RNING Ce i igan Daily SUBSCRIBE NOS $2.04 ------ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1915. ... _. .. . -.._.- ..,. .._r..--- CES NEES I f I , BAND TO PLAY FOR GUESTS AT J-HOP TRACK GATHERlNG ATTRACTS 150 MEN " OA CLUB WILL HOLD DANCE L. hrUE iceIve Nominations lanager and Secretary TODAY Rev. Bishop Kelly speaks to Catholic1 At Lteat 30 Men Will 'l'ake Part 20 Will Form Orchestra to Entertain at ]1)ance and P.. IC. Bartelnie, Captain Smith, 'Winig Bond and Others Speak to Candidates, ELECTIONS SATURDAY [NG IN UNIVERSITY HALL didates Agree Not to Pledge Votes in Race for Office students at Knights parlors, 7:30 o'clock. Dixie club meets at o'clock. Web and Flange dinner o'clock. Fresh dent smoker at o'clock. of Columbus Union, 7:00 at Union, 6:00 Union, 7:30 Fresh jits meet, room 101 economics building, at 4:00 o'clock. a meeting of the board of direc- of the athletic association . held rday afternoon, nominations for ffices of interscholastic manager, tant interscholastic managers, tary and treasurer of the associa- were received and ratified. These nations, together with the nomi- ns for football manager and as- its already announced, complete icket to be voted on at the elec- Saturday morning. rd H. Peck, '15L, and S. A. Op- Miner, '15E, were nominated ggh competition for the office of, cholastic manager, while F. G. rd, '16L, and William J. Goodwin, were nominated by petitions for ame office. assistants to the interscholastic ger, six men were named: Ray Is, '16L, A. M. Bentley, '16, Doit- [. 'Sarbaugh, '16, Roger Thomp- '16, Harry Kerr, '16, and J. W. as, '16. Four will be selected. E. ight, '16, has withdrawn from the Atition for one of the assistant- secretary of the athletic associ- only two men are running, Phil- iddleditch, '16E, and WilliamI reaux, '16L. Three men are out the treasurership; Joseph Darn- 8M, Louis Bruch, '16L, and T.t TOMORROW Belgian Relief concert 8:00 o'clock, Hill auditorium. Soph lit smoker at Union, 7:30 o'clock. Technique dinner at Union, 6:00 o'clock. CNCERT T ICKETS Management Expects Record-Breaking Crowd to Attend Belgian Relief Program SINGERS HAVE WIDE EXPERIENCE i NTERFRIATEIINITY COUNCIL TO MEET TONIGHT A BOUT FAVORS Sell A bout 100 Pasteboards in First Two Days of Ticket Sale Michigan's Varsity band will play at' the J-Hop. At least 30 men will take part in the band selections, and of these, 20 will also make up an orches- tra. Two important meetings will be held by those interested in the hop today. At 4:30 o'clock, at the Alpha Delta Phi house, managers of house parties for fraternities and house clubs, and representatives of any groups of in- dependents who may send delegates, will meet to discuss details. Members of the hop committee will be present to explain anything not clear, and an attempt will be made to bring about an agreement to refrain from the giving of favors to guests. The interfraternity1 conference will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight to decide on passing a rulel prohibiting favors at the house partiest of the various fraternities represented. Last night it was definitely decidedi to have the band furnish the music for the big party. The intimation of such a possibility was enthuisicall ~, OWD 1SHO1WS MUCH EN TH USIASM Approximately 150 track men turned out for the first open track meeting of the year, which was held last night in the lecture room of the physics build- ing. The, meeting was presided over by track manager W. B. Palmer, who in- troduced the speakers: P. G. Bartelme, Intramural Director Rowe, Captain Smith, "Chink" Bond, "Hap" Haff and Coach Farrell. It was pointed out during the evening that with but two of last year's eastern intercollegiate point winners back in college, pros- pects at first appeared none too bright, but that at the same time the chances for a winning team were good. Captain Smith stated that last year's team was composed chiefly of individ- ual stars, but that the chances for an evenly balanced team for this seaso.n were better than last year.. Coach Farrell stated that much more enthusiasm was shown last night at the meeting than was manifested last year. Eight men attended the first call last season, while last night'sI crowd was one of the biggest that has ever turned out for a similar gather- ing. Usuial Number of Tickets at 75 Cents on Sale Tomorrow Members of the Michigan. Union Boat club have. practically completed plans for a dance to be held at the Union, Saturday night, to which any members of the Union are invited. Tickets at 75 cents each will be on sale at the Union counter tomorrow noon, and the usual limit of..100 tick- ets, will be maintained. Sidney T. Steen, '16E, has been appointed chair- man, and others on the committee are David R. Ballentine, '16, and Louis B. Hyde, '16E. Specialty dances, extra music and programs made purposely for the occasion will be part of the at- tractions to feature the dance. Re- freshments at 50 cents per couple will be served. The party will take the place of the regular Union Saturday night mem- bership dance, and is designed espe- cially to arouse enthusiasm among Boat club members. