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January 20, 1915 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-01-20

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Daily L









ork of

Michigan E n g i n e e r i n g convention
meets in room 348 of new engineer-
ing building 2:00 o'clock.
Engineering society dinner at Union,
6:00 o'clock.
C. K. Valiton, grad., speaks on "Graz-
ing" at Forestry club meeting, room
407 new engineering building at
7:30 o'clock.
Prof. Cross speaks on Browning,
Alumni hall, 4:00 o'clock.
Michigan Engineering society meets in
room 348 of new engineering build-
ing, 2:00 o'clock.
"Flying Squadron" at Presbyterian
church, 2:30 and 7:30 o'clock.
Engineering society dance, Barbour
gymnasium, 8:30 o'clock.
J-Hop smoker; at Union, 7:30 o'clock.'
J-Hop Acquaintance Smoker, Union,
7:30 o'clock.

Athletic Association Has no
for Election of New

Put ..Treasurer, Secretary, .Football
Manager and Two Others
Under Scholastie


ay be allowed to
r's eastern inter-
nouncement made
meeting for the
918 squad, which
phy room of the
d that the matter
ig considered by
,and that definite
n at the meeting
in New York on
aid further that
circles apparently
1 that the chances
the new provision
m turned out at

Says Recent Shock Can Be
Among Greatest of


Coach Farrell
elme, Captain
Jimmy" Craig
lmer addressed



ent ability. There are
vents, in addition to the
means that those com-
its other than these will
ce of making the trip.
ited out that as experi-
big factor in track work
tion, first year men who
present opportunity to
missing a big oppor-
rector Bartelme stated
announcement could be
ng the schedule for the
hough the meets for the
e being arranged. The
night's meeting was as
attended a similar gath-
ral years.
Saginaw Graduates Ap.
Performance of
mander Walk"

Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the geology
department, in compliance with the
request of many students who are in-
terested in the recent earthquake in
Italy, has written the following ac-
count of it for the benefit of Daily
"I am asked to put before the read-
ers of The Daily some statement con-
cerning the recent earthquake in the
provinces of Lazio and Abruzzi; Cen-
tral Italy. Nothing is more danger-
ous, be it understood, than to draw
conclusions upon the basis of news-'
paper accounts of events so disastrous
and terrifying that the reason of even
competent observers may become
unhinged and give way to exaggera-
tion. Great earthquakes have, howev-
er, been shown to have so much in
common that one may in a measure
sift the news, and even read success-
fully between the lines.
"There can now no longer be any
doubt that ,measured by its human
consequences, the central Italian.
earthquake of 1915 must be regarded
as one of the greatest in history,
though in this respect much outrank-
ed by that of Messina in November,
1908. Whether it ,would upon the ba-
sis of actual movements of the ground
take so high rank, is much less likely;
and many would probably be surprised
to learn that the Messina quake, save
only in respect to loss of life and prop-
erty, is not particularly noteworthy.
Both these earthquakes "struck"
where man has skillfully constructed
traps for his own annihilation. For
this there is hardly the excuse of lack
of knowledge derived from experience,
for Italy has frequently in the past
been racked by earthquakes with
frightful losses to life and property.
The usual type of Italian dwelling,
whether in city or country, is built of
rubble or other inferior masonry,
bonded with poor mortar, and topped'
by heavy roofing rather loosely se-
cured. With, proper methods of con-
struction adopted tohthe conditions,
the heavy toll now regularly paid to
the earthquake might be eliminated;1
and this without such additional ex- 1
pense as, with the inevitable govern-
ment assistance, to be prohibitive. e
"It was my fortune after the disas-
trous South Italian earthquake of 1905
to travel, generally on foot, from one
ruined hamlet to another, and make a
study of the geological conditions ofC
the quake. In some villages hardlyI
a house would be found intact, but
everywhere poor mutilated forms in
the hastily improvised tent hospitals.
Quick to act in such an emergency, the
present king had thrown an
entire division of troops into the af-
flicted district, and himself quickly fol-
lowed to see that everything possible
was being done to meet the situation.
From what I then saw of Italian mili-
tary efficiency, I am inclined to ascribe
the present criticism of the army's ef-
forts to a general lack of appreciation

