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January 17, 1915 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-01-17

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.. --.. r- .-.. .




Athletic Authorities Go on War Path
Against Varsity Men's Playing
in Independent

Gridiroi Game Only Sport with Credit
Balance, in Statement of
Treasurer at Annual


Talks on "Trial of Jesus
a Law11er's Standploit"
Oilt +Y' Program

I ;£,



an 100


>f Full Program Distributed at
gineering Society Rooms
on Opening Day
than 100 engineers from all
the United States will gather
348 of the new engineering
on Tuesday afternoon, to at-
e 36th annual convention of
higan Engineering society.
rst papers to be read are those
re particularly of interest to
neers of Michigan, and as the
on progresses, papers of a
neral nature will .be. taken up.
nesday, when the Detroit En-
g society will also be in the city
ject up for discussion will be
ork of, the International Joint
sion on the Pollution of Boun-
ters." This question has special
nee for Detroit, as the matter
ewage discharge into the De-
er is now a serious problem.
rate session of county survey-
> be held, for the purpose of
ag office methods and legal
s arising in connection with
irk. This will probably take
Iursday morning, although the
anot been set.
day a letter was received by
-y S. J. Hoexter, from the Sag-
ard of Trade,asking informa-
arding a paper which was pre-
efore the society a few years
eference to the Grand-Saginaw
hick it was proposed to build

Bishop Charles D. Williams speaks at
the Union on "The New Spirit in
Business," 3:00 o'clock.
Prof. J. C. Knowlton, speaks at Majes-
tic meeting, 6:30 o'clock.
Cosmopolitan club meets in club
rooms, 4:00 o'clock.
Rabbi Louis Bernstein speaks on "A
Religion of Service," McMillan hall,
6:45 o'clock.
Rev. R. S. Loring at the Unitarian
church speaks on "Old Testament
Religion; David and His War-God,"
10:30 o'clock.
Rev. E. C. Boynton at Congregational
church, 10:30, o'clock.
Rev. F. B. Bachelor at First Baptist
church speaks on "Ambassadors of
the King," 10:30 o'clock.
Rev. A. W. Stalker at First M. E.
church speaks on "Personal Respon-
sibility," 10:30 o'clock.
Rev. Henry Tatlock at St. Andrews
Episcopal church, 10:30 o'clock.
Rev. Leonard A. Barrett at First Pres-
byterian church, 10:30 o'clock.
Prof. Lynn H. Hough of Garrett Bib-
lical institute speaks on "The Strat-
egy of the Cross," Methodist church,
7:30 o'clock.
Paintings of William B. Gifford exhib-
ited at residence of Mr. and 'Mrs. S.
I. Howard, 4:00 o'clock.

Prof. J. C. Knowlton, of the law de-
partment, will speak at 6:30 o'clock
tonight, at the "Y" Majestic meeting,
on "The Trial of Jesus from the Law-
yers Point of View." He will dem-

Largest Plurality Gained for Positio
of Interscholastic Leader,
Frank Millard
Close Race for Berth of Treasure
Results in Election of
T. H. Tapping

Republish University Regulations
Competition Under Rules of
Board in Control

forI S!tudenC1t

Fes Second Largeet
of Income, Netting


Bishop Charles D. Williams to
on "The New Spirit in


>een asked
ociety, and
er will re-
Le conven-
Iry of the

,fting civil service laws
lually being adopted by
scheduled to deliver an
'ednesday afternoon.
te full and corrected pro-
e ready for distribution
ning at the Engineering
s, 214 new engineering
yone interested in any of
hich are to be delivered
onvention, is invited to

Meeting in Chicago Considers Closer
Relations Between Church and "Y"
At a meeting of the association of
Student Pastors of state universities
held in Chicago during this past week,
steps were taken toward the securing'
of a basis of cooperation between
church workers and Y. M. C. A. sec-
retaries in college towns that will
probably revolutionize all the methods
of Christian work, which have been
engaged in by these two sources dur-
ing the past few years.
The meeting, which was also attend-
ed by representatives of the various
educational boards of the main Christ-
ian denominations in this country, re-1
sulted in the appointment of a com-
mittee with John R. Mott, head of the
International Students' Christian asso-
ciation as chairman and representa-
tives from the various church boards1
as associate members. The work of
this committee, which will probably
meet sometime within the next few
months, will be to work out a satis-1
factory basis of cooperation, and pre-i
sent the result of its findings at a;
special meeting to be called some time1
next summer.:

