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February 21, 1915 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-02-21

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~ and SE4


Supp1i~s 0


~d and Express Cars for Detroit-7 :Io
ii, and hourly to 6:io p. in., also 8:ro
Cars for' Detroj.t-s :~o a. in., 6:o6 a. in.,
every two ,h'.urs to 6 :o6 v. in., y :o6 p.
S:o6 p. in., 9 ~I5 p. in., and 10:45 p. in.
Ypsilanti ~on1y~: ~ :4 a. in., 8 :ao a. in.,
~6' a~ rn.1 ~:~6 p. in., 1I:i5 p. tTh, 12:15
ii, 121,3d a. In., x :oo a. in.
~4. Cars for Jackson-7 :48 ~a. in., and
'y t~wo hours to '~' :48 p. In.
Cars for Ja~kson-s:I2 a. In., 6:~o a. in.,
every two hours to 6:50 p. ni., also
p. in., ix :i~ p. m.
Underwood and other,
high-grade machines,
Bought, Sold, Rented
and Exchanged at prices
g consistent with quality.
(Over Baltimore Lunch)
I- State St. f~hono 682.J

v~ o are showing wiil show the high Official newspaper at the University of
class of fabric, we use for men's ap- Michigan. Ptxb1ishe~ every morning except NTE*~8.~ ~
parel. A hook at any of the men we Monday during the university year. ufliiuxiuii ~~IIUW~II
clothe wilf prowe 'we ~ re masters of Entered at the post oflice at Ann Arbor as
'~econ(l c~a~ matter At 1fl.9flQt'~t~ by Rev R ~ Lo~ Most ~ stock in Washtenaw.
styl and tailorhig skill. For twenty- -
seven years w have b~eit masters in Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub. lug on "Why Must f~e11gion Be In-
tht '~rt of tailor'ing. by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2. 5o. Want an. terested in Social Reform ?" If you are a
stations: Qttarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. II
Our Spring x~~oolens are now on dis- Davis, cor, Packard and State. At 11: 45-Prof. Seller~ pe~l~s be- T
__________ rack ~andtdnte
Business Office Phone 960 fore the Social Service Cl~ss v4~ Sug-
play arid we invite a visit. Editorial Office Phone 2414 gested Remedies 'for 1i~4ustrie.i On~idl- YQIi will always fiud the right thing, and every artiqe
(~ II. WILD COMPANY H. Beach Carpenter.......Managing Editor tion5."
W. Sherwood Field.......Business Manager *~ g~a~pteed at
Leading Merchant Tailors State s~ Young People's Meeting ~i~pmltt~ed
Fred Foulk News Editor because of ttie Hill Audi$o~ii*u S~rv-
F F Mc Kinney A~sociate Editor
I Hawley I apping ~portrng Ed tor STATE
Chester II lang Associate Editor ice at which Rabbi Heller speaks. w& k~ft~~~$ B ook S tores
Cl A~sistants to Business Manager Unitarian f'htu.~,h St1
John Leonard Ray I-,effler ~aa~mw
B ~, u Ii ~ __
Rudolph Hofinan Arthur H Torrey UNIVERSITY ROOK STORE
QONb RAN" Night 1~di~ors ____________________________
James 14. Barrett, Jr. E. Rodgers Sylvester
E. C. Roth Toseph J. Brotherton Highway experts have at last hit the
Howard R. Marsh
ENTS and SUPPLIES _____________________________ road.
P. NOTE BOOKS Edwin A. Hyinan Eugene L. Bulson
1. Tom C. Reid L. Greenebaurn Princeton is a welconve addition.
1. P. PAPER Parker Lee E. Joslyn ______
50c. PER POUND twin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaum
if kinds Verne Burnett , C. N. Church
all Vera Burridge Roy D. Lamond ~xcelsior, boulevards.
H. A. Fitzgerald Edward P. Wright
F. A. Klaun
Business Staff . 1~/~~e~ir&to be' y6u~i (liuggist and supply you and your home
Ferris Fitch Edward Mack ~ 'with' all 'the needed sick rooti~ supplies, as well as with all
G. I. Kesler toilet ref'~u1s1tes goods by iug~~-c~ass
C. 'V. Fishteigh ~ and ot~ier carried a store.
Delos Smith Thatcher Rea ' - - drug
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1915. Qu~ry Drug Co.
THE LITTLE Editor--Irwin C. ,Tohnson. .To~n Garriek Theater 'I~twIswom th Corner. Sua~. and NonJ~ ~niverIty
Night Cott's latest musical fa)ce,
SCHOOLMASTER "What's Going On," which begins a
SAYS: MAJESTIC MEETING S. week's engagement at the Garrlc~ the-
