1 s HIG~H CLASS TAILORIN;G is the keynote of our success, For 27 years w(, have been masters in the Art of Tailoring.rOur Ffinished gar- 11ent looks righlt, wears right,, and stays ri-lht 'till 1the fabric is worn out. 'EThese qui alitiespare, 111 addition to the dlistinct ion, indivitluality, and exclus- iveness that mnakes, our tailoring stand, ouit from the comm~lonptlace'. Leoave ,Your order today for that news SMIll IN Sgi'l (. it.WILD) 'COMPANY Itenint"g IerchlintTailors. State St. 'TRACK GOODS- THEII MICHIGAN DAILY1 Official newpaper at the University of Miciga. Pblshed every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-.class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. 11. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 960 Editorial Office Phone 2414 11. Beach Carpenter........Managing Editor W. Sherwood. Field........ Business Manager Fred Foulk................... News Editor F. F. 'McKinney......... .Associate Editor Chester 11. Hang ..,........Associate Editor 'T. Haspley Tlapping.. ......Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Hofinan. Arthur 11. Torrey Night Editors James MA. Barrett, Jr. E. Rodgers Sylvester IE. C. Roth Joseph J. Brotherton Howard R. Marsh Reprorters Edwin A. H-yman Eugene L. Bulsoui Torn C. Reid L. Greenebaum J. C. B. Parker Lee E. Joslyn Irwin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaum Vernie Burnett C. N. Church Vera Burridge Roy D. Lanjond ff. A. Fiitzgerald Fdward P. Wright F. A. Klann Business Staff Ferris Pitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheler G. L. IKesler C.,'T. Fishleigh Delos Smith 'Thatcher Rea Kirk White WEiDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1915. Night Editor--James Mv. Barrett. Oar Stock is the most Complete in the City* 'RUNNING CORKS SUITS -- THjE MICHIGAN DAILY -- PUSHERS SHOES Anythfng in the lino of Sporting Goods UOUDS ALL GUARANThEI STUDEWNTS' BOOK STORE Blue book strife. continues as re- gards the warj. Me'anwhbile, worriendum.t ,fJudith Ginsburg, '15, has been ap- pointed chairman of a committee now at wvork on the revision of the by-laws of the "Women's League, made neces- sar by changing conditions on the calmlpiis and the completion of the new hall,, of residence. Suggestions from! unierstywomen will be welcomed by, the coammittee, the mieetings of which will be open. The dramatic committee of the League announces that the tentative engagement with the Coburne players for an Ann Arbor performance has been cancelled. Literary contributions for the March Uargoyle may be submitted to Alice Viard, 15. at once. The illustrative mi terial is already in the hands of the printers. Masquies will hold an important meeting 'at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Newberry hall. The question of stag- inti a production in the near future will be considered. First rehearsal for the Junior Play will be held at 4:00 o'clock today in Sarah Caswell Angell. hall. Omega Phi will meet at the Colle- giate Sorosis house at 4:15 o'clock to- morrow. Miss Mildred Seyster, who has charge of social work among univer- sity N Io Ten and younger girls at the Church of Christ, will be the speaker at the Y. WV. C. A. vesper service from 5:00 to 5:30 o'(clock in Newberry hall today. I I Gymjnasium Goods Most complete stock in Washtenaw. If you are a Track Candidate You will always find the right thing, and every article guaranteed at t UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE OUR AMBITION W Edesire to he youir druggist and supply you andl)your home with all the needed sick i'tn-m supp)Ilies, as wvell as with all toilet requisites and other goods parriedl by a high-class drug store. Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner. State and North University ETROIT UNkTEDLINES ANN ARBOR TIMEC, TABLh. ited and Express Cars for Detroit-qu:1 TIT, and hourly to 6 ::o p. mn., also e8: o mn. lCars for Detroit- :4o a. mn., 6:o6 a. in., d every 'two houirs to 6:o6 1). in., 7, o6 p. S :o,6 p. Il., 9-.15 p. i., and 10:45 p. M. . o psilaiiti only: 7:4 a. mn., 8:2o a. mn, :o6 a. in., 5:o6 p . i~sp. Ia., x2:-5 Wn., 12:;;o a.n., i 100 a. in. ited Cars for Jackson- - :43 a.,im., andl 'ery'twio hours to 7:4181p. Ill.i1 l Cars for Jackson-s5 :raa.nn., 6:50 a. m., is every two hours to 6:5o p. mn., also f.9 p. IT), 1 1: 15p.im. _ TYPEWRITERS Underwo d and other, high-grade machines, e Bought, Sold, Rented and Exchanged at prices rye,°yconsistentwith quality. ?BWRi'TiNG & MIMEOGRAPHING TYPEWRITI1NG SUPPLIES 0. D. MORRILL (Over llultlmore t,iich) S- State St. Phone 682-J THlE LITTLE SCHIOOLMASTER SAYS: - ' r iI ; . ? : _n I4%%%%000i THE reason our tailor- Sed-to-order clothes look so good on the, out- side is due to honest foundationi on the inside. 