I I ITIERS You should call at once . Iiberty JDEIIS. us Generals, Snow, Ice s. As a loyal reservist ned to the colors, and engagement with the 29th, the opening of Amateur Photographers! Safety First ) MATINEE 2:30 W H I TNEY Matinee and Night THEATRE SATURDAY, October 1 Take yonr films to Lyndon's "Safety First' development system, and get absolutely perfect results. We will not charge you one cent if you can find a single defect in the developing we do for you EASTMAN KODAKS AND FRESH SUPPLIES (B) LYNDON - - 719 N. University Avenue r e frontiers, and Yn. your command. Mackinaw will relied on to do eak is the hos- VA, 604 E~. rty St. U NWe shine shoes b'right and block hats right. The Athens on Liberty St. Try us once. tf. University Ave. Pharmacy. The new store. Drugs, sundaes, and toilet ar- ticles. NEW AND BECOMING Styles in FALL HATS Now on Display ALLEN'S Good Clothes Store Main St. PACKARD ACADEMY Dancing classes every Monday and Thursday 7:00 p. m., beginning Oct- 5th and,8th. A very competent in- structor from New Jersey will dem- onstrate the new dances both in class and private lessons. The academy has been newly decorated and equip- ped with electric fans. Phone 1850-M. FOR SALE-Biggest bargain ever of- fered.. Six cylinder Studebaker, run ifteen hundred miles. Only $800. Can be seen at Ann Arbor Taxicab Co., 515 E. Liberty. 7-8-9 ORPH'EUM Theatre Ann Arbor's Parlor Picture Theatre MON-TUES., OCT. 5-6 Hobart Bosworth presents John Barleycorn' by Jack London. WED-THURS., OCT. 7-8 P. P. Craft presents 'East Lynn.' FRI-SAT., OCT. 9-10 J. L. Lasky presents Rob- ert Edison in 'The Call of the North.' BROADWAY AND JOHN R. DETROIT NEW RIDE ON A TRAI E L E CTROLYSIS OF - M ETA LS CS ; -;i. / J OWTH> T. IN ROOMS FOR GIRLS-Exceptionally beautiful rooms. Use of two parlors. Also one suite down stairs of two large rooms for two, furnished with every requisite for light housekeep- ing. 510 Lawrence St. 7-12 FOR RENT-Four room apartment. Newly decorated house. $34 per month., See L. W. Lamb, 514 Benja- min. 7-8 FOR RENT-Two desirable suites at 543 Church street. 7 FOR REAT-To frats, clubs, and soci- eties New Armory Bldg., Cor. E. Ann and Fifth Ave., fully equipped and in excellent condition for dancing par- ties, exhibits or banquets. 3,000 square feet hard maple floor. -For further information and rates com- municate with. Conrad Lucas, 807 S. Main. 6-11 LOST-Saturday afternoon about $40 In currency probably between Hus- ton Bros. and Ferry field. Finder return to Si Huston and receive re- ward. 6-8 -where the U. of M. spirit is manifest and "M" men are taken care of. - Go to The Edelweiss for your luncheon when in Detroit, Soc. Also for y o u r Dinner o r after-the- theatre Supper. And we make a specialty of U. of M. Ban- e quets. Dancing from 6 to 8:30 and 10 to 12:30. Delightful music -orchestral and voice. Cuisine unexcelled, and Ser- vice the best. A royal wel- come awaits "M" men at any hour of the day or night at JACOB MACK, Manager PRICEB-Matinee 25c and 35c Night 25R, 35c, 60c PLANT BIRD R E NOTE -Children under 12 years of age will be admitted to the Saturday Matinee for 15.ca Seat Sale Thursday Box Office Open 10 A.M. i v Phone 1701 * 20 Phone 17th1 I r , MAJEST IC Always a Good Show 3:00 7:30 9:00 3:00--7:30...:00 Ir% I NEW A Big Week of Vaudeville Novelties s I- - J Monday, Tuesday, Wed'day, October 5th, 6th, 7th, I TRANSIT MARKET Win. LINDEMAN DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats Pork, Ham poultry etc Bell Phone 2294 212 N. 4th Ave. a , LOST-Sunday on campus or boule- vard, one pair nose glasses. Finder please call 783 or 603 S. State. LOST-Athletic admission book. Re- turn Alfred Nesler, 236 South Thay- er. Reward. 