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February 23, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-02-23

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Margaret Stahl gives reading of "Ev-
erywoman" in University Hall, 8:00
Round-up smoker at Union, 7:30


Baseball Candidates Comnimei-e second
Week's Work This Afternoon;
Holiday Postpones
First Cui Ray Come Early INeWxt 1"eek,
Cramped Gym Quarters Making
Reduction Neessary

Itad, Two Glee Clubs, Violinist, Skit,
Fellows and Eldredge on Program
of Entertainment Friday
Former Campus Comedians Promise to
Present Lively Comedy of
Vaudeville Sort

to Be Seen in
arter and
to all but Var-
Farrell's squad
gh an uninter-
1 yesterday af-


Forestry club meets in room 407 of en-
gineering building, 7:30 o'clock.
Barrister's luncheon at Union, 12:00
Senior lit dinner at Union, 6:00 o'clock.
Tau Beta Pi dinner at Union, 6:00
Varsity band rehearsal, University
Hall, 7:00 o'clock.

Satisfaction ]Expressed With Course in
Highway Engineering
Gov. Woodbridge N. Ferris, who was
slated to address the concluding meet-
ing of the short course in highway en-
gineering at the luncheon in Barbour
gym, was unable to come to Ann Arbor
owing to the illness of Mrs. Ferris. In-
formal talks, however, were given by
Dean M. E. Cooley and several pro-
fessors of the college of engine.ering,
and by prominent engineers and high-
way commissioners.
Nearly all of the men in attendance
at the course expressed their appreci-
ation of the quality of instruction se-
cured by the university, and asked for
a yearly repetition of the short course,
which request was embodied in a peti-
tion signed by them Friday for presen-
tatjon to the regents. The short course
'was given gratuitously to all highway
engineers and commisisoners of the
state, properly qualified by actual con-
nection with good road affairs.


lion. James R. Garfield Urges M1ilitary
Preparation in Washington Birth.
day Speech at Hill
-" Auditorium

Also Favors Training Students in I
of Arms and Attendance at
Summer Camps

Coach Lundgren's Varsity baseball i With six special features character-

candidates will start their second week
of practice this afternoon, Monday's
drill being postponed a day on account
of the holiday. Batting practice . has


izing the program of the "Band
Bounce," in which will appear Waldo

Dixie club smoker at

Union, 7:001

out, including
n against the
aturday. Far-.
was satisfied

>f the two-mile race
s, and that with this
all activities and at-
w be centered upon.
he Indiana men ap-
turday, and the Wol-
I a steady week of
ct to match the phys-
the Indiana institu-
re Dame squad has
for some time.

Drawings Determine Seniors Who Will
Witness Notre Dame Track
Meet Saturday
Drawings have been made at the
offices of the athletic association, to

beent promised for the opening session
Of the week, if the cage'is ready in time
for the afternoon drill.
Most of the veterans will be out to-
day, and the rest of the old men will be
on hand tomorrow. Lundgren will lose
no time in beginning the task of thin-
ning out the big squad of caandidates,
from whom the 1915 Varsity is to be
While the coach is uncertain jist .

Fellows,, '14,and Gordon Eldredge, '14,
of Detroit, Gerald Strong, '15D, the vio-
list, both the men's Glee club and
the Girls' Glee club, "Cheese It," the
skit by W. A. P. John, '16, and the Var-
sity band, Mr. S. J. Hoexter, manager
of the Varsity musicians, believes the
concert will attract a large audience,
when it is given in Hill auditorium on-
Friday night.
Among the selections the men's Glee
aclub will offer is, "That Michigan
Band," to which the Michigan band
will play an accompaniment for the
fifty singers in the club. A "surprise"
number will be one feature of the part
to be presented by this organization.
Gerald Strong, '15D, described as the
."Wlzard of the Violin," and one of the
best student violinists in the univer-
sity, will play, as one number, some
selections from "Sweethearts," the
music for which was written by Victor
Herbert. Strong was a member of the!

