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January 09, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-01-09

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V, No. 74.



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Scope and Duties of Office Pointed
Out to University Women
By Florence Jackson
Dr. Elsie Pratt Will Preside at Final
Lincheon Today in Barbotir

"Secretarial work is of such a na-
ture as to make it imperative that one
regard it as a profession," was the
sentiment voiced by Florence Jackson,
of the Women's Educational and In-
dustrial union of Boston, in her sur-
vey of the scope, duties and needed
preparation for modern secretaryships,
at yesterday's meeting of the Voca-
tional conference. Special stress was
laid upon the opportunities in medical,
legal, executive, educational and bus-
iness secretaryships.
Adam Strom, head librarian of De-
troit, emphasized the great civic and
social responsibilities and possibili-
ties in library work, and the fact that
a professional training, as well as so-
ciological and economic study, is nec-
essary as preparation for such a vo-
In speaking of the profession of in-
terior decoration, George T. Hamilton,
of the Detroit School of Design, laid
emphasis on the fact that, in this field,
as in every other, women are expected
to be even more competent than men.
Mr. Hamilton called interior decora-
tion the science of relief and art, and,
as such, named it as a necessary one in
.modern life, and one offering excel-
lent opportunities for the women fitted
for it.
President Harry B. Hutchins pre-
sided at the session, following which
the Women's League gave a reception
for the speakers.
Today will see the final session of
the conference, but a larger attendance
than that of the last two days is ex-
pected, as it is thought that university
women, Having few classes on Satur-
day, will be more at leisure to attend
the meetings.
Sophronisda Breckinridge, dean of
the. Chicago school of Civics and Phil-
anthropy, will be the first speaker at
today's meeting, which commences at
10:00 o'clock this morning in Sarah
Caswell Angell hall. Social service
will be her theme.
Home economics will be dealt with
in a general way by Abby Marlott, di-
rector of the home economics depart-
ment of the University of Wisconsin.
Maude Kelsey, national field secretary
of the student volunteer band of the
Y. W. C. A., will follow with a talk,
on Y. W. C. A. secretaryships.
Dr. Elsie Pratt, university physician
for women, will preside at the final
luncheon, to be given at 12:15 o'clock.
today in Barbour gymnasium. Dean
John R. Effinger and other members
of the faculty will speak, and short
talks will be given by. the delegates to
the conference from Albion college
and M. A. C. At this luncheon the
conference will break up, most of the
speakers leaving for their homes today
and tonight.
First record tryouts for places on
the Michigan Rifle team will be held
this afternoon at the Ann Arbor ar-
mory, every aspirant .for the Varsity
ten shooting at least one string.
About 25 men appeared at the range
yesterday afternoon, and kept the tar-
get tenders busy. J. P. Thompson, '18,
turned in the high card of the after-
noon, with a 24 score out of a possible
The armory will be open today from
1:30 o'clock to 5:00 o'clock, and, if
possible, more than one string will be
shot by each tryout.
Applications for Wolverine Due Today
Prof. F. N. Scott, of the board in
control of student publications, will:
receive applications for the positions
of managing editor and business
manager of the Wolverine, not

later than , today. From t h e
list of applicants students will be
picked for the two positions, at a meet-
ing of the board in control, sometime

Women's Vocational conference Sarah
Caswell Angell hall, 10:00 o'clock.
Membership dance at Union, 9:00
Chess and Checker club, Michigan Un-
ion, 7:30 o'clock.
Dr. Ozora S. Davis, Majestic theater,
6:30 o'clock.
Dr. J, B. Pengelly, Michigan Union,
3:00 o'clock.
Rabbi Berkowitz, McMillan hall, 7:00
Crockett Speaks on Hawaii Tomorrow
Wendell F. Crockett, '16, will give a
talk before the Cosmopolitan club at
4:00 o'clock tomorrow, in the club
rooms. Crockett, who is a native- of
Hawaii, will talk upon his country.
This is the second of a series of na-
tional talks to be presented at meet-
ings to be presented at meetings of
the club. Following the talk, regular
routine business will be transacted.

