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January 17, 1915 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-01-17

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are best preserved
in good pictures

Dam'ones ,& Nicke

have the exclusive
right to take the
pictures -of the

Apha uTi Omega Deny Statement
Miade in Associated Press.
P esident Harry B. Htuchins has
received a letter from Nathan Grif-
fin of New York City, worthy grand
chief of Alpha Tan Omega, correcting
a current: report that that organiza-
tion had approved of the serving of
liquors at its conventions. Contrary
to the report sent out by the Asso-
ciated Press, an ordinance prohibiting
the serving of intoxicating liquors
at all congresses of Alpha Tau Omega
was passed at the last convention of
that organization.
Frederick U. Adams (338.1 A,21.)
Owing to the upheaval in world
commerceoccasioned by the European
war, and the movement among Amer-
lean manufacturers and business men
to gain a larger share in the export
trade, Adms', article on the West
Indies is especially timely and inter-
The work is the irst of a series ap-
es the larger business concerns of
America, being devoted to the hi tory
and creative enterprise of the United
Fruit company. It is not an attack
upon corporate business, but rather
a defense of the larger units of trade,
is that it brings out the great bene-
Its to the countries in which this
form of organization operates.
The native charm of the West In-
ties, the adventuresome spirit of the
Central American states, and the
wilderness of the South Americas
eeast are all presented in Adams' vol-
ame, which is interesting reading,
despite the economic and historical
nature of the work.
Much interest is being shown by out-
siders in the two illustrated lectures,


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Campbell Bonner, professor of Greek
language and literature was born at
Nashville, Tenn., on January 30, 1876.
He spent practically all of his early
boyhood in that city, and his primary
education was gained partly in the
Nashville public schools, and partly
in the University school of Nashville.
In this latter institution he was also
prepared for college, and upon his
graduation from there in 1892, he ma-
triculated at Vanderbilt University. He
was graduated from Vanderbilt in 1896
with the degree of Bachelor of Arts,
and during the greater part of the fol-
lowing year he was engaged as an as-
sistant at his Alma Mater in the Ger-
man department. The year after his
graduation he received the degree of
Master of Arts. The year 1898 was
spent in graduate work at Harvard,
and the officials of that institution con-
ferred the degree of Master of Arts
upon him, in recognition of his years'
work there. In 1900 he received the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy from
.Harvard and the year 1900-01 was
spent by him in foreign travel.
While in Europe he took a semes-
ter's work at the University of Berlin,
and the remainder of his trip was
passed in both travel and study in
Italy and Greece.
Upon his return to the United States
in the fall of 1901, he accepted a call

to the professorship of Greek at the
Peabody College for Teachers located
at Nashville, and he continued in this
work until 1907. In the latter part of
that year he was tendered the Chair
of junior professor of Greek language
and literature in the University of
Michigan. He accepted the position,
beginning his work here at the open-
ing of college in 1907.
In 1912, upon the retirement of Pro-
fessor Martin L. D'Ooge he was tender-
ed the position of professor and head
of the Greek department, and it is in
that capacity that he is at present con-
nected with the universiy.
Professor Bonner has collaborated
in the preparation of an edition of
Xenophon's "Anabasis," and he has
also been a frequent contributor to
various classical journals in this coun-
try and abroad. His chief interests
lie in a study of Greek literature, and
he is at present engaged in doing
some research work in the subject at
ancient religions. It is planned to es-
tablish a course in that subject at the
next session of the summer school.
He is a member of the American Phil-
ological association, the Archaeologi-
cal institute of America, and the Class-
ical association of the middle west and
south. He has been invited to ad-
dress this latter society at its meeting
in April of this year.





Interior Decoratlons

They will be ready the
morning after the dance

which Prof. H. R. Cross, of the fine
arts department, will give at 4:15
o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday of
this week in Memorial hall. He will
attempt to analyze two poems of
Browning, in addition to reading, por-
tions of each. On Tuesday afternoon,
Professor Cross will discuss BIown-
ing's poem, Fra Filippo Lippi, while on
Thursday the poem, Andrea del Sarto,
will be discussed. The lectures are
open to the public.

Marine Engineers Banquet Members
Quarterdeck, the honorary marine
engineering society, held a banquet,
Friday night, at Mack's tea rooms, in
honor of three of its members who
finish their university work this se-
mester and enter the government ser-
vice. Two papers were read at the
regular meeting which followed. Prof.
David E. Friday closed the event with
an address on "Cost Accounting in
the Navy."


334 and 336 S. State St.


- U


;udent Publication
>ry of Engineering
and of Profession
in General.



