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February 17, 1915 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-02-17

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a, t ,.,i , lVE NEX -qA




R Next I


Reception tof Schente by Student IBody

Ivblodern A hil ic (;t 'oud lit ini ,' i!' 3


sumption of the Wa~sh-
y exercises, last year
e of the ,failure of the
d upon to arrive, one of
lest traditional annual
d another name to its
famous guests on this
es R. Garfield, Secretary
under President Roose-
practicing law in Cleve-
Sbe the principal speak-
am next Monday in Fill
gton -birthday celebra-
1i1860, when President
ssed the law students.
owing ten years no exer-
LOn February 22, 1872,
s M. Cooley acted as
or, but it was only in,
pse of six years, that the
ame an annual affair.
e, with the exception. of
and 1914, the celebra-
urred without interrup-
tnation-wide fame have
ast programs. In 1892,
xrover Cleveland spoke
in Our National Life," a
cal importance, for it
for the first time Mr.
ndidacy for a second
ent of the United States.
year, Hon. Stephen A.
,as the guest of the uni-
ked to the students as.
vrersity Hall.
reminent speakers on
are: Henry Wade Rog-
it of Northwestern Ulni-:
yoke in 1897; Charles H.
of the Supreme Court,
in 1906; William Jen-
peaker on the 1907 pro-
ink Gunsaulus, secured
eercises, and Chase S.
ernor of Michigan, prin-
or the 1912 celebration.
San Marco cigar Sat, or
s at Sugdlen Drug Co.,
eod Wed

r 'Next Fall ofwt 01 1h ei- ,':;:1 1-Wdiii. I t W ll .,,. 1
dEli' E eri lby 1'. AMaxilerof Ne
School of music officials promise an IWk-II1) 11O1RE ffl 1?V 100 O~~ ;Orleans., at 'the-1_tcond U nion er c t<<,
interesting program of considerable at70 'coknxtSn Ieeigi
varet atth ne~s~ii be onth con- According to the men who have had Hla udiorum.Wchnckviext w1 i b
plimentary concert series, which will the conduct of the student book ex i- li i ndr the0 uspiesof the 1,1,ish
be given in Hill auditorium, at 4:15 change at ,McMillan hall for the past S tuden on~regtI I.
o'clock, tomorrow afternoon. hewekhescssoth cem Asj'lswofSntisaIli~
Mr. Earl V. Moore; Mr. Anthony
Whitmire and Miss Nora Crane Huntisuhatowrntts(t nne i i .Itlerass Iihd1
will appear in the following program: at 0the begtirniiof III0 kill te1r;11ntiit IWl'Ppt 14brhsslhn
F antasle Dialoguee', Op. 35,.BEollmon Octoher. NiU. Ve et.1,17. who h''i,1 10 l.,1' themosi llni4 I! 4 ' t- ;l'
Earl V. Mooreha eiit piv so erIh ' ihIipi
(ra) "Gia La Notte.... .......Haydn chn' a ttdta oeIat$10 l'ilit, a , H ' na~
(b) "<Ich trage meine Minne". Strauss lip ! v, Mh[Yii !,(a) ,!,I
c) "Fruhlingsnacht".....Schumann was saved to the students Nvho used te (1iwell~oni AiiAolr1J
Nora Crane Hunt exchange, and that.,vwhuit 1is avr-,ra,,:s no'ovr spI S~
Accompaniment by Francis L. Hamiltonl tised another year, it will biecom)e a' rabbli of:t'e u~in ;aiin hihhh
Intermezzo from Suite in G Minor (permanent institution on the NMichigan fslt o ts in in te cllegsai in-
Truette campus. versit lc-, oftismcountry.
FinalerOp.39, No. 4... .......Bossi }Although the exchange will bye open T'.hE n 0si _fr heoccin xl1b
Earl V. Moore uentil Saturday, and 'books will be re- rendlere b iY 1th-e choir o Tmpe0et
Meditation from Trais......Massenet ceived for sale and exchange until ElvoDtrit o wic hMrWila
Sons of The- Puszta (Hungarian tomorrow night, a partiailetin('o owndfrnelhadfthvcl
Idyl)...........kelar-Bela the business done thus far does not fall dprmn fteuiest colo
Anthony Joseph Whitmire jfar short of $1,00, and more than ,00i ui, sbaritonie anddieo.
Accompaniment by Mrs. Clara books have been handled by the coil:- As at the time of the prvi-tous ni
McAndrew1 mitteemen. At the present time there service, all chrhsigtect ill
"0, Divine Redeem~er",.....Gounod are about 150 books on hand, but moreclose !their loors bnt titeenn;
Nora Crane Hunt than 1,000 calls. have' been made for 1 - -*--- ---
Violin and Organ Accompaniments by books on scientific subjects which had lA1;it A N R f EN T F 1ItAi ,:ENF(R 1>
Mr. Whitmore and Mr. Moore to be referred elsewihere, because the a, l '1W1O1I I A1(I
books required were not turned in for __
Few Men Out for Track Assistan'tships sale. The, officials of the exchange Arra&ngements areunewa for al
According to Varsity Track Mana- have requested that instructors and - Polish relief entertainmntii, to begie
ger William B. Palmer, '15, not, enough. professors assign all those texts vhich ,March 9 in Hill auitorium. "Mr. Jsames
sophomores have turned out for the their classes will use during the con-' Archibloldt, the not ed war mc orre spo n 1-
track assistantships to cause compe- ing semester,, in order that the et- ent, has been secured to ,mivr i-

