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February 06, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-02-06

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Michigan's Welcome to the Junior
Hop Guests.


Junior--Hop Edition
> 1%WWI 11
IV n Lt

Day I

The DAILY Mailed for the Rest
of the Year, $1.50.


Vol. XXV-J-Hop Extra


Price, Five Cents


By Carlton Jenks girl from the Pacific coast, sheathedI

Impressionism, futurism and imag-
ism gone mad could be the only verdict
passed on sight at the opening tableau
of the J-Hop, by leading exponents of
those fascinating cults. It was as if
some tropical sunset had been trans-
posed to Waterman gymnasium and
there a few more tints added to make
a great delirious splash of color, never
conceived of by the discoverer of the
chromatic scale. Overhead a mantle
of leafy green, contrasted here and
there with great stars of a delicate
pink, created the impression *of a tea
garden along the Riviera, pervaded by
a langourous sense of beauty and
And then to an extravagant harmony
of color add the perfect harmony of
music, and the picture is complete. No
soft strains of music came floating
down from a balcony, but wave after
wave of stirring strains surged down
in redundant effects as the band struck
up the Victors. And students, who had
marched down Harvard's hostile stad-
ium to that same piece, followed a
leader through the, intricate wander-
ings of a grand march. Who is to say
that their march was not as valiant
a one as the padded gridiron warriors}
performed? But an impending change
felt in the very atmosphere of the
room, surcharged with a feeling that
surely could not find outlet in the
formality of the march, and, as if in
answer to this subconscious sentiment,
the orchestra swung abruptly into the

in a flaming gown of the tango red,
was easily the cynosure for the greedy,
restless eyes of the unhappily mated
on the floor.
That J-Hop was not only an occa-
sion for enjoyment of the senses in;
the dances, and of the intellect in theE
Whispered frothing nothings that tra-
dition bids one pass to one's partner.
It was more truly a study in Fine Arts,
the effect of the whole being so stu-
pendous that even an ambitious Mich-
ael Angelo would have paused aghast
at the Herculean task of working out
its reproduction. Perhaps a perfect har-
mony of color would have been im-
possible of achievement, for each gen-
tle guest has her own ideas of the tint
that shows off form, complexion and
feature to greatest success, but out of
that pandemonium of color some har-
mony was actually wrought, and the
grand result with the vari colored
gowns of shapely feminine forms, and
the sober black and white of the es-
corts, with the green and pink of the
over head decoration and the subdued
illumination, created an artistic whole,
tilat while perhaps not appealing to the
hypercultivated senses of the aesthete
was panaceatic boon of color for the
less cultured and more human critics.
Of course some fool rushed in where
angels fear to tread and essayed the
choice of the most beautiful hop girl,
basing his judgment on the fine points
of that American beauty appraised by aI
Grand Duke. Assuming that GrandI

and clusters of the same flower decked
the skirt. Uneven strands of rhine-
stones hung from the girdle reaching
nearly to the hem of the skirt. The
hair was coiffured after the custom or
the period of 1830, brushed upon the
crown of her head. The skirt, very,
full was rather short giving a glimpse
of silver slippers with little bows or
old rose. The nosegay of lillies of the
valley and pink rosebuds enlightened
the effect of quaintness and of superb
taste. What a pleasant sweet con-
trast such a costume offered to an-
other on the same floor, flaunted arro-
gantly by its wearer in that gay tur-
bulent mass of color! Here all that
was daring was exploited for the sake
of effect, in choice of color, in the low
cut of gown, and the effect of cling-
ing to a shape rather than being sm-
ply fitted, all primordial, and surely
not representative of the modern trend'
of costuming, engendered by the mod-
ern dance. Rather let us fill this role
with the girl who made good taste and
old fashioned styles rise rampant and
successfully against the ultra modern
tendency of the other.
Much different in many ways was

Pennsylvania's experienced runners
were far too fleet for those whom
Michigan. sent here to compete against
them at the sixty-fifth armory games
tonight. The Wolverines went back
to Ann Arbor thoroughly whipped.
"(Old Penn" won in the proverbial
Captain Harold Smith of Michigan
alone proved a match for his man, J.
e. Lockwood. They ran in the 220
yard division, and after alternating in
the lead, Smith finished about two
'yards ahead of his competitor. W. E.
murby was Michigan's candidate in the
440. fle was pie for F. Kaufman who
ran in about 30 yards ahead of him,
settling the victory for Pennsylvania.
A. ..Dorsey stretched the lead for
the Quakers in the half mile, and
when Ted Meredith started the mile,
Walter I-. Lynch was more than 50
yards behind him.
U nusual Number of Independent Men
in Attendance at Juniors'
More men, unaffiliated with frat-
ernities and house clubs, than ever be-
fore were in attendance at the J-Hop
this year. In past years the number



an impression of the hop after 12:00 of independents who attended the hop
o'clok wmesnthe phas always been decidedly in the min-
o'clock, when the growing popularity ority, but the number who were in at-
of booths, and tiring feet drove all s
tendance at last night's affair reached
but the insatiable of dance devotees over the half hundred mark. This Is'
one of the features of the "denatured"
hop which has met with almost uni-
versal approval.
This greater attendance of inde-
pendents was largely made possible
through the efforts of Dean Myra
. ;Beach Jordan, who provided for the

