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January 21, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-01-21

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XV, No. 84.



r -

President Hutchins and Dean Effinger
Express Themselves as in
Favor of Book
Cost of Establishing and Advertising
Met by Subscriptions of
Michigan's book exchange which is
to be formally opened Monday morn-
ing, in McMillan hall has received the
official sanction of President Harry
B. Hutchins, and Dean John R. Effin-
ger, of the lit department, in an inter-
view granted to the organizers of the
exchange, yesterday.
When approached on , the subject,
President Hutchins said that he would
give his most cordial support to any
plan that would benefit the students,
and from his knowledge of the plans
on which the exchange is to be oper-
ated, it appeared to him that this
scheme was worthy of a serious try-
out by the student body.





Michigan Engineering society meets in
room 348 of new engineering build-
ing, 2:00 o'clock.
"Flying Squadron" at Presbyterian
church, 2:30 and 7:30 o'clock.
Engineering society dance, Barbour
gymnasium, 8:30 o'clock.
J-Hop Acquaintance Smoker, Union,
7:30 o'clock.
Complimentary faculty concert in Hill
auditorium, 4:15 o'clock.
Prof. H. R. Cross lectures on Brown-
ing, Alumni hall, 4:15 o'clock.
Recital of "Comedy of Errors," Sarah
Caswell Angell hall, 8:00 o'clock.


Miss Helen Anne Oppermann, of Sag-
naw, Will Be General Chair-
man's Partner
R. C. Jeter, '16E, general chairman,
has been chosen to lead the grand
march at the Junior hop. His partner
in the grand march will be. Miss Hel-
en Anne Oppermann of Saginaw. An
effort will be made to begin the hop
promptly at 9:00 o'clock, while prelim-
inary dances will be given from 8:30
o'clock until 9:00 o'clock. There will
be 29 dances on the program consist-
ing of waltzes,. fox-trots, one-steps,

Comedy Club Stages Special Show for
ilrama League Officials
This Afternoon
"Pomander Walk," the play to be
presented by the Comedy club, on the
afternoon following the J-Hop, will
be given in Sarah Caswell Angell
hall at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon,
before a committee from the Ann Ar-
bor Drama league, to determine
whether the league will give the pro-
duction its stamp of approval.
The entire cast has been working,
on the play ever since the parts were
given out early in December. The
managers believe that if the special
scenery and costumes were' ready, the
play could be presented to the public
today. With an opportunity for near-
ly two weeks' of continued rehearsals,
"Pomander Walk" bids fair to win
unusual success.
The action in the play takes place'
along the Thames river at Chiswick,
in 1805. Humor abounds throughout
the lines and funny situations are fre-
Groups wishing blocks of seats, may
secure them by cominunicating with
Robert Tannahill, '15.

Music a-zd speec hlessnless will fea-
ture the progra-m to be given at 3:00
o'clock Sunday afternon, at the Union.
Victrola music furnished by the Schai-
berle music store, and special num-
bers now being arranged by C. T.
Bushnell, '15, will comprise the Sun-
day program.
Rabbi Franklin is slated to address
the Union members on January 31.
Refreshments and features will be ar-
ranged for this -occasion.

Michigan Engineering Society Pass
Resolutions Calling for
Drastic State
Work of Boundary Waters Commissi
on Pollution Qauses

"Flying Squadron" at
church, 2:30 and 7:30


Flying Squiron Makes Presbyterian
Church Headquarters ~
for Stay

In an interview granted to M. W.
Welch, '17, who is furthering the proj-
ect to the extent of paying most of
the preliminary expense out of his own
pocket, lbean Effinger stated that the
plan as explained to him appeared to
be feasible and that he was heartily
in favor of seeing it tried out on the
Michigan campus.
During the past week, considerable
advertising of a quiet nature has been
engaged in by the committee, which
is aiding Welch in getting the proposi-
tion on a working basis, and a decid-
edly favorable sentiment has been
created among a large number of stu-
dents and organizations about the can-
pus. Within a few days, large posters
setting forth the outlines of the
scheme, and the location of the ex-
change, are scheduled to appear in
various places about the campus.
The cost of establishing the system
for caring for the books is being met
entirely by private subscription, and
no one connected with the exchange
will profit in any way from its trans-
actions. Books of any kind from the
cheapest to those costing several dol-
lars will be handled by the exchange.
Classes Pick Councilmen After Exams
Elections for student councilmen
will not be held by the junior lits, en-
gineers and laws until after the open-
ing of the second semester. Accord-
ing to the student council constitution,
these elections should be made before
the end of the first semester, but ex-
aminations and the fact that there are
no regular meetings before them, have
led officials to make the postponement.
The lits will elect the first Wednesday,
and the laws the first Friday, after
the examinations.
You May Not
Believe It, But--
"The Harvard Crimson," Harvard's
sedate and serious-minded paper, ap-
peared Monday morning with cuts of
a skyscraper, an imported straw hat,
regulation pumps and dress suits to
be worn in committee conferences on
the front page. One news story told
of the "modest building for the noted
Daily," which was to be only 24 stories
in height. Another article explained
that the Crimson would thereafter
print a full and graphic description
with illustrations of each day's weath-
er. The announcement was made that
the Student Council had announced
the following day as Straw Hat Day,
and other equally 'important' items
of news were included. And the cause
of this sudden breaking away from all
rules and traditions of any sober uni-
versity daily, is only to be found in
the knowledge that the comic issue
of the Crimson appeared as the result
of the broken off relations between
members of the Crimson staff, and
those of "The Lampoon," which is the
Harvard humorous periodical. The'
trouble started when the editors of
"The Lampoon" did not attend the]
banquet of the Crimson, and as a
result, the members of the two staffs1
have come to physical combatin some1

