THE MICHIGAN } AILY Down! H f 'i e Everyone should have a Kodak You can u s e one everyday Nothing tells the story better WHIRLWIND FINISH ICES El Sale Now On ind Overcoats. Divided in Two lots off--1/3 off GET IT AT CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SOUTH STATE STREET I AMATEUR FINISHING A SPECIALTY We are compelled to give you this great opportunity of all Suits and Overcoats 1-3 off, Furnishings & BLACKS 1-4 OFF PANTS 20% OFF We carry a complete line of genuine Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. There is an Eastman for everyone from the Graflex to the KodakJr. We will take in your old Kodak if you want a better one. GET IT AT CALKINS' PHARMACY 20%; Bags and Suit Cases 20%. I )HAMS & CO. 121-123 So. Ilain St. , Street $75,000 ngs Bank irplus $ioo,ooo ,o Transacted had s. Fritz, Pres., Carl F. z, Asst. Cash'r Scotch Plaid Overcoats The newest material is a thick, soft, rough finished. cloth, with subdued plaids woven into the back. You can't imagine what a rich overcoat this material will make. A. F. Marquardt 516 William Street - - Postcards giving the revised sched- ule of Choral Union concerts, are now being mailed to patrons by the school of music officials. The various con- certs will be given as follows: Wednesday, February 17-Cincinnati Symphony orchestra, Dr. Ernest Kun- wald, conductor. Tuesday, March 2-Ferruccio, Buso- ni, Italian pianist (this concert was postponed from November). Thursday, April 8-Olive Fremstad, Metropolitan Opera prima-donna. Mme. Fremstad is substituted for Mr. Slezak, who failed to come to America on account of the war. Tuesday, Feb. 9-H--earst-Selig News. Wednesday, Feb. 10--"Scrap of Paper" (with Louise Vale) Friday, Feb. 11-"Master Key" (5th story) "Saved From the Life of Crime" (with Dorothy Kelly) P TempleTheatre J'A ' } t ' j l V OI Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Tuesday, February 9 Tohn Emercon in The Conspiracy Wednesday, February 10 Mary Pickford in Hearts Adrift. Thursday and Friday Feb. 11-12 Margaret Clarke in The Crucible. Saturday, February 1 Carlyle Blackwell in The Last Chapter. in Sts. ce for Your %YLES loth Shop TAILORS on the lines of fashionable Tailor- es productions. our own Workshops TY STREET m . ...... w ays .s me feeling spirits, and, esn't bite, it t and keeps IN 11 .9LW TO FOR1, DRAltATIC FRATERNITY Mhies to Discuss Formation of Club; Many Organizations in Favor Mimes will meet at 7:30 o'clock to- night at the Union to discuss the for- mation of a national dramatic frater-, nity, similar to Sigma Delta Chi, the national journalistic fraternity. The movement for such an organi- zation was started by the Bearsfoot club of the University of Wisconsin, and was considered by the Masque and Wig club of the University of Pennsylvania, the Triangle club of Princeton, the Dartmouth Dramatic club, the Iowa Dramatic club and the Black Friars club of the University of Chicago. The National Musical Comedy club has been sug- gested as a name for the organization. After a consideration of this club, the Mimes will read over this year's opera, "All That Glitters." Alpha Nn Society to Install Officers Alpha Nu literary society meets at 7:00 o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu rooms on the fourth. floor of Universi- ty hall. Officers for the second semester will be installed as follows: President, Ja- cob Levin, '17L, vice-president, J. Q. Adams, '16; secretary, H. Teegarden, '17; treasurer, H. H. Springstun, '17; Sybil editor, C. E. Bailey, '17;marshall, E. J. Engle, '15. L. E. Dunten, '14-'16L, president of the Oratorical association, will address the society. A debate will be held on government ownership of the merchant mnarine, and the Sybil will be read. All interested in oratory and debating are invited to attend. It. E. Dean, '15, Chairman of Dances Russel E. Dean, '15, has been ap- pointed general chairman of all the Union dances to be held during this semester. Dean replaces Emmett F. Connely, '15, who was chairman dur- ing last semester. Special effort will be made to distribute evenly the ap- pointments of chaperons and commit- teemen. Freshmen will be placed on committees occasionally this semester.1 New designs which are now beingE planned for the programs, are expect- ed to be put into use soon. Detroit Engineer Will Lecture Today< f. H. Essylstyn, of the Edison Il- luminating Co., and president of the Detroit Engineering society, will give an illustrated lecture on, "The Con- struction of the Connors Creek power house," at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in room 348 of the new engineering building. Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4;00 EVE. 0:15; 7:45; 9:15 Wednesdav February 10 BEATRIZ MICHI NAin "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch." Thursday February 11 In the Latin Quarter, Vitagraph drama in two parts. Olive is Dismissed, Edison, and others. Friday February 12 Tom Wise in "'A Gentleman from Mississippi." Return engage- ment of this splendid Bragy Feature. FIRST NATION A L BANK ANN ARBOR Capital - - $100,000 Surplus and Profits $65.000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. W. Clarkson, i. D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. WHI TNEY Thursday Night---Feb. 11 IUnc~c Josh' Jen1mki*ns... THE QUAINT RURAL COMEDY -ORIGINAL COMPANY- PRICES -25, 35, 50c SEATS NOW ON SALE TEN DOLLARS Special this week. $15 balmacaan coats for $10. Gross on Liberty. 89-90 TEN DOLLARS Special this week. $15 balmacaan coats for $10. Gross on Liberty. 89-90 Showing of early spring millinery at the Granger Hat Shop, 606 East Lib- erty. 89-90 Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, RMOMARM k l i -7 s, Vigorous Winter Pastimes --to be thoroughly enjoyed-must be indulged in without fatigue of body or mind. And this can best be done on a regular diet of ti 7dep!d Wyheat Athletes Who exCel in winter sports keep their blood red, tissues healthy, and brain alert by the daily use of this most nourishing form of whc e wheat. They find it contains all the food elrments that are needed to keep them in tine fe~te, their muscles hard, their eyes clear, their brain aCtive. Ready to serve at any time with cream and s7gar or with fresh or preserved fruits, stewed punes, sliced bananas or baked apples. "All the Meat of the Golden Wheat" r®Iii NU1 t AMATEUR FINISHING CAMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS I Niagara Falls, N.Y. 1 DAINES & NICKE LS ,i Physicaily Fit \.~ yy playgoer has remarked the virility aind it vigor of William Faversha, both as an id as a man. No matter what part he is play- always presents a figure of alert strength and its. His voice is especially engagg, clear, and sonorous. Tuxedo tobacco to gain a testimonial from such stating that it helps to keep hirm "physically n good spirits" and keeps his voice "in good oes far toward convincing you of Tuxedo's me, all-round value to you. The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and CijarCi e do will put snap and virn into your daily work. Lspiring tobacco that will keep you ft as a fiddle, st, hearty and happy and hale. You can smoke it ng, and each succeeding pipeful will glow with peer. original, exclusive "Tux.edo Process" has many -but no equal. Tuxedo for a week, and you1 like it forever. U CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE The only Studio on thke Campus 334-336 S. State St. . Official Photographers For The MICtI23A'tNSiA P~tsoa*. 130_J Makes Your f w''"Lc Velvet Mann's Benzoin Cieam has a marvellous effect on the skin. Two or three applications will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Delightful after Shaving. Price 15 este MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 Street 11 . III Showing of early spring millinery at the Granger Hat Shop, 606 East Lib- erty. 89-90 ;I TEN DOLLARS Special this week. $15 balmacaan coats for $10. Gross on Liberty. 89-90 University Ave. Pharmacy Martha Washington Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. t F !- 1212 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. T. HANKINS, Prop. 'i IF YOU WANT FIRST CLASS COME TO THE HEL I A B L E WHERE YOU GET VARIEOTY 11 FOR RENT-Two room suite at 325 E. mmmmmmw ...w.... Jefferson. - .....® . m assine swrapped, nidors, 40c andS0c In Gl( Hmidos SOc and 90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO R ye. Pharmacy Drugs In future Icles. Phone 416. tf Drug Store. all cars stop at .Goodyear tj II Inventory Sl. Students, your opportunity to buy mandolins, violins, banjos, guitars 20% discount Big reduction on all musical cases and outfits. Have you heard "Victors" and "Varsity" on the Victrola? Take one home, only 75c. GRINNNELL BR.OS. I2O-I2Z E. Liberty St. - POR RENT-Microscope, Mack Drug Co., 117 South Main St. u I- 88-891 11 WANTED-Will party who exchanged punch bowls at the J-Hop call 344. 89-90 FOR RENT-Large airy single room, two doors from campus. 1109 Col- lege St. 89-91 ONE BLOCK FROM ENGINEERING 1UILDING University Ave. Pharmacy Foun Pens and Students Supplies. TEN DOLLARS Special this week. $15 balmai coats for $10. Gross on Liberty. 8 Good laundress. Call 2098-R. & FOR RENT-Large south suite, n ly furnished, two blocks from c pus. Call 1264-J. 8 Buy your Mazda lamps at Switz 310 S. Sate. Day rate for single passenger now e. Phone taxi 22R0 AGENTS WANTED-In the University of Michigan. Chas F. Lowling, 459 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. 89-92 1I