N lAILY I I1 Down I I I Whirlwind Finish PRICES For Chapped Hands ale Now On HAZELOIN CREAM .. 25C JANUARY Best thing you ever put on your hands or face. Get it at Divided in Two lots I 1/2 Off--1/3 off CALKIN'S 324 So. PHARMACY State street We are compelled to give you this great opportunity of all Suits and Overcoats 1-3 off, Furnishings 20%; Bags and Suit Cases 20%. & BLACKS 1-4 OFF PANTS 20 OFF I. I1 'I DHAMS & CO. 121-123 So. (lain St. . . . $75,000 Savings Dank Surplus $oooo $3,000,000 Scotch Plaid Overcoats The newest material is a thick, soft, rough finished cloth, with subdued plaids -All students from the south will be guests of honor at a smoker, now being arranged by the Kentucky club, to be given some time in the early part of February. -Work in the second year class of Horace has been accompanied by some, studies of Roman private life, bearing on the interpretation of the Odes. Pa- pers have been prepared and in part illustrated by stereopticon slides. -Lois Banfield, '12, of this city, has accepted a position as teacher of sten- ography and typewriting in the high school of Salt Lake City, Utah. She will leave today to assume her new Friday, Jan. 22 "The Master Key." Second Story. Saturday, Jan. 23 "Private Officer" (With Frances Bushman) "School Teacher and the Way" (With Mary Pickford) I I iri .._. Temple'.Theatre i di,. Lu erk _ -- [ i i I Table Cooking Sets Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. I woven into the back. can't imagine what a overcoat this material make. You rich will Is Your A. F. Marquardt 516 William Street Thurs. & FrI., Jan. 21-22 Adele Farrington,in "The Country Mouse." Saturday, Jan. 23 Max Figman, in "The Hoosier Schoolmaster." 1' For use with Gas. - -. numannan eliable Laundry your laundry linen. nen, but mends it. sew on buttons, but does it. wants your trial to show that it is Reliable. ve you. Prompt service. 215 S. Fourth Ave- ISHI NG IAITS NICKELS on the Campus Phone X30J The MICHIGANE~NSIAN.j CS duties. -Prof. A. F. Shull spoke this morning at the meeting of the zoological jour- nal club, on "The Philadelphia Meet- ings" and Parthogenesis and Sex in Anthothrips Terbasci." Ionia Ladoff, grad., was unable to speak, being con- fined to her home with an attack of grippe. -Prof. A. S. Whitney will offer a new course in educational survey of pub- lic schools, next semester, limited to superintendents of experience. -Arne T. Carlbom, '17L, who is in the university hospital with the mumps, was reported improving yesterday.s -According to the usual custom, class reports for the literary department,. will be sent out about the middle of the first week of the second semester. -Lel a f. Wright, '18, is recovering from an attack of the mumps. She will be able to leave the university hospital in a few days. -President Harry B. Hutchins, who was to have gone to Chicago Thursday, to attend a meeting of the committee on economy of time in education, of the association of American universi- ties was unable to leave Ann Arbor on account of university business. -University hospital authorities re- ported yesterday that the condition of C. E. Horton, '16A. who is suffering from chicken-pox, was materially im- proved. -Pasteboards for the pre-exam dance to be held at the Michigan Union from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock tonight, are sell- ing rapidly, about one half having been purchased at the clubhouse counter by late last night. The remaining 50 tickets will be on sale today, at 50 cents each for members. The mem- bership parties will be continued dur- ing the examination weeks, and com- mitteemen will be announced in to- morrow's issue. -University hospital authorities re- ported yesterday that E. J. Smith, '15E, is recovering nicely from'an operation for appendicitis, which was performed at the hospital, Thursday morning. -Mabel Cross, "'1, will go to Battle Creek, Michigan, next semester, to teach in the English department of the high school in that city. -Harold Harrington,,'15, has accept. ed a position as principal of the high school at Hart, Michigan. After grad- uating at the end of this semester, he will leave immediately to take up his new duties. Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4:00; EVE.6:15; 7:45; 9:15 I Saturday, Jan. 23 THE SMUGGLERS OF LONE ISL4E, Two Part Kalem Drama. Their Cheap Vacation, Essanay. The Methods of Margaret, Vita- graph. The Hearst-Selig News Pictorial. FIRST NATIONALBANK ANN saBDOR Capital - - $100,000 Surplus and Profits $65,000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. W. Clarkson, . D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. 4 1 4 V r v 1+ t . 1 1'/ f t f f o f : . - f i rr x . . -. i I I I WASHTENAW GAS COMPANY Toasters, Chafing_ Dishes, Coffee Percolators, and all accessories for Table Cooking. Gas does the work quicker and better than Electricity. Concealed floor connection under the table making the outfit entirely portable. U th, Shop TAILORS bility, built on the lines of fashionable Tailor- i in the Myles productions. Tailors and our own Workshops E. LIBERTY STREET Special daily recitals will be given in Hill auditorium during the exami- nation weeks, at 4:15 o'clock, compli- mentary to the general public as well as to students. Attention is called to the fact that the date of the orchestra concert has been changed from Thurs- day, February 4, to Monday, February 1. The complete list of daily recitals, as revised, is as follows: 'Monday, January 2, Mr. Moore, organi- ist; Tuesday, January 26, Mr. Moore, or- ganist; Wednesday, January 27, Mr. Moore, organist, Mr. A. J. Whitmire, violin- ist; Thursday, January 28, Mr. Frank Ta- ber, organist; Friday, January 29, Mr. John Meldrum, organist; Monday, February 1, University Sym- phony orchestra, Mr. S. P. Lock- wood, conductor, Mr. John Meldrum, pianist, Mr. N. Falcone, clarinetist; Tuesday, February 2, Mr. Moore, or- ganist. Other complimentary concerts will be given later in the year, as follows: Thursday, February 18; Thursday, March 4; Thursday, March 18; Thurs- day, April 1; Thursday, April 15. Too Good To Be True. We serve a dainty lunch from io to 7. See how attractive we can make it. And It Only Costs 2c. Gymnasium Supremacy is earned through greater strength; ability to think quickly and act while thinking; through the possession of muscular power, prowess, and endurance that enable'an athlete to defeat his opponent. Shredded Wheat is more nourishing than meat. It possesses all the elements of whole wheat that con- tribute to tissue-strengthening and the building of brain, bone and brawn. Brains and bodies nourished by SHREDDED WHEAT meet emergencies, tests and crises as they should be met-victoriously. CREST 302 5. Main St * A es Your Hands like Velvet a's Benzoin Czeam has a marvellous effect on the skin.- or three applications will remove the roughness, and i occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's.4 mIfl after Shaving. PrIce 15 eents MANN'S DRUG STORE23 S ane Stree Plan Lincoln's Birthday Celebration Lincoln's birthday is to be celebrat- ed by the members of the Illinois club, by a banquet at the Union. Arrange- ments are being made to have some prominent Illinois man talk at the af- fair. "All the Meat of the Golden Wheat" Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, For quick taxi service call 15. you don't believe it, try it. If Niagara Falls, N. Y. or e suits for both and GENT'S ver-garments in con- Li our dress-making Come in and try g gowns a specialty. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS We have a few Trial Machines which we offer at greatly reduced prices on the easiest of terms. Will be glad to have you try them. We rent typewriters, too. ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. INc. A. H.COHF1N, ResidentSalesman Phone 2282 1314 So. University Avenue lo University Ave.: and Toilet Articles Pharmacy Drugs Phone 416. tf 106 rents a kodak today, Lyi Hawaiian Victrola Records Have you heard them? Hawaiian music is declared by musicians as the most weird and fascinating music of the ages. It grows on you. Be sure in buying Hawaiian records that you select the best. Our Stock Is Cbmplete CRINNELL BROS. "Where you wl eventually buy" Buy your 310 S. Sate. Mazda lamps at Sw In future all cars stop at Goodyear Drug Store. tf 622 Holmes Taxieab Co. 522. "We'll be-there." Buy your 810 S. Sate. Mazda lamps at tU 11 Buy your Conklin Pen at Van Dor. en's Pharmacy, 703 Packard street. tf University Ave. Pharmacy Washington Candy, Cigars, Ci and Tobacco.