Sunday night meetings at the Majes- ater, Detroit, tomorrow ~fternooii, is ______________________________________________________________________
tic, given by the Y. M. C. A., are reach- said to contain a.l1 the .e~enUals ~
ing a class of men which does not popular demand, ~ 4a~ce and e1~v-
come under the direct influence of the erness of lines with ~n absurdity of till,
church. Between 600 and 600 attend situations that provoke hearty laugh- ~4IlIVet8IL~ ~ju~nzic *u~ 0u8c
reason our tailor- each week. The local association is ter. The play was written with the MRS. U. M ROOT
ed-to-order clothes leading in this kind of xx ork; this year Idea that the public was tired of £a.~a-
look so good on the out- an effort is being male to introduce cious theme and problem plays. ~o~gr ~ yiiat~d ~nd William Streets
side is due to honest such meetings at Wisconsin.
foundation on the inside. One criticism, however, is pertinent.
The management is not frank and the
Select your Spring and speakers are not frank. Deeply rellg- 9 V ic tro la s
ious subjects are cloaked under pop- .~
summer pattern today. ular titles, Essentials are labeled as
spicy non-essentials. The theory seems For Canoes
Fred W. Gross to be that the student fights ~hy of The executive Board of the Woin n's
meeting the issue of religion squarely. League asks that each Qrgan1~ed w m-
123 E. Liberty St* This is a mistake. Heligion is i' live en's house send a. representative to he
Exclusive local representative matter in itsel r, and I here aro enough annual banquet of the Detroit Ass~ Ia- k of V'ctor Records
of Ed. V. Price & Co. men on the campus to fill the Majestic tion of University of Michigan Wo n,
every week, all oI~ whom would like to to be held at noon next Saturdayl a _________________________________________________________________________
hear straight-from-the-shoulder expo- the new Hotel Statler in Detroit.
sitiori, even if it were stripped of its * * * ______________________________________
off a few vaudeville features. senior women. held a~~~ness
minutes and eat some of ---- meeting at the c~nclusiori of '~4~e class
GEORGE'S Sue~r With Smith supervising the regatta, luncheon at the Union yesterday noon, -
some speed should be developed, at which the subject of a.class memo- ~ 1 9 1 5
WAK KING LOO - rial in the name o12 ~f3eniQr women, ~
M4 S .State St. Phone 1244M arate from that left by the men, ~ ~
Knowing when to quit a course is of discussed. A gift of some sort to ~he S~~~g~ew ' ~re every ~tuIe suitabL'
DROP IN AT considerable strategic value. new Newberry r~slden~e ~~l ~ ~ in J
posed, and discussed. Action will be ' for city or country, frolic
Burreit's Barber Shop That pet sqilil not so intimate taken in the near future after a m9~~ ~ Qrfunction. The colors
814 E. WILLIAM as he was in the colder ~,ay5. ing of the Memorial counmitt4e, Lud ian' are fast, styles smart
offIcial meeting of senior .women, 4he b~Y~Qp5;'~OTIONS and 'it
In connection with F. L. Hull. Campus walks make good roller date for which will be. announced l~.t- rlgnt-tne patterns
_____________________________ rinks for grade school youngsters. ~. ~~dy tp wea~ Th~otor~ that correct-insist on the
* * * always 'treati 'you fair
Some yearlings seem to think Cap Alice Wid ,~ i idet ~ 124 ~ AlA IN label.
Night is already historical, the senior class, announced .th~t s n- $1.50 'and 'up
OFFERS ____________________
The biggest track event occurs at br women may obtalu. tb~1r' c~s d PHO~ 1000 Cltiett, Peabody& Co., Inc. Makers
the time of spring recess. gowns from Mack's in time ~ .
~X OF MICHIGAN at the senior performance of~ tbe. n-,
THE ONE WI-IC A few more threats, and the Boat ior Play with no ex'tTa rental ~. ~he-~
PENCIL CHANGE club campaign will begin, additional time. Mearnu'ements T~~4*@ M*n
CALL FOR BOX. Now to see if the editresses dodge all senior women ai~. urged t~n4ke ~O ur~p.Q Iat Suits I
be taken at any time from now. or~ d $30.00
____________ the suffrage issue. I




