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October 08, 1914 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-10-08

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eam Gives 'Micliigau
Closer Than 27
re Would

aulbetsch, Splawn, Rayns-
and Catlett Do Good
For Varsity
every minute of the game,
n's sturdy band of football
terday afternoon gave the
reat battle which was clos-
score of 27 to 7 would ndi-n
i the final seconds of play
'st score of the year against
ot been for the darkness
down on the field, and
referee to shorten the last
four minutes, the visitors
r have scored, despite their
ghting. The darkness help-
eyes in two ways. The im-
of the Wolverines to see
ve the visitors, through the
f their signals, a better
work the forward passes.
ss also caused the Varsity
umerous costly fouls which
sitors four more trials to

t 1111______ .._ . ____________
Comedy club tryouts, Cercle Francais
rooms, 4:00 o'clock.
Cabinet club smoker, Union, 7:30
1 o'clock.
I Canadian club meeting, Union, 7:30
Kentucky club meeting, Union, after
Cabinet club smoker.
Class meetings for all classes but
freshmen, to nominate class officers.
Fresh "pep" meeting, west physics
lecture room, 4:45 o'clock.
Soph "pep" meeting, west physics lec-
ture room, 7:00 o'clock.
Mass meeting, Hill auditorium, 8:00
Eighty-Five Candidates Turn Out For
First Meeting of Year Held
in Trophy Room
Interest in cross-country running
has increased wonderfully during the
past year, if tht enthusiasm displayed
at' the first, meeting Tuesday evening
in the trophy room of the gymnasium
can be taken as a criterion. Eighty-
five candidates turned out to hear of
the plans for the present season.
Trainer Farrell, Intramural Direc-
tor Rowe,,Dr. May, and Captain Trelfa
spoke. Farrell impressed the aspir-
ants with the information that if the
showing of the squad warranted, a'
team would be sent to the intercollegi-

Cupid Driven from Feich Park by

City's Cruel Vice Commissioners

Cupid has been given the knockout
wallop. He has been driven from his
Elysian fields and forced to hie his
way to the wind swept boulevards. In
the good old days, he took advantage
of the protecting darkness in and
about Felch Park, and many were the
pointed barbs that he planted in the
unprotected hearts of the couples that
held down the benches in that Eden of
Ann Arbor.
It has been rumored that the record
for this park for fall and summer en-
gagements has been approached only
by that of the island, and the babbling
waters must be taken into considera-
tion when one gazes at the diamond

ring record of the insular refuge of
And now Felch Park, the Felch Park
of old is no more. For in the middle
of the darkest and coziest spot in the
confines of the place, the first verse
of Genesis was carried out. A trium-
virate consisting .of the faculty, the
E. M. E. and the city fathers has erect-
ed a high powered Tungsten light on
a twentyy foot concrete post, and its
radiance is more than refreshing.
It is disgusting. Being no prophet,
we cannot hazard the life of the lamp,
or the post on which it is fastened.
But a good guess will place the time
limit at two weeks.


Freshmen Falling Is Flat Feet
Flat feet seems to be the most
prominent defect found by Dr.
Geo. A. May in his physical ex-
amination of freshmen. In most
cases the new men admit the.
wearing of rubber soles and;
heels which has been popular
since the tango was first intro-
duced. Rubber bottoms allow
the instep to give way, claims
Dr. May, and as a result the
wearers of these shoes Invari-
ably sustain floggy, fiat feet
* * * * * * *


{ i


Yost's Greatest Guard Will Address
Vanderbilt "Pep" Session
Friday Night

All Class Organizations,

Except First

Year Men, Will Hold First
Sessions Friday


All class organizations, except fresh-
men, will meet tomorrow to nominate
candidates for the class officer elec-
tions, which are due next week. Ar-
rangements for the following meetings
were completed yesterday: senior en-
gineers, 5:00 o'clock, room 311 engi-

tors combined to gi
heir score. The Buc
e passes each series
lone worked they pun
t quarter, when Mou
he offensive practica
e, penalties and sho
:he ball to the two ya
:higan got it on a fun
tactics worked the ba
wever, and Wilson fi
ouchdown,tafter a pa
k ball to the one ya
kicked the goal, ax:


nee ring


s e n i or

sses hel

ate cross-country event to be held at
Yale this year. Rowe disclosed the
rd season's plans to the men telling them
nd of the events which were now under
- Two local schools are to be met in
re dual meets some time in the near fu-
lhe ture, but just what schools these will
be- e has not been definitely decided up-
up on.
Captain Trelfa told the candidates
, that the athletic authorities had con-
be sented to award the "certificates of
merit" to those who work hard all sea-
son and do not win their "c-c-c's."

