THE DAILY. EVE.RY )IORN~IKG Michigan Daily I[SUBSCtIIIE I XXV, No. 88. . ------ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1915. _. i THRENWTRAC Ithacans and Wolverines Cannot Find Satisfactory Dates for Either Indoor or Outdoor Contests NOTRE DAME FILLS VACANCIES; PRINCETON ADDED TO PROGRAM I Eu stern Intercolleg ate at New Attracts First Mibcigain Entry York Three important changes are evident in the Varsity track schedule for the coming season, announced by the board in control of the athletic association at its last meeting. For the first time in several years, Cornell will not face Michigan on either the indoor or out- door track. The only date which the Ithacan authorities offered the Wolver- ines, was not satisfactory to the Michi- gan leaders. To fill the vacancy caused by the loss of the Cornell meets, Notre Dame has been added to the Varsity schedule, and will appear in Ann Arbor for an indoor meet on February 7. The Michigan athletes will journey to South Bend for an outdoor meet in May. Princeton has been added to the Michigan schedule, being down for a two-mile relay in Ann Arbor upon February 20. This is the first event upon this year's card, and will come the same night as the Varsity meet. Syracuse will face the Wolverines twice this year, at Syracuse indoors, and outdoors at Ann Arbor. . The eastern intercollegiate at New York 'is a new contest on the Varsity' card. Michigan will enter only a two- mile relay team at this meet, "which comes March 6. The outdoor intercol- legiate is on May 29 at Cambridge. Michigan will probably place a team of at least 10 men in this contest. The schedule follows: Indoor Meets. February 20-Princeton two-mile, re- lay and Varsity meet, Ann Arbor. February 27-Notre Dame duel meet, Ann Arbor. March 6 - Eastern intercollegiate meet, New York City. March 13-Syracuse dual meet at Syracuse. Outdoor Meets. May 1-Varsity field meet.. May 8-Notre Dame dual meet at South Bend. May 15--Syracuse dual meet, Ann Arbor. May 22-Interscholastic meet, Ann Arbor. May 29 - Eastern intercollegiate, Cambridge. {{ -. 1 I TODAY Dr. John Mez lectures on "The Psy- chology of War and Peace," Newber- ry hall, 4:00 o'clock. Rev. E. S. Buchanan lectures on "Where is the Primitive Text of the Gospels?" Memorial Hall, 4:15 o'clock. TOMORROW Dr. John Mez lectures on "The Eco- nomics of Modern Internationalism," Newberry hall, 4:00 o'clock. Dixie club meeting, Michigan Union, 7:00 o'clock.ยข Commercial Secretaries to Assemble Members of the Michigan association of commercial secretaries will hold their annual meeting on February 13, in the economics building. The meet- ing is an important one, as officers and an executive committee composed of five members, will be elected. An amendment to the by-laws providing for associate members will also be dis- cussed. Prof. Edward D. Jones, of commerce and industry in the economics depart- ment, will deliver two lectures before the men assembled at the ineeting. Uermani Scholar Gives Peace Lectures to Students in New- berry hall "CUIE WAR SCIENTII1CALLY" Will Celebrate Lincoln's Birthday Members of :the Illinois club will celebrate Lincoln's birthday by a Lin- coln Day dinner at the Michigan Union Friday night, Feb. 12. Maurice Dunne, '17, son of Governor Dunne of Illinois, will preside. Dean John R. Effinger and Prof. G. '. Dowrie, of the eco- nomics department, representing the faculty and Harold Schradzki, '15L, of the club, will give short talks appro- priate to the occasion. George Moritz, '15, wrill furnish the musical part of- the program. Cards are being sent out .to all students from Illinois, urg- ing them to attend. Well Known Editor of Fra and Philis. tine Tralks Next Sunday on "Getting Together" PRA ISEl) BY TORONTO GLOBE Elbert Hubbard, the sage of East1 Aurora, has been secured by the com- mittee in charge of the Union Sunday afternoon programs, to speak next Sunday on "Getting Together." "Fra Elbertus," as he is known throughout the country, is chief of the Roycrofters and editor of the Fra and the Philistine. In speaking of "The Romance of Business," a talk which he gave in Toronto, the Toronto Globe said: "Pretty, near the whole range of hui- man activity and experience was cov- ered by the East Aurora sage in the course of his remarks, but modern business and the constitution thereof, was the topical thread underlying his wanderings. Each point was backed up with illuminating argument and reference, and the value of the optimis- tic gospel lying behind the