fiew cases of streptococcus throats have been reported by the university health service officials during the past fe,-w weeks. This is remarkable be- cause it was the same brand of weath- er last year that caused the epidemic of throat trouble on the campus, and resultedl in so many cases of the infec- tion. D3r. 1I. H. Cummings, head of the health service staff, said yesterday that OUR AMBITION WG desire to be your diruggist and supply you and your home with all the needed sick roon-i supplies, as well as with all toilet requisites and other goods carried by a high-class drug .store. Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner. State and North University I PM tUli verettv fllSic' ILouse MRS. M. M. ROOT Corner Maynard and William Streets Victrola s For Canoes Complete Stock of Victor Records You will always find the right thing, and every article guaranteed at WAHR'S. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE U Buy Now -.._19.15- Dade in America MerchandIse Our Stock Always Shows Yon Something New SHROEN BROS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that always treats you fair 124 S. MAIN PHONE boo are an evening dress necessity. The bosoms are tucked, puffed, plea.- ted or "mushroom." $2.00 and up Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers Quass& Hall r.12th and S. Univ. Phone 115 Proximity with a campuas often makes a freshman feel gerY still. big man even big- r. R.M. Parsons put the Wings on BUY BE Many who look into store windows are peering at porn la(lours--not goods. The old fashioned room-mate used to go out for lunch at mid-night.. Some need a forum every night to keep pace with changing ideas. ITailors to Mon Our Secial $30.00 SuitsI Watch the Street Car Ads. ,_ t, ,. o, o .:.. , ' : , ' -.: - - -; ______changeable weather such as is being He knew everything in the course experienced in Ann Arbor at present before he got into it. is especially favorable for the growth ______of the streptococcus germs. Up to the Muddy feet on the back of our bench:; present time, he said the student body are in order. has been almost immune from the in- fection. heetloaetrulssmevn ---this early. WANTED-Copies of Michigan D~aily of Nov. 26. 5c per copy. Leave at The eligibility squad swoops down Daily office this afternoon. 103 High Sic ,Weather xIs Here We have all styles of black and tan shoe Have Q UALITY THAT ULIF YS Henry & Co. 711 N. University Ave. - U. eNettleton Bond St. in prices ranging from $3.Sommto $A* A Pleasant Way to. Shave Wah's SheStores Stwte and Mlain Sts yOU know, very 'Well that you can't get a comfortable shave with cold or even lake warm water. You can wdsswmml have the best of soaps and the sharpest of blades ; cold water will make sharing an agony. but ;ingl asne Taxi From 54c to 25cIfrom 6 A. M. to 11 P. M0 In a very f ew moments, with little trouble, you can heat water in the" ELECTRIC AL SHAVING MUG A Lot off Comfort for $1.75 nfl Aror TaICo.. ic 2280 515 E. Liberty Eastern Michigan Edison Co. Main and Williams Streets. A wa r. r --------