DAY, JANUARY 12, 1915.
1 04
Officials Urge Vaccin
Who Have Not B
Two Yev
Both Clubs and Individuals to Avoid
Excessive Hospitality After
Junior Hop
n "Le The-
e west lec-
atory, 5:00
Leonora Allen and Albert Lindquest,
Who Give Belgium Relief Con- ,
cert Professional Artists
Dixie club
y track man in college is ex-
o attend tonight's meeting in
ure room in the physics build-
d Coach Farrell, of the Varsity
uad, yesterday afternoon. The
will be called at 7:15 o'clock.
vant a big crowd, too," added-
k mentor, "and not a repetition
year's meeting, where barely
ul of men, eight or ten in, all,
Prof. A. H. Lloyd, chairman of the
committee on student affairs, and R. C.
Jeter, '16E, general chairman of the
Junior hop, have sent out letters to
fraternities and house clubs, advising
them of the limits within which they
wish the festivities at house parties to
be kept. Following is a copy of the
"As you may be giving a house-party
at the time of the Junior Hop, and as
both students and officers of the uni-
versity are trying, not merely to keep
the hop free from. all objectionabl
features, but'also to make it a wholly
desirable event in the life of' the uni
versity, we are here making aifew sug-
gestions for the conduct of the house-
parties. These suggestions, we hope,
will meet with your approval and be
cordially adopted by you. Another
year, with more time for preparation,
should the hop be continued;, and
should you or others desire revision of
what is here proposed, we would be
glad to have you and all the house-
clubs interested get together and pro-
pose such changes as might seem wise.
Our suggestions for the present year
"1. That, so far as may be, every
club, giving a house-party, have at
least one chaperone from among the1
wives of university officers, or of oth-
er residents of Ann Arbor. The pur-
pose of this suggestion is simply that
at each house-party there may be at
least one chaperone who is directlys
interested in the life of the university,'
and appreciative of the |lifficulties in-
der which so large a party as the Jun-
Jor hop, with all the attending festivi-
ties,. is given.
"2. That each club, not later than
two weeks before the time of the hop,
send us the names and addresses of4
the ladies who are expected to act as
chaperones at the house. Here the
purpose is that the resident chaper-
ones may hold a conference among1
themselves, should they so desire, and*
that the visitors from out of town may
receive a letter of recognition and wel-,
come from those who are responsiblej
for the management of the hop, And-
"3. That after the hop, which by
action of the university senate is to
close at 2:00 o'clock, there be no long
aftermath at the different houses; that
on the Saturday evening following the
hop all entertainments be concluded1
not later than 12:00 o'clock; and, in
general, that both clubs and individu-
als avoid excess in the hours and in
the manner and expense of their hos-
"Your attention is also called espe-
cially to the provision in the students'
petition for reinstatement of the hop,
that all house-parties begin not earlier,
than Friday morning and close not lat-
er than Sunday afternoon.
"Wishing everybody a good time and
relying on everybody to do all in his
power to make the coming event an
unqualified success, we are,
Very cordially yours,
R. C. JETER, Jr.,
Chairman Junior hop committee.
Chairman committee on student af-
' Tickets for the Belgian Relief con-
cert, to be given Thursday night in
Hill auditorium by Miss Leonora Allen
and Albert Lindquest, went on sale
yesterday. They sell for 25 cents, and
may be had at the two Wahr book-
stores, the Union and the Y. M. C. A.
The concert will last from 8:00 until
about 9:30 o'clock, and will consist
of the lighter and more popular clas-
sics. Both of the artists who will ap-
pear, are studying in the . school of
The Union picked the following men
yesterday to aid in the ticket sale: F.
J. Thieme, '18E, H. S. Taylor, '17E,
James Schermerhorn, Jr., '18, Roland
Winslow, '18, E. W. Shadford, '18, Dean
l Richmond, '18, U. S. G. Cherry, '18, J.
W. Thomas, '16, G. L. 'Kesler, '17, C. A.
Cosgrove, '17D, William Woods, '18,
Robert Bennet, '18, C. C. Hart, '17, W.
L. Kemp, '18, Fred Sutter, '18, Ward
Sickler, '18, Cyril Talbot, '17, A. M.
Bentley, '16, Enos Bradner, '15, E. L.
Bulson, '17, 0. L. Sutherland, '17D, A.
L. Souter, '15D, D. F. Smith, '17L, C. B.
Hall, '18, Harry Heaton, '16P, E. A.
Lefevre, '16P, and A. L. Kirkpatrick,
Miss Allen made her debut at the
age of 18, with the Chicago Grand"
Opera company, singing the role of'
Juliet in the opera, "Romeo and Jul-
iet." She had studied but six inonths
before this appearance. Although Miss
Allen has sung in both grand and light
opera, she has chosen the concert
field, and has sung in about 80 con-
certs with the Minneapolis Symphony
orchestra, and has appeared on a num-
ber , of programs with the Chicago'
Symphony orchestra. For one season
she was the leading soprano in "The
Spring Maid" company.