v, I .N. IIWSI VI, n (DA TE
S~h~l itmusic authorities have
iiiade a<n annuin(ceme(nt of the dates
an rices iCr the', sale('of reserved seat
ticets~ heMayFetivl.The plan
ii; [h rout as ht followed~ last year.
111,1': L 5 iwe;,vl sea-;tsom)y be pur-
r osed etith\ ymil ri n - 1person01, at
i t, tl ok ' i 4 'he 11,11)[ of Iltlltill, 1up) to
:ad i cIuii Aa , I!11 1[! , ]IiTlC ft he sea i'ts""
nIh tlattitu'riuiii "Nill be hld ~forhall
ordrsi 111notmrthan 111111 1ats tyWill
10 sol 1t,1r one 1persont) (hLlle samue
tiow s A, iI ,.nd1 Cwilelne unaviklale'
si _eotheyb l e.%v1 Co ve0rdl)y a tern-
il r.(yy stage'.
Mdii, ordlers will_ be('tilledl from ithe'
oddnnibere sets(right .hand 1halves
of allset'tiis as the audi"itorium i s en-
. 4 ered) n admace, in the order of re-
reip,.ecep.:1)t tat all mail orders re-
ceixed prir to Monday, 'March 3, will
br 4o'sidred as of that dlate.
Alt even-umbetlsred seats, as well as
8uhodt-niuil)e red seats wihich shall
no,)t hai"ve b)een ordered by msail, wvill be
otlered t io the general public at 8:00
o('clock 1 in the. morning, in accordlance;t
xith the nfollowsing schedule:
tpats in bTlock A will be placed on
saletMonday morning, March JAS, at
$65 ach1 (or $3.50 each if the cover
coupon of a pre-festival tcket, is ex-

ginning Mvonday morning, May 10, all
remanining seats in the auditorium will
be lplaced on rale for singlp concertsas-
follows: manin floor, $2.00 eoach; first
balcony, $1.50 each;' second balcony,
$1.00 each.
Mark Out Course on Bartoni Pond, Said
by Eastern Critics to be 'Rest
In Country