Bishop Charles D. Williams, of De-
troit, will address members of the
Union at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon
on the regular Sunday afternoon pro-
gram, on "The New Spirit in Busi-
Bishop Williams is one of the lead-
ing social and religious workers of the
country. His writings upon topics of
this nature have been widely read, and
are said to be among the best written.
In his capacity as head of the Episco-
pal Diocese of Michigan; he has been
a leading figure in social reform move-
In addition to the address by Bishop
Williams, the Ukulele quartet will
render a number of Hawaiian selec-
tions, and Hugo Johnson, '18, accom-
panied on the piand by R. G. Day, '17E,
will sing several numbers. Inasmuch
as this is the last Sunday meeting un-
til after examinations, a large attend-
ance is looked for.
Jewell Winner in Opera Poster Contest
John B. Jewell, '15A, is winner of
the contest for the design for the
Michigan Union opera poster. Lamar
M. Kishlar, '17E, won a close second
place, and Edward McGuire was
awarded the third prize. The post-
ers will be put on exhibition in some
State street display window, and the
winning design will appear on the reg-
ular advertisements, the programs,
and the music scores.
Students' Hospital Work Commended
.Deep appreciation was expressed by
he hospital circle of King's Daughters,
in a letter to The Daily, of the assist-
ance given by the many individual
students and organizations, for the
generosity which was bestowed by
them upon the patients in the univer-
sity hospital.

Athletic regulations must be obeyed.
Such is the ultimatum which has gone
forth from the athletic officials, and it
is evident that there is to be a deter-
mined effort made to stamp out the
competition -in independent ball by
Varsity athletes, and the playing of
unauthorized games by other students
about the state.
At a meeting of the hoard in control
December 9, 1912, the matter first
came up as a serious problem, and the
abuses of that time were referred to
the respective faculties. The athletic
rules covering the matter were given
publicity, and, at the request of Ath-
letic Director P. G. Bartelme,- they
are again published at this time, as
Any student of the University of
Michigan engaging in any of the rec-
ognized intercollegiate sports during
term time except on teams authorized
by the board in control of athletics
of the University of Michigan, does
thereby become ineligible for all time
for either the Varsity or All-Fresh-
man teams of the University in each'
and every one of the recognized inter-
collegiate sports..
Any student of the University of
Michigan engaging in any of the rec-
ognized intercollegiate sports on teams
other than those authorized by the
board in control of athletics of the
University of Michigan during vaca-
tion periods, except where special.
written permission is given by the]
chairman of the board in control of
athletics does thereby become inelig.
ible for either the Varsity or the All-+
Freshman teams of the University in
each and every one of the recognized
intercollegiate sports."
Permission to engage during vaca:.
tion periods in any one of the recog-
nized intercollegiate sports may be
given by the chairman of the board
in control of athletics of the Univer-
sity of Michigan on condition that the
applicant for such permission offers
satisfactory evidence that he is a per-
manent or all-summer resident of the
towns supporting the team of which he]
desires to become a member, and then
only providing that he offers satisfac-
tory assurance and evidence that in no
way will he impair or even jeopardise:
his amateur standing by his competi-
tion on said team or teams.
Chairman board in control of athletics.'
Secretary board in control of athletics.
Athletic Director Bartelme, in dis-
cussing the matter yesterday gave out
the following interview:
"The attention given the character
of the competition in the actual cases
in 1912 was not a passing whim of the
athletic authorities. The practice of
indiscriminate athletic competitio: by
university students is vicious in its'
(Continued on Page 8).

