$2.0i fhe Michiga D-I&L ii I y I NOW $2.00 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1915. No. 86. TBALL TEAMS CRDo RULING opetition Between Class Five and Independent Athletes Goes On in Spite of Athletic Authorities NIOR LITS, TITLE HOLDERS OF 1914, LATEST OFFENDERS tball Men Among Those Who Play Games Down Town Against Regulations asketball competition by class ns with local fives is still going on, ;ite the edict of the athletic author- s. The senior lit five, which won campus title last year, is the lat- to jeopardize its standing. he students have discovered that rule on grounds, under the mis- aneous regulations of the athletic ciation, has a phrase, "intercolle- e sports," in forbidding such out- competition. Since basketball is recognized as an intercollegiate 't at Michigan, the class teams e continued their competition with teams, firm in the belief that this -hole would save them until the 'd in control changed the rule. There are two other rules, how- which the student strategists e overlooked. In the same set of s, contests with high schools are idden without specific permission he board in control. There is no ercollegiate sport" qualification which would exempt basketball. ule 12 of the miscellaneous regula- (Continued on page 4.) FLE CLUB NABLE ininv miAniinmmrB TODAY "Flying Squadron" at Presbyterian church, 2:30 o'clock and 7:301 o'clock. Final Mid-west debating tryouts, room 302 north wing, 7:30 o'clock. Pre-exam dance at, Michigan Union, 9:00 o'clock. Chess and Checker club meets at Un- ion, 7:30 o'clock. TOMORROW Lloyd C. Douglas speaks on "The Tragedy and Comedy of a Youth- Ruled Age," Majestic theater, 6:30 o'clock. "Speechless" gathering at the Union, 3:00 o'clock. 1-HOP APPEARANCE SPURS ON PLAYERS' CREW SUPPORTERS BUOY SHELL TRAnIL PROF. F.KELSEY TO SAL9BROAD SOON Will Leave Next Week to Take Charge of Bequest of Late Thomas S. Jerome, '84 MANUSCRIPT WILL BE PREPARED Prof. F. W. Kelsey, of the Latin de- partment, will sail from Boston next week, for Italy, to supervise the divis- ion of the library of the late Thomas Spencer Jerome, '84, part of which was willed to the University. The executors of the estate have re- quested Professor Kelsey to secure a manuscript, upon which Mr. Jerome had worked many years before his death. He will bring it, with several otliers of less importance, to this coun- try, where they can be put into final form for the printer. Combined Clubs' Management to Scour Fraternities in Seat Sale Campaign ANNOUNCE COMPLETE PROGRAM Spurred on by the prospect of per- forming before an audience composed mainly of J-Hop participants, the man- agement of the Michigan Glee and Mandolin club is working overtime to insure a creditable showing at the last home concert, to be presented at 4:00 o'clock Friday afternoon, Febru- ary 5, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. In view of the coming examinations, the major portion of the work of re- hearsing and selection of the program is already completed. Inside of a few days, the manage- ment will have made the rounds of the fraternity houses, in an effort to se- cure reservations for the concert. Those giving house parties and who wish. seats, will be given them in a block. A representative of the club will also be at the Union from 7:00 o'clock to 9:00 o'clock Monday night," in the same room in which reserva- tions of booth space for the hop are to be secured. Arrangements are nearly completed whereby the club will go to Pontiac at some time in the first week of March, for its first out-of-town concert since the holiday trip. The Pontiac men in- terested have made the necessary pro- visions at their end of the line, and it: only remains for the faculty. to put its stamp of approval upon the trip. Other out-of-town appearances are being ne- gotiated, but at the present time no definite word can be given out on the subject. Considering the large number of Junior hop guests who have already seen Durward Grinstead, '16L, in ac- tion, it is expected that he, along with H. L. Nutting, '1L,. wilk pro'e th'e chief drawing card of the concert with their skit "When Salome Danced be- fore the King." The complete program, including the numbers of the Mando- lin club, is as follows: 1. By the combined clubs,-The Vic- tors, Varsity. 2. By the Mandolin club,-Lustspiel Overture. 