THE MICHIGAN I AILY t I Down! Down! Everyone should have a Kodak You can u s e one everyday Nothing tells the story better THE PRICES le Now On s Divided in Two lots GET IT AT CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SOUTH STATE STREET cWe are showing a complete lini of Society Brand clothes fo Spring. Come in and inspec them. Also a complete line o furnishings for Spring AMATEUR FINISHING A SPECIALTY i2 off--1/3 off SLUE & BLACKS 1-4 OFF ODD PANTS 207o OFF We carry a complete line of genuine Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. There is an Eastman for everyone from the Graflex to the KodakJr. We will take in your old Kodak if you want a better one. GET IT AT CALKINS' PHARMACY I I ADHAMS & CO. 121-123 So., Main"St. w 1k South Main Street Ai $100,000 Its . . $75,000 Scotch Plaid Overcoats, The newest material is a thick, soft, rough finished cloth, with subdued plaids '00l woven into the back. can't imagine what a overcoat this material' make. You rich will I - j About one half the tickets for the Michigan Union membership dance to be held from 9:00 o'clock to 12:00 o'clock tonight, had been sold at the clubhouse counter last night. New programs now being designed by Har- old B. Abbott, '15A, will probably be on hand to feature the dance next week. -1rof. L. J. Young, of the forestry de- partment will give an illustrated lec-, ture on "A Summer in the Eacific Northwest" at the semi-monthly meet- ing of the Forestry club, which will be held at 7:30 o'clock, Wednesday, Feb- ruary 24, in room 407 of the new engi- neering building. -Prof. Alexander Silverman, of the research division of the University' of Pittsburg,' ahdressed about 75 chemi- cal engineers on "The Manufacture of Grape Juice" yesterday afternoon in the amphitheater of the chemical building. Prof. Silverman's presence was secured by the Engineering soci- ety. -Studeints and employees in the engi- neering shop foundry are engaged in making castings for the class-room seats, which will be installed in the new science building. A. F. Marquardt "' . 516 William Street 'I@ . 4 Temple Theatre ADMISSION So. (except Friday and Saturday) Fri., Feb. 19-The Master Key (6 story). Sunshine and Shadows (with Norma Talmadge). Sat., Feb. 20-Means and the End (with Gerda Holmes). NEXT WEEK-Crimson Moth. Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. FRIDAY FEB. 19 George Beban in "The Italian." SATURDAY FEB. 20 Frank Mace (all star cast) in "Without Hope." MN& TUES., FEB. 22- All Star Cast in -The Girl of the Golden West." Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4;00: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 The Adventure at Briarcliff. Kalem Comedy-drama in two parts. Hearst Selig News. The. New Editor, Com- edy, and others. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 11ObIDAY SPECIAL! Antony and Cleopatra. Polish Relief Benefit. 1. cents. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARDOR Capital - - $100.000 Surplus and Profits 465.000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. W." Clarkson, F,. D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. WANTED-A student capable of hand- ling an educational proposition, on salary, among schools in Kansas. Phone 359-M. AGENTS WANTED-A wide awake hustling student. Water filter, some- thing new, carry in pocket. Write for particulars. W. A. Gibson, 827 4th Ave., Detroit, 'Mich. WANTED-Live College Students, who desire to make $75 to $100 weekly selling High Class Automobile Spe- cialties. Investigate. ea A-1- igoous, Vigorous W.inter Pastimes -to be thoroughly enjoyed-must be indulged in without fatigue of body or mind. And this can best be done on a regular diet of Shop "hreclded'WI, lines of fashionable Tailor- auctions. our own Workshops KTY STREET -6 _ ,troat ' +Walter . Brayer,'ISE, who was dis- missed from the homeopathic hospital a few days ago following an operation for appendicitis will not remain in college this semester. -Prof. James P. Bird, of the engilleer. ing college, went to Buchanan, Mich., yesterday ,where he gave an extenision lecture last night. -Eight Week clubs have changed the time of their meeting to 5:00 o'clock.1 At this time the next meeting will con- vene