and canters.
Chaperons will be requested by the3
committee to enforce the rule pro-
hibiting flowers. This rule was cx-'
forced at the last two Junior hops,
and is not an innovation of the pro-
ent committee.
A smoker will be held at 7:30 o'cloc
tonight at the Union, which will afford
all men who intend going to the hop,
particularly those who are unaffiliated
with any of the fraternities or house-
clubs giving parties, to meet and ar-
range their dance cards. All the mem-
bers of the hop committee will be
present, and will talk on the various
features of the hop, such as the plans
for the booths, the music, and the dec-
orations. All questions pertaining to
the hop will be answered. Refresh-
ments and "smokes" will be furnished,
for which a nominal fee will be charg-

Wenley and Roth Lecture on Extension
Under the auspices of the univer-,
sity extension lecture service, R. K.
Immel, of the oratory department, will
give a reading of, "The Servant in the
F ouse," it Benzonia, tonight. Prof.
Filibert Rothiwill speak tonight at
Bear Lake on, "Forest Parks," and
Prof. R. M. Wenley will talk tonight
at Battle Creek on, "Morality and Hu-'
L. G. Douglas, Who Addresses Sun-
day's Meeting, Writes Own


SKATERS MEET TO STIMULATE Lloyd C. Douglas, Y. M. C. A. secre-
DEPARTMENTAL HOCKEY TEAMS tary at the University of Illinois, has

Legislation of a drastic nature will
be passed by the state of Michigan, if
plans of the Michigan Engineering so-
ciety, whose meeting in Ann Arbor
comes to an end this morning, are
culminated successfully. At the ses-
sions yesterday, resolutions were pass-
ed to provide for sending letters to the

Ann Arbor will be visited today by
the first team of the "Flying Squad-
ron," which is touring the United
States in a campaign for nation-wide
prohibition. This team consists of
two speakers, a soloist and a pianist.
Meetings will, be held in the First
Presbyterian church, at. 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon, and at 7:30 o'clock this
Dr. Charles M. Sheldon, of Topeka,
Kansas, is a preacher, who has con-
ducted religious and temperance cam-
paigns in Great Britain, Europe, New
Zealand and Australia. He is pre-
pared to tell how prohibition works in
Kansas, one of the first states to abol-
ish the saloon.
Daniel A. Poling, of Boston, will also
speak today. D. V. Poling, of Port-
land, Oregon, has charge of the music
at today's meetings, and William Low-
ell Patton, also of Portland, comes as
The local committee has not been
notified as to the specific topics to be
discussed. It is thought that the en-
tire team will take part at each meet-
ing. Admission to these meetings is
free, but a silver collection will be
Ann Arbor will be the scene of two
different dental conventions next
week, when the National Association
of Dental Teachers and the National
Association of Dental Faculties
hold their a n n u a I meetings
here. T h e gathering o f t h e
faculties, which will be attended by
the deans of many of the leading den-
tal colleges of the country, will begin
its sessions next Monday. The meet-
ing will last all of Monday and Tues-
day. The dental teachers will convene
on Tuesday and their session will last
three days. More than 100 teachers
will attend the meeting, and a number
of them will be accompanied by their
The address of welcome will be giv-
en on Tuesday morning by President
Hutchins. A number of entertainments
are being planned for the visiting del-
egates and their wives.
All but 300 students at Cornell uni-
versity are engaged in some form of
athletics, according to statistics re-
cently furnished by the director of
physical training there. This is a per-
centage of over 92.5 per cent of the
undergraduates, and the number is
exceptionally large in comparison
with other leading universities.
According to the statistics, the most
popular of the many branches of ath-
letics indulged in by the students are
track and tennis, although the other
lines of sport are also patronized to a
large extent.