speaker's scintillating epigrams was apparent to everyone. Friday Recommends State Income r'tax Prof. David Friday, of the econom- ics department, in a speech delivered before the fourth annual state tax conference, held recently in Detroit, recommended the substitution of a state income tax for the present per- sonal property tax, as a means to cure the present tax evils. Allmneudinger, '14, Will Train Indians Ernest "Aqua" Allmendinger, '14, all-Western guard in 1912 and 1913, has been appointed director of athlet- ics, and head of the department of in- dustry, at the United States Indian school, at Rapid City, South Dakota. Battle, hinging on Nomination of Mr. H. Stephens, of Otsego, Adds to Candidate's Chances FACTIONS TO CONVENE FR)IAY Predictions that the University of Michigan will become the laughing stock of the country if Mr. Henry Stephens, of Otsego, is nominated for. the regency, show with what bitter- ness the fight is being waged for the Republican nominations at the state convention, to be held next Friday at Grand Rapids. Mr. Stephens, whose picture has. been referred to as "a good beer ad- vertisement," seems to be strongly supported by prominent political work- ers in the north, and the bitter fac- tional fight, that has developed in Wayne county, adds greatly to his chances for success. Two county conventions were held in Detroit on Friday, and two delega- tions named for the state gathering, one supporting Regent Frank Leland, the other, Dr. Guy L. Kiefer. The fight between these factions will be arbitrated by the credentials' commit- tee of the state convention. Decidc to Give Concert on Friday Night Only; Committee Meets This Afternoon * * * * :4; * * 4: * * 4: * * *r 4 * * * * * * Today: "The Psychology of War and Peace." Tomorrow: "Economics of Mod- ern Internationalism." Thursday: "The Place of Force in Modern Civilization." Friday: "The Next Practical Step-The Conditions of Peace." Time: 4:00 o'clock. Place: New- berry hall. * * * * * * * * * *: * m : * * * * * * * * * * * COMEDY CLUBO PLAY WINS J-HOP COWD Professional Atmosphere of "Poman - der Walk," Staged Saturday, Makes Strong Appeal LAEAD ROLES SHOW VEJRSATILI'TY "Pomander Walk," the 1915 produc- tion of the Comedy club, which was given before a J-Hop audience at the Whitney theater last Saturday, added another success to the records of Michigan's dramatic organization. The reception accorded the play has led the directors of the production to an- nounce that a second presentation will be made on Friday night, Febru- ary 19. The most noticea'ble feature of the performance, as given Saturday, was the professional atmosphere which pervaded the staging of the produc- tion. In the leading feminine role, Mary True, '15, acquitted herself in fine fashion, taking the part of a young girl involved in the meshes of her first love affair. Phyllis Povah, '16, as the mother, was pronounced ex- cellent in her handling of a part which required considerable versatil- ity. M. C. Wood, '17, playing in his first Comedy club production, display- (Continued on page .) HALF MILERS TOIL FOR TIGERS' RELAY 581Yard and Quater iie Mn Illntis D~o Better Ttan at Buiffalo ('OACI PlSiIES 'tRAINNQ WORK With 'the two mile relay race againist Princeton a scant two weeks away, the half milers will receive spe ial attention from Cach F1+arrel of the Varsity track team, although the entire squad will be pushed more rap- idly than Has been the case up to the present. Michigan's defeat at Buffalo by the Pennsylvania medey relay aggregation can be attributed directly to biglosses in the quarter and the half, but despite this fact the coach hopes to enter a strong quartet against Princeton when the easterners visit Ann Arbor. John, the quarter miler who worked out for a time last season, has re- ported for work, and will remain with the squad. John showed considerable promise last season during his brief appearance with ,the track squad, and his presence should tend to strengthen the 440 event. The one bit f consolation that Michigan followers can derive from the bad defeat at Buffalo, comes in the work of Captain Smith. He wa pii'ed against .Lockwood, one of the crack sprinters of the east in the 220, but he gave Burby a four yard lead. Run- ing on a stranxge floor for the first time, "Hal" came within 'tw-fifths of a second of the track record, according to unofficial timing. Students Give Vaudeville at Jaksn George M. Moritz, '5, and Chase B., Sikes, '16, presented the sketch "The Maid, the Man and