3. By the Glee club,-On the Road to Mandalay, solo by U. S. Wilson, '16. (Continued on page 4) MEN PLA B 0NKAO Aim to Make Rowing in Interelass and Activitie EDISON 'COMP.\NY iRMISES AID Work at marking the course for the proposed Varsity crew will be carried on during the first part of next week, by members of the Michigan Union Boat club, who layed out about one half of the stretch last Saturday. The men will drive the 14 loot poles, of a yellow color, with blue "taps" painted near the top, through the ice of the pond, and will deposit land marks on th shore opposite each. Buoys are to be anchored where the markers are being pounded in, as soon as the river is free from ice. Those who worked last week, and who for the most part, will help Mon- day are: Walter W. Watson, '16E, who has just been appointed general chairman of the river project; I low- ard H. Phillips, '16, treasurer of the club; Louis B. Hyde, '16E; W. Lee 'Watson, '17E; Kemp S. Burge, '17; Raymond M. Langly, '18E; Gordon B. Pearson, '18; Hoyne Howe, 118E; Er- nest L. Zeigler, '18; Ezra W. Lock- wood, '18; and Langford W. Wilson, '18. Three eight-oared shells can row abreast on the proposed water track, thus making competition possible for a local crew and two other eights. The engineering students who are manag- ing the work, are laying out the regu- lar English Henley course, of about one mill and 500 yards, which is now becoming standard in college rowing. There is only one slight curve of 1,500, feet, near .the center of the run, but' this does not interrupt a clear view1 for the spectators.{ Coach Courtney, of the Cornell oc- tet, declares conditions for shell-rac- ing at Michigan ideal, and Grover Officiol Varsity Business men of Ann Arbor, headed by James Foster, are aiming to estab- ish a hank :orn State street, in the near future, and it has been made known that between $30,000 and $40,000 of the neessary $50,000 of capital stock has b)een Ipledged-. it is understood that the organizers have several locations in view, but no decision has been made. One of the sites proposed is the Dr. V. C. Vaugh- an property, facing Liberty stret, and the promoters are understood to have secured an option on this. With the exception of the case of Mr. Foster, nothing is known of the others interested in the proposition, but it is supposed that they are mer- chants of the State street section. Notices to Regents Ist Be in Feb. 2 All communications to be presented to the regents at their next meeting, Feb. 10, must be in the hands of Pres- ident Harry B. Hutchins by Feb. 2. MASS MEETIN" G TO. Pep Seaion AI' oui cel for All Campus FI'tlius"aIs's of Winter Vasftae ItiECOIIIS PRICE FIVE CENTS. PERGOLAS OFITALY WILL GRACE 1 -HOP Venetian Fairyland Being Arranged, for Supplanting Flags, Bunting and Decorations R of Old INII(A tE MIATERIALI Plans for the interclass basketball players are already being laid by In- trainural Director Floyd A. Rowe, who has looked ahead to the second semes- ter and the annual intramural basket- ball league with the idea of giving it an early start, and of drawing a larger number of men than ever before into the sport. With this idea in mind, he has planned a meeting of all men in- terested in baisketball, for some time during the second of the twvo weeks devoted to examinations. The big mass P 1'eetil, although the has not been definitely decided CA)!PUS TALENT PROMISES TO PROVIDE HIGH CLASS MUSIC Coiimmittees Hasten Final Preparations Before Examinations, for Hop Parties "Decorations for the Junior hop will be unique and different in every way from those of former years," said T. D. Weaver, '16E, chairman of the deco- rations committee. "The old scheme of bunting and flags will be entirely done away with, and the Italian gar- den will be a real novelty in the his- tory of such functions at Michigan," he continued. From the running track, extensions will be made; over which vines of leav- es and flowers will be strewn, so as to give a pergola effect. Lattice work will divide the booths from one anoth- er, and in their construction, a million linear feet of lumber will be used, ac- cording to the estimates of the deco- rators. The lights suspended from the ceil- ing of the gymnasium, and those in the individual booths will be conceal- ed in bunches of flowers, so that the illumination will not be glaring. Weaver said that the cotillion, which is also being planned by the decorat- ors, would lend a spirit of gayety