ather hard
e half-mileo
uad, Fox se
al selections
favorable s
on team, an
r of the M:
'ox tried bo
vile last yea
eshorter d
uased Farre

to tell

agintdetermine what seniors shall be enti-
against tied to exchange coupon 12 on their
s. Fox athletic book, for an admission ticket.
to the Notre Dame track meet. To-
howing morrow and Thursday, from 9:00 un-
id sur- til 5:00 o'clock are set as the times
alt the for exchange.
nth the All tickets, which are not taken by
ar, and men who hold athletic books with
istance numbers corresponding to the num-
1l con- hers published below, and also posted'
on the athletic association bulletin'
squad, board, may be secured on Friday, from
m, and 2:00 until 5:00 o'clock, by any one of
dIthe student body,' who presents his

'When he will make the first cut, it is
probable that the first bunch of unfor-
tunates will feel the knife early next
week. These men will have an oppor-
tunity to come out later when the
squad goes out of doors, the cramped
quarters in Waterman gym nmpking the
early cut necessary, in order that
Lundgren may get a line on the ma-
tip of the Varsity nine that is to go
south for the spriag'training trip dur-
ing the Easter recess.
Among the veterans, who are ex-
pected to appear this week, is Walz,
substitute third baseman on last year's
nine. His appearance will add one
more factor to the already puzzling
question as to who is going to fill in
the shortstop and third base positions.
The work of Hughitt, Shivel and
Walz will be closely watched during
the next few weeks, for there was not i
more than a shade of difference be-
tween the two second string enw last
year, both being good fielders, bat
weak with the stick. If either of these
two men can show an improvunent in'
hitting, he is almost sure of a place on
the nine that will go south in April.

Specifie.Cases Make Subject of Special
Importance as Baseball Sea.
son Approaches
Whether Varsity baseball athletes
should be allowed to compete in sum-
mer baseball during their period of
college competition, is the question to
be discussed by the second student
Forum, which will be held in the Mich-
igan Union at 7:30 o'clock, Thursday
Walker Peddicord, '16L, will preside
at the affair for this week. 'The ques-
tion of summer baseball is of added

"We, as a neutral nation, are endeay-
oring to pursue a neutral policy," said
Hon. James R. Garfield, in his address
at the Washington birthday exercises
in Hill auditorium yesterday afternoon.
"Foreign nations, however, will
recognize the flag of a neutral only
when that neutral is capable of meet-
ing aggression. I am not one of those
who believe in war or in militarism,
but I do believe that unless we are
willing to make ourselves strong
against attack, we may lose those very
things for which our government was
"Righteousness is more to be desired
than peace. Preparedness may not
prevent war, but unpreparedness in-
vites war and nevet prevents it."
When interviewed as to his opinion
on the advisability of student training
along military lines, Mr. Garfield said:
"I believe in it emphatically, and T
wish not only that military training
night be introduced into all the univer-
.sities and colleges, 'but that more
young men would take advantage of
the military camps maintained in many
of the states."
In the first part of his speech, Mr.
Garfield emphasized the fact, that the
greatness of the Constitution lies in its
statement of principles without any at-
tempt to define the methods by which
those principles should be obtained.
Mr. Garfield then pointed out the ne-
cessity for loose construction in the
present age, summarizing with, "Had
the theories of the strict construction-
ists obtained, the Constitution would
have been destroyed."
Organ music was furnished by Earl
V. Moore,'12, who acted also as accom-
panist to Kenneth N. Westerman, who
was soloist for the occasion. The pro-
gram concluded with "America," sung
by the assembly.
President-Emeritus James B. Angell,
in the company of Dean Henry M.
Bates, of the Law School, was present
at the exercises.

