THE MICHIGAN DAILY stroll down the thoroughfare., el good all over if you're clal f our exceptional suits. lhe ay have been a pleasant one, so pleasing as the knowledge are well dressed in the latest When we make your suit, its please. ning clothes a specialty - H. WILD CO. chant Tailors STATE STREET /,;" j. !,f~ ยข.' \ ,/, ./ , ,e '11 b' 'r ' i ', j!. [ : T HE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as seCnnd-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $'; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 96o Editorial Office Phone 2414 Snowy weather is a great leveler of the shiny shoe aristocracy. Cold weather, not class spirit, brings out the toques. The vocational conference over, bus- iness of studying. The Belgians never had to contend with exams. IH: Beach Carpenter.......Managing Editor Was tIw second row the best W. Sherwood Field......Business Manager you FOR YOUR, OFFICE Don't you need a Card Index Cabinet Set of Blank Books Dozen Letter Files Box of Pens or quart of ink Typewriter Ribbon or Box of Carbon Dozen Pencils or Erasers "Excelsior" or National" Diary Hbendy Desk 75. You can't do. business without it. WBS'STATE I N I I NDOO- (140R . z -.[ate' f iea rv Mali ..vR' ' . 111' I I I I 2skummomm a Fred Foulk...................News Editor F. F. McKinney......... ..Associate Editor . iawley Tapping.........Associate ditor F. M. Church...............Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leuoard - Ray Leffler Rudolph I1o niian Arthur I. Torrey Night Fditors Jankes MT.Barrett, Jr. *. Rodgers Sylvester C.~. Roth Joseph J. Brotherton Slowardl P, Aarsh Charles Weinberg Reporters Chester It. Lang Edward P. Wright Edwin A. TIymnan Eugene L. Bulson Tom C. Reid L. Greenebaum j. C. B. Parker Lee E. Joslyn Irwi ii 1mon Gerald Rosenhaumr I. .. Fitzgerald J. L. Keddie Verne Ilurneet C. N. Church \Vera JRurr-de Roy I). Lamnond IBusiness Staff could do? 2%nd 8"X' e carry all sizes of Shoes. Goods all guaranteed. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE Ferris Fitch C. V. Scllers Edward Mack Y' R. Altsheler C.T. FiShlleig h WOIT UNITED LINES NN ARBOR TIME TABLE. I and Express Cars for Detroit--7:10 and hourly to 6:Io p. Il., also 8::o -s for Detroit-s :4o a. tn., 6:o6 a. in., ry two hours to 6:u6 p. n., 7:o6 p. 6 p. in., 9: r p.'in., and 10:45 P. In. ilanti only: 7:4 a. m., 8:20 a. m., . m n., 5:06 p. Ti., it:1s p. In., I s iz:3o a. i n., 1:c0 a. mi. Cars for Jackson--7:-8 a. m., and wo hours to 7:48 p. ,I.. s for Jacson--S:12 3:. .., 6:5o a. nw, ery two hours~ to 6 : o p. 1 n., also mn., I I: r5 p. Inl. Delos Smith TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1915. Night Editor-E. Rodgers Sylvester. THE LVTTLEy SCHOOLMASTEII 1 i - ,:v , , VACCINATION. The Best Thing About: The New Year! .-is Spring, first of all--Nature and mankind both ly aside their somber shades and1. don brighter hues in greeting the New season. We are now showing the very newest fashions and woolens direct from our Chicago tailors, Hd. V. Price & Co.-and booking orders for later delivery. Choose 0oW while the live zs c ph'/e. Fred W. Gross Cor. 4th and Liberty Sts, them quickly, our moderate and we tin quantity. JET TLS ON STATE .1 1U BUSY n a r:? x-, Presumably at the instigation of the health authorities, President Hutchins tas issued a statement, requesting members of the faculty and of the stu- (tent body to submit to vaccination against small pox. There will, of course, be the usual number of persons who will say that physicians are al- ways scared when something turns up of a dangerous nature, and that they exaggerate the peril and call for too drastic preventive measures just to be on the safe side. Perhaps this is so. Anyway, those who are chiefly con- cerned with the health of the campus ought to be in the best position to give such advice, and whether it is super- fluous or perennial or not, it seems to be worth following. With the present facilities at the health service and at the hospitals, vaccination should not be attended with much tedious waiting or other inconvenience. Probably those in charge will do all that they can to en- courage the practice, by making the taking as agreeable as such things can be made. The sensible thing for those who have not had the vaccine apn>lied within the last few years is to make arrangements for inoculation w~~'itot(lelay. There is more difference than ap- pears on the surface between lit and engineer exam schedules, according to the engineers. Some of those who go around limp- ing are southerners who have just been trying their skill' at the ice skating pastime. The poet Thompson's ideals-a book, a friend and a laughter loving lass- are all to be found in the general li- brary. Wisconsin has held sorority relay races for two .years, without receiving a single challenge from Smith or Vas- sar. Attendance at the faculty gym class- es will be watched carefully by the campus in general. So we :re moral, after all, it ap- Whitney Theater "Life's Shop Window," a photo- graphic visualization of Victoria Cross' novel will be shown at the Whitney theater today. The