and informality to the occasion. He pre- dicted that it would wind up the af- (Continued on page 4.) FLYINGSQUADRON Final Meetings Will Also Include Hon. O1ver W. Stewart and John B. Lewis MUSIC PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN lion. J. Frank Hanly, former gov- ernor of Indiana, will be the princi- pal speaker at the closing meetings of the "Flying Squadron" today. While governor, Mr. Hanly won national fame by his fight,against the, liquor traffic and other social evils. With him are Hon. Oliver W. Stew- art, of Chicago, a former member of the Illinois legislature, and chairman of the national prohibition committee, and John B. Lewis, of Boston, a former miember of the Massachusetts legislat- ure. Miss Vera K. Mullin, soprano soloist, and Hugh Porter, pianist, will have charge of the music today. This is the last day of the "Flying Squadron's" visit to Ann Arbor. Two meetings will be held at the First Presbyterian church, one at 2:30 o'clock, and the other at 7:30 o'clock. The speakers go from here to Buffalo, New York. rget Range with Farnsworth, for three years coxswain . ill beheld'either on Wednes- at Syracuse, considers the course now day, briary 3, or Thursday, Febru- hbein ma. di a , it nn A n nfnd the TODAY is have cast their nth of the Michi- this shadow of s taken the form of the members field during the t of which it has ake a final selec- Harry A. Moul, eng. spec., rening, "The small number urned in during the past e committee, has rendered any just selection of a team from the 18 picked on the the team will not be picked' liately before the match is 'he rifie range at Ferry field will be sed all day today, and the match, I be shot at the Ann Arbor armory ge at 3:00 o'clock, at which time doors will be opened to spectators. e 18 men who were picked on the Lad at the beginning of the week i report at the range between 1:00 lock and 3:00 o'clock, to shoot two ings before the final selection of the m. ach member of the squad will shoot target prone, and one off-hand, 1 on the showing of these last two res, the team will be picked, the n shooting the 10 highest scores in .ctice being the men who will shoot official match against the Univer- r of Washington at 3:00 o'clock. e result of the match will be pub- ed Tuesday, February 9, due to the t that the scores made by each team 'e to be mailed to the National Ri- association at Washington, D. C., i from there they are announced to teams by means of a weekly paper, ied by the association. Professor Kelsey will go to the isl- and of Capri, where Mr. Jerome lived for a number of years before his death. There he spent his life collecting a valuable, classical library, composed of more than 5,000 volumes. By will, he left a greater part of this collec- tion to the University of Michigan and the American Academy in Rome. Professor Kelsey will sail on the "Canopic," for Naples, and will not return until the latter part of March. TEAM NOT YET SELECTED FOR REPRESENTING MICHIGAN EAST Squad to Leave Ann Arbor Feb. 4 for Competition 'With Penn Distance Men Just who will represent Michigan at the Penn relays, which are to be held in Buffalo, on February 5 and 6, is as much a mystery as ever, according to Coach Farrell. The only event in which the compe- tition even narrows down to two men, is the dash. The selection here rests between Captain Smith and O'Brien. The tryouts will be held some time next week. The three most prominent candi- dates for the quarter mile are Burby, Fontana and Carver, with a possibility of Murphy's running this distance. Fontana, O'Brien's running mate in the dashes on last year's yearling squad, has been shifted to this event temporarily, and, according to the track coach, has an excellent chance of pulling .down the berth. Burby's mark of 1:05 1-5 for four laps, has been beaten by a fifth of a second by both Fontana and Murphy. The squad going to Buffalo, will, leave Ann Arbor February 4, and will return the following Sunday. Uelg r e1-Bu ou on arg o pone , e", finest in the country, without any ex- ception. An observation train can be placed at many points where the Ann Arbor railroad runs paralIeVIto the river, and bleachers could be con- structed at many points along the east shore. Intramural Director Rowe, is work- (Continued on page 4.) Arthur Davin, ex-'13, and F. W. Zinn, '14E, have written to friends in this city, describing