Vaisity land last year.
The skit, "Cheese It," is expected to
be one of the vaudeville hits of thej
evening, being humorous throughout.
The title and exact nature of the acts
to be presented by Waldo Fellows, '14,
and Gordon Eldredge, '14, will probably
be learned by the managenient today.
The two Detroit comedians have prom-
ised some lively numbers which they
have been practising, but have not yet
sent the title of their act.
About 100 ticket sellers are to report
to the band office in the-shops building
this afternoon, to carry out this part of
the work. In order to encourage the
(Continued on Page 4)

* u' The numbers which entitle seniors
the r- to exciange their coupons for admis-
squad sion tickets follow:
rooters 2; 7; 9; 10; 12; 33; 36; 37; 49; 63;
second. 75; 85; 86; 101; 116; 119; 133; 143;
mability 156; 162; 172; 175; 198; 191; 193; 200;
a 213; 214; 219; 222; 248; 249; 260; 266;
the In- 277; 285; 301; 311; 336; 338; 339; 362;
14-lapm 407; 411; 412; 427; 431; 438; 445; 453;
457; 460; 466; 473; 481; 489; 568; 575;
ance in 580; 606; 614; 649; 656; 746; 784; 788;
cr, Car- 819;822; 823; 881; 916; 989; 992;
n of1010; 1019; 1038; 1062; 1134; 1151;
y may 1169; 1178; 1222; 1235; 1241; 1245;
t.what 1262; 1263; 1272; 1275; 1279; 1284;
akeo 1304; 1327; 1332; 1334; 1338; 1339;
1een. 44833;

Tom Lovell, Cobbler PoetWants To Act
As "Spiritual Enlightener' Of Students
Tom Lovell, Ann Arbor's cobbler [ do not know. They say why don't
poet, and a character who is well you try the Hill's Auditorium. I reply-
ed to them by saying, "Will you sign
known to Michigan students, feels thatll of oupo r a e y n
all of you, up for it and every man has

h jus
I m
be s

the guar-
lthough he

(Continued on Page 4)

men in the
f Hunting-
the fresh
edly pleas-

Wi" te
ash in sur-
ptain Smith
ying to dis-
with a two-
ked good in
it, until he
jumped the
ith the one
vas slightly
s fast.
n Demand
pe operator
ter of song
t yesterday,

Senior-Junior Combination Forfeits By
Failure to Appear
Fresh engineer's hockey team won
the deciding game in their series with
the upper class boiler makers, when
the senior-junior combination failed to
put in an appearance at the rink last
night. -Intramural Director Floyd
Rowe declared the game forfeited to
the first year men.
This gives the freshman team the
right to play the law seven for a
chance at the losers of the science-
senior lit contest, scheduled for to-
night. The time of these games de-
pends to a great extent upon the
weather, for the ice is in no condition
to stand a continuance of the present
Iwarm spell, and if the forecast man
doesn't come to the rescue soon, the
remaining,-games will have to be in-
definately postponed.
The science-senior lit contest, pro-
visionally scheduled for tonight, will
decide the campus hockey champion-
ship, neither seven having lost a game
,in the series to date. With two sets of;
(numerals to be given out, however, the
other two games are necessary to de-
termine the winner of the second set.

it is his divine duty to inspire "the
boys," and to this end has addressed
an open letter to President-Emeritus
James B. Angell, via .The Alichigan
Tom, who published in the last issue
of the Gargoyle, what he considers is
a "hit" in the way of a poem, wishes
to have the use of Hill auditorium, in
order that he may prove a "spiritual
enlightener" to the "student ys.
The letter, fresh from the poet's pen,
-and unspoiled by the blue pencil of
the editor,.reads as follows:
Dr. James 1. Angell, Pres. Emiritus,
University of Michigan,
Ann.Arbor, Mich.
My dear sir:-
Since the Artical came out i the
Gargole in the way it did I have been
around to see .the boys to know the
result of it and I am pleased to say
that I have found that it has met their
approval. When I wrote it i did not
intend to put any flowers on it, I im-
ply ment it to go home and make a hit
of which it seems it has done.
I shall be fifty. two years on ihe
eighteenth of March old and the boys
have asked me so many times about
the celebrating of it. I said if the
place can be got, 1 will do it and yi.y
subject will be, "Climbing the Ladder
and How I have climbed it from the
craddle to now." Now the rib comes,
where can we get the building. I 'i,!