the Lamp," one of the hits of the Spotlight Vaudeville, at the annual banquet of the Jackson Chamber of Commerce in Jackson last Thursday night. Selden Dickinson, '151L, played the piano accompaniments for the sketch, while Leroy J. Sanlon, '161L, rendered several trick piano acts. C. Fordney Recovers from Typhoid Chester Fordney, '15E, son of Con- gressman J. W. Fordney of Saginaw, was discharged from St. Joseph's san- itarium yesterday, where he .has been suffering from typhoid fever. Fordney was taken to the hospital 18 days ago and his recovery is unusually rapid, PRICE FIVE CENTS. OPINION AGREES N SUCESS OF J-HP Sttdehttsr andd Menibers of Faculty }Ex. prss Pleasure in Conduct of Reinstated Social WATI:RBflAN YitNASIUT Ru IIL t GARBED AS VENETIAN gARIDEaN loom Surrounded 'with Flower-covered Latices Presents (Tay Appearance Expressions of opinion on the J-Hop from students and members of the fac- ulty alike, who attended, agree that the dance was entirely successful as a social function, and there seems to be little doubt according to chairman Richardi C. Jeter, '16E, that it was a financial success as well, although a definite report will not be made until Sunday. Prof. A. H. Lloyd, chairman of the committee in charge of non-athletic student affairs, was of the opinion that the hop was successful, and he saw no reason why it should not be given again next year. He had several new plans in mind where some improve- ments could be made, but did not care to make them public at the' present im e. Registrar A. . Hall, of the literary department, was enthusiastic. "It was Onle of the most delightful parties I have ever attended," he said, "aid everybody present seemed to think the same. Nothing happened which could offend anyone, and there was no feature which could arouse hostile criticism, or give any reason for dis- continuing it." The decorations were more lavish than at former hops. Every part of Watermnan gymnasium, in which the dance was held, was decorated as a Venetian garden, flow er-covered la t- ices covering the sides of the room, the place bright with big inverted lights. At the north end of the gym, in electric lights, was a large block M, while an electric "Michigan" shone from the opposite side. Light pink and blue gowns seemed to be preferred above other colors by the fair dancers. The styles were not extreme. Music of the popular sort was fur- nished by Finzel's orchestra of De- troit, and an orchestra composed of musicians in the. Varsity band. The committee in charge expressed pleas- ure with the work done by the latter orchestra. The Junior hop edition printed by The Michigan Daily was entirely sold out. EPIDEIMIC OF MUMPS FlINS 12- VICTIS AMOING IJUNIOR IENTS Dr. Cunminigs :oes Not Fear Spread of Disease, in Spite of Some New Cases Many junior dents have succumbed to an epidemic of mumps, which first made its appearance here early last week. An even dozen of the class have already been pronounced by the health service staff as suffering with the infection. An examination of all the members of the class was made by the health service staff last week, and those who had symptoms of the disease were administered preventa- tive treatments. Despite this, there have been new cases daily. In a statement yesterday, 1)r. H. H. Cummings, head of the health ser- vice staff, said that the close personal contact between the members of the class, both in the laboratory and classroom, was largely responsible for the rapid spread of the disease. He thought that the preventative meas- ures taken, will soon have the epi- demic in hand, and placed little faith in rumors that a general epidemic is likely to occur. Committees from State Legislatu re RIFLE TEAM MAKES 9(3 SCORE 'hird Match Shows Gain of 52 Points Over Washington Contest Michigan's rifle club shot its third match in intercollegiate competition against Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege, at the Ferry field range yester- day afternoon, the fle high men mark- ing a total score of 903, 52 better than the score which defeated Washington in the shoot held Saturday, January 24. The result of the second shoot, that with Arizona, held Satur- day, January 31 , is unknown but the score of 932 made by the Michigan team should assure another victory. The scores of the 10 men who shot "War is the failure of human wis- dom, a social disease." With these opening shots Dr. John Mez,, president of the International Students Federation, began his cam- paign for a better