-tment Society Organized Many
ears Ago Responsible for
orded in the pages of the Michi-
rechnic, the oldest student pub-
on of the university, which dates
1886, are snatches of history of
eering, both of this department
ichigan, and of the profession
rganize Engineering Society.
students of the engineering pro-,
ns saw the necessity of an or-
ation 32 years ago and incor-
ed the Engineering society of the
,rsity of Michigan, with the fol--
g preamble:"We, students of
rniversity of Michigan, in order
courage original investigation in
eering and scientific subjects, ac-
a knowledge of the most ap-
d methods of engineering pro-
e, publish such informationas
be deemed of interest to the pro-
n and of benefit to ourselyes, and
omote a social spirit among
ats and members of the pro-
n, do organize ourselves into a
y to be governed by a consti-
., and set of by-laws."
hat time the engineering courses
offered in the literary depart-
and all classes were held in the
igineering building. The present
ng, housing the engineering
,was a dream of the future, and
ew engineering building was be-
the expectations of the most
tings were held weekly, at which
s on engineering subjects were
and discussed. Many of the
s contained valuable information
e engineer of that day, and for
eason, a great demand for their

in the spring of 1883, following the
date of establishment of the Engineer-
ing society, the best of the papers,
were published in booklet form un-
der the title "Engineering Society Se-
lected Papers."
Prominent Men Contribute Papers.
The first paper of the first series
was contributed by M. E. Cooley, pres-
ent dean of the engineering depart-
ment, on "Care and Management of
Steam Boilers." Later, Dean Cooley
also contributed a comprehensive
treatise entitled "Dynamics of Steam
Engines," Among others who pre-
sented papers before the Engineering
society were Prof. J. B. Davis, '68;
E. T. Loeffler, '85, present professor
of dental therapeutics; Prof. C. E.
Greene, and Prof. C. S. Denison.
Michigan Technic Appears in 1886.
After three series had been published
in successive years, the demand for
a publication of wider ,scope became
evident, and in response to this de-'
mand the Michigan Technic was pub-
lished in 1886 for the first time. It
appeared first as an annual, later as
a semi-annual, and at the present}
time is published as a quarterly pub-
lication. Through successive issues
one can trace, simultaneously, the de-
velopment of the engineering depart-
ment and the profession at large,
throughout the period of is greatest
The virgin attempts of some of the
most famous engineers of the present
day ae found recorded in the columns
of the old issues.
Photographs and biographies of
prominent members of the faculty and
alumni occur in many of the issues.
A portrait and biography of Dean
Cooley was printed in the Michigan:
Technic of 1889, giving an interesting
history of his early life, and the story
of his establishing the mechanical en-
gineering department at this uni-
On the publishing staff of the Michi-
gan Technic have been many prom-
inent engineers. Prof. John R. Allen,
present head of the mechanical en-
gineering department, was editor of
the 1892 publication.
lany Articles Gain International Fame
Among the recent articles which
have gained international note have
been, "Theory of Water Turbines," by
Prof. S. J. Zowski, and "Deflection of
Beams" and "Strength of Materials"

by Prof. C. E. Greene, both of the
faculty of the engineering department.
Professor Zowski is an authority on
turbine design, being retained as con-
sulting engineer by some of the largest
manufacturers. The method of "area
moments" was introduced by Prof. C.
E. Greene in his articles, and is now
universally used. Thousands of re-
prints of these articles have been
necessitated by the demand from en-
gineers in this and other countries.
Changes in Society and Magazine
On account of recent developments
in engineering education, and the con-
sequent change in the department of
engineering, the Engineering society
and the Michigan Technic have re-
cently undergone a complete reor-
ganization. The engineering depart-
anent has adopted the Michigan
Technic as its official organ, because
: of the effective appeal that the
Technic makes to the alumni, and
'hopes, through this reorganization, to
more firmly establish the bond be-
tween the student body and the alumni.
Attorneys Make Allegations in Dam-
age Case for $30,000.
Attorneys Cavanaugh and Burke
have filed a demurrer, on .behalf of
the regents and Miss Genevieve Read,
in the $30,000 damage suit recently in-
stituted by Miss Mary Bancroft, for-
merly of the nurses' training school.
The allegations in the demurrer are
as follows: First, that not sufficient
designation of the title of the govern-
ing body of the university was made;
second, that the plaintiff claims that
the defendant is a municipal corpora-
tion, whereas it is not; third, that
the allegations of the plaintiff con-
sisted of a heterogeneous mass of ma-
terial, notsufsiciently specific upon
which to base such action for neg-
ligence; fourth, that the regents at
the time alleged, had. filed with the
proper authorities, notices of accept-
ance of the employers' liability act,
and were operating under that act;
fifth, that the declaration was ,in every
respect, uncertain and ambiguous.
For Musical Instruments of Every
Description, Victrolas, and Edison Di-
amond Disc Machines, go to SCHAE-
Street. eod W

WE HAVE recently opened a Branch at
300 So. State St. in the store formerly
occupied by Foster, and we cordially in-
vite you t o use our reading and s t u d y
rooms, either upstairs or downstairs. Just
run in any time and make yourself at home.
All the choicest pieces in Spring Goods
Dress Clothes for all occasions
300 So. State

Formerly Foster's Art Store


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