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February 19, 1915 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-02-19

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r, q.

1IIN 'B N _O N E
Precedent to be Broken by Appearance
of Girls' Glee Club at

Carroll, Donnelly, Ufer and Fox Picked
at Final Tryouts By Trainer

and Sends

Meeting of the Kentucky
ion, 7:30 o'clock.

club at Un-


Out Next Week
m Chance to



igh a two
a in1 Wat-
tery men

all men
it for the
kept the
the first

Bridge tournament at Union, 7:30
Adelphi banquet at the Union, 6:00
Ferris Institute club banquet, Unitari-
an church, 8:30 o'clock.
Prof. Louis A. Strauss will speak on'
"Books and What to Reard" to mem-
bers of city Y. M. C. A. at 8:00
Student's recital, school of music, 4:15,
Bridge tournament at Union, at 7:30
o'clock tonight.
Fresh-Soph track meet and Michigan
vs. Princeton relay race, Waterman
gymnasium, 8 :00 o'clock.
Membership dance at Union, 9:00
Chess and Checker club meets at Un-
ion, 7:30 o'clock.
Moderx Drama Players to Present Best
Work of Famou a Indian
PhilosopN erG
In place of "Yellow - Jacket," the


imy" Hughitt
rivals for the
ig drill. The
tablished his
football men



i and
he on-



a lne Chinese play whfr w as to have ap-
week. peared in this city ia 'March, the Ann;
gut by Arbor center of the 13 rama League of
inning America has secured, an engagement'
pie of of 'the Modern Dra', ma Players, who
will present a groun of their plays at.
up for the Whitney theat er shortly before
s, two spring vacation. '. Oue to the general
n, six theatrical depressi on felt in the coun-
The try on account c ,f the war, "Yellow
Eager, Jacket was not produced, the jnana-
Ben- gers being afrai' ' i take t1e -'r1ยง4 of
Craw- having to play b el . small audiences.
short- The Players, 'the 'date of whose per-
unter, formance has r tic yet been fixed, will
stage "Chitra," by Rabindranath Ta-
gore, the fam .n s Indian philosopher,
poet, playrigh t ;and educator, as the
leading attra .;tio 1 of their appearance.
The play, w ich is the best-known of
NTTagore's, aT id wb ich has aroused dis -
cussion in all pai -ts of the country, is
laid in an Indian s etting, and is expect-
ed to be a fit subs titute for the Orien-
Gives tal "Ye'ilow Jacket :."
Alon.g with "Chid ra," the Players will
pres(nt two otl-& r sketches, one of
wh'Ach will probab' ly be "The Bear," a.
CHES comedy by Ant on -Chekhov, the recent
Russian writer - A. 'hat production will
on be- constitute the. th1rtI play on the pro-
e Var- gram has not, been announced.
nagers "Lady Wir idemere'.s Fan," with Mar-
he ar- garet Angli-n, which the league hopes
com- to secure as Ihe second of their three
Mich- performan ces , will, if secured, be pre-
sented at oirt ie time later in the month.
team Miss Anflin is at present in the south
pass- on a vrtcatir on, but it is expected by
o the officers of tUie league that she will re-
e that turn to the north in time to fill the
ersity engagement:
e and It has ( me to the ears of the local
p is a center thina t John Drew's recent ap-
iough lleaiXcei ? in Ann Arbor was only made
t been possibl - by the fact that this city's
'n and branc',n b as a high reputation in the
nents. min d of Drew's manager. On the
ory of str egth, of this information, the cen-
nts in t er's hap es of expanding in the future
ve an have beengreatly heightened.