Albert Lindquest was declared by
Glenn Dillard Gunn, musical critic of'
the Chicago Tribune, to be "undoubt-
edly America's greatest young tenor."
Lindquest was discovered as a singer
by Bonci, the Italian tenor, who heard
him singing on the porch of a fra-
ternity house at the University of Chi-
cago. Bonci invited him to come to
his hotel and sing for him, and pro-
claimed him to have the best natural
tenor voice that he had heard in Amer-
ica. Since leaving Chicago, Lindquest
has been a professional singer for two
years, and has toured the entire Uni-
ted State in concerts and song recitals.
He has toured with the Minneapolis
and St. Paul Symphony orchestras, and
has sung with the Chicago and St.
Louis orchestras. During the holidays
he gave a number of concerts in the
cities of the middle west.
Detroit Paper Reports German News
Students. and others interested in
getting the German war news from
a German source will be enabled to do
so through the generosity of the "De-
troit Abendpost," a daily newspaper,
which has donated a daily and Sunday
subscription for the use of students in
the university. The papers will be
on file in Alumni Memorial hall.
Take Picture of Soph Lit Champions
Members of the soph lit football
team, this year's campus champions,
had their pictures taken for the Mich-
iganensian in front of Waterman gym-
i nasium Sunday afternoon.
Michigan seems to be winning dis-
tinction lately for the loftiness of its
moral standards. The "Y" mobiliza-
tion campaign, the elimination of cel-
ebration riots, the athletes' movement
for suppressing gambling, the spotless
police court record, all have attracted
wide attention. Now even, the time-
honored printers' devil seems to be
"hors de combat." Atleast The Mich-
igan Daily has received an official re-
ligious "O. K."
The Congregational Young People's
society announced that at last Sunday's
meeting the moral tone of The Daily
this year would be discussed. The dis-
cussion opened nobly, but it was soon
found that no one had anything ad-
verse to say and the subject was dis-
missed as undebatable. A young lady
Student Volunteer took up the remain-
der of the hour describing the Volun-
teer band's work.
One of Famous Mayo Brothers Coming
Here for "Founders'
* Day"
Smallpox has ap
pus, but only one
found to be sufferin
and the university
cials say that there
Howard Gray, '17.
contagious ward of
pital Sunday, after
diagnosed by Dr.
who was called to 1
Gray returned I
Calumet after the
with about 30 other
his return to Ann 2
with a throat infec
recovered from thi
A. K. MacNaughton
umet, was forced to
bor during the holi
tion. While in the
visited by Gray. 1
cials who examined
Naughton is not ill
has been sent to th
About 80 includi
known to have bee:
and some others h(
track men on the running track. Don-
nelly has the honor of having his name
posted as the first entry on the new
sheet. When Coach Farrell directed
the auburn haired sophomore to run
nine laps in three minutes, he turned
in a mark of 2:51, which pleased Steve
to the extent of causing him to place
Donnelly's name upon the chart.
The majority of the track squad
were out for work yesterday afternoon,
and according to Farrell he expects to
have marks posted for every distance
that is kept on the card before the end
of the week. Coach Farrell stated that
a meeting for freshmen track men
would be held some time this week.
e Friday,
men may
re on sale
nion from
Dr. Willianv J. Mayo, '83M, of Roch-
ester, Minn., one of the bet known
doctors in .the country, will be the
principal speaker at the "Founders'1
Day Celebration" to be held on Feb.1
22, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Dr.
Mayo and his brother are world fam-
ous surgeons and operate the famous{
Mayo Brothers sanitarium of Roches-
ter, to which people come from all
parts of the world.
"Founders' Day" is an annual event
to which all students, faculty men of
the medical department and their wives
are invited, together with many prom-
inent men of ,the medical world. So
far Dr. Mayo is the only speaker on
the program, but Dr. A. M. Barrett,
who is chairman of the program com-
mittee, hopes to complete the program;
within a few days.
Following the reception there will
be a dance and then a portrait of Don-
ald Maclean, a former member of the
medical faculty, will be unveiled. The
portrait was donated by Mrs. Maclean.
With 1913 Varsity Baseball Catcher
Back, Chances for Championship
Loom Bigger-
Michigan's chances of winning the
intercollegiate baseball championship
again were given a big boost by the
return of "Chuck" Webber, Varsity
catcher in 1913. With Webber again
in school, the hole left by the gradua-
tion of Baer and Hippler will be well
filled, and the Wolverines will be as-
sured of an experienced backstop.