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DECIDE PLANS FOR LARGE CONVENTION Secure List of Men for Meeting of Michigan Engineering Society to Be Held in Ann Arbor Soon DEAN M. E. COOLEY TO SPEAK AT BANQUET HELD WEDNESDAY Committee of Students Will Aid in Reception and Care of Visitors Final arrangements have been made for the convention of the Michigan En- gineering society, to be held in Ann Arbor next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. All indications point to a successful meeting, according to S. J. Hoexter, of the mechanical engineering EMIL SEIDEL WILL TALK ON SATURDA0Y Ex-Mayor of Milwaukee Speaks "Socialism". Jan. 16 in Newberry Hall on ONCE RAN .FOR VICE-PRESIDENT Emil Seidel, ex-mayor of Milwaukee, Have you bought your ticket for the Belgian Relief concert to be held at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow ifi Hill audito- rium? If not, you may obtain them at the two Wahr bookstores, the Union, the Y. M. C. A. and from student sales- men. A list of students was selected by the Y. M. C. A. yesterday,. and tick- ets were mailed to them. A number of women are also canvassing. The pasteboards are selling rapidly, and the management expects a record- breaking crowd. Tickets have also been sent to the various fraiternities.o The- program, which will begin at 8:00 o'clock, and last until about 9:30 o'clock, will be announced tomorrow. It will consist of the lighter and more MICHIGANENSIAN EDITORS MEET greeted at the meeting of the entire All Senior Pictures Must Be Handed committee last Sunday, as greatly ad- in By February 1 din. to the Michigan character of the Associate editors of the Michigan- event. The "Ragpickers" quintet will ensian will meet at 3:30 o'clock to- furnish novelties, and the band will morrow afternoon with Editor W. B. play "The Victors" for the grand Thom, '15, to discuss plans for the march. Finzel's orchestra, of Detroit, book. Work on the year book is re- with 14 pieces, will play for one half ported to be progressing rapidly. of the dances. The fraternity section is now on the By last night, approximately 100 press. All senior pictures will be hand- tickets had been sold. This gives a ed in by February 1. The first part of already nominated for of- e Boyd Compton,, '16, and '17L, who are out for the ball managership, and Lee Harold Easley, '16,' John ohn Robbins, '17E, Harry Edwin Pardee, '17, Edward 7, and Gerveys Grylls, '17, m will be chosen assistants ty manager. to the rules recently the athletic board of di- rill be one of the duties of assistants during the next he intramural director, by st of all men participating popular classics. Leonora Allen and Albert Lindquest, the two singers on the program, are both students in the university school of music. Both have had wide expe- rience on the concert stage, and have sung with a number of the leading symphony orchestras of the country. Miss Allen has sung in both grand and light opera, taking the leading soprano part in "The SpringkMaid" company one year in New York. HEALTH SERVICE STAFF FINDS NO MORE CASES OF SMALLPOX record to the first two days of one third of the total number which will be disposed of. The tickets, at $5.00 each,. will continue to be sold from 4:00 to 5:30 o'clock each day at the Union. hOLD SECOND DAY OF TRYOUTS FOR MEMBERS OF RIFLE TEAM New Shipment of Regulation Targets , Arrives to Take Place of Makeshifts As in past elections, there is suppos- i to be no pledging of votes by the andidates for the different offices, and any of the nominees have agreed mong themselves not 'to campaign in ny way. The election will be held from 10:00 1:30 o'clock Saturday, in room 101, niversity hall. After the polls are osed, the annual meeting of all mem- ers of the athletic association will be eld in the election room. USICAL CLUBS WILL PRESENT CONCERT DURING J-HOP TIME o Use Practically Same Program as That of Trip During Vacation Junior-hop week will witness the st appearance of the combined Glee id Mandolin clubs since the vacation ip, scheduled for 4:00 o'clock Friday,' ebruary 5 in Sarah Caswell Angell il. Practically the same pro- 'am that was used on the Christ- as journey will be given, but with aphasis place4 n those numbers of e concerts which met with the great- t success. Durward Grinstead, '16L, with his ecialty, "When Salome Danced be- re the King" will take his place nong the headliners. The act is ex- cted to be one of the drawing cards. ong with Grinstead's performance, L. Nutting, '15L, will put on his ell-known impersonations, and the tag Pickers" quintet will render sev- MacNaughton Shows no Symptoms Disease; Probably Be Released in Few Days of No new cases of smallpox were dis- covered by the university health ser- vice staff yesterday, and the authori- ties there expressed themselves as confident that a decisive check had been given before the malady spread. A quick response met the appeal of the university authorities for vacci- nation, and more than 100 persons were given the vaccinie at the health service office yesterday, making the total number of persons treated so far more than 180. University hospital authorities re- ported yesterday that the