Three of the four members of the
board of directors of the athletic asso-
ciation, chosen last Saturday, were in-
eligible at the time of election. The
newly elected treasurer, secretary and
football manager, for various reasons,
were not entitled to the offices. In ad-
dition, two of the eight assistants to
the interscholastic and football man-
agers were ineligible.
Of the four members of the board'
chosen, Interscholastic Manager Mil-
lard, '16L, was the only one who could
hold office under the faculty rulings.
Football Manager Joseph Fee, '17L, is
absolutely unable to fill his position
due to scholastic difficulties, while
Treasurer T. Hawley Tapping, '16L,
and Secretary Phillip Middleditch,
'15E, can serve only by special facul-
ty rulings. It is understood that Mid-
dleditch's difficulty is of a minor na-
ture, and can be adjusted before the
next meeting of the board. Tapping,
also, will probably be able to fill his
office the second semester.;
A meeting of the board of directors
of the athletic association was held
Monday, at which the question of the
eligibility of the newly elected men
came up. The meeting was postponed
until the first Monday of the second
semester, at which time it was expect-
ed that at least two of the men elect-
ed would be eligible.
Of the assistants elected, Edward
Shepherd, '17, one of the four men
chosen for the football assistantships,
and Roger Thompson, '16, assistant In.-
terscholastic manager, were ineligible
at the time of their election, and will
not be able to serve.
It is not known, what method will bel
used to fill the offices left vacant by
the ineligibility of the i nen elected.
of the serious handicap under which
rescue work is carried on with the us-
ual lines of communication either bro-
ken down or nrore or less seriously de-
"Unlike the proverbial lightning,
'earthquake is notorious for striking
repeatedly in the same place; but this
is the full extent of its warning. When
the blow is to be struck is still veiled in
mystery, and it is the first shock, last-
ing but a few seconds, which accom-
plishes the destruction. The area now
afflicted, has, however, enjoyed a rel-
atively long immunity from disastrous
shocks, as the condition of the monu-
ments of Rome amply attest. The
reported rotation of the upper portion
of the column of Marcus Aurelius up-

Members of Temperance Team Aim to
Make Land Saloonless, Flag
Stainless and People
Daniel A. Poling, One Speaker, Was
Youngest Ohio Gubernatorial
In an effort to present the prohi-
bition issue before the American people
in a clear, open-minded manner, the
Flying Squadron of America, which
comes to Ann Arbor tomorrow, is mak-
ing a nation-wide campaign. The
teams are composed of men and wom-
en who have made national reputa-
tions in other lines than temperance
work. The discussion is free from
the old-time cant and bitterness which
used to characterize temperance ora-
tory. The motto is, "A saloonless land,
a stainless flag, a sober people, to be
attained through an enlightened, an
aroused and a crystallized public opin-
Two meetings will be held each day
at the First Presbyterian church, at
2:30 o'clock and at 7:30 o'clock, to-
morrow, Friday and Saturday. ' The
meetings of the first two days will be
especially devoted to the various young
people's organizations of the city and
the university. It is hoped that each
will send delegations.
The first team, which speaks here to-
morrow, contains Mr. Daniel A. Pol-
ing, Christian citizenship superintend-
ent of the national Christian Endeav-
or; Dr. Charles M. Sheldon, noted au-
thor of "In His Steps;" Daniel V. Pol-
ing, regarded as one of the .best bari-
tones from the Pacific coast, and Wil-
liam Lowell Patton, pianist. Mr. D.
A. Poling, who opens the meetings,
was the youngest man ever candidate
for governor of Ohio. Hecanvassed
86 counties by automobile in 1912;.
and increased the Prohibition vote 150
per cent.
on the lower, is a type of injury from
earthquake which is particularly com-
mon, and to be ascribed to the arrival
at the same instant of separate shocks
from different directions. The floods
of the plateau country to the east-
ward, which are causing such distress,
are with little doubt the result of the
damming up and consequent diversion
of streams, due to local'changes in lev-
el of sections of the ground, since this
is a common derangement of water
flow at the time of earthquakes.
"Avezzano, which seems to have suf-
fered most, lies upon the margin of an
ancient lake bed, near which in short
valleys are the towns of Magliano,
Trasacco, and Celano. Still other cit-
ies seem to be strung along other
mountain valleys, as Arpino and Sora;
or Tivoli, Carsoli and Ste. Maria.
"The dispatches refer to opening and
subsequent closing of fissures within

