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February 19, 1915 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-02-19

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' : _.





Spring Showing of

February Cut





and all the new shapes'and colors in

February is the monththat we cut prices down to rock-bottom.
This is the time to buy. Be on hand so that you can take ad-
vantage of these wonderful money saving bargains in Suits, Over-
coats, Hats and Caps, Sweaters, Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes.

Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.

I '

Wi. Dieterle
94 Fort Street West


Fresh Roasted
214 S. Main St.

The blinding reflection of sunlight on the white
snow causes a very severe strain *on the eyes.
Amber Glasses will filter the light and prevent
all eye strain keeping your eyes in perfect condition
to study for your examinations.
We are showing a large line of both Amber and Dark
Smoked Glasses.
25c. up to $5.00




Alumni Association Purchases Reels of
Student Activities
In answer to a steadily increasing
demand from local alumni associa-
tions, the general alumni association
has purchased three reels of moving
picture films for the use of the local
associations. This movement has been
followed in accordance with the gen-
eral plan of the association to keep lo-
calized alumni in as personal a touch
with the university as is possible.
The films show President-Emeritus
James B. Angell, President Harry B.
Hutchins and other characteristic men
of the campus, in addition to many in-
teresting views of student activities.
One film is devoted to showing the
band and the cheering crowd at the
Harvard football game.
At present, the films are on the Pa-
cific coast, where they will be until
the first part of April. So many de-
mands have come in for the use of
the reels, that the purchase of more
of them is contemplated. They are used
by the local associations at their ban-
quets, and are occasionally shown in
the local theaters.
In addition to the films, the general
association has prepared a dictaphone
record on which is recorded a greeting
from President-Emeritus James B. An-
gell, the "Yellow and the Blue," and
other university songs rendered by the
Glee club quartet. This is being sent
to different parts of the country as it
is called for.
Boyle, of 1912 Elevn, Says He Will
Not Play
M. H. "Mike" Boyle, star member of
the 1911 All-Fresh football team and
wearer of the gridiron "M" in 1912, has
re-entered the university after an ab-
sence of' several terms, and is once
again a possibility for Wolverine
teams. Boyle himself is the authority
for the statement that he will remain
in Ann Arbor but a single semester,
but those who are close to him believe
that he can be persuaded to remain
over next year if his class work is of
the proper grade.
Should Boyle remain in the universi-
ty, he would be a valuable addition to
Yost's 1915 squad. He won his "M"
in 1912 by virtue of his participation
in the Syracuse and Pennsylvania
games, in both of which he went in as
substitute at right halfback for "Tom-
my" Hughitt. Yost's squad of quar-
terbacks will be sadly depleted next
fall, for the graduation of Hughitt and
the ineligibility of Huebel and Zeiger
deprives the coach of his best pros-
pects. Boyle played quarter in his
freshman days, and it was at this posi-
tion that he made his best record.
Boyle is enrolled in the college of
engineering. So far as is known at
the present time, his scholastic stand-
ing will permit of his participation in
athletics. At the time he was on the
Varsity squad, his efficiency was re-
tarded by poor physical condition. But,
according to the athlete himself, he has
completely recovered from the injuries
which slowed him up in 1912, and
should he decide to continue in the uni-
versity next year, would be able to give
full service to the Varsity squad.
Copy for Contest Must Be in April 1
Copy for the Field poetry prize of
$100 must be in the hands of the com-
mittee by April 1, according to Prof.
F. N. Scott. The competition for the
prize, which is offered by Nelson C.
Field, '90, is open to all university
students. No definite length is given
for the contribution, the work being
left to the candidates themselves.


With ten or more rolls of
films, to be .developed and
prints made from best nega-
tives, one 8xio enlargement
from the best negative or one
8xio print of any U. of M.
view or one 4x6 portrait of
self, made in my studio.
We use Cyko Paper for our
amateur work, the paper that
leads, the results will tell the
Hoppe's Studio
619 E. Liberty Street.

Temple Theatre
(except Friday and Saturday)

Look at our Show Windows for
Every day in the week.
104 S. Main St.

Dress Suits and Opera Hats to rent.

Fri., Feb. 19-The Master Key
(6 story).
Sunshine and Shadows (with
Norma Talmadge).
Sat., Feb. 20-Means and the End
(with Gerda Holmes).
NEXT WEEK--Crimson Moth.
Orpheum Theatre
The House of Famous Plays by Famous
George Beban in "The Italian."
Frank lace.(all star cast) in
"Without Hope."
MON & TUES., FEB. 22-23
All Star Cast in "The Girl of the
Golden West."