heroine of the novel recognizes that she has two na- tures, and confides that when she is lonely and neglected by her husband, the call of life and of "the big world" represented by her affinity, cannot be 'esisted by her. Motion pictures will be presented at this theater all' this week. Annette Kellerman, in "Neptune's Daughter," is billed for Sunday. Majestle Theater Girls, all girls-it wasn't the kind of show that might have been ex- pected with such caption-but the show at the Majestic last night did win the usual amount of applause. Mary Gray smiled and her audience smiled with her frequently. The Jor- dan girls danced nimbly on the wire. About 40 university women are now doing regular work in the children's ward of the university hospital, teach- ing and reading to the patients. There are still 16 or more children who are not regularly provided for, and it is suggested by Miss Sarah Burrowes, the nurse in charge, that each of these be taken in care by an organized group of university women, each of whom will take the responsibility for a giv- en day in the week. In this way the work of 80 more women, each giving one hour a week, can be used. Ar- rangements should be made with Miss, Burrowes at the university hospital. * * * President-Emeritus James B. An- gell will speak on the life of Alice Freeman Palmer at the meeting of the Girls' Eduational club in Newberry hall at 7:00 o'clock this evening. All university women, whether members of the club or not, are cordially invit- ed. * * * Stylus meets at 7:30 o'clock this ev- ening with Judith Ginsburg, '15, 119 Park Terrace. Health Service Treats 213 Persons All records of the number of pa- tients treated at the university health service office were shattered yester- day, when 213 persons came to the service for treatment. About 80 of the number were vaccinated, because of the warning of the university off- cials of the presence of small-pox. I F U I.1 OME men an' some tobaccos build upa good rep- utation an' then live on it. VELVET has built up a good reputation an' is livin' up to it. VELVET'S reputation was built-and is maintained on the natural tobacco fragrance and taste of Kentucky's Budey de Luxe, and that aged-in-the-wood mellowness which is peculiar to VELVE;T, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. 10c tins and 5c metal-lined bags. 0 x- - - - - 3- K E With every suit or overcoat * at $20.0; the same material asIsuit or different. A Pair of $6.00 Trousers Made to Your Order Absolutely Free FLANDERS 209 E. LIB-ERTY S'T. ACROSS FROM VARSITY LAUNDRY IN OLD HOME TELEPHONE CO'S BUILDING E THE POPULAR PLACE Still Going Stron The Biggest Thing in Ann Arbor Right Now Is This F I K ll u4il , ' r r'-r ; tl '1 fi=r YR January Safe PARTICULAR LAUNDRY- FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE CITY LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, Prop. 406 Detroit St. Phone 457-M Stationery, Note Books, Jewelry, &c. of DAMAGED PNLY BY SMOKEf DOCK SCULEEDE 340 S. State St. White Goods, Including the famous Shamrock Table Linens from Ireland, Nap- kins, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Laces, Embroideries, Undermus- lins and Knit Underwear. am Burchfieldo. I We can offer you the finest and best tailoring service to be h a d in the state, with no exception. Evening dress is our specialty. Sam Burchfield & Co. It will pay clubs and fraternities to buy in quantities. May Dear President-Emeritus Angell Members of the Men's Educational club are invited to attend the address of President-Emeritus J. B. Angell to. the Girls' Educational club on the life of Alice Freeman Palmer; in Newberry hall at 7:00' o'clock this evening. The latest dances taught at Grin- nell Bros. by appointment. Phone 1707. 76-77 "Be sure to read Lyndon's display Ad. 76&78 1 522 Holmes Taxicab Co. 522. "We'll be there." tf TRANSIT MARKET Wm. LINDE1MAN DEALER IN Fresh awed Salt Meats Pork, Ham Poultry, etc. Bol Phone 204 212 N. 4th Ave University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pens and Students Supplies. tf PHONE 599 106 E. H'1URON ST. ------------ - Latin-German specialist, will students in these branches. moderate. Call Ypsilanti 472. tutor Rates 71-76 la nnel Shirts - eater-- .ckinaws -I-f r Caps & oves al WANTED-Anyone who was on the D. U. R. car from Ypsilanti to Ann Ar- bor leaving Ypsi at 8:20 p. m., Oct. 23, 1914; from which W. I. McKen- zie fell, to please call 359-M between 8:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. 76-77 WANTED-If you need to make money during the summer vacation plan for it now by seeing Mr. Smithson. 527 E. Liberty. 1568-M. ' 76 Buy your Mazda lamps at Switzer's, 310 S. Sate. tU "MARY GRAY" OH BEAUTIFUL "MARY GRAY" The Waltz Girl in "Miles of Smiles." The Girl with the million dollar personality at the Ma- jestic with the "ALL-GIRL-SHOW," Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 12, 13, with a daily matinee. 72-7 University Ave. Pharmacy Martha Washington Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. ' U "Be sure to read Lyndon's display " a7lg7R" sity Toggery 1Shop 1107 S. University Ave.