Final tryouts for the Mid-west De-
bating league team will consist of a
debate to be held at 7:30 o'clock Sat-
urday night, in room 302, north wing.
Two men will be eliminated in this
The remaining eight will be retain-
ed until the debate, though two will
be made alternates later. The teams
for the contest Saturday follow: af-
firmative, Roy R. Fellers, '15, William
I. Goodwin, '16L, Harrison Karr, grad,
Jacob Levin, '17L, and Victor Sugar,
'16; negative: George Claassen, '15L,
Sherley Galer, '17L, Leslie Lisle, '17L,
and Samuel Rosensteen, '17L.
Expedition to Enter China and Thibet
Students interested in joining an
expedition this coming summer into
the interior of China and Thibet, the
undertaking to last at least two years,
may do so by semi-independently man-
aging their own finances, according to
a letter received by The Daily. The
opening is for a few university men
who would care to accompany Dr. F.
V. Holm, of 14 John Street, New York
City, on his circumnavigation of the
globe. Those interested may com-
municate directly with Dr. Holm.
City Council Prohibits Sunday Movies
Sunday moving pictures and all oth-
er forms of theatrical exhibitions are
a thing of the past in Ann Arbor, as
the common council passed an ordi-
nance recently prohibiting all holi-
day shows. The action was due to a
protest of Ann Arbor ministers, who
objected to Sabbath movies, because
they kept people away from church.
. N

For the purpose of stimulating in-
terest in the organization of depart-
mental hockey teams, a meeting of all
men interested in the sport will be
held at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon, in
the trophy room of Waterman gymna-
sium. Intramural Director Rowe has
secured the use of Weinberg's rink
from 5:30 o'clock to 7.:00 o'clock each
day for practice periods and for
Containing a condensed account of
the year's important happenings on
the university, campus, the annual bul-
letin of the law class of 1897 has been
sent to the editor of the Michigan
Alumnus. In addition to containing
campus notes of interest, the bulletin
also included an individual report by
each member of the class, in which he
told of his activities for the year past.
The periodical is edited by W. L.
Hart, '97, of Alliance, Ohio, who issues
it the first of each year. This is the
eighteenth publication of the bulle-
tin in as many years.
Ronieopathic Physicians Meet Tonight
Homeopathic physicians of Washte-
naw county will meet at the monthly
gathering of the Verification club at
7:30 o'clock tonight, at the homeo-
pathic hospital. Dr. R. R. Mellon, of
the hospital staff will read a paper on
"Do Drugs Produce Immunity from
Disease?" Dr. Luther Peck, of Plym-
outh, will read a paper, the subject of
which has not been announced. The
surgical staff of the hospital will pre-
sent a number of cases from their
Prof .Cross Lectures on Browning
Prof. H. R. Cross, of the fine arts
department, will deliver his second
address on the poems of Browning at
4:15 o'clock this afternoon, in Room.
A of - Alumni Memorial hall. Prof.
Cross will lecture today on Browning's
poem, "Andrea del Sarto," which he
will analyze and illustrate, in addi-
tion to reading various parts. The
lecture is open to the public.

been secured to speak at next Sun-
day's "Y" Majestic meeting. His top-
ic will be, "The Tragedy and Comedy
of a Youth-Ruled Age." Mr. Douglas
was in Ann Arbor last fall taking part
in the "mobilization" campaign, and
was considered one of its best speak-
ers. When asked for hata from which
press notices could be written, he sent
a letter containing the following:
"Lloyd C. Douglas, aged 37, able-
bodied but not husky. Ran 100-yards
in college but never went to Olympic
games in consequence. Member Phi
Gamma Delta,-worked harder on
that than on calculus. Also manager
of Glee club, which took *much time,
which might otherwise have been
squandered on logic. Also managing
editor of college paper, during which
administration it was thought to be a
humorous sheet,-typographically, at
all events.
"Managed to corral degree of A.. M.,
meaning, in this case, 'Amused My-
"Was minister eight years, after two
years' experience as police reporter
on two Ohio dailies. Also lectured
sometimes at chautauquas (does yet
when hard up). Also wrote some mag-
azine stuff of an ethico-homileticallian
"Last church held was in Washing-
ton, D. C., within three blocks of White
house, attended by several people iden-
tified by other characteristics than
such attendance. Has personal ac-
quaintance with two or three men
whose names have appeared in news-
papers from time to time. Was mem-
her of the National Press club.
"Came to Illinois as religious work
director in 1911 at the instance of John
R. Mott. At the expiration of three
years for which be had contracted, the
local board asked him to stay as gen-
eral secretary plus R. W. D. -This
association is thought to have the
largest paid membership of any stu-
dent Y. M.. C. A. in the world.
"Has participated in evangelistic
campaigns at universities of Wiscon-
sin, Minnesota, Iowa, Iowa Ag., Penn
State and Michigan, besides many col-
W. Creamer, '98P, Talks on Beet Sugar
William Creamer, '98P, superintend-
ent of the Holland Beet Sugar com-
pany, gave a lecture yesterday after-
noon in the chemistry amphitheater
on, "Modern Methods of Extracting
Beet Sugar." He gave a brief history
of 4he beet sugar industry and ex-
plained how the modern method of
diffusion had taken the place of pre-
ious methods employed in extracting
Regents Will Ratify Summer Faculty
Many eminent authorities on various
subjects have been secured by the
summer school for the 1915 session,
and it is expected that their appoint-
ments will be ratified by the regents
at today's meeting. The list has not
yet been made public.