understanding of international relations, yesterday af- ternoon at Newberry hall. In a gen- eral introduction he brought out the peace movement for which he stands, and the problems which it presents to the student public. "In considering war, we ought to look at it from a comprehensive stand- point," said Dr. Mez. "It is a social disease, and the curing of it should be dealt with just as scientifically as the curing of any ordinary ailment. "When disputes and misunderstand- i cgs arise between two nations they should be settled by conciliation, and not by physical combat. Twenty wars have been successfully averted through arbitration in former times, and scientific study will lead to even more successful conciliations in the future." Dr. Mez, who is making a tour of the American universities, in an ef- fort to create interest in the peace movement, is a graduate of Heidelberg university, and a resident of Freiberg, Germany. He has made a thorough nation, and was in Belgium at the out- break of hostilities in August. He opened his campaign last week at Syracuse university and was enthus- iastically received. As a result of a campaign there, an international poli- ty club was formed, and has at pres- ent over 100 members. Lectures will be held as indicated above. Visit Umiversity with View to Improvements .liBRAItY ADDITION CONSIDIERE I) Several senators and members of the House of Representatives of the state legislature, were in Ann Arbor yesterday on a tour of inspection of the campus, with a view to acquiring information relative to the proposed new demonstration school for the edu- cational department, and the addition to the library. The party consisted of the senate committee on the university, compris- ing Dr. E. A. Plank, C. W. Foster, George A. Barnes; the House commit- tee, consisting of William F. Nank, Charles r owers, Harvey Penney, Sheridar f'ord, and G. W. Kooyers,.the last t' , not being present; members at large, Senator F. L. Covert,.Repre- sentatives George S. Wright, Charles R. Foote and R. M. Watkins. The legislators inspected the new power plant, the hospitals and the university storehouse in the morning, and spent the afternoon in the, build- ings on the campus. At noon they were entertained at luncheon by President Harry B. Hutchins, at the Michigan Union, Regents Beal, Bulkley and Clements also being present. The needs for the new demonstra- tion school were pointed out in a talk given in the afternoon by Prof. A. S. Whitney, of the educational depart-+ ment. Librarian Theodore Koch, Dean Karl E. Guthe and Prof. I. N. Demmon+ spoke on the desirability of an exten- sion to the library. The party return-. ed last night.r MEL() IRAMA FEATURE 'OIMEDY It has been decided to give the next "Band Bounce," on Friday, February 26, in -ill auditorium, a departure from the original plan to give a per- formance on two sucecssive nights. The committee in charge of the ar- rangements for the concert will meet at 4:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the office of S. J. Hoexter, manager of the Varsity band, on the second floor of the engineering shops building. All the more important plans for the entertainment were made before the examination period. An effort will be made to secure a large advance ticket sale. This, however, will not begin until the week before the con- cert. Those who worked on the for- mer "Band Bounce" will remain as part of the organization for this one, but it is likely that some in addition will be needed for the present concert. The program will contain a large number of short acts, part of which will be of the light vaudeville variety, and others of a more serious nature. While the program has not yet been announced, it is understood that one of the chief features will be a skit by W. A. P. John, '16, described as a comedy melodrama. Another act which promises to produce a sensation is . "rube band" which is composed of in yesterday's match follow: Standing Prone J. R. Moser ........87 99 C. B. Marks ........85 98 G. S. Curtiss.......86 96 J. E. Snider.......82 96 I. C. Wilcoxen ....77 97 J, Steere..........77 96 R: S. Anderson .....85 87 A. C. Simons ......69 97 W. J. Schoepfle ....74 87 M. B. Cutting .....67 93 The next match scheduled i Total 186 183 182 178 174 173 172 166 161 160 s with Rhode Island State College, and is ar- ranged for Thursday, February 18. several of the Varsity: musicians. i S S You have seven days left in which to sit for Michiganensian Portraits. Feb.15 the last date