mtly in tl
chigan's d
breaking i

id Splawn scoring 25 of the 27 points.
ughitt made the other two on goals
om touchdowns while he was in dur-
g the first half. "Larry" Splawn's
cking was the offensive feature, the
exan drop kicking goals from the 29
d 30 yard lines. On another attempt]
e recovered the ball when the Michi-
n line failed to hold, and his trial
as blocked. Splawn also scored a
uchdown, and kicked the other goal
om touchdown.
Maulbetsch, in addition to scoring
ro touchdowns, showed a marked im-
-ovement in defensive work. He also
ayed a prominent part, along with
aptain Raynsford, in grabbing off
ray passes from the visitors. Catlett
id Hughitt were the other two best
ound gainers, but neither of the vet-
ans managed to get away for as long
.ins as the youngsters.
On defense the line fought hard, but
as up against a combination which
is its equal man for man. Michi-
mn could not gain through the line
nsistently, 'despite Hughitt's insist-
.ce on trying plays there. Such tac-
s inevitably resulted in calling on
lawn for a punt. End runs were the
st ground gainers for the Varsity,
in the two previous games.
Michigan got started early, after
>unt Union failed to gain. Roehm
turned the punt well, and Reimann
en gave Michigan a scoring oppor-
nity by recovering Geltz' fumble of
dlawn's punt. on the 15 yard line.
tree line attacks netted but five
rds, and Splawn drop kicked a per-
et field goal from the 29 yard line.
A. forward pass, Splawn to Staatz,
ye Michigan the ball on the ten yard
ie later in the quarter. Maulbetsch
rried the ball to the one yard line
ound Lyons, after two line plays had
iled. "Mauley" went across on the
st plunge, and Hughitt goaled. j
In the second period Splawn tore
)se for 25 yards to start things, and
>ehm got 10 more. Hughitt and Maul-+
tsch carried it to the one yard line,

The first workout was held yester-
day and today the larger number of
those who have signified their inten-
tions of running will be out. The squad
will leave the gymnasium every after-
noon at 4:15 o'clock and those trying
out must be there on time.
First tryouts for the Comedy club
will be held in the Cercle Francais
rooms at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon.:
Candidates may recite for judgment
selections of their own choice.
Two plays will probably be given
by the club this year, one in the first
semester and the second in the last
semester, besides a special production
for -the Junior hop, if a Junior hop is
permitted. Provi4ing the Junior dance
is not allowed this year, the play will.
be given at the time of the sophomore
A committee will be appointed next
week to decide upon the plays to be
staged this year. It is also contem-
plated securing professional tutorage
for the cast in addition to the faculty
Billiard Experts Play Exhibition Game
Calvin Demarest, ex-champion bil-
liard player of the world, and Albert
Cutler, ex-champion of the Uniteds
States, played a long exhibition game
at Huston Bros. last night. The score
was 400 to 306 in Demarest's favor, his
high run being 105. More than 150
enthusiastic spectators witnessed the
exhibition. After the contest, Dema-
rest gave a brilliant exhibition of fan-
cy shots.
Detroiter Seized With Fit After GameI
Roy H. Hyspler, of Detroit, was seiz-
ed by an epileptic fit, while on his way
from Ferry field, yesterday afternoon.
Hyspler was seen to fall down in the1
street, near the Union, by some stu-
dents who were walking near him, andi
he was carried into the' clubhousel
where medical service was administer-
ed by a physician.

pharmics, 4:30 o'clock, room 300 chem-
istry building; junior lits, 4:00 o'clock,
room 203 Tappan hall; soph lits, 4:00
o'clock, economics building;soph med-
ics, 11:00 o'clock, physiological chem-
istry room on. third floor of medical
building; junior medics, 11:00 o'clock,
west amphitheater, medical building;
junior homeops, 12: O o'clock, Pret-
tyman hall; soph homeops, 12:45;
homeop lecture room; soph engineers,
3:00 o'clock, room 348 engineering'
building; senior laws, 1:30 o'clock,
room C.
Arrangements for classes ndt in the
above list will be completed today
and announced in The Mlehigan Daily
During the summer the automobile
laboratory made a complete installa-
tion of a. Diehl electric dynamometer
for testing automobile motors, which
has the greatest speed range of any
in the country.
At present the laboratory is setting
up a new Reo motor, presented last
spring, for exhaustive tests on horse-
power output, cooling, and fuel econ-
omy. The Diehl equipment will be
used in the regular automobile testing
work in M. E. 32, as well as in the
automobile research course.
Interest in automobile courses seems
to be greater than ever before; there
are 40 men enrolled in the general
lecture course, eight in the regular,
laboratory testing course, and two in
the automobile research course.
Dr. Angell's Grandson Hopelessly Ill
Word was received here yesterday
by relatives that the condition of Dav-
id McLaughlin, grandson of President-
Emeritus James B. Angell, and son of
former Prof., and Mrs. Andrew Mc-
Laughlin, now of Chicago, is serious
and little hope is held out for his re-
covery. McLaughlin was injured last
July while diving from a dock in Chi-
cago-and has been paralyzed from the
waist down ever since.
Students Wanted to Sell Pamphlets
Students desiring to sell old copies
of pamphlets containing material for
rhetoric courses number 3 and 4 are'
asked to report to Prof. J. R. Brumm,
in West hall, tomorrow morning at
11:00 o'clock. The supply of the pub-
lications has been exhausted in the
Botanical Gardens to Furnish Flowers
The botanical gardens will furnish
the decorations for the senate recep-
tion, which will be held Friday even-
ing, October 16, in Alumni Memorial
hall. Mr. A. J. Pieters, of the botany
department, will have charge of deco-
rating the hall.