Who Opens The Flying Squadron
Meetings Tomorrow.
Will Distribute Souvenir Programs,
Containing Cuts, Among
Thoroughly saturated with Junior
hopism, the concert to be presented by
the Michigan Glee and Mandolin clubs
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall at 4:00
o'clock Friday afternoon, February 5,
will close the local season of the clubs.
With the possible exception of out-of-
town trips, which are being negotiated,
the combined clubs will not perform
again until next year.
With the idea of making the last
concert the best, elaborate prepara-
tions are being made for the entertain-
ment of J-Hop guests. Souvenir pro-
grams, containing cuts of the club and
facts of interest about the organiza-
tion and its stars, will be distributed
among the audienbe.' Selections in-
tended to get the visitors in a mood
for the coming festivities will be in-
serted in the concert, which will fea-
ture, however, those acts which drew
the greatest applause during the ya-
cation trip.
Tickets which sell for 50 cents, may
be reserved by mailing a check for the
desired number to Manager David R.
Ballantine at the Press building. The
seat sale, however, will not commence
until the second Monday of examina-
tions at Wahr's bookstore, at which
time those who have reserved seats
may obtain the pasteboards.
In order that those attending the
concert may have plenty of time in
which to make ready for the hop, the
program will be shortened to one hour.
Below is the program, with the excep-
tion of the numbers to be presented
by the Mandolin club:
1. By the combined clubs-The Vic-
tors, Varsity.
2. By the Glee club-On the Road to
Mandalay, Solo by U. S. Wilson, '16.
Toast to Michigan.
3. Impersonations by H. L, Nutting,
4. By the Glee club--Michigan, Good-
bye, Solo by S. Westerman, '17. Just
a Little Bit too Far, Solo by R. M.
Parsons, grad: College Days, Solo
by Chase Sikes, '16.
5. When Salome Danced before the
King, by Durward Grinstead, '16L,
and H. L. Nutting.
the earth, to the splitting of a moun-
tain in a great crack visible from a
long distance, of great landslides; and
all of these are not only credible but
to be expected in connection with an
earthquake of this magnitude. All ex-
perience tells us that earthquakes
come as a relief from a condition of
strain within the earth's shell; and,
once over, the affected district is rela-
tively immune for a period of time.
Thenumerous shocks which are daily
reported (Professor Palazzio of Rome
has reported 185 to date since the
earthquake occurred) while they
cause much panic, and may perhaps
topple over some remnant of wall still
standing, are not to be regarded as a
serious menace. They are merely the
adjustments of a pendular nature by
which with every decreasing ampli-
tude the earth quiets down after the
disturbance. it is for those to worry
who live within an earthquake district
that has been quiet for a long period.

Continuous light shocks should be oc-
casion for complacency rather than

Members of 36th Annual Conven
Show Contrast Both as
to Years and to
Announce Election of New Officers
Directors at Session This
Men old in years and experie
and men young in years and ex
ence gathered together yesterday
the first meeting of the 36th ani
convention of the Michigan Eugin
ing society. Times before the (
war are easily recalled b some of
members, and their experiences s
in some degree to overwhelm
younger ones.
The meetings yesterday clearly p
to a most successful convention,
program went off with only a si
hitch, the non-appearance of'L. G.
penter, of Denver, Colorado, i I
for the afternoon session. His p
was taken by F. A. Slater, who
a paper on "A New Problem In I
Surveys." Prof. H. E. Riggs presl
an unscheduled paper at the evel
meeting entitled "William B. Sear
An Appreciation."
The Detroit Engineering society
meet in joint session with the soc
today. The principal topic for dis<
sion will be "The Work of the In
national Joint Commission on the :
lution of Boundary Waters," the p
on this subject being read by F. G
ner Legg. Among the other paper
be given today may be mentioned
of G. T. Keyes, of New York City
"The Merit System of Selection of
cupants of. Civil Service Positlo
and "Deep Well Pumping Mbachine
by George W. Bissell, dean of e
neering at lM. A. C.
The first business meeting wil
held at 10:00 o'clock this morning
which the announcement of the E
tion of the following offliers wtll
made: President, Delmar E. Teed
Cadillac; vice-president, George
Bissell, of East Lansing; secre
and treasurer, S. J. Hoexter, Ann
bor. The directorate of the so
will be composed of the following
D. Rich, state sanitary engineer,
sing; L, C. Smith, deputy hig
commissioner, Lansing; and T. O.
Hams, Kent county surveyor, G
The big social event occurs at
Michigan Union tonight in the fori
a banquet. Several entertainers h
been secured, and the speakers wil
be prominent engineers, with I
Mortimer E. Cooley giving the pri
pal address.