For the first time in history, the
women of the university will take an
active part in the program of a con-
cert and vaudeville entertainment pre-
sented by men, when the Girls' Glee
club puts on a special number at the
"Band Bounce," to be given a week
from tonight in Hill auditorium.
The Girls' Glee club, in which there
are 60 voices, under 'the direction of
Miss Nora Crane Hunt, of the school of
music, has been preparing for this
event for more than a month, and Miss
Hunt reports that a pleasant surprise
will be forthcoming when the women
sing their most important number,
"The Barcarolle," from "Tales of Hoff-
Helen Malcomson, '15, president of
the club, said last night, that the girls
would be accompanied by the band or
part of the band, if the idea was found
practicable after rehearsing. So far,
only a piano accompaniment has been
used. This will probably be the last
public appearance of the organization
this year, and is the first since the
Twenty-five ticket chairmen as-
sembled at the band office yesterday
afternoon, and made the preliminary
arrangements for the ticket commit-
tees. Each chairman will select ten
men to work under him. All tickets
will be given out on Tuesday afternoon
in the band office on the second floor
of the engineering shops building, and
others wishing to work on these com-
inittees should report at this time. The
office will be open all afternoon, but all
who can are urged to come at 4:00
o'clock. A prize of $10.00 is offered to
the man who sells the largest number
of tickets.
Rehearsals of the Varsity band vil
be held at 2:00 o'clock tomorrow after-
noon in University Hall, and the fol-
lowing Wednesday evening at 7:00
o'clock, in the same place.
Announcement of Successful Candi-
dates Will Not be Made Until
Directors Return
For the first time in the history of
Union operas, the chorus tryout for
this year's opera, "All That Glitters,"
was held last night in Hill auditorium.
Earl Moore, had of the organ depart-
ment of the school of music, acted as
judge of the singing ability of the can-
Another rehearsal of the chorus will
be held at 7:15 o'clock tonight at the
Michigan Union. On account of the
meeting of the Forum in the big hall
last night, the aspirants for chorus
postions were forced to practice in the
Until General Chairman Baxter
hears from Director Sanger, who is
now in New York City, he will not
make any announcement of the list of
successful tryouts.,

Final trials for the Michigan Varsity
quartet which meets Princeton in the
two-mile relay race in Waterman gym
tbmorrow were held yesterday morn-
ing, all trials being run against time.
The morning's work 'resulted in the
selection for the team of Carroll,
Ufer, Donnelly and Fox, *with Grau-
man selected as the alternate.
The order in which the men will run
has not as yet been determined upon
officially, and the time made by the
runners in their trials is not to be an-
nounced. Judging from the past poli-
cy of Trainer Farrell and from the
stuff which the members of the team
have shown so far, Donnelly and Fox
will run first and second, followed by
Carroll and Ufer in third and fourth
Ufer is a miler who won his official
recognition last year in the form of an
"M. A. A.," but this year he has been
showing up well in the half and being
one of the two oldest men on the team
he should, in consideration of his
showing, run last among the four.
Carroll is another miler who has
been handling the shorter distance in
good style. His experience is limited
to work on the All-Fresh track team of
last year and to the medley relay race
at Buffalo this year in which he ran
the half, after training for the mile.
Donnelly is the only half miler on
the team, being one of last year's All-
Fresh track men and their star mid-
dle distance man. He is inexperienced
in Varsity competition, and conse-
quently will probably be given one of
the early places on the team.
The other place on the team was won
by Fox who is a two-miler and cross-
country man, a member of the 1913
All-Fresh, but who is inexperienced in
Varsity competition in the distance he
is running tomorrow night.
The man who will step into a vacant
position should any place be vacated
will be Grauman who is a sophomore
from last year's freshman team, and
whose former event has been the two-
mile. Burby, Fontana and M. G. Rob-
inson also entered the trials held yes-
Feast Former Members of Directorate
Incoming gembers of the board of
directors of the athletic association
banqueted the outgoing officers last
night as a compliment to the adminis-
tration of the old officials. The former
chairman of the board, P. Duffy
Koontz, acted as toastmaster for the
feast. The hostsaforthe banquet were
Interscholastic' Manager Frank Mil-
lard, Secretary Phillip Middleditch,
Treasurer T. Hawley Tapping and
Football Manager Boyd Compton.
Deutscher Verin to Give Sleigh Ride
Members of the Deutscher Verein
will give their annual sleigh ride dance
at some town near Ann Arbor in two or
three weeks, providing there is snow
on the ground by that time.
New members for the Deutscher
Verein will be voted upon the latter
part of March, and an initiation dance
will be given later.