their experience, the former as a member of the Canadian Y. M. C. A. corps, now located at Sal- isbury, England, the latter, from the French trenches. Davin's departure from Canada is realistically portrayed: "After a few weeks of drill, ending in three days in which we could have marched away at ten minutes notice, (for we packed our kits after each meal), we arose one morning, ate and at last heard the bugle call; 'Fall in A, fall in B, fall in every companee,' and we boarded the train again. From train to ship, (the Cunarder 'Andania'), was half an hour's work. As soon as the good ship was loaded, communication1 with land was effectively cut off, by. her anchoring in midstream. For three days we lay there, speculating on thei mysterious movements of various lin- ers, but one morning we found that Quebec was far behind and getting more so every minute. Next morning we saw a remarkable sight. In a se-' cluded bay, just north of Jaspe Bay in the gulf, were 32 ocean liners and two cruisers. We lay there three days," but were lucky enough to be there1 when the liners slipped away."; Regarding the situation in England, he writes: "Just at present, the country is stirred up by the bombardment by Ger- man warships, and all day the half of the battalion which has not yet gone to Lark Hill, was kept within hearing distance of the bugle. That has no special significance, because we have been under those orders two or three times. I had to wait, however, until after supper, before getting permis- sion to come up to this canteen to write." Davin also writes that he does not regret enlisting, for he says: "This is going to be one of the greatest experi- ences of my natural allowance or lfe It is just like going to college." Word was received from Zinn, writ- ten while in the trenches with the French troops, to the effect that the battle was, "going on merrily, with the navy guns to the rear tearing up the German entrenchments in a heahy fashion," and that there was a "like- lihood of an advance through a barbed wire forest within the next few days." The message was written Jan. 2, on an allies' form card, the French words: for "in good health," "in trenches," "received your letter," and the like being underlined, and a line of person- al information following. Michigan Students Write War Adventures In Flippant Fashion ary 4, and is scheduled for 7:30 o'clock. An effort is being made to secure a new place of- meeting, since recent experience has shown that the t roph roobof Waterman gym is no (rnci capa:1ble of fulfilling the de- mands laid upon it by class athletes. In view of the large numbers which have been appearing at gatherings of like nature, it has become necessary to find some place with a larger capac- ity, and plans are already in motion for the securing of the west physics lecture room for the basketball mass meeting. In consideration of the growing interest in basketball, Direc- tor Rowe expressed himself as beingE hopeful for the possibility of securing the physics room for this purpose. The intramural records have had a thorough overhauling in the past week, which has resulted in bringing to light a great number of men interested in the indoor winter sport. Cards have been addressed, and, except for the stamping of time and place, are all ready to send out to over 600 men who have signed up for basketball. The number is the largest that has ever evidenced interest in any one sport. 'C'ive Appointments to High Schools Ella -. Hanawalt, lit, has accepted a position as history teacher in the high school at Saginaw, east side, dur- ing the absence of one of the regular history teachers. Grace Simmons, '14, has been appointed as an instructor in mathematies and English in the high school at Cass City, lich. Senior (lees West for Recuperation Melvin E. Case, '15, who has under- gone severai operations this semester for asthma, left for his home in Fen- ton, preparatory to going to California. lie expects to return to the university. next fall., HON. J. tANK HANILY, Former Governor of Indiana, Who Speaks at "Flying Squad. ron" Meetings Today. i ta 500, 5eats Reserved GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUB 50c J-#HOP CONCEP'T at Union SARAH CASWELL ANGELL HALL Seats maybe obtained now by mailing check to D. R. Ballentine, Mgr. Pr.ss BIdg. FrldaYt February 5th FEATURES BY RAG PICKERS GRINSTEAD AND NUTTING P. . .,. "r. .a .r.