I~1I .
# t 1.-

-University authorities announced
yesterday that on Monday, February
22, Washington's birthday, there will
be no classes in any of the colleges or


Haislip to Take Charge of Employment
E. W. Haislip, '14L, will be in charge
of the Michigan Union employment bu-
reau for the balance of the year, and
counter assistants will answer calls
-Adelphi house of representatives will for work. After an investigation by
hold a banquet at the Michigan Union F. F. McKinne
F. F Mcinny, ,16L, and F. W. Mc-


--. _





Yearlings Register Four'Goals in
Minutes of Play With Upper



l9iommunicai on





Fresh engineers put the skids under
the junior-senior engineer combination
in a fast game of hockey at Weinberg's
rink last night, the first year men reg-
istering four goals during the 30 min-
utes of play, while the upper class
team failed to pierce the defense of the
yearling seven.
Coming back from a scoreless first
half, the freshman team ran away from
their opponents, two beautiful goals by
Sharpe deciding the game. These two
counters by the freshman rover, came
close together, both being perfect goals
from mass plays in front of the cage.
The game was hard-fought from be-
ginning to end, but the good work of
Auldsand Cochran, who refereedthe
contest, kept the game free from rough
work of any kind.
The defensive work of Rye was a
fine exhibition of hockey, the first year
goal tender stopping every shot of the
upperclass players. Hughes, at center
for the freshmen, also put up a good
The game played last Monday night
between the same two teams was de-
clared forfeited to the upperclass team
with the understanding that it was to
count as the first of a series of three
games to decide which of the engineer
sevens is to play with the law team for
the privilege of opposing the losers in
Saturday night's game for the second
set of numerals that are to be given.
The pharmics play the senior lits
Saturday night for the championship
of the campus, neither team having lost
a game in the preliminary contests.
The lits will practice at the rink to-
night at 4:30 o'clock.
The teams lined up for last night's
game as follows:
Freshmen (4) Junior-Senior
Rye...........goal...... Wehmeyer
Craig ..........point........ Carritte
Weston ...... cover point.....Shepard
Hughes .......center.. . ......Ratz
Sharpe... . .rover.. ......Crase
Knowlson .... left wing.... McIntyre
Barton .....right wing..... Caswell
Goals: Sharpe 2, Hughes, Weston.
Referees: Cochran and Auld.

Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
In the columns of yesterday morn-
ing's Daily there appeared another
communication regarding the abolition
of the Easter Nacation.
As one of the 52 per cent of self-
supporting students mentioned in it,
as one of the 48 per cent of non-res-
idents of Michigan, and furthermore
as one of the comparatively small per
cent who will remain in Ann Arbor
during the Easter vacation, I can hard-
ly be said to be one who is personally
prejudiced in favor of the vacation.
For "all of us" to go home is appar-
ently impossible. Is there not, how-
ever, still "a good and sufficient reas-
on for such a vacation?"
More students leave town during the
spring recess than remain here.
Should the pleasure and benefit which
they derive from it be sacrificed for
the sake of the minority, even when
the argument of the latter class is
based upon such a valid, principle as
the problem of the working student?
Obviously not! Furthermore, for the
average student, a change and relax-,
ation between the beginning of the
semester and June is an acknowledged
advantage. What is best for the aver-
age student, is best for the student
body as such. Let's look at it in this
light and be satisfied.
F. A. STILES, '17.
Arrangements and plans for the an-
nual convention of the Intercollegiate
Civic league to be held in New York
and Washington on April 8 and 9, are
being made. College civic clubs from
all parts of the country will be pres-
ent and letters have been sent to the
clubs urging them to send delegates.
The convention will hold a business
meeting at Columbia University on the
first day, and on the second will in-
terview President Wilson and other
persons of prominence at Washington.
Plans of the organization for 1915 in-
clude discussions of municipal and in-
ternational problems.

Arcade Theatre
SHOWS: AFTERNOONS 4:00: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15
ADaught rof Israel, Vitagraph drama
in - parts. The TPail f a goat, belig
Comedy, and others.
"FANTAS il [.Hanion i-rothers'fam-
ous Spectacle. This picture is on the
approved list of the roman's Home
The Adventure at Briareliff. Kalem
Comedy-drama in two parts. Hearst
Selig News. The New Editor, Com-
e iy, and others.
With the painters at work on the
floors and woodwork on the Newberry
Residence hall for women, the task of
putting the building in final shape for
occupancy is entering the last lap.
Present plans call for the completion
of the structure by May 1, but it will
not be thrown open to university
women until the summer session.
Within a few weeks, when the build-
ing is in shape, Dean Myra B. Jordan
will set aside an afternoon for a gen-
eral inspection of the hall by women
interested. The furnishing - of the
building will commence immediately
upon the placing of the furnishing con-
tract, for which several Detroit, Chica-
go and Ann Arbor firms are bidding.
The laying out of the grounds around
the hall will commence as soon as the
present offices of the athletic associa-
tion, which lie between the dormitory
and State street, have been torn down.
At the last meeting of the regents, in-
structions were sent out to the asso-
ciation to vacate as soon as possible,
so it is expected that the landscape
gardner will be able to draw up his
plans and start work in the near fu-