on Thursday. Catherine Reig-_ hard, '15, and Clara Dunn, grad., wilIl speak. -Dr. F. f. Loomis, who was to have lectured before the Michigan Dame society on Monday evening, will post- pone his address until the following Monday. It will be given instead, at 8:00 o'clock in Newberry hall on March .. RECEIVE REQUE STS FOR FOUR TEA HERS FROM HILO, HAWAII Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. """'" Athletes who excel in winter sports keep their blood red, tissues healthy, and brain alert by the daily use of this most nourishing form of whole wheat. They find it contains all the food elements that-are needed to keep them in fine fettle, their muscles hard, their eyes clear, their brain active. Ready to -serve at any time with cream and sugar or with fresh or preserved fruits, stewed prunes, sliced bananas or baked apples. "All the Meat of the Golden Wheat" AMATEUR FINISHING CAMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS d in bright c 's hest fruit Ann Arbor ettles, of even quality--made rs, and sugars-and coated hocolate. eading-frequent request for us to place them for sale here. DAINES & NICKEL FOR RENT-Desirable East suite. so single third floor. 796-R. Hill St. Al- 612 The only Studio on the Campus 334-336 S. State St. Offichia Photographers For The MICHIGANENSIAN Pho e .wandies Fr ne WILL FIND SStore .EET ible us to keep the stock' Rction assured always. THEM NOW c?7 The Delta COR. STATE & PACKARD of Detroit and Cleveland Miss Margaret Cameron, secretary to the appointment committee, announced yesterday that the committee has re- ceived a call for four teachers from a boys' boarding school at Hilo, Hawaii. The following are the positions to be filled: A matron, a chaplain, who will also act as athletic director, an assist- ant bookkeeper, who will be expected to teach printing and an agriculturisf. Michigan students, who are interested in these positions, can obtain further information by applying to Miss Cam- eron in Tappan hall from 1:30 o'clock to 3:00 o'clock any afternoon. THINK IT OVER! -0- * A man inserted a two bit ad-, let for a pin he lost. The next day it was returned to him. This is the USUAL result not excep- tional. We have three branches, University Pharmacy, Quarrys, or the MICHIGAN DAILY office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg. * * * * * * * * * Makes Your Hands like Velvet Mann's Benzoin Cream has a marvellous effect on the skin. Two or three applications will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Delightful after Shaving. Price 15 een MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 s.pW n Steet -O-- , THlINK IT OVER! * * * * * * * * .* * * stop at Goodyear tf e passenger now Rummel Elected to Council by J-Laws H. C. Rummel was elected council- man by the junior laws at their class meeting yesterday afternoon. L. M. Sprague was the other candidate. Law Faculty Will Entertain Garfield Members of the law school faculty will entertain James R. Garfield, at a luncheon Monday noon at the Michigan Union. WON= $19.50 BUYS A REAL VICTROLA IVl WITH 12 DIFFERENT SELECTIONS College Blankets 76 x 68, $4.50, same as most sell for $7.50, BaldWins. 443 S. Division. Phone 1128-J. 98-9 Buy your Mazda lamps at Switzer's, 310 S. Sate. tf University Ave. Pharimacy Martha Washington Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. tf If you want to be sure of the of the robin get your films at & Nickels. Shoes repaired while you r G. Andres, 222 S. State St. >c a passenger. lady student, uite in private Daily. 97-8 "Varsity" "The Victors" "Tipperary" "Poor Pauline" "Shubert's Seranade" Buy it for your room NOW 1-want to Go Back to Mchigan" "Chinatown, My Chinatown" "Under the Double Eagle" Keep it for your canoe this Spring 522 "We'll be there" Holmes Taxi Co. Our supplies for the amateur rapher can be relied upon in e We Deliver PHONE 1707 GRINNELL BROS. "The House of Quality" Drop in at 120-122 E. Liberty St Get your films developed and printed spect. at Dames & Nickels and be surprised at your ability as a photographer. 98-9 10c Daines & Nickels. rents a Kodak. Lynd _I a wmw ....... . .. . tier SECOND UNION SERVICE Temple Beth Choir 7:00 O'CLOCK SUNDAY Director 11 HILL AUDITORIUM William Ho