Any doubt as to what is the major
sport at Michigan was dispelled yes-
terday, when the treasurer of the ath-
letic association gave his report for
the year, at the annual meeting of the
association. The income from foot-
ball was greater during the past year
than the income from all other sourc-
es, while the expenditure for the same
sport was one-third of the total ex-
pense account.
The report stated that football
was the only sport which showed a
credit balance, all other sports run-
ning behind financially.
Football showed receipts of $80,311.-
64, while disbursements were $50,326.-
88. Baseball, with an income of $5,-.
248.00, and an expense account of
$7,970.36, ran more than $2,700 behind.'
Track lost even more financially, hav-
ing receipts of $1,395.48, and expendi-
tures of $5,407.49. Tennis had re-
ceipts of $269.00, and showed $305.18
paid out.
The intramural department cost
$4,777.74 for upkeep, while the in-
come was comparatively small, being
only $458.40. Interscholastic receipts
were $99.50, and expenses $382.72.
The largest source of income, next
to football, was from the student fees.
These netted $25,430.70. The generall
athletic expense account was $7,203.99.
A total of $4,314.30 was spent on Ferry
field, and $784.89 on south Ferry field.
The new stadium involved an ex-I
penditure of $75,975.00, of which $32,-
000.00 was procured on loans. This
year's balance on hand is $210.28, as
compared with $11,813.17 on January
17, 1914.
The report of the treasurer was the
only business undertaken at the meet-
ing, at which only two students, be-
sides newspaper reporters and fourE
of the six student memberseof the
board of directors were in attendance.1
Below is the itemized reoprt:- t
Balance on hand January 17,
1914 ................... $11,813.17 1
Football ........ $80,311.64
Baseball . , .......5,248.00
Track ............ 1,395.48
Interscholastic .. 99.501
Tennis......... ..269.00j
Intramural ...... 458.40]

onstrate that Pilate's judgment was il-
legal, according to the Jewish law of
the time.
Professor Knowlton has given the
lecture many times in Ann Arbor, and
elsewhere for the university exten-
sion service, and it has been popular
to a high degree. The Majestic will
open at 6:10 o'clock, when moving pic-
tures will be shown.
Professor Talks at Methodist Church
on "Strategy of Cross".
Prof. Lynn H. Hough, of Garrett
Biblical institute of Evanston, Illinois,
will speak at the Methodist church.
at 7:30 o'clock tonight on "The Strat-
egy of the Cross." His lecture is one
of the Wesleyan Guild series.
Professor Hough won a high repu-
tation in the east as a preacher, be-
fore he took up his professiorial work
in Evanston. 1-Te left this charge at
the call of Northwestern's Bible in-
stitute, and, since then, has become
known as a leader of religious thought
in the middle west.

Exhibits Phenomenal Skill, Going Over
lBar at 12 Feet With Room
to spare
By clearing the bar at an even 12
feet yesterday after.:oon. "Bo" Wilson
proved almost conclusively that he
should develop into the greatest pole
vaulter that Michigan has ever seen:
Wilson has been exhibiting phenom-
enal form all winter, although Coach
Farrell, of the varsity squad, has held
the sophomore in check. During the
past week Wilson has been doing over
11 feet consistently and apparently
with ease. The present gym record is
11 feet 3 inches, and "Bo" has cleared
hig :. than this repeatedly. How-
ever, due to the fact that it is so zarly
in the season, Coach Farrell has lim-
ited Wilson's efforts. Yesterday af-
ternoon Steve relented a trifle, and the
bar was placed at 12 feet. On his first
two efforts, the barrier was just dis-
lodged, but on the third trial "Bo"
cleared it with room to si.are.
Wilson has not been spending much
time in the gym the past twro weeks,
and his showing is decidc .ly out of
the ordinary. "Bo" was ineligible all
last year for freshmen track work, be-
cause of scholastic difficulties. It is
because of this that he has been slight-
ing track work to insure receiving fac-
ulty approbation for this year. Wil-
son's vaulting will prove of big as-
sistance this year to the track team,
and by the time the eastern 4ntercol-
legiates come, Michigan should be rep-
resented by far and away, the best
pole vaulter that has ever been in the
The loss of Quail, due to his leaving
college means the departure of one of
the best hammer throwers connected
with the squad. Quail is leaving for
the west and will not be in college
next semester. Several candidates for
the weights are left however, and
Trainer Farrell hopes to fnd someone
capable of filling the shoes of last1
year's captain.