usins & Hall'
12th aiRd S. Univ. Phone 116


Legal birthdays make
characters popular.


High Shoe Weather
Is Here.
We have all styles of
black and tan shoe

* * *
A luncheon to be given at noon S t- '~ UA
urday, April 3, will replace the Ml ~-
gan women's annual bain~uet this ~. 'Q ~f
Plans will be In the hands of tke b ii-
quet committee, of which Lemfl~ B. M tt,
'15, Is chairman. $ 71 V~U~R Uufrg~uItp Lv..
* * *

Henry & 0..

its day.

the joor mat, that it hath


are resuming their midnight

A cross-country 'wai~in~ ~"'Bqu~u,

e Nettleton Bond St.

in prices ranging froni


Wahr's Shoe Stores
State and Main Sts.
Single Passenger Taxi
Rates Reduced
From ~Oc to 23c from 6 A. M. to 11 P~ M.
Ann Arbor Taxi Co.
~hone 2280 615 E. Liberty

~wl4c~i, ~.ll ~u~ve l~woIn~n.1are 1r~yit~d the next issue to be on the press to-
1,~to 4Q~. wW i~*y ~rbour gymna~lum ward the end of March.
at~1O:Q0 p'clQ~J~ 1'~.ori'qw~ ui~orning for ~A~r~w~g ta ~tbo~eluclu~ge 9f the
a 10-mile tramp. Each member ~is ~ 4i~hlg~ Union bridge ts~wrnament, the
ed ~9,~,br1~g 4~A~PS~lie0fl. - smallest turnout of the yepr attended
A. ~~ie fifth. round of th~ togrney at the
Union Friday. iiight. Those who were
absent rn~y ~~znake up the lQ~t games
LI by coming -e~trly to the next round
- . which. is book~e4 f~ next ~FrIday, night.
i-Prof. A. L Cross, of the ~hlstory def
partment, spoka'd)efore the club
,eOrn4l~. alumni of Detroit last nlght3~
on "The 'Common Ideals of UnIverslt~
Men.' He wasl chosen to represent
Haxvard as its alumni representative,
t&4 ea~rwWe s5~*i~t~' fa~~ the After 'the program, a dinner was serv-
athletic association y'~Le~da4y~ morn- ed at the new Hotel statler.
Ing to t bem'-'~of4he4it and the LouIs~ P~ Railer, '11..'14L, who is en.
- ~ -~. --i. ,~ them. ~gaged inthe'-practlce of law' In Chica-
that the title match # scheduled for go, is spending a few days In the city.
p~,y, ~t 8:04) o'clock 4t night would -~Jzpanese lanterns will replace elec.
oLj~ "pj~ayed. - tilie,. lamps ~t the Boat elub s Wask~-
~n~abIll, 'U, $ Detroit, ~ ln~ton's"blrthday 'dance to be held at
urer of the Cerele F~ncals, has left the Union at 9:00 o'clock tomorrow
itbe unl'versity and h~ entered liar- night. Tickets on sale at the Union
eMty wher# will pursue counter at $1.00, are nearly half sold,
zr~duate" work. and the number is 'limited to 100
-....C~ples .f the unl,~rslty bulletin, Couples.. $everal featu~, dances ar~
"Campus News Notes,'~$~iave beer~,ma~l~' biug~~a~r1anged.
ed to the 30,04)0 aluWi and former
4. ls4p,, '14~b, Is ~2Z "~~-Bita' 522

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