governor, state senators and repre-
sentatives, asking their cooperation in
the matters which the society wishes
to have incorporated into the laws of
Michigan. Among these are the gaug-
ing of streams, so that an accurate re-
port of the resources of the state may
be obtained, an increase in the pay
of county surveyors, and a support
for the geological survey of the state.
Since the government offers aid to
states in this latter matter, the entire
burden of taking the survey would not
fall directly upon the taxpayers of
Michigan. The survey at present is
declared to be in a poor condition, and
would take 13 years to complete, if
progress were continued at the pres-
ent rate.
The attendance exceeded all predic-
tions yesterday. It was estimated that
there were more than 300 engineers
present at the afternoon meeting of
the society,. The increase was due
largely to the joint meeting, which
was held with the Detroit Engineering
As predicted , 'the papers which
caused the most discussion were those
on the work of the international com-
mission on -the pollution of boundary
waters, and that on city management.
The former was the one which had
particular interest to the Detroit men.
It was claimed that certain of the
Canadian towns pollute the water with
their discharges and so make the wat-
er unfit for drinking purposes. The
work 'of the commission has been in
progress for several years and it is
likely that the question will not be
settled for some time to come.
The paper on city management was
delivered by C. E. Chappell, '08E, re-
cently appointed city manager of Jack-
son and formerly holder of the same
position for the city of Big Rapids.'He
advocated the city manager-commis-
sion form of municipal government.
The banquet at the Michigan Union
last night was well attended. Dean M.E.
Cooley and Frederick Mason of De-
troit were the principal speakers. The
retiring president, J. J. Cox, presided.
The session of this morning at 9:00
o'clock will close the thirty-sixth an-
nual meeting of the society. Miscel-
laneous papers, and all business which
has not been attended to before, ,will
be taken up at this time.
Paintings by the Chicago Society
of Artists, which were to have been
removed last Sunday, will remain on
exhibition in Alumni Memorial hall,
until February 11. The paintings have
been attracting considerable attention,
and the Ann Arbor Art association has
arranged to have them remain for the
longer period.
The collection contains the works
of prominent Chicago artists, and the
list of artists includes some of the
most representative men and women
of Chicago. There are. between 40
and 50 paintings included.
Engineering Society to Dance .Tonight
Chaperons for the Engineering so-
ciety dance to be held at 8:30 o'clock
tonight, in Barbour gymnasium, have
been announced as follows: Assistant
Dean W. H. Butts and Mrs. Butts,
Prof. H. E. Riggs and Mrs. Riggs,
Prof. A. E. White .and Mrs. White,
Prof. J. R. Allen and Mrs. Allen and
Prof. George W. Patterson and Mrs.
Patterson. Tickets may be procured
from the members of the committee
of which Don Smith, '16E, is chair-

Congress Prints Wedemeyer Memorial'
"Memorial Addresses on the Life
and Character of William W. Wede-
meyer," is the title of a book recently
issued by the government, under the
direction of an act of Congress. Mr.
Wedemeyer, '951, was the represen-
tative from this congressional district,
' who was drowned while returning
from Panama two years ago.
State' Medical Sociely Council Meets
Members of the executive council
of the Michigan State Medical society
1held a meeting in the medical building
yesterday. Dr. Reuben Peterson, di-
rector of the university hospital an'd1
DR. CHARLES M. SHELDON, president of the society, yesterday en-
tertained the 16 members of the coun-
Author Who Speaks at "Flying Squad- cil at a luncheon at the Michigan Un-
' ron" Meetings today. ion,

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