THE MICHIGAN DAILY - _ i 11 P I Pble amount of Freec.Piano Certificates with each Purchase. 5% on Mackinaws 5 % "Rainco- is & Balmacaan all winter Suitii,ro rusings and. Ovrcoatings. DRESS SUITSr1TO RENT J. K. MALCOLM 604t Fast Iliberty Street. Mlalcolm BMock of Broken Sizes n ens and Womens S hoes VERY CHEAP At the Sign of Satisfaction I1 III LYIND ON THE Always Reliable Always square Always on the fob Always knows his place Always delivers the goods Always treats everybody alike -Always back of every thing that's good for Michigan Students. "I I' Factory ilat Store W. W. MANN, Prop. LIBERTY T. 1If High Class Shoe Repairing RV N ON )tA TCHE S FOR3.1i TilEN; 0l1 ~ISIDE COMPETITION 11 A VIt ft r',) Lack of Room in (,ym Reasoni66 id n by A uthorities,. Tourney Plan Nov Under Way Captain Watson's wrestling contin- gent will not have outside competition this season, according to information given out yesterday by L. C Reimann, '17L, secretary of the wrestling club. Meets with other college matmen' have been hanging fire for some time, but the reason given for the final de- cision in omitting these matches was that Waterman gymnasium afforded scant facilities for accommodating the crowds which would attend such meets. Plans for the annual campus tourna- ment are being formulated, however, and the wrestling club has called for a meeting- of all entrants at 7:15 o'clock this evening, in the trophy room of the gymnasium. All likely candidates are expected to be present Interest in the coming tournamient has been stinmulated to some extent, through the voluntary efforts of soino. men who have been prominent in pre- vious tournaments. Captain Watson, L. C. Reimann, '1:7L, T. F'. Amtsbue(Jh- ler, '16, J. A. Maixner, '17 r., Fa. F. Traub, '16, and R. P. Baker, '1-7E, comn- pose a list of men who are furnishin pointers to novices and others. A shet,. posted in the wrestling room, con- tains the exact time when these men will be on hand. They invite all be- ginners to consult them at anry time. REGEN T FRANK LEL~AND) IF AVORS JIUNIITS E. REAL1 FOR POSITION Declares 1Willingness to Sak- ntice Chances in Order to U1d Ann Arbor Man Announcing his willingness to be sacrificed if necessary, Regent Frank 1B. Leland, of Detroit, in a statement, Monday, urged upon the Wayne d(,le- gation, the necessity of electing Re- gent Junius 11. beal to the Republican candidacy, because o[ the latter's ms idency in Ann Arbor. t:egent Leland pointed out that fre- quently matters affectling the interests of the university come up which re- quire the immediate consideration of some member of the board, and that Regent Beal is the only candidate or member of the board from Ann Arbor at present. It has been customary in the past to have some resident regent a member of the board. "After the nomination of Regent Bleal," he said, "the convention will then have before it the names of other candidates, and whomsoever they may select as the other nominee, I trust will be the man, who, in the best judg- ment of the convention, is best fittedt for the position." CLs"(lark May Enroll in University According to all reports, "Les" Clark, former Detroit 'Central star, will prob- ably enter the university next fall. Clark was rated as. one of the most brilliant quarterbacks in the east last season, and claims to have left Brown University for reasons other than scho- lastic difficulties. Besides four members of the foot- ball team, six Varsity baseball play- ers at Brown have left college. At- tempt= are being made to patch 'up the d( Inculties which threaten to crip- ple the, university in. its two major sport. opera slyle 1 ctan wood, and the heads carry a silver mounting on which the owner's ntm is ei.ngrt aved. New Prcsliiuen tafist Report to Dr. flay Tht.freshvmen who havye, entered the university this semester should report to the gymnasium ait once for classifliat ion in gym classes, was the announcemeont made by Dr. May yes- terday. Locke r tickets are obtainable at the office, and will be given out as long as the supply lasts. Inadequate facil- ities along this line May cause trouble, as the number is nearly exhausted al- ready. ...mwmmmumw CAMUS OOTRYBostonian Footwear 4 308 ou~ tae Strcet ROYAL TAILORED CLOTHES i 9 RIYI Ii7 l __ - I A SPLENDID BUSINESS OFFER FOR VACATCION To University Men Any hustling University man can make '2W.100 a month by selling the Mlonitor G asolene Sad Iron. All or spare time, big profits, easy atid pleasent work. A fine hot weather seller. A> few week's work during vacation will pay your expenses next