at 6:00 o'clock tonight. Prof. Herbert
C. Sadler, of the department of marine
engineering, will talk on "The United
States Merchant Marine." The other
speakers will be Glen Coulter, '16,
Wallace Hall, '15, Kenneth Heinrich,
'16E, N. E. Pinney, '16, and Victor
Sugar, '16. Arnold Eggerth, grad., will
-Members of the Kentucky club will
meet at the Union tonight for their
February meeting which will be in the
form of a smoker. Plans will be made
at this meeting for the smoker for all
southern men which the Kentucky club
plans to give soon.
-John N. Gallagher, '15D, who came
down with mumps yesterday, was sent
to the contagious ward of university
hospital by a member of the health
service staff. This is the first new
case of mumps reported in more than a
-B. H. Rawls, ex-'17, who was recent-
ly appointed secretary of the Ann Ar-
bor Civic association, has been taken
sick with the mumps. His condition
is reported to be improving.
-Assistant Dean W. H. Butts, of the'
College of Engineering, has announced
that the Easter vacation in that de-
partment will extend from the even-
ing of April 9 until the evening of
April 19. This announcement was,
made to correct the dates given in the
announcement of the engineering col-
-Professor W. F. Hunt, of the depart-
ment of mineralogy, left yesterday
morning for Cincinnati, Ohio, where
his mother is seriously ill. Mr. Hunt's
classes are being conducted by Prof.
E. H. Kraus.
-Harold B. Abbot, '15A, is designing
new programs for the membership
ances of the Michigan Union. The de-
signs will probably be finished this
week, and in use at the party next
-Contestants in the fifth round of the
Union bridge tourney will meet for
play in the clubhouse lobhies at 7:30
o'clock tonight. Renville Wheat, '16L,
who will take charge, wishes all who
have missed games to come early in
order to catch up with the other play-
-Shakespeare's play, "Anthony and
Cleopatra," will be presented in motion
pictures on Polish Relief day February
22, at the Arcade theater. The film,
which is one of the George Kleine at-
tractions, was enacted by a cast of
more than 7,500 persons at Rome and
in Alexandria, Egypt.


Match of Year Will Serve
Break Tie with Two


Donald, '15D, the board of directors of
the Union decided at a meeting last
Saturday, to continue the bureau.

Michigan's rifle team shoots against
Nebraska this afternoon at the Ferry
field rifle range in its. fifth match in
the intercollegiate rifle competition.
Nebraska at present is tied with Mich-
igan and Yale, in the number of games
won, for first place on the official rank-
ing, and a defeat of the western col-
lege would mean that Michigan's team
average for scores would probably
soar above Nebraska's, and the Maize
and Blue would be tied with Yale alone
for first place in the number of games
J. E. Snider has been forced to leave
the team on account of ineligibility,
and his place will be taken by J. P.
Thompson who has been showing a
high grade of work during the past
week. The team this week will be
composed of the five high men on last
week's team and five other men chos-
en on their work in the past week.
This afternoon's match will start at
1:00 o'clock and the folowing'10 men,
who are to compose the team, are ask-
ed to report at the Ferry field range
at that time: R. S. Anderson, L. C.
Wilcoxen, G. C. Curtiss, J. R. Moser,
W. J. Schoepfle, J. D. Steere,. A. C.
Simons, J. P. Thompson, C. B. Marks,
and R. W. Hussey.
Tomorrow afternoon th Ann 'Arbor
armory will be open from 1:00 o'clock
to 5:00 o'clock for the purpose of giv-
ing instructions in shooting to the in-
experienced members of the Rifle club.
Monday the armory will be open from
9:00 o'clock to 5:00 o'clock and the les-
sons will be continued. Classes will
be held regularly every Monday, Wed-
nesday and Saturday in the afternoon,
and they will be under the direction
of three of the most experienced men
in the Rifle club, Harry A. Moul, pres-
ident, A. C. Simons and R. S. Ander-

19 :




"Varsity" "The Victors"
"Tipperary" "Poor Pauline"
"Shubert's Seranade"
Buy it for your room NOW

"I want to Go Back to Michigan"
"Chinatown, My Chinatown"
"Under the Double Eagle"
Keep it for your canoe this Spring

-Five men, comprising the Y.-M. C. A.
deputation team, leave for Clinton,
Mich., this morning. The members of
the team are: N. E. Pinney, '16, Philip
Lovejoy, '16, Paul Thompson, '16L,
Waldo Hunt, '16, and Lewis Reimanu,

Summer Session Announcement Mailed
Abridged announcements of.the sum-
mer session have been mailed to pros-
pective students. The courses in em-
balmngi and sanitary science, the bio-
logical station and the general scope
of work covered in all courses during
the summer are treated.
The complete announcement is now
on the press,, and will be ready for dis-
tribution about March 10.

We Deliver
PHONE 1707

"The House of Quality"

Drop in at
120-122 E. Liberty St.



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