T. Davenport Smith, guard on Coach.
Yost's 1899 Kansas team, and called
"the greatest guard Yost ever develop-
ed," will speak before the initial foot-
ball mass meeting for the 1914 season,
to be held tomorrow evening in Hill
-Fred Gould, ex-'14, will speak for,
the student body, and -Prof. W. D. Hen-
derson will represent the faculty.
The university band will be on hand
to help instill the fighting spirit, while
"hap" Haff will furnish more of the
"live stuff" by leading the yells. Ken-
neth Westerman, post grad., will lead
the singing of the football songs. Both
the Vanderbilt and Michigan teams
will be present in full array.'
Cosmopolitan Club Will Present First
of National Nights
Russian night, the first entertain-
ment of the year on the Cosmopolitan
club program, will be held tomorrow
evening at 7:30 o'clock in the high
school auditorium. Talks on Russia
and musical selections will feature the
Prof. C. L. Meader .will give an il-
lustrated talk on "Russia and the Eu-
ropean Crisis," while Leonard Mois-
eyeff will speak on Russia's people
and the war. Alpert Slusky will give
violin selections and Miss Nora Hunt
will sing Russian songs.
A collection for the American Red
Cross fund will be taken at the meet-
ing. This is the first of a series of
national nights to be given by the Cos-
mopolitan club throughout the year.
Alterations in the administration of
the scholarship system"at Oxford Uni-
versity have compelled the trustees to
change the method of selecting Rhodes
scholars throughout the United States.
In the past, scholars have been elect-
ed from all of the states for two suc-
cessive years, while in the third year
none were chosen.
According to the new .arrangements,
the elections will be spread over three
years, and the scholars will be se-
lected from 32 states each year. For
this purpose, the 48 states have been
divided into three groups of 16 each.
Hobart Guild Will Hold Dance Friday
Hobart Guild, a student organization
of the Episcopal church, will hold its
first reception and dance in Harris
hall at 8:15 o'clock Friday night. The
following ladies will act as chaper-
ones: Mrs. Robert M. Wenley, Mrs. J.
S. P. Tatlock, Miss Condon, Mrs. C. W.
Edmunds, and Mrs. S. M. Stanton.
Prof Whitney to Address Convention1

Instructor Marries During Vacation
Mr. S. R. Thomas, teaching assistant
in mechanical engineering, was mar-
ried to Miss Claribelle Armitage, of
Highland Park, Michigan, on August
21. Miss Armitage was a member of
the elass of 1911, and after graduation
took one year of graduate work in
languages, and has since been teach-
ing French in the Highland Park high
school. '
Yearlings Are Prepared for Ypsilanti
Game on Saturday
Freshman Coach Douglas gave his
candidates an easy workout yesterday
before the Varsity-Mt. Union game.
A strenuous session of blocking and
tackling was followed by a short sig-
nal drill, after which the yearlings
were allowed to view the Mt. Union
All of the freshmen came through
the brush with the scrubs in fine
shape, and are ready for the first game
with the Ypsilanti Normal team on
Saturday. Douglas was pleased with
the work of his charges and looks for
a good game this week. The backfield,
in particular, is playing wonderful
ball and should run up a good score
on the Normalites, if the line plays
up to its early season form.
Havoc reigned in peace at the Mich-
igan Union last night when Sol Maz-
da's electric stare died out, and caus-
ed agitated officials to produce candles
for illumination.'
The fact that some 150 men were
gathered in the lobby to partake in
the smnoc preparatory to launching
the man-to-man membership campaign
did not lessen the confusion, either.
Some said the trouble was in the
transformer, . others that something
was wrong with the fuse, but the in-
formation given out by the electric
light company was as subtle as recent
dispatches from Paris, while retain-
ing all the confidence of those from
Pipes and cigarettes scintillated in
the darkness, people punched' you in
the back-purposely; from the piano
in the parlor came a sour sound, "Ti-a-
da-dum-dum," but the crowd was good
natured, as might be expected of any
Union crowd. - l
Dr. H. H. Cummings, of the univer-
sity health service, will talk on
"Booze" at the second of the univeri-
ty "Y" Sunday night meetings in the
Majestic theater next Sunday night at
6:30 o'clock. Preceding Dr. COm-
mings talk, moving pictures will be
shown, beginning at 6:10 o'clock.
* A chorus, composed entirely of men
students, will lead the singing. There
will be no tickets used at this meeting,
but inasmuch as the meetings are
planned to be finished before 7:30
o'clock, it will be necessary to begin
them promptly.
Dr. Barrett to Speak in Grand Rapids
Dr. A. M. Barrett of the homeopath-
is hospital, will deliver an address to
the Michigan State Conference of
Charities and Correction to be held in
Grand Rapids, October 28 to 30. Dr.
Barrett's subject will be "The Care
of Defectives and Insane Present Pro-