condition of Howard Gray, '17A, who is the student sufferigg from the disease, was m-' proving. Gray's roommate, A.K. Mac- Naughton, '16E, has not developed any symptoms of the disease, and probably will be discharged soon. Bulletins of the university and health service officials urging vaccination were posted in prominent places on the campus yesterday. Camp Resigns One Athletic Position Walter Camp has resigned his po- sition as football member of the gen- eral athletic committee of Yale Uni- versity, according to press despatches from New Haven. Robert Corwin, who captained the Yale football team in 1887, will probably succeed Camp, al- though his appointment has not yet been announced. The resignation of Camp is in accordance with his desire to gradually withdraw from his many athletic offices. He will still retain his position as advisory coach to the Yale football captain aiid to the board of coaches. Plans are now being laid by the Rifle club for its second day of tryouts for the university team, Saturday hav- ing been set as the time for these matches, after which it is expected to select 18 of the best men, 10 of whom will represent the club in its first match on the intercollegiate schedule. A new shipment of the regulation targets arrived to take the place of the make-shifts which have been in use. It is planned to purchase three more indoor rifles, which should prove enough, with those available now, to take care of the membership until the outdoor guns arrive from the govern- ment. The armory will be open Saturday, from 8:00 to 12:00 o'clock for prac- tice, and the matches will start at 1:00 o'clock, each man shooting one string of 10 prone and 10 off-hand. Prizes will be awarded for the men who fin- ish in the following places: 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. The prizes will consist of 100 rounds of ammunition for each winner. the book will be an innovation this year, consisting of 25 full page views of Ann Arbor scenes and campus views. They will be in mezzo-tint, and will be the first of that style of engraving ever introduced in the Mich- iganensian. All color work for the -annual has been set up, and proof on it has been received by the editorial staff. APPOINT JUDGES FOR CENTRAL LEAGUE DEBATE FRIDAY NIGHT A. W. Sparrow, a prominent lawyer of Cincinnati, Hon. W. G. Frizell, mem- ber of the Ohio state legislature, and Judge A. N. Miller, of Toledo,. have been chosen judges of the Central League debate between Michigan and Chicago, to be held in University Hall at 8:00 o'clock Friday night. H. Parker, '17L, who has been ill for several days, has recovered, and with the other members of the team has, been working steadily in an en- deavor to retrieve Michigan's two de- feats of last year. This was the first time that the university lost both Cen- tral League contests. Bishop Williams. to Speak at Union Bishop Charles D. Williams, of De- troit,. has consented to make the ad- dress at the weekly gathering of Union members at 3:00 o'clock next Sunday afternoon. Dr. Williams is bishop of the Episcopal church for the state of Michigan. He is prominent throughout the state, and is well known through- out the entire country. has been secured to speak on "Social- ism" at 8:00 o'clock Saturday night in Newberry hall. He has the distinction of being the only man ever elected mayor of a large city on-the Socialist ticket. Tickets for the lecture may be ob- tained at Wikel's drug store, the Y. M. C. A. and from student salesmen. A nominal admission fee of 10 cents is charged to cover necessary expenses. Seidel is one of the, best known mem- bers of the Socialist party. In 1912 he was the vice-presidential candidate on that ticket, and made a campaigil tour of every state in the country. Before receiving the election to the mayoralty, Seidel, who is a pattern- maker by trade, represented the work- ers of Milwaukee on the common council. In 1910 he received the nom- ination for mayor, and won in a three cornered fight. In 1912 and 19,14 he ran again, but was beaten. He will probably be a candidate in 1916. For the last three summers he has been on the Ridpath Chautauqua lec- ture platform, and last year debated with Senator Adam Bede on the ques- tion of Socialism. MICHIGAN MAY PLAY BASEBALL WITH TEAM FROM WEST POINT Return of Coach Lundgren Awakens Speculation as to Spring Schedule Baseball competition with the Unit- ed States Military Academy may be inaugurated on the eastern trip of the Michigan nine this spring, according to a story current among the baseball men. Following 'Coach Lundgren's second visit to Ann Arbor, schedule speculation is rife. Pennsylvania, Cornell, Princeton' and Syracuse will probably be other principal games on the trip to the At- lantic seaboard, which will come late in May. The spring training trip during the Easter vacation will be in the south again this year, with Georgia, Vander-' bilt and Notre Dame the probable im- portant opponents.a league; "Deep Well Pumping Machinery," by George W. Bissell, dean of engi- neering at M. A. C.; "Failure of Large Sewer Pipe in Deep Trenches," by W. W. Brigden, city engineer of Battle Creek; "The Use of