"Away, away with rum, by-gum!"
Gone are the days of beer, whiskey
and other intoxicating beverages, and
in their place have come better ones,
of grape-juice, ginger ale, sarsaparilla
et cetera. Yes, it is true' that all rec-
ords of the last half century were bro-
ken during the past year. Not a single
Michigan ' student was arrested
for drunkenness during 1 9 1 4.
Perhaps nowhere else in the country
has the temperance wave had a more

material effect than in Ann Arbor.
The white-ribboners, and their ranks
are increasing every day, and they
have reason to be heartily congratu-
lated. This is the first year in more
than 50, that some unfortunate stu-
dent has not been taken into the cus-
tody of the law, because of too intimate
relations with the god, Bacchus. How-
ever, Bacchus is dethroned, and in his
royal chair sits William Jennings Bry-
an, god of grape-juice unfermented.


Present Engineering Shops Date Back
to 18S1; Buildings Too Small
and Overcrowded


Drys Win In Ann Arbor!-
So Say Police Oflicials

Albert G. Bryant Warns of Danger
Jeopardizing Relations With
European Countries



Varsity Track Men Will Be
From New Series of


Varsity track men will be barred
from the proposed series of sorority
relay races, and,. with the. competition
restricted to class athletes, a more ev-
"enly balanced set of teams is expected..
The number of sororities that will
enter the event is as yet uncertain, and
no canvass will be taken by those in
charge of the affair until after Monday,
as most of the sororities hold their
meetings on that evening.
It is quite likely that Intramural Di-
rector.Rowe will alter the distances
of the different relays. Under the orig-
inal plan, the last man was supposed
to run a mile, but it is quite possible
that this will be shortened to half a
mile, with a corresponding reduction
of the first four laps.
Several university women expressed
the sentiment yesterday that possibly
the men would not consider the mat-
ter seriously; but, according to Direc-
tor Rowe, the plan is a success and an
annual feature of the track season at
the universities of Wisconsin and Ill-
Doctor May Believes That Michigan
May Set New Intercollegiate
Secrecy will no longer shroud the
mystery of who is the strongest man
on the Michigan campus, for Dr. G. A.
May is about to initiate the intercol-
legiate strength test. All football men,
wrestlers and other huskies are asked
to report to Doctor May in Waterman
gym, and take a preliminary test.
From 'among the highest men in the
preliminaries, a selection of the most
promising will be made, and, after
about two mionths of training, a second
and final test will be made.
It is because he believes that Mich-
igan has some strong men on her
campus, that he is making this test, in
hopes of breaking the present inter-
collegiate record, held by William T.
Roos of Yale, with a total of 2,665
points. The former record was held
by John R. Kilpatrick, with a total of
2,490, until it was broken by Roos in
Roos's record on the various tests
which enter into the totaling is as fol-
lows: Weight, 184; lung, 320 c. c.;
right fore arm, 130 lbs.; left fore arm,
125 lbs.; back lift, 400 lbs.; leg lift,
890 lbs.; pull-up, 25 times; push-up,
35 times. His phenomenal work lay in,
his chinning and dipping ability,
which, Doctor May avers may be de-
veloped with steady practice.
All -men who are interested in thej
strength test are requested to report
to Doctor May for their preliminary
tests at their earliest'convenience. i

By S. J. Hoexter, Department of Me-
chanical Engineering.
The engineering shops date back to
the winter of 1881-82, when Dean Mor-
tinmer E. Cooley was assigned to the
University of Michigan by the U. S.
Navy, upon request of the regents, as.
professor of mechanical engineering.
Previous to this time, there was no
separate engineering department, and
the only engineering work which was
given, was largely that of civil engi-
neering, and, as such, came under the
head of professor Charles E. Greene,
who occupied the chair of civil engi-
neering in the department of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts.
In 1882 the engineering shops com-
prised a single building, twenty-four
by thirty-six feet, two stories in
height, which building was located on
the site of the present middle portion
of the shops building. One-half of the
ground floor was occupied by the
foundry, and the balance was devoted
to theyforge shop and engine room.
One-half of the second floor was a
pattern shop, and the other half, a
machine shop.
This old building, was originally a
frame structure, sheathed inside and
out with brick. It has since been con-
verted into a residence, and now
stands on the southwest corner of Vol-
land and Observatory streets.
The entire course of instruction was
given by Professor Cooley, with the
limited equipment then at hand. As
assistant to Dean Cooley, especially.