year. Pronounced the "NWorl~s Best" by 630,000) customers. No experience required. MONITO. SAD IRON CO. ,,iJ BIG PRAIRIE, OHIO Sao 060. C. Clmaseia, 17L6. Lsoal reps-Ossetttv81 338 E. Catherine Street, Phone 23-M 1 18 E. Huron St. traight 25,c Rides Cal1115 I SAT. NIGHT, FEB.13 Prices for taxis have heretofore been or 25c each for two or more. 50 c for one passenger, ยข -,W, bec U. of M. spirt and 1M4" men ar f. Go to T or you~r luncheo 2Soc. Also fc le, r afterth aer, And we mpal of -t:. of M. Bar ^*r from 6 to 8:, 2: . Dclightfl hest ral and voIcL !xcellc i, and ,ei it. A royal eve > -V men at an Sday or nighlta @ SIDNEY R. ELLIS, Presents R. ~.1 r etn4 f ,7 I" lieI <.h Hereafter the price will be 25c each straight for in to the P. M. anywhere 6 A.M. 30 :e. ly at PHONE'* 13 IN NI? 'lN 6 A'IOlNFD (OMF 1)Y When Old New York was Dutch ._... ...NEW SONGS ;-___ xhNI,11.11FirstMet You. moon-'Moon-Moon Whent~ the Roses in Spring Bloom Again. Mliter Bear. Find others. PRICE3S-Main Floor 1st 1.3 Rows - - - $1.00 Last 3 Rows- - .75 Balcony 1st 4 Rows - .75 ~st9RowsGALLEERY 25c. SEATS ON SALE THURSDAY Ii is &AWALMIA" 0 Now Playing a Daily. Matinee 3 Days Only Commencing Now Playing a Daily Matinee 3 Days Only Commencing ~Faf~i IAC."AR i eager I I ., -.y.,......! ~ ~ .W Week Feb. S F. L. HALL, 514 EWilliau - $2.600 Phone 2225 Thy _$POi Cq G ooe ds __V R, the Tat Miaer NO COSIV~ FIRE Persian Love Play by Rchard Walton Tully os e S h o w T h a t H a s Sta r te d T h e % 1Wor i s - p r l gin g i g a n d W is tlin ROWLAND and PlC CMPANY OF CLIFFORD LL'J 50 Dancers & "Singers the Whirly Girly Tanigo La Salle, Opera Houste (Chticigo) SUCCeSS R NIAuSiC y AU bre- y Scffer Book &T yrics by Arthur Gillis,ie. 'Iangoes by Virgil 1 0Bennett, Staged by Frank TVanne~hill, Jr. tTangoesque Carnival. Costurns -a Riot in Colors Scenic Enviroimeut Superbly Iesigne- THE SEASON'S MOST SNAPPY MUSICPAL C(OED a 3:00 7:30 9:00 Thivarsdiay Matilnee, F-eb 11lth California (Frank's WL ETS O WILL TALK ON "JAPANESE AINT"I Professor Anesaki of-Harvard to Give First Lecture 'Today Masaharu Anesaki, professor of Japanese literature and life at Har- vard University, will lecture here today and tomorrow on subjects pertaining to Japanese art. At 4:15 o'clock this afternoon, Professor Anesakii will talk on "Japanese Art" in Sarah Caswell Ang ell hall. In the course of his lec- ture he will give a general survey of tile chief characteristics of Japnanese art, and will illustrate his address with 50 lantern slides5. "A Prophet of Japan ese Buddhism" is the subject of his address at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, which will be givn i the west gallery of Alumni Menmorial hall. Professor Anesaki comes to Ann Arbor from Chicago, where he recent- ly delivered an address on the H askell Foundation. Fie has spoken in many of the larger universities of the Con- try, and has had a wide exper-ience oon the lecture platform. The lectures are being given under the unriiversity ' etsion series, and ,are open, to the public. Wa,1 lkiing s>ticks foir the sen"iior xl tetura i' l clayss have just beenr rece.ived> and are bue !ing i;;stribuitdat 7p( rsent to thie membiers of htcls.Th ls wiill nlOt hold a reguliar sigout w=ith the canes, brit will stairt% wearintg themn this wGeek, The sticks are madie in AWhole Caucus in 30 Mimajtes SEE Six Beautiful Horses-Oine Lon Horned Steer-One Comedy Mule and Western Champions and Celebrities9 V C. F. HAFLEY . . . Ex California Sheriff BEE HO GRAY . . Champion Roper of the World SCOUT MAISH Champion Steer Bulldogger of the World MISS MAMIE FRANCIS _ America's Greatest Rifle Shot MISS ADA SOMERVILLE Americas Famous Cowgirl and Horse Trainer MISS PAULINE LAWRENCE Broncho Buster and Cowgirl CHARLIE SWEET . , Rube Constable BILLY REED , . . Boss Hostler SAM CROSS . . . . Boss Props 4 Other Corking Big ';Vode'Acts 4 3 Shows Every Day 3 3.00 7:30 9:00 i Biggest Bill of the Year. 19 People and an ]Entire Wild West Show WATCHFOR THE BIG STREET PARADE EVERY DAY wmwmw m="wm. wm 1L0OR - at $1.50 l 1st 41 Rows, 120 se ts - at $1.00 +I Bajlance 9q Rows, 27;el G&LLERY Smw, , 232 seats .i c SEATS OAN SALE WEDNESDAY FOUNTmAIN PENS WEC LEAD HElM Atll, We print your name in gold free, Bo-4oks STATIONARY Every thing a Student Needs opportunity. Wanited: Stu- 1 nt for Superior Mo?1nra Good Comm iissin, 1Ad- re Daiily,. WANBD-xam ar oxer ndnow you shAoul d pln for retuing i; Oct. 1, Tl 3 11 ,by a ayig sumerpo- ; tion1. See1lMr. Sihson,50")E effersort, Phone 2466. 89-g0 Students' Supply Stor*e' 111115. Univ. Ave. Phone 1 160-R