Sulphite Liquor as a Road Binder," by J. J. Cox, of the highway engineering department; "Roads and Pavings in Michigan," by L. C. Smith, deputy state highway commissioner; and "Cost Data on Concrete Chimney Construction," by K. E. Norton. These papers will be supplemented by various committee reports, all of which will be given by prominent Michigan engineers. Sectional meet- ings of county drain commissioners and surveyors will be held in connec- tion with the convention. On Wednesday, when the joint meet- ng is to be held with the Detroit En- gineering society, a banquet will be given at the Michigan Union, at which the principal speakers will be Dean M. E. Cooley and H. H. Esseltyn, pres- ident of the Detroit Engineering soci- ety. Among the exhibits which will be of special interest, will be those of the Bausch and Lomb Co., of Roches- ter, N. Y., and of the Tablet and Tick- et Co., of Chicago. The former will be of lenses and telescopes, and the latter will be of stickers and posters of all kinds. A demonstrator will be secured to operate the automatic lathe in the engineering shops. A committee of students, which will aid in the reception and entertainment of the visitors, is now being formed. They will act as guides through the huiversity, and will assist the engi- neers to find places to room and board during their stay in the city. Students From Northwest Form Cluh, Students from Oregon, Washington and Idaho met at the Union last night, and organized the Northwestern club. The object of the society is to bind together men from the northwest, and to promote the interests of Michigan in that section by working with the alumni associations. The following men were elected offi- cers: President, E. W. Smith, '15D, vice-president, Harry Cowan, '16M. department, who is secretary of the organization. The list of speakers, in its final form, is as follows: "Forestry," by Prof. Filibert Roth, of the forestry de- partment; "Field and Office Methods Used in Constructing the Topographic Map of the United States, and Prog- ress of the Topographic Survey of MVlichigan," by R. C. Allen, director of the department of geological and bio- logical survey of Michigan, and Leigh D. Townsend: "Interstate Water Questions," by L. G. Carpenter, of Denver, Colorado; "The Need of State Supervision of the Waters of Michigan,' by Prof. C. T. Johnston, of the surveying depart- ment; "Recent Dams and Water Power Plants in Switzerland," by A. Streiff; "The Connors' Creek Power Plant of the Detroit Edison Co.," by C. F. Hirshfeld, of that company; "The Work of the International Joint Commission on the Pollution of Boundary Waters," by Gardner Legg; "The Commission-Manager Plan of City Government," by C. E. Chappell, recently appointed city manager of Jackson; "The Merit System of Selection of Occupants of Civil Service Positions," by G. T. Keyes of New York City, a member of the Civil Service Reform Dan Cupid Routed By Order Of Nurses' Tranmg School a concert will be reserv- aving been placed at 50 ilitate the obtaining of y house clubs, the man- t present planning to ders for tickets to the pities and clubs. Those ining seats will be able Dan Cupid has been routed at the university hospital! Bold as this assertion may seem, itj is nevertheless true. By a recent rul- ing of the majority of nurses' training schools in the country, all nurses in such institutions have been forbidden to become engaged to any one in the employ of the hospital in which they work; and the university hospital; training school, being one of the insti-1 tutions, must abide by the rule of the; majority. Today the hospital is one large vista1 of sadness,-the nurses have in some cases been driven to desperation,1 through the memory of the loss sus-I tained. The faces of both nurses and internes have changed from an "L 'Al- legro" to an "Il Penseroso," and happi- ness is no more. Hearsay has it that the blow has fallen upon many a coup- le, and has paralyzed work in the hos- pital. There is no comfort for those who have already been asked,-alas! they are doomed to a worse fate, for the hated order says that any nurse en- gaged at the time of its adoption, is expected to leave the hospital. But the efficiency of the hospital has been impaired, two things -can't be done at the same time; so the hospitals have decreed that Dan Cupid must go. Fresh Lits to Meet this Afternoon Something entirely new in the way of class meetings has been arranged by the fresh lit social committee for their meeting at 4:00 o'clock today in room 101 economics building. Dean; John R. Effinger will give an address on "The College Spirit of a Freshman,"{ and Rowena Bastian will talk on "The1 Rights of a Freshman Co-ed." Charles Lamb, '18, will give an original skit and sing several parodies on popular songs. Other speakers will be Pres. M. S. Colleton and T. F. McAllister, chair- man of the social committee, who will talk on work of the class and the so- cial program for the year. After the program important busi- ness relating to the dance in Barbour gymnasium Saturday afternoon and the social program for the year will be settled. All members of the class should attend.