Y J : , THlE MICHIGAN DAIL Y Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class.matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H. Davis, cor. Packard and State y Business Office Phone 96o Editorial Office Phone 2414 I. Beach Carpenter........Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field........Business Manager Fred Foulk....................News Editor h. F. McKinney......... ..Associate Editor T. Hawley Tapping...........Associate Editor F. M. Church................Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Hofman Arthur H. Torrey j9I ITS Night James M. Barrett, Jr. F. C. Roth Howard R. Marsh Editors E. Rodgers Sylvester Joseph J. Brotherton Charles Weinberg .Goods all guaranteed. ''; ' Reporters Chester H. Lang rE dward P. Wright, Edwin A. Hyman Eugene L. Bulsdn Tomi C. Reid L. Greenebauta T. C. B.Parker Lee lF.aJoslyn Irwin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaumi H. A. Fitzgerald J. L. Keddie Verne Burnett C. N. Church Vera Burridge Roy D. Lamond Business Staff Ferris Fitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheler G. I. Keslers C. T. Fishleigh Delos Smith WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1915. Night Editor-James M. Barrett. k LITTLE OLMASTER New Spring Styles Woolens Are Here! RUNNING FOR SOMETHING. -they are beauties listinctive designs >olen fabrics and wing styles from >n centers. select your new r Clothes tailored- V. Price & Co.- to suit you~r own by Ed. made en1ce. W. Gross and Liberty Sts. WAI KING LOO COME UP AND TRY George's Chop Suey Deliolous Chinese and Ameroan Dishes 43] ' , I. Phone 1244 L 18 Eng. Phone 1242 PRICE & HOWE Printers, Stationers, engravers It is the time of year when the can- didates walk around and assure you quite modestly, "Yes, they insisted on circulating my petition." Whether we believe them or not does not matter. The lure of running for something, thank the stars, tempts the deserving as well as the inefficient-the capable men as well as those who are just breaking into what are known as cam- pus honors. All seem to take some satisfaction in seeing their names at the head of a list addressed to the "honorable board of directors." Just at present, men are being plac- ed in nomination for the offices on the athletic board. The positions are re- sponsible. Considerable trouble was caused not so long ago by putting into similar jobs men who were far out of sympathy with the interests of the stu- dent body. Doubtless some of the men now in the running are not altogether unselfish. The need for the campus elector, always cynical but not always discerning, to keep his eyes open, is as great as ever. It might be well to announce wheth- er or not the dances in style at the beginning of the hop will be in vogue all evening. The prick of conscience and that of the vaccination needle are both oc- casioning considerable uneasiness hereabouts. Someone asks if the new educational institute will be used to teach some freshmen their place. We take it that American beauties, despite the ruling, will be as much in favor as ever. 4 ^cesitate a recess. Quitting college to go to work is popular just now. Got an extra five? Potash and Perlmutter Coming direct from its second year at the Cohan theater, New York City, where it played to nearly 1,000,000 lov- ers of clean, bright, good-naturedt fun, "Potash and Perlmutter" will bei pro- ducedat the -Whitney theater on Mon- day, January 18. The comedy is a dramatization of the characters and incidents made famous through the stories by Montague Glass in the Sat- urday Evening Post. There is plenty of romance as well as fun in this comedy, and Cupid is kept busy throughout the three acts. It made an instantaneous hit in New York, playing to crowded houses up to the very end of its notable run. The engagement here is necessarily limited to one night, and in order to accommodate the expected rush for seats, the advance sale will begin on Friday, January 15. -President Harry B. Rutehims will at- tend the annual dinner given by the Michigan Alumni association of New York at the Hotel Astor, February 5. -By an order of the joint committee which had the matter of a union meet- ing of the literary societies in charge, all plans have been abandoned, and the meeting has been postponed indef- initely. -Members of the Catholic Student's club will hold a regular business meet- ing at St. Thomas hall at 8:00 o'clock Friday night, .Copies of the January Mchigan Alumnus will be issued Friday or Sat- urday. -Father Kelley will address the Cath,* olic students of the university on "Ca dinal Newman" at the Knights f Co- lumbus rooms at 7:30 o'clock this ev- ening. -Soph engineers will hod their first dance of the year at the Michigan Un- ion at 8:30 o'clock Friday. Tickets may be obtained from class' officers and from members of the social con- mittee. The Druggists on the Corner. State and North University 11 PRESCRIPTION POINTS, NO. 3. o - .... I - u ; The Latest Operatic and Popular Hits RICL ? Do you ask a doctor to make his price 35c instead o .40C ? Don't you consider the man and his ability to say the patient ? Isn't price always secondary? It ought to be so it prescription work. Of course you can get cheap prescriptio1 prices, but aren't the drugs also cheap? Think it over. AT THE1 FOR YOUR Corner Maynard Don't you need a Card Index Cabinet Set of Blank Books Dozen Letter Files Box of Pens or quart of Typewriter Ribbon or Box of Carbon Dozen Pencils or Erasers "Excelsior" or National H~ndy Desk C.1end.r 75 You can't do business without it. $t, Wahr's Book ore I Quarry Drug Co. 11 r . ...,.. . We are better pre than ever before to meet your wants for the Fali and Winter of 1914 -15 SHROEN BROS. DRY. GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that always treats you fair 124 S. MAIN D1. BEE PHONR io000 COLI Cluett, Peabocy& Co., ACE F - - ii_4_ Strong High Shoe Weather I In explaining to the girl, however, express deep chagrin over the no-flow- ers' provision. Here's hoping that the arm will be back in proper form for the hop. All soph lit basketball candidawes meet at 548 S. State St. at 5:00 o'clock today. Fresh dent's smoker, Michigan. Un- ion, 7:30 o'clock tonight. All soph engineer basketball wandi- dates meet at Y. M. C. A.. at 7:00 o'clock tonight. Choral Union ushers report at Hill auditorium tomorrow at 7:00 o'clock for Belgian Relief concert. Tailors to Men Our Special $30.00 Suits Have UALITY THAT UALIFYS UICKLY Henry & Co. 711 K. University Avg. I Made In America-why blame it the whole continent? _ Is Here on ne- The epidemic will probably not r . .... srr We have all styles of black and tan shoe prices ranging from io to $7.oo The Mirrollte 11 s Shoe Stores State and Main Sts. New Ideas in I1 Rubber Sole Shoes' 11 A perfect combination of lamp, reflector and mir- ror, with no glare. It is a handsome brass backed reflector or shade with the bulb shut from view by a mirror. A strong light comes out around the sides of the mirror with no glare. It is diffused so as to give an even light on the face close to the mirror. You have no irritations of one sided lighting. By removing the mirror-a very simple operation -you have an excellent portable lamp that will stand oi a table or hang on a wall. It can be put in a suit cse and take up little room. IT SELLS fOR $2.50 Deliv Are' You Interested? By Our Trucks cAL 2280 The Store for Young Men WAGN LK t Co. State Street b Co. 1ASIT[NAW [1 200 1.