Webber's batting should also be a
great aid in the coming season, for
the local product was one of the most
consistent stick men on the 1913 ag-
gregation, being out-hit only by Cap-
tain Bell and "Johnnie" Lavans, now
with the St. Louis Browns. In that
year, Michigan scored more runs than
in any other season during the past
18 years, the Wolverine nine running
up a total of 196 runs in the 26 games
With the catching department taken
care of, Lundgren is left with but one
hole in the infield that seems likely to
cause trouble. With the graduation
of Baker, the Wolverines lost the star
of the 1914 inner defense, and at pres-
ent, there is no one in sight capable
of filling his shoes. Lundgren may
shift Hughitt to short, although the
veteran played third all last year. In
such a case, Shivel would have first
choice at the warm corner.
Two of the candidates for the 1915
Varsity have already dropped by the
wayside, neither Payette nor Harring-
ton being eligible for the coming sea-
son. The former showed considerable
promise in the box last spring, under
the tutelage of Lavans, but his loss
will not be greatly felt, owing to the
wealth of hurling material at Lund-
gren's disposal. Harrington was also.
a member of last year's All-Fresh nine,
holding down one of the fielding posi-
tions on the yearling team.
ure of protection po
spread of smallpo,
no occasion for ala
ness even, there is
highest degree of ca
and for prompt co-
authorities in their
the disease. There
thus far, three cases
case developed re<
such circumstances
low, unless general vac
members of the faculties
and of university employe
cured without delay. Vai
been made compulsory i
known exposure, and it
urged that the advice of
ty health service, given b
lowed at once. H. B. E
e priv-
of the Captain McQueen to Call Battery Men
hie hop.. Before Middle of February
Phila- Carl Lundgren, Varsity baseball
is. coach, was in Ann Arbor again yester-
day, discussing the season's baseball
ER schedule with the athletic association
URDAY authorities. Lundgren's plans call for
the beginning of indoor practice about
n Much the middle of February, while a call
e for battery men will probably be issued
by Captain McQueen somewhat earlier
in the second semester.
e of the According to an announcement of
be plac- the athletic authorities, the schedule
16. Ev- for the annual southern trip is not yet
nerica" ready, although it is extremely proba-
ble that the games will be played in
ributed nearly the same order and with the
"Back same teams as last year. The trip will
ispiece, be taken as usual during the spring
seph Wil- The eastern trip will occur the lat-
I "During ter part of May, about the same time
have been as last year's, and the big games will
this issue be about the same ones as those of last
ever been year, when the Maize and 3lue team
cinched the title of intercollegiate
ibutors. to champions.
gazine are
ontributed Contestants Submit 12 Opera Posters
arde Hag- Robert H. Tannahill, '15, who is
en several chairman of the Union opera poster
committee announces that about 12
.mber will posters were submitted at the close of
who wish the contest Sunday night. Judges are
ag but the being secured, and the winners of the
tamp will first, second and third prizes will be
announced sometime this week.
Lying on a sick bed in St. Joseph's
sanitarium, Paul Dickey, ex '06, prom-
inent playwright, has just 'filled the
entire cast of his theatrical production,
"The Comeback," by the use of the
telegram. Dickey has been in the hos-
pital for two weeks recovering from'
an operation, but he was reluctant to
wait until he was able to be up, be-,
fore selecting the members of the com-
pany. With the assistance of Harold
S. Weeks, '06E, he was able to secure
a first-class cast in New York.
"The Comeback" is of especial in-
terest because the first act is laid in
Ann Arbor. The play will probably
be presented here sometime this year.
Elsie Janis, the musical comedy fa-
vorite, will be in Ann Arbor sometime
this week to confer with 'Dickey about
the cast of the "Missing Link," in
which she will play the leading role.
This is her first appearance in "legiti-
mate drama."
"The Misleading Lady," another of
Dickey's plays, which played in Detroit
last week, will probably be offered
here within the next few weeks.
Dickey was prominent in campus
theatricals while at the university, be-
ing president of the Comedy club for
the years 1903-'04-'05, besides being
interested in other activities. His first
appearance on the stage was in the
winter of 1906, when he was with Hen-
rietta Crossman in "Sham." Since that
time he has written a number of other
plays, all of which have gained prom-
The university health service her
by recommends and earnestly urge
that all students, members of facultie
and employees of the university wh
have not been successfully vaccinate
within the past two years at once su
mit themselves to vaccination as a pr
tection to themselves and to the cor
munity against small-pox. Free va
cination will be furnished to studen
at the offices of the university heal
service. Subsequent inspection an
treatment will be provided without e
pense at the university health servic
Election of Boat Club Head Announce
Earl B. McKinley, '16 was'announce
as first comruoQdore of the Michiga
Uiion Boat Club, after a meeting
that organization, in the Union, Su:
day. McKinley fills the position vac
.ted by Henry S. Parsons, '15E, w]
resigned at a meeting last week.
Journalistic Classes. to Iear William
Talcott Williams, director of ti
Pulitzer school of journalism at C
lumbia, will lecture before the class
in journalism some time in March. IV
Williams was secured through the e
forts of Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhe
orie department.