Military training in colleges should
not be started in the United States
while war enthralls Europe.
This is the opinion of Arthur G.
Bryant, secretary of the World's Peace
Foundation, given in his remarks at
the Peace Contest last night. While
refusing to say definitely whether mil-
itary training in universities is desir-
able or not or whether it is antagonis-
tic to the principles of world peace,
Mr. Bryant did say that any steps
toward militarism in this country at
the present time might place in jeop-
ardy the influence and! possibly the
neutrality of the United States with
the warring foreign powers.
President Wilson, said the .speaker,
will be given the greatest opportunity
in history to deal with the European
countries at the close of the war as
the representative of the United States.
And because the country is in such a
position of power, the speaker intima-
ted it would be most unwise to even
suggest any additional military spirit
in this country as long as it is neu-
Aside from Mr. Bryan't vague re-'
marks on .military training, the peace
contest had another thrill of the "call!
to arms" in the shape of petitions,
which were circulated among the audi-.
ence by the supporters of the drill
system. It was reported on the camp-
us yesterday that a vote was to be
taken on this question at the meet-
ing. This it turned out was the peti-

Dr. G. A. May announces that, in
view of the information received from
the postal cards sent out several weeks
ago to members of the faculty, rela-
tive to faculty gymnasium classes, it
has been deemed advisable, in order
to obtain better results, to hold these
classes at 11:15 o'clock on Tuesday
and Friday, beginning the second sem-
ester. In the meantime, it would be
advisable for those who wish to avail
themselves of these classes, to. secure
lockers and suitable gymnasium cos-
Gargoyle Staff Holds Dinner at Union
Humorists and artists alike gather-
ed at a dinner of the Gargoyle staff
held last evening at the Union. Editor
W. A. P. John of the Gargoyle, presid-
ed as toastmaster. Prof. F. N. Scott of
the board in control of publications
spoke. Among the other speakers
were: H. B. Carpenter, '14-'17L, man-
aging editor of The Michigan Daily,
Hildegarde Hagerman, '15, Harold
Schradzki, '15L, Harold Fitzgerald, '17,
and Joseph Kucera, '17A.
Engineering Department Issues Small
Bulletin on Road
"Courses in Highway Engineering,"
is the title of a university bulletin re-]
cently issued by the department of en-
gineering. It contains a history of
road construction, a description of thee
courses whib the university offer in .I
this and allied -sybjects, a description
of the laboratories . and laboratory
equipment, and a reference to the short
course in highway engineering, to be]
given the week of February 15. =
Highway building is traced back to
ancient times, in the short history, but
stress is laid particularly upon the de-
velopments that the art has taken in
recent years. The general use of theI
automobile is regarded as one reason
for the increased need for improvedI
thoroughfares. Emphasis Is placed,
also, upon the fact that there is need
not only of special training for theI
work, but also Its constant pursuit.'
Reference is made to the fact that
the highway laboratory makes testsI
upon road-making and paving materi-
als intended for public use in the state,I
without any charge, other than that of
the expense of shipping the samples.]
In pursuance of this policy, the lab-
oratory has made many tests, includ-f
ing certain special investigations forj
the state highway department. 1
The highway, bituminous materials,1
physical testing, mineralogical and
geological laboratories, are the sub-
jects of several pages in the bulletin.
The highway laboratory, located in
the basement of the new engineeringE
building, is well equipped, and is used
in both graduate and undergraduate
instruction. The bituminous ma-
terials laboratory is located in.
the chemical building included1
in the equipment of the phys-'
ical testing laboratory is a uni-a
form load testing machine, especially
designed for the university. The min-I
eralogical laboratory, located in the
basenment of Tappan hall, has a total of1
7,000 square feet.1

With the single exception of an ele-
mentary course required of all civilE
engineers, the courses in highway en-
gineering are designed for students9
who wish to pursue the study during1
the final semester of their senior year,1
or during a fifth- year at the .university.,
The allied courses may be taken at -
any time during the college career.-
Although the details of the short
course to be given in February have