Miss Hefen Oppermann, of Saginaw,
who with R. C. Jeter, '16E, led the
grand march last night, was especi-
ally qualified to fill the duties of that
position. She is considered to be one
of the best dancers in the state. Be-
sides knowing the new steps in the
modern dances she has made a study
of Russian, Egyptian and Greek
dances, which she has exhibited in
many cities including Detroit and
Chicago, Miss Oppermann has not
attended the J-Hop previous to this
group making merry at the Packard
academy. It is also expected that the
annual dance of the Cercle Francais,
which is to be held in Barbour gym to-
night, will attract a number of the hop
guests. It is expected, however, that
the guests of the French society will
be confined to Barbour gym, and they
will not be allowed to use the J-Hop
The performance of Pomander Walk,
which is to be staged by the Comedy
club this afternoon at the Whitney the-
atre, will be attended by practically
all of the men and women who have at-
tended the other hop festivities. This
performance is being staged by the
Comedy club at this time as a special
compliment to the hop attendants and
their guests.

lodging of a number of guests of the
unaffiliated nen in the Women's
League houses. The housing proposi-
tion has always been a troublesome
one for those hop attendants who
had no fraternity affiliation, and the
arrangement provided by Dean Jordan
has been one of the most important
features in obviating this objection.
Replacing the regular individual
fraternity dancing parties which are
scheduled for the Hop guests tonight,
the independents will divide into two
groups, one group holding a party at
Granger's academy, and the other

(tiest list Inclides Meibrs of Fir
Sex Recruited from North,
South, East and
Pasadena California and Portland
Maine Send Represetaiti es
to Function
By Verne E. Burnett
Michigan's hop last night was a vor-
tex in the society season, which swept
in representatives from as far as Port-
land, Maine, to Pasadena, California,
from Boise, Idaho, to Buchanan, Vir-
ginia, and from Ioughton, Michigan,
and Windsor, Canada, to the southern
part of Oklahoma. Railroad clerks
will work overtime calculating the
shekels from a mileage of nearly 100,-
000, which the hoppers piled up (omit-
ting the pedometers' secrets of last
night, which we dassn't divulge here).
The Theta Delta Chi guests topped off
a score of 4,951 miles traveling each
way, while booth number 19 totaled
less than 500 units of trackage.
Remembrances of the Harvard expe-
dition of last fall are apparent in the
coming of Gladys Trombley, from
Springfield, Massachusetts. Other
easterners attracted by the fame of
the Wolverine Maulbetches are Helen
Patterson of Portland, Maine, helen
Burnell, from Hartford, Conn., and
Anna MacMaster of Newark, N. J. The
little old town on Manhattan sent Jean
Milliken, and Rocereller's home city
of Tarrytown, N. Y., sent Helen Ely.
The colonial south sent Julia Barks-
dale and Bess Gills of Portsmouth and
huchanan, respectively, in Virginia.
Maryland's representative was Eliza-
beth Engle, of Chautauqua.
Only one guest came from a foreign
country, and that was Martha Cal-
houn, of Windsor, Canada. 'ho far
west was roped in as far as Pasadena,
California. Irene Greenbaum came
through from Boise, Idaho, and Lenore
Haimbaugh, from Denver, Colorado.
Booth 24 entertained Margaret Walsh
of Oklahoma, and the Phi Delta Theta
party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
C. P. Barton, from Louisville, Ky. Two
dancers, Norma Dee and Keitha Bol-
(Continued on page 4)
Lillian M. Abbott, '16, is the author of
"My Girl of the U. of M.," the feature
song of the hop. The song, dedicated
to the women students of the univer-
sity, was written especially for the
occasion by Miss Abbott, who com-
posed the melody and the words. She
received her training in the musical
art writing dance music for use In

kindergartens with which she was
connected in Detroit. The piece will
be sung by the Varsity Glee club in
future concerts, and will soon be