Son of Former Executive and Presi-
dent of Williams College Will
Follow Brother
Prof. Harry A. Garfield will be the
second of the sons of former President
James A. Garfield, to visit Ann Arbor
this month. Professor Garfield, who is
president of Williams College, will
speak at the Methodist church on Feb-
ruary 28, under tIe auspices of the
Wesleyan guild.
Like his father and brother, James
R. Garfield, ex-Secretary of the' In-
terior, who is to speak at the Wash-
ington's Birthday celebration, Profess-
or Garfield has had a varied political
and public career, Graduating from
Williams College in 1885, he became
actively interested in the practice of
law in Cleveland, . After 18 years of
law practice, he became professor of
politics at Princeton University, in
1903. In 1908, he returned to his Alma
Mater to assume the presidency of the
While in the city Professor Garfield
will be entertained by Prof. T. C.
Trueblood, of the oratory department
Requests From Local Play-Goers Cause
Officers to Consider Third
Officers of the Comedy club are put-
ting their heads together in order to.
decide whether a third performance of
"Pomander Walk" will be given this
spring, and thereby comply with the
numerous requests from students and
faculty men that the-local play-goers'
be given another opportunity to wit-
ness the production. If presented
again, the play will probably be pre-
sented on March 3, although the execu-
tive committee will decide the matter
definitely at its next meeting.
According to all precedents, Tues-
day night's peornance would be the
last appearance -of the play in this city,
but the small attendance recorded at
the last two productions and the press-
ing demand for a thirdappearancemay
throw the balance in favor of another
show. The executive committee, how-
ever, is unwilling to favor the proposi-
tion unless the demand continues.
Norman Hackett, '98, after witness-
ing the J-Hop performance of "Po-
mander Walk," went on record as say-
ing that it was the best performance
the Comedy club has ever given. Fran-
cis Millen, of New York, who viewed
the same production expressed the fol-
lowing sentiments: "In the old days
they thought they had good shows, but
I have never seen better work on the
amateur stage." Those who are push-
ing the project for a third performance
are backing up their claims with these
The Chicago trip of the club is still
pending, so that no definite word has
been given out as to the chances for
going to that city, .Offers have been
received from Flint and Saginaw, but
whether or not they will be accepted
is a question. There is a possibility of
the club's staging a performance in
Detroit, although the matter is veiled
with uncertainty.
This year's profits of the club will be
used in the purchase of a dramatic
library for the use of members of the

club and its patrons and patronesses.
Where the library is to be stationed
has not yet been decided.
Competitors for the advertising prize
of $300 are requested by Prof. F. N.

With Constant Attendance of 50 111
Question of Marking System
Shows Students'
Speaker Says That Fraternity C11
Grading Does Not Show
With a constant attendance of ab
50 men, the. Forum opened auspicic
ly at the Union last night. On
question "Is the Marking System
Present ; n Force in the Various
partments Satisfactory?" the consen
of opinion favored the negative. VG
ner Schroeder, '16L, presided, and
several occasions was forced to
time on those who exceeded the
minute limit on speeches.
One of the arguments advanced
the opponents of the present mark
system was that the marks given
do not test the ability of a stud(
that particularly in the professio
schools a professor who has clas
of a hundred or more cannot fai
judge a man's work by three or f,
recitations and a final examinatior
One student, in relating his perso
experiences said, "I have great trou
in setting down on paper my id(
without revising two or three tin
In a four hour exam, in which I h
to answer a number of questions, I
not feel that I can do justice to my,
when I do not have time to revise."
stated that he thought it would
fairer to allow as much timje s
student desired, and not limit th
am to any special period of tiuex
A student of the engineering coll
also related his personal experience
regard to the unfairness of grae
"When I took German 1 and 2,"
said, "I received B in both cour:
Next year I took German 3 and recE
ed a C in the course." "But," he c
tinued, "I felt that I had put the sa
amount of work on all three cour,
and that my results were just as gi
the second year as they were the fir
He also said that he believed that e;
student should be measured by h:
(Continued on Page 6).
21 Women Lose Possessions as Flai
Destroy Two Floors of
League House


z goingc
el of the
nis man
ard to t
e for the
of theI

resent plans the
ourney May 16,
o on its way t
y it is probable
et Oberlin, Univ
high, Penn Stat
end of the trij
ely decided, alt]
have not as yet
ania, Georgetow
probable oppo
me in the mem
ration of stude
e team may ha
No dates have
the possibilityj
atch looks prom
o chances of m
and Walkervilj
ssible a date Q
ie Detroit club
prior to, the e
givirg the me