Efficient, Engineers' Energy
Explains Exam Exigencies


Judges About 150 D
Eliminating All
But 70


ander Walk," the Comedy club
iich will be produced on the Sat-
fter the Hop, at the Whitney
as the matinee entertainment
annually for the J-Hop guests,
presented in Bay City and Sag-
plans already under way can
essfully completed.
ni in the two cities are behind
position to bring the club to
y on some Friday night early
second semester, and to Sagi-
a the succeeding Saturday
The letter which contains the
;ion was received yesterday by
. Friedman, '15, and was sign-
oseph Horner, '11,Cyril Quinn,
ijamin Bartlett, '14, George
'ey, '14, and Walter Hill, '13.
der that there may be no con-
h a number of teas that are
lanned for the afternoon after
, the play will start promptly
o'clock. This will permit all
ire, to attend other functions
-the afternoon. Reservations
ks of seats may be made by

Engineering inventive genius has
solved it. At last a social function has
been patented which raises the scho-
lastic grades of its devotees.
Huge placards announce the dis-
cove ry. The corridors of the engi-
neering building are lined with signs:
"Raise your grades 10 points," "Pass
all your courses," "Get A's." How?
The answer is easy. Attend the dance
to be given by the Engineering society
tomorrow night. The committee in
charge promises that every man who
attends will pass all his courses,-
will get A's.
The discovery of an event which will
raise one's scholastic as well as so-
cial standing, is recent. The specifi-
cations of the affair, upon which a
patent has been obtained, call for one

large dance hall, one eight-piece or-
chestra, 200 couples of students, re-
freshments for each, and a chaperone
list including many of the leading
lights of the engineering faculty.
Coupons, entitling the bearer to one
share of stock in the gilt-edge concern,
have been put on sale, and already the
supply is nearly exhausted. For this
is an easier way than studying.
Some are inclined to doubt the sin-
cerity of the promises of the commit-
tee, for every poster also bears the
contrary motto, "Moraturi salutamus,"
-spelled, by the way, according to
the classical engineers, "Moratori sal-
utamus;" But this motto was adopted,
according to the explanation of the
committee, before the chaperones had
been invited.

Tryouts for berths in the chorus
the Michigan Union opera turned c
in larger numbers than in any pre
ous year, more than 150 attending t
meeting at the Union last night. T1
number was eliminated to 70 by t
judges and further selections aft
the beginning of next semester w
reduce the quota to 30.
The committee of judges who ma
the selections consisted of: Lyndel
Hughes, '16E, director of dancin
George M. Moritz, '15, president of t
Mimes, and Kenneth S. Baxter, '15
general chairman.
Earl V. Moore, of the school of mi
sic, will start training the men at tJ
music early next semester. Only tho
who attended the first trial will be e
gible for further competition.
Plans for the six day trip for ti
entire opera during spring vacatic
are assured, and are maturing rapidl
The poster designed by John B. Jewe
'15A, was sent to the engravers at D
troit, and correspondence with authe
ities in the cities has begun.

of the University of Michigan
is giving its first big dance of the year at Barbour Gym.
Students of all Departments are invited.
Refreshments-Ike Fisher and his eight best men-Features


: :: TICKETS 75C

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