been willing so to do. Now you know
the (hristijn work I have practically
done anoung these student boys and
am still doing and you know the strug-
gle e hae thad forthe intellectual
knowledge that I have gained since I
have been in Ann Arbor. At fourteen I
could not say my A. B. c. and I have
never had more than twelve month's
schooling in my life but when I got to
Ann Arbor seven years ago, I said,
"Now is my time or never," and God
only knows how I have had to strug-
gle and deny myself to get where I
am. I have written 263 pieces:-
What-ever they may be called. I don't
mind. I know 'it isn't classic poetry
but it has done the fellow good that
has done the word.
Now I can't see but what I ought to
have a reward for this and the thing
that i iam going to ask you, my dear
Sir, is "Will you do your best for me?"
and that is to see if for this date whith-
er 1 c-ould not have the hall.
If I wasn't sure that I could be a
devined blessing and a spiritual en-
lightener to these student boys I
would not ask for it but God has put it
into my heart to make the appeal and
S leave the results with him and you.
)ioping that this may meet with your
appiroval-, for a word from you goes
all the way, I remain,
Sincerely yours,

interest since Lundgren's squad start-
ed workouts in Waterman gym, and
specific cases have brought the ques-
tion to a head.
The meeting last week gave the
Forum an auspicious start, when the
present system of marking was con-
sidered. Informality is to be empha-
sized at these meetings, which will
continue every Thursday night until
spring vacation. Allstudents are eli-
gible to attend. Some method of choos-
ing a presiding officer may be taken up
at the meeting this week.
Offered by Oratorical Association in
University Hall Tonight
Margaret Stahl, who has been se-
cured by the Oratorical association to
present a reading of "Everywoman," at
8:00 o'clock tonight, in Univerity Hall,
comes- to Ann Arbor with the reputa-
tion for being one of the best women
readers in the country. Prof. Thomas
C. Trueblood, of the oratory depart-
ment, believes this event will prove to
be one of the most pleasing and satis-
factory on the year's program.
Miss Stahl's offering will be the alle-
gorical play, "Everywoman," and if her
presentation of this is to be classed
with her preceding work, the evening
should be one of great interest to all
lovers of art. Each year the Oratorical
association endeavors to bring a num-
ber of gifted people 'to Ann Arbor, and
it feels fortunate in having secured
Miss Stahl's services.
Tickets can be secured at the box
office in University hall before the per-
formance. Members of the association
will be admitted upon presentation of
their season tickets.

Battlefield Bravery Not of Highest
Type, Says Dr. Heller
Under the auspices of the Jewish
Student Congregation of the University
of Michigan, the third of the Union ser-
vices was held in Hill auditorium Sun-
day night, before a crowd of 4,0o u er-
sons. Rabbi Max Heller, of T iu ple
Sinai in New Orleans, and professor
of semetics at Tulane university, de-,
livered the sermon, "Moral Courage in
Its Bearing upon Modern American
"The need of today is that universi-
ties teach students to stand on their
own feet, think for themselves, and to
dare to be unpopular. University men
must, forego the advantages that great
corporations can give and they must
stand and fight for the poorly paid and
down trodden lower classes."
Rabbi Heller distinguished between
great physical courage,'or the belief in
the power of man, and a higher spir-
itual courage, the belief of man in
"I have known men who have acquit-
ted themselves courageously in battle,
but afterwards in civil life lacked mor-
al courage, and became mere hire-
The ritual service was read by Rabbi
Leo M. Franklin, of Detroit, while the
choir of Temple Beth El, Detroit, un-
der the direction of William Howland,
formerly of the university school of
music furnished the music.

d of

Rechosen Editor of Botanical Journal
Prof. F. C. Newcombe, of the botany
department, has been re-elected for a
term of three years, as editor-in-chief
of the American Journal of Botany, the
official organ'of the leading national
botanical society.







. _


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