Fire broke out in the Women
League house, formerly the Hila
house, 1224 Washtenaw-avenue, at 4:
o'clock yesterday- afternoon, drivi:
the 21 women student occupants to t
street, and causing a loss of "near
$1,200. It is thought the blaze, whi
started in the trunk room on the thi
floor, was caused by a defective.chin
ney. The entire third floor and t
greater part of the second were cc
sumed by the flames.
J. D. Clark, '15L, while studying
his room across the street, was fiu
to notice the fire and ran across t
street to notify the occupants, who in
mediately telephoned the fire depar
ment. Due to the quick work of Cla
and several other students who ha
pened along, the greater part of t
furnishings and clothes were save
Before the first truck of the fire depa:
ment arrived nearly 40 students wei
busy extinguishing the fames and ca
rying out everything movable in t
Ella G. Ray, Elizabeth Burgess, Eth
Hayes, Florence Mackay, Beulah Smil

Former Trainer of Wolverine
Teams Re-visits Haunts Saturday
Coach Keene Fitzpatrick of the I What matters if the team over which

of an
e Ten-,
will be
for a
n who



Talk on "What Architecture
Means to the Everyday Man"

a taocte of battle away
ive courts.
11 of last year's team
ning for the 191 tennis
>ects would be none too
not for the act. that the
ers fall tWUrnament de-
nateria that should be
fori ng at this year's
a team: made up of one
o numbers of the prev-
Freak team, the Michi-

I. X. Pond, '79E, the speaker who
hat s lbwen secured by the committee to
taI k aut the weekly gathering Sunday
aftt rmoan, will talk on "What 'Archi-
te-ct u re Means to the Everyday Man."
M r.. Pond is a resident of Ann Arbor,
a nd was born in the house just to the
r kort 'h of the Union clubhouse. His
t iusiness is inChicago, where die is con-
i :ect~ed kwith the largest architectural
firm in that city.
Social service work furnished Mr.
Pond with recreation, and he is one of
the largest financial backers of the
famous Hull^House.

Princeton track team arrives in Ann
Arbor, a former haunt of his, at 8:12,
o'clock Saturday morning, bringing
with him a quartet of runners with
which he hopes to accomplish the
downfall. of the relay team which
Trainer Farrell has picked for the two
mile relay scheduled for Saturday ev-
But the coming of the Tigers is nei-
ther here nor there. The advent of
the Princeton relay team is another
story. What causes many an old
Michigan track enthusiast a thrill is
that Keene Fitzpatrick will again pre-
side over a track team in Waterman
gymnasium. It is the remarkable rec-
ord of service which Keen Fitzpatrick
has established at Michigan that has
endeared him 'in the heart of every
loyal supporter of the Maize and Blue.

the veteran Michigan track coach-now
presides comes from Princeton instead
of Ann Arbor? For 15 years that peer
of American track coaches directed the,
activities of the Michigan track team,
a record. up to the present time un-
equaled by any mentor of athletics at
the University of Michigan.
From 1894 to 1910, wIth the excep-
tion of the years 1897 and 1898, Fitz-
patrick was responsible for the success
of the Michigan track athletes. It is,
because he was so loyal to the uini-
versity during his stay here, so tireless
in his efforts to produce winning
teams, and so amiably disposed that he
ndeared himself to every student; it is
because of these things that every
Michigan man will be glad to see the
dean of track coaches again in his old

Scott, to remember that all copy an
drawings must be submitted to him
not later than the Saturday followin
the spring vacation. The competitio
is open to all students In good stand
ing in the university, and the choic
of the article to be advertised is lel
with the competitor,
The candidates for the prizes hav
the choice of submitting advertisin
copy, a drawing for an advertisemen
a plan of an advertising campaign 1
a discussion in essay form of som
problem in advertising. Competitor
may secure further information b
seeing Professor Scott.


and Margaret Birdsell, all fresh
rooming on the third floor, were
g able to recover some of their wear
n apparel and also lost a number
- books, because of the rapidity -
e which the flames spread. Flore
ft Middaugh, '15, Sadie MacFarland,
and Grace Hagen, '17, reported
'e loss of several valuable garme
g None of the trunks of the occupa
t, were saved. One of the women in
r hbuse on returning from a class
e discovering the fire, nearly burst :
s tears when she found that although
y her clothes had been saved "his"
(Continued on Page 6)

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