H. G. Sparks,'17E, and T.Manche
'17, Are Tied in Securing Honor
For Largest Number of
. Members
Committeemen Fail to Hand In I
of New Members Secured
In Canvass
Incomplete returns from the
night's canvas in the big man-to-:
campaign for Union members indi
that a material increase in the X
bership totals will be shown. A l
number of the committeemen faile
hand in their reports last night n
ing it impossible to give out the e:
number of new members secu
Among those' who repot
H. G. Sparks, '17E, and T. Manc
ter, '17, were tied in securing the 1
est number.
In nearly every case, where a re
al was received, the reason given
financial inability.' The spirit tor
the Union was exceptionally goo
indicated by the attitude of mos'
those who were approached. Ne
all who were not able to join at
present time evinced a desire to 1
out memberships as soon as they
In a position to do so. A large'nun
on the various lists were not at h
and still others who were located, I
ignated definite dates in the near
ture when they would become i
The campaign will be continued
day and tonight. It is hoped that
fore it closes every non-member
have been approached. Commit
men who have not received inst:
tions for tonight's work are urget
get in touch with their sub-chainr
Last night's membership 'total s
at 2,146, which includes only those -
have surrendered their receipts
the buttons and regular cards and
does not include those who have X
installments on life memberships.,
large number of receipts will p
ably be turned in today which will
sure .a bg jump in the total for
Several improvements have 1
made recently in the library. The
der and accession office on the m
floor, has been redecorated. S
valuable old pictures have been h
on the walls in the reading rodim,
the third floor.
The cages in the rear of the sta
on the second floor, are to be torn
and fireproof vaults, constructed
metallic lath and plaster, will I
their place. The rare books which
library possesses will be kept in
vaults as a protection against fire
temperature changes. There will
seven vaults in all, four of which
to be on one side of the room, w
the remaining three, together with
curator's office will be on the o1
side. New iron beam supports wij
placed in the various stack room:
replace those which are weakenin
Library Presented With Medical B

Dr. Charles B. G. deNancrede, I
fessor of surgery in the medical
partment, has just presented 371 ri
ical books to the general library,
greater majority of which deal a
the subject of surgery. Some, hov
er, treat of anatomy and general n
icine. This gift is particularly
ceptable, as there is a lack of fu
which were used in buying med
Play Off Third Round In Tennis To
Tennis men in the all-comers tc
nament took a rest yesterday, and
be ready to start in on the third ro
The following matches are schet
ed for play: First round-Trost
McDonald; second round-winner
Trost-McDonald match vs. Stocki
Vedder vs. Allan; Angell vs. Gry
third round-Eaton vs. winner of V
der-Allan match; Jennings vs. Wh
Steketee vs. Switzer; Cohen vs. A
ander; Nord vs. 'winner of Ange
Grylls match; Judd vs. Crawfc
Mack vs. winner of Stocking's ma
with winner of Trost-McDonald ma

.- -..c liW.G...'-i-Vi---ii ---'- ----------,-------
Prof. A. S. Whitney, chairman of the visions and Needs."
appointment committee, has gone to
Houghton, Mich., to deliver an address Strom, '13D, Enlists in Kaiser's Army
before the convention of teachers from According to a letter received by
the uppper peninsula. Prof. Whitney Dean N. S. Hoff, of the dental depart-
will return the first of next week. ment, Eugene F. Strom, '13D, of Ger-
many, has enlisted in the Kaiser's
Vandenberg Edits Grand Rapids Paper army and is now at the front. Strom
A. H. Vandenberg, a student in the writes that he intended to bring a
law department in '01-'02, is now man- brother to enter the dental depart-
ager and editor of U. S. Senator Wm. ment this fall but was forced to fore-
Alden Smith's Grand Rapids Herald. go his plans because of the war.

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