7-8 LOST-Pair of tortoise rimmed glass-, es in black case. Return to Daily' office for reward. 7 WANTED-Students washing. Reas- onable mending done. Mrs. L. Koch. 214 E. Ann St. 5-6-7 WANTED-A fresh law student who wishes office experience in exchange for work odd hours. Frank E. Jones, 21Ann Arbor Savings Bank !Block. 7-8-9 Miss Hannah Cochrane, pupil of William Howland, will take pupils in voice. Studio 413 S. Division. Phone' In order to be able to dance the lat- est dances one must know how to dance the Waltz, One Step and Two Step which is the foundation of all the new dances. To learn these dances properly go to Granger's School of Dancing where you will betaught the Waltz, One Step and Two Step in one term. For particulars call at office 312 Maynard St., or phone 246. tf Pianos to rent at Schaeberle & Sons Music House. tf. Gym Outfits complete-at a bar- gain-Wagner & Co. State Street. tf. Expert Pipe Repairing -R. Disde ride, 422 Detroit St. TF. Waterman Fountain Pens of all kinds. University Avenue Pharmacy. tf Danny Simmons A Military Hobo McCORMICK & WALLACE Ventriloquil Novelty LEWIS & KESSLER, Those Classy Girls HERBERT'S DOGS NEWPORT & STIRT, A Barber's Busy Day PHOTO PLAYS Matinees, Tuesday, Wednesday, FridaySaturday, at 3 P.m. Two shows every nightiv 7.30 and 9.40 Remember Ladies' Seuvenir Matinees, Tuesday and Friday Coming Thursday--Carlos Caesero, "The Hun, an Gyroscope" Phone 1701 for Seats Box Office Open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. !' "Grace Cameron" will be with us soon 1,, I e relied upon. It Gas Range. ny minutes for Gas Range- tchen-there's ,0 Headquarters , because when the Gas There is no fire"going" 1809-R. 6-8 ways Right" in your house. See In Tne Story t our office for npany IUTERS QUARTERS for Remington, wood, Oliver, Fox, etc. Only Michigan Factory months, $12; 9 months, $17; include v latest models $50 up. Factory re- NA Folding, weight 6 lbs. Call, write or phone Main 4102 160 Jefferson, near Woodward Towels--soap-tooth brushes directory at Quarry Drug Co. The best chocolates-Cranes Gilberts at Quarry's. and eod. and eod. Aprons and Lab, supplies in general at Wahr's University Book Store. eod Standard Loose Leaf note books- your name on cover without expense' at Wahr's University Book Store. THE KEMPF MUSIC STUDIOS, 312 S. Division St. . Phone 212-J. Piano, Voice, Pipe Organ, Harmony. Leave orders for fine piano tuning. Good tenor soloist wanted for church work. Medical and Dental text books. .15 per cent off for cash at Wahr's Uni. versity Book Store. tf FOR SALE-Indian twin cylinder mo- torce le. $100 Cfall_ r University Ave. Pharmacy. The store that satisfies. tf Engineering Shop Outfits-Wagner & Co. State Street. tf. Pianos to rent. Good dependable in- struments at lowest rates. Schaeberle & Son's Music House, 110 So. Main St. tf. Hospital Coats-Waiters' Coats- Dental Operating Coats--Wagner & Co. State Street. tf. Toilet preparations of alrkinds and right prices. Quarry Drug Co. eod. FOR Stylish HATS -, Stylish CAPS FOR C. 118 E. Huron St., near Allenel Hotely, ACTORY HAT STORL W. W. MANN, Prop. Mr Stui DON'T TALK WAR-TALK SHOP'! We are the only et Suply Si Engineer's Wants-Opposite Engineering Arch I.P. NOTE BOOKS - - - POUND PAPER - - - FOUNTAIN PENS tore ~ty , V . Cr Stationary Memory Books, Banners, Pennants etc, at Medical and Deii versity Book Store, eod per cent off for ca eod. versity Book Store. all 3-J'-. utal text books. 15 sh at Wahr's Uni-. ti U o Ca SCHLEEDE Phone 1160-R * 1111 L.f CLEE::Poe16-