swaying chords of "Back to Michigan, 'Dukes are faultless judges of beauty, from the floor. Now instead of that
Back to the Farm." Here in tune with and they certainly should be, we can one great blaze of colors tempered by G ONE IE Th
believe what we read in the Hearst the black of the escorts, individual
the more natural, more sensuous mu- beiv'htw ea nteHas colors made their impression in butter- HV T =
sic, the J-Hop really found itself as a Sunday editions, still each individual fly array, and opportunity was taken
rediscovered institution and even some hopper will vaunt the particular ex- for all those fancy little steps that nad 'is the day of the younger genera-
of the maligned' faculty swayed, hop- cellences of his adored one in the face been practiced with brother and sister tion; the old order changeth and his-
ped and slid with approving count- of any blue ribboned by a Grand Duke, at home. No more the simple elemen- tory is in the making. The all im-
enances to the refrain, "I want to be even should those particular charms, tary steps in the fox trot and one-step, portant gayly cantering and Bostoning1
there." be not charms of form or figure, but but now the stage was cleared for the junior of two years ago is the staid
If the bewildered outsider, standing the more substantial charm of the difficult steps of the Castle Swing and and grave business or professional man
on the edge of the moving, rotating house wifely virtues, perhaps not quite the Hop Argentine. of the world. The insignificant, down-
mass, visualizes only that one great at their best in the grudging esteem And whatever the intensity of the trodden, underdogged, floor-polishing
sea of color, rioting in his sense per- of conscious beauties on the ball floor. dark brown taste the morning after freshman of the previous hop and the
ceptions, and blinding him to any crit- Beauties from the southland, from the J-hop, still one can never regret gay evening dressed, fox trotting, lame
ical consideration of detail, he has lost the north, from the east and west, all the experience. The fact that part ducking junior of last night-two years
much that the careful connolseur of commingled, and passed envious or was taken in that great seething mass, ago you could not by the wildest
"les toilettes des dames," carries away superior comments. And it was not under the influence of color and mu- stretch of imagination have conceived
as the choicest, most cherished mem- from any peculiarity of dress that the sic must have some weight in estab- it possible-are one and the same man.
ory. guest could be geographically located lishing the J-Hop of 1916 revived, and 'Taint what it used to be. As we
Were it to be said that the styles each to their respective region, as the resurrected later laying under faculty looked over the happy faces of our
created an effect Parisienne, loyal sup- blondes and brunettes from the Rock- ban for a year, as the most wonderful guests, as they tripped the light fan-
porters of the dogma, "made in Amer- ies coped with equal modishness with 'experience of a college life marked tastic and gave a rhythmic joy to old
ica" would urge exile for the author. the problem that confronted the east- with many high spots and correspond- Barbour's walls, a sigh of grief, of
Perhaps, not styles that one would ex- erners. ing hollows. meloncholy regret, escaped our unwill-


ing lips--gone were the dear familiar
faces which previous hops-two, three,
four of them-had introduced to us.
Of all the 300 guests present last night,
but nine wore that proud, knowing,
glad to be back air, which testified to
their previous attendance at the festi-
val we call "the J-Hop." The 201
others, who were our guests in 1913,
have failed to favor us with their pres-
ence this year. Where are they? Why
are not more of them with us? 'Tis
strange, 'tis strange.
At the last J-Hop there were 45
guests present who had attended a
previous function. This was 21 per
cent of the total, as against the three
per cent who found themselves no
strangers to the hop last night.
And yet, and yet-Miss Josephine
Clay, of Detroit, who led the last hop
and was also present in 1911 and 1912,
returned again last night to find (a
rejunevated hop, perhaps), just as
much popularity, just as much cordial-
ity and even a little more gayety. Two
others, Miss Gertrude Patterson, of
Ann Arbor, and Miss Ethel Marshall,
of Detroit, experienced their third hop.
The following guests attended the hop
in 1913: Florence Mack, Ann Arbor;
Eleanor Clay, Detroit; Anna McMaster,
Newark, New Jersey; Eleanor Kinsey,
Toledo; Ruth Goddard, Detroit; and
Clara Hodges, Detroit.

pect to meet in the crowded cafes of
the Rue Pigale or the looser Bal Tab-
arin, but styles that one would expect
to cross the ocean and grace the forms
that walk down Fifth avenue and
tread the soft carpets of Peacock alley.
Paris, in the throes of war and with
her shops closed, does not mean that
her Pirets do not design for the modish
chic American. And here at this Mich-
igan J-Hop, the Viennese blues, the
Medici purples, and the Apache reds
bear mute but ravishing witness to
their immortality. The battle was not
all to the French, however, for the

And in the midst of a sunburst of
words, seeking to convey an impres-
sion of something that is too over-
whelming to be recorded exactly, it is
a relief to jaded nerves to turn to a
specific consideration of individuals,
and of individual's gowns. First the
rather tall graceful figure of her who
led with her partner, claims it's meet
of attention, with its quaint, altogether
sweet appearance. The gown of white
satin charmeuse was veiled in flesh
colored tulle, with a tight fitting body
of cloth of silver. Garlands of little
French flowers hung from the waist,

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