0,lc '.t I Select your Spring and summer pattern today. Fred W. Gross 12t3 E. Liberty St. Exclusive local representative of Ed. V. Price & Co. Chop o-IT a few minutes and eat some of G] ORG 1Pl' Sl8 W AIKNG 1,00 314 S ,State St. Phonie 1244-M t DROP IN AT Burrell's Ba rber Shop 514 E. WILLIAM In connection with F. L. Hall. WHAT IF A FIRE- Sarah- Caswell Angell hall was crowded to its capacity on the occas- ion of the Founders' Day exercises of the Medical School, Monday evening. There were people in the aisles, in the exits,-almost everywhere. Blarbour gym, in which the hall is located, is not fire-proof. The' hall itself is not p~rovided with sufficient exits, even for a normal crowd. On the platfor'm were at least one regent, the venerable pres- ident-emeritus, a (lean and a nutmber of professors. Presumably a member of 'the faculty was in charge of the affair. Nothing htappened. The crowd stroll- ed out leisurely inside of 15 minutes. It was an enjoyable occasion. Anyone who might have risen and suggested that the hall be cleared bof all those who could not be seated regullarly, would have been regarded as a man who put 'practical considerations in the back-ground. And yet, if a fire- The thought was passed by summnarily. Nothing happened. Many a mant who does not stare openly is not ashamed to use the re- flections in the plate glass windows. One disadvantage is that neutrality prevents boosting men into fame, and later celebrating their birthdays. The systematic qiW master is. re- warded by never catching a man u na- wares. Pessimists insist that this weather isn't in it with what is coming soon. The squirrels may not be thankiful for 'rain, but they needed it. The chestnut man gone, another bud- ding tradition is nipped. Victrolas For Canoes lowers w. 12th and S. Univ. Phone X15 Htelent Malcomson, '15, president of the Girls' Glee club, wishes all mem- lers of the organization to meet at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon in Sarah. Caswell Angell hall to -rehearse for the "Band Bounce." ROULND-IU 'LUll INITIAT1ESi Iv MEI'N "AT1'TNION LAST IEEMMG At a meeting of the Rouned-up club last ig ht at, theo(Union, the folowing meo were initiated: 11. I lirschiand, IS8M; l~yrt Pergulson, '18M:1; Albert Schrimp, '16I,; G. 0. Williams,- '16; Theodore Conklin, '18M; W. G. Good- win,' '16L; L: J. Hotther, '15; E. K. McAllister, '16E; C. Hun, '16E; F. H. Htolloway, '16E; L. J. Richards, '16E; 1 oward Phillips, '16E; George Lezo- rence, '15E; WX. L. Owen, law; and Sherwood Pinkerton, '16E. flans for the formal party were (iscussed at this meeting. It w as de- cidled to have the next dance on Feb- ruary 26, at the Armory, from 9:30 to 1:00 o'clock. 'Dixie Club to Hold Informal Smoker Members of the Dixie. club will hold anl informal smoker at the Union at 7 :30 o'clock tonight. The speakers will' be Dealt. John R. Effinger, of the literary college, and Dr. C. B. Stouffer, of the university health service. Mem- bers of the club will hold a general discussion concerning the extension of the club in other universities, and also concerning the national pin, with which some are dissatisfied. BU ~uNOw --1915- Mlade In America Merchandise Our Stock Always Shows Yon Something New SHROEN BROS.' DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that always treats you fair 124 S. MAIN PHONTi oo U nwfersity !lfusic it)ouse- MRS. M. M. ROOT C OLLAR Citiett, Peabody & (o., Inc. -Makers Corner Maynard and William Streets Complete Stock of Victor Records sr BUSY BEE OFFERS, A FIVE POUND BOX OF MICHIGAN f1CHOCOLATE S 'TO THE ONE WHO RECENTLY MADE FENCIL CHANGE IN MENU DESIGN. CAL FOR BOX. Pulling on maple-juice icicles Ccurrent pastime. is a " 1- 77 High Shoe Weather Is Here We [lave all styles of black and-tan shoe Mere muzzles ado not insure canine silence, it seems. Park benches 'are almost ready for spring service. .Nettleton Bond St. in prices ranging from $3.So to $7.00 fWhr' Shoe Stores Stat.e au d Main St. ilui Passenger Taxi Rates educed Fromt 50c to 25c I roin A. M. to 11 P. M. Tailors to Men Ourspecial $30.00Suits Have QULITY THAT UALIFYS QUICKLY Henry & Go. 711 N. University Ave. A Pleasant Way to Shave yOU know, very well that you can't get a comfortable shave with cold or even.. uke warm water. You can have the best of soaps and the sharpest of blades; but cold water will make shaving an agony. In a very few moments, with little trouble, you can heat water in they ELECTRICAL SHAVING MUG ,4 f. of of Comfort for *$$1.75 Eastern Michigan Edison Co. Main and Williams Streets. n Arbor TCaxi Co. 2280 515 E. Liberty _. ._ ...,. -. . .rw.. A r- -- lrf7r [ 4 4 ilt ws -LS_- ... ..c