Although 200 less votes were cast
yesterday than at the athletic associa-
tion election last year, the contest for
nearly every office was close. A total
of 699 votes was cast, while the larg-
est plurality was received by F. G.
Millard, '16L, who was elected inter-
scholastic manager with 272 votes to
Students in the law department ran
away with most of the honors of the.
day, Football Manager Fee, Inter-
scholastic Manager Millard and Treas-
urer Tapping all being enrolled for the
legal course.
The closest fight of the day was for
the treasurership, T. Hawley Tapping,
'16L, defeating Joseph Darnall, '16-'18
M, by 64 votes. For football manager,
Joseph Fee, '17L, defeated Boyd Comp-
ton, '16, by 76 votes. In spite of the
importance of this office, nine votes
were cast which showed no choice of
candidates for this position.
Lee Josyln, '17, Edward Shepherd,
'17, Gerveys Grylls, '17, and John Rob-
bins, '17E, were the successful candi-
dates for the assistantships to the foot-
ball manager, while A. M. Bentley, '16,
Harry Kerr, '16, Ray J. Mills, '16L, and
Roger Thompson, '16, were chosen as-
sistants to the interscholastic mana-
For secretary, Phillip Middleditch,
'15E, upset the general success of the
law department, and defeated William
Lamoreaux, '16L, by 146 votes.
Following is the detailed vote as an-
nounced by the. board of drector of
the athletic association:-
For football manager-Boyd Comp-
ton, 307; Joseph Fee, 383; elected by
majority of 76.
For assistants to the football mana-
ger-John Codd, '17, 292; Harold Ease-
ley, '16, 222; Gerveys Grylls, 334,
(elected); Lee Joslyn, 386, (elected);
Harry S. Nichols, '17, 279; Earl Par-
dee, '17, 255; John Robbins, 325, (elec-
ted); Edward H. Shepherd, 343, (elec-
For interscholastic manager-Wil-
liam Goodwin, '16L, 100; Frank Mil-
lard, 422, (elected by 272 pluralty.;
Ward H. Peck, '1L, 150.
For assistants to the interscholasti"
manager-A. M. Bentley, 426, (el et-
ed); Harry Kerr, 425, (elected); Rich-
ard McKean, '16, 375; Ray 3. Mills,
414, (elected) ; J. W. Thomas, '16, 267;
Roger Thompson, 405, (elected).
For secretary-William Lamoreaux,
264; Phillip Middledtch, 410; (el-ected
by majority of 146).
For treasurer-Joseph Darnall, 314;
T. Hawley Tapping, 378, (elected by
majority of 64).
C. Bonner Gives Talks at Harris Hall
Prof. Campbell Bonner, of the Greek
department, is giving a series of
morning talks on "Comparative Relig-
ions" at Harris hall from 9:30 to 10:20
o'clock Sunday mornings. Professor
Bonner has the reputation of being
one of the best authorities in America
on this subject. Any university stu-
dent is welcome to attend.
To Take Exhibit fromemorial Hall
Paintings which are being exhibited
in Alumni Memorial hall under the
auspices of the Ann Arbor Art associ-
ation, will 'be removed after today,
when they will be sent back to Chica-
go. 'There are between 40 and 50 pic-
tures in the exhibit, which will be open
to the public today for the last time.

General, including
student fees....
Ferry Field Labor
& Supply Ac-
Loans ...........


32,000.00 146,678.67

Baseball. .......7,970.36
Track ............5,407.49
(Continued on Page 8).



Prof. Lynn H. Hough

The Strategy of the


Sunday, January 17, 7:30 P. M.

_________________________________________________________________________ I

. . ..5 _
... "R

te 9f

Prof. J. C. Knowlton

Jan. 17
6:30 P. M.

OtI .

"The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's
Point of View"

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