Members of the Michigan Union Boat
club are co-operating with Intramural
Director Floyd Rowe in an endeavor
to establish crew racing this spring, as
an interclass sport. The Boat club has
marked out a course on the ice on
Barton pond, which eastern critics de-
claire the best in the country.
Work will start early in May, wnari
mnembers of any cBlass will turn out to
practice under Director Howe, who wvillt
handle the contests if the proposed
plans materialize. Gigs and barges for
rudlimentary practice have been promi-
ised by members of the ;Detroit Boat
club, and a ,pair of four-oared and two
eight-oared shells.- Apparatus for
oarsmen has also been promised for
Waterman gym., if the money-raising
campaign, which is now proceeding
among Detroit alumni, succeeds.
Under plans drawn up by Director
Rowe, efforts will be made to construct
a temporary boat house entirely of
student workmanship. Alumni who
are lumbermen in Detroit have re-
turned letters which' partially promise
to furnish free lumber for the project,
and the Eastern Michigan Edison Com-
pany has promised to lease the neces-
sary land, and donate money. Trans-
portation problems are. being worked
on, and plans are laid to have inter-
class crew contests at the regatta this


tition among the candidates. Eight
assistants will be nominated for the
May ' election, and scarcely that num-
ber of men have tried out. Palmer
wishes that sophomores with: the in-
tention of competing for the places
would report to him at once.
Linegtr Makes Rigli Bowling Score
Lineger's score of 233 in the second
game against Light,' featured Monday's
bowling in the individual -league. The

change may dispose of those books
which are still on hand.
An effort is to be mnade to make the
exchange next year, a student activity
under the supervision of a university
committee, thus enabling its location to
be in some one of the university bui ld-
ings about the campus. By this means,
it is expected tfiat more students than
heretofore will co-operate inthli t nus-
actions of the exchainge.
Hicks, '13L, Weds Mairguerite Ilieher
Announcemeont has been rec iVe(I of
the marriage of Maii-guerite B'iebcr,
'14, to Roy Carl Hlicks,L, on Jlan.
G. -Mr. and MrTs. Hiick;, will be at home(
from now on, at 22 Chandler aGVenue,

lustraled leciture 1npon te nr1e)a1(eas (n(lok 1 will be offered for spring.
war. _11(t onModayv morning, March 22, at _
Tickesfrteetra { u ilb a5~ee or" $250-if)itthe pre-festival II. 1. CTRRYLNDLES DEFENSE
onl salole 1i ewdy a ro 'cet (vPcoupon 11is exchanged ). FOR IAUBRAUI41U IN im r RIAL
to $1.00. 07neithiousand t ickets for hI On?? Sailtuday mornliig. ,March27, all(
Washington's b)irthda ito) atth .l 1unol1st in block B will be re- R. J. Curry, '14L, w ho first located
(.cdia theatel raeen athe di d41( Ili to lKil i) each (ori'$2.00)()if the tat Buffalo, and who 1later, on the in-
posal of th oihrlif(0lllite r-es a oe coupon is ex-Rvitation of M. TM Davis, '14L, entered
and( Imay b1e obtau'ie roamni1 le's 04 11 angeinto anl office partnership with the lat-
the( 1 olollia (culi atI 15 eCIts ch . [hock C< t1twt i'be laced ton sale M011- ter in Saginaw, is now engaiged ini
~1:i nioitiu, Mrch 29, at $4.7)0 each working up his defenise of Kimnbraugh,
A mmroria Sag'Yi'e Brn s ttwtI 'is bii" i o' % in hit i' l re-e1ti' ,1vt1cover 'the prisonr Iini the Kimbraugh mur-
"b'ra Elbt-, the Sage:,kof ;l' a);A cnp i xhagdder case, onie of the most important
rra, c7 auilt 1 toAnn ru udy iI O audynri April 3, all and most discussed in the state this
drew to the Uion thlargest auieN!'''e ilu l sasil lock"), C will be reduced lwinter. Curry, who was appointed ait-
which heas ttended (1 )110cof'its ror'wto$. itec (or X1.00 if the pre-,esti- torney by the circuit court judge at
t h is;year. Mret!111a'it ) tuet vTcvc ~1oponis exchianged). the request of Kimnbraugh, has beenl
ilea:rd the n toted lber't 1Hubbarrd di - he alec of couirse tickets will be dis- given 1'0 days to prepare for the trial,,
colrs-e inlitis characteisic manner.il colnh(ued on Saturday, M'1ay 8, and be-whrich will occur next week.

results follow:
Lineger .. ..
Light .... ..
Willitts .......
Bentl~ey ......



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