THE MICHIGAN tiAILY I I 1 Down! Down! ii Everyone should have a Kodak You can eus e one everyday Nothing tells the story better GO THE PRICES moval Sale Now On ins' Suits and Overcoats Divided in Two Lots 1/2 off--/3off BLUE & BLACKS 1-4 OFF ODD PANTS 20% OFF WA DHAMS & CO. 121-123 So. flain St. 'ners & Mechanics Bank 3-I 05 South Main Street capital, $100,000 id Profits . . . $75,000 in Arbor Savings Bank >ck $3 $,000 ,Surplus $roo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 ral Banking Business Transacted Hiscock, Pres., Michael j Fritz, D.. Harriman, Vice-Pres., !Carl 'F. t. Cash'r, Wm. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r an- eica vii Ra erty and Main Sts. Convenient Place for Your Banking Scotch Plaid Overcoats The newest material is a thick, soft, rough finished cloth, with subdued plaids woven into the back. You can't imagine what a rich overcoat this. material will make. GET I CALKINS' P 324 SOUTH ST. AMATEUR FINISHI We carry a complete line of genuin There is an Eastman for everyone: We will take icy your old Koda GET IT AT CALK] TO'SHOW OPERA I! WHITNEYTHEATER After In-vestigation Committee Finds Hil1lAuditorium Would Not Be Suitable ENGINEERS DELIVER OPINION "All That Glitters," the Union opera, will be produced at the Whitney thea- ter on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-- day evenings, March 31, April 1 and 2, and a matinee will also be given on Friday, the last day. The announcement that the play will be shown at the Whitney comes as a surprise, since it was reported at first, that it would be staged in Hill audi- torium. After a committee, composed of K. S. Baxter, '15E, general chair- man, Homer Heath, manager of the Union, W. B. Shaw,heditor of the Mich- igan Alumnus, and P. D. Koontz, '17L, president of the Union, had considered the proposition, it was decided to aban-' don the idea of producing the musical comedy inthe big' auditorium. The committee hired expert engi- neers to look over the auditorium, and tbey found that the necessary erection of a temporary stage in front of the present one would destroy the acoustic properties in parts of the hall. It was aho feared that tUe facial expressions of tilt actors could not be seen from , poLons of the building The en- gin.r made a ciiart so:iwing this, and thr-n submitted it to tie committee, 'vlc h decided to hb iaon the scheme, an-i usc the theater. - I I Temple Theatre ADMISSION So. (except Friday and Saturday) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 "Young Mrs. Winthrop," (with Mabel Trunnell). TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Hearst-Selig News. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 "The Crimson Moth." I Aff vw- 4 c co T AT IHARMACY ATE STREET NG A SPECIALTY 1 w ° __ - Advance Styles for s pring We are showing a complete line of Society Brand clothes for Spring. Come in and inspect them. Also a complete line of furnishings for Spring. e Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. from the Graflex to the Kodak Jr. k if you want a better one. 4 INS' PHARMACY A. F. Marquardt 516 William Street -m Cloth Shop TAILORS ind durability, built on the lines of fashionable Tailor- will find in the Myles productions.' - own Tailors and our own Workshops 618 E. LIBERTY STREET , P V et-, tigorous, Vigorous Wminter Pastimes --to be thoroughly enjoyed-must be indulged in without fatigue of body or mind. And this can best be done on a regular diet of Athletes who excel in winter sports keep their blood red, tissues healthy, and brain alert by the daily use of this most nourishing form of whole wheat. They find it contains all the food elements that are needed to keep them in fine fettle, their muscles hard, their eyes clear, their brain active. Ready to serve at any time with cream and sugar or with fresh or preserved fruits, stewed prunes, sliced bananas or baked apples. "All the Meat of the Golden Wheat" -Stewart G. Baits, grad., has accepted a position with the Hudson Motor Car company. Baits was assistant to H. H. Higbie, professor of electrical engi- neering, and is a member of the Grad- uate club, Junior Research club and Tau Beta Pi. -Washtenaw chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution held its an- nual meeting at the Catalpa Inn last night. -Prof R. H. Curtiss, of the depart- ment of astronomy, published an arti- cle on, "The Vibrations in the Vicinity of Drop Forge Hammers," in the Jan- uary number of the American Drop Forger. His data was gathered by n:easurements made by seismometers. -Miss Margaret Cameron, .secrctaro to the appointment committee, return- ed last night from Chicago, and will oo;lrve reguiar otfce hours in 1 appan ,:ali every dayT his week although the educational faculty is attendtag the convention in Cincinnati. -After the "Band Bounce" in Hil au- ditorium Friday night, the junior en- gineer class will give a novel "Nut and Bolt" dance at the Michigan Union. R. C. Jeter, '16E, the chairman says that all "nuts" are to "boit" all other engagements. The nut and bolt idea will be carried out in the program. R. Lamond,'17, Has Pleuro-Pneumonia Roy D. Lamond, '17, was taken to the university hospital Sunday suffering with an attack of pleuro-pneumonia. His condition yesterday was reported as satisfactory. PHONE GRINNEL 1707 s I N& Inratr tion Bool Six double records SEE OUR Students Delivers this1 TERMS TO SU Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 22-23 All Star Cast in "The Girl of the Golden West." Wedlesday, February 24 Dustin Farnum in "The Squaw Man." Thursday and Friday, Feb. 2526 Maclyn Arbuckle in "It's No Laughing Matter." Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4:00: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 TUESDAY, FEB. 23 "A Natural Mistake," Biograph Comedy. "The Shanghaied Baby." Three parts. Lubin Drama. And others. FIRST NATIONAL BAK ANN ARBOR Capital - - $100.000 Surplus and Profits $65.000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson,. H. J. Ab bott, S. W. Clarkson E. D. Kinne, Harriso Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fre Schmid. NIVERSITY GRANT HELPS COUNSELING Appropriation of Administration For Vocational Work Will Be Sub- stantial Aid SYSTEM UNIQUE WITH MICHIGAN Work of the Vocational committee,-a self-perpetuating body organized as an utgrowth of the Vocational conference in January, is receiving substantial aid from the university administration, an extra appropriation having been granted to Dean Myra B. Jordan to carry on vocational counseling among undergraduate women. Dean Jordan and Dr. Elsie S. Pratt, university physician for women, are to be in charge of the vocational counsel- ing, which will be the first system A its kind to be installed at any univer- ity or college in the country. The aim of the work is to guide undergraduate women in the election of subjects help- ful in the various vocations. Upper- class women, who are interested, will assist Dean Jordan and Dr. Pratt. Questionaires relating to vocational training and entrance into the voca- tions, are now being prepared by Mar- jorie Delava, '15, and Aris Van Dusen, '16, as part of their work in the depart- ment of sociology. These are to be sent to business firms, social agencies, and prominent women throughout the country. Marked interest has been shown in this vocational work, following the re- sults of the January conference. In- quiries have come to Miss Ginsburg from as far west as Montana, and from many of the eastern coast states. oL BROS. E. 1BRTY Victrola. VI. Cabinet to match WINDOW I Special to your room _O F -- _ 17 --~ Roll'Your Favorite Tobacco in Riz La Croix Paper and JOu will get a better flavor, relish and enjoy- ment from your cigarette than ever before. Because you will get only the pure, fresh fragrance of the tobacco-which explains the universal preference for Riz La Croix Papers among smokers of experience, (Pronounced: REE-LAH-KROY) FAMOUS CIGARETTE PAPERS They are so pure, light and thin --their combustion is so perfect ' --that there is absolutely Sno taste of paper in the smoke. They are strong, do not a" Sburst in. roll- ing, and are naturally ad- hesive, be- cause made FREE from the bested flax linen.. Entirely Poe stngl austrate pure and healtthful,h o Ion aout RIZ l c- ebecause exclusively VOUrOw'cig,:'ec-sentanywbere a ,.vgetable product. intU.s oirequest. AdrssTheArerican. Tobacco Co., Room1401, 111 Fifth Avenue, N.. AMATEUR FINISHING CAMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS DAINES& N ICKELS The only Studio on the Campus 334-336 s. State St. Phone 130-J Official Photographers For The MICHIGANNSIAN I- Makes Your Hands like Velvet Mann's Benzoin Ceam has a marvellous effect on the skin. Two or three applications will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Delightful after Shaving. * Price 15 cents MANN'S DRUG STORE 23 . Sain8Street . , _ _ . .... .. .... Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, I Niagara Falls, N. Y., U WHY pay more if you can get a good suit for $25.00 that's guaranteed to give satis- faction? Look over the new spring styles. We sell from samples only, thereby saving you from 3 to 5 Dollars on a suit. German tutoring by young gymnasi- um graduate. Moderate terms. W. R. cai'e Daily. University Ave. Pharmacy- Drugs and toilet articles. Phone 416. tf Day rate for single passenger now 25c. Phone taxi 2280. Graduate Accepts Position in Detroit Frank L. Weaver, '13, who has been teaching sanitary science in Oklahoma university since his graduation, has ac- cepted a position on the commission which is testing the sanitation of De- troit's river water. University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pens and Students Supplies. tf ALBERT CANZLE MERCHANT TAILOR io8 E. Washington St., on the Second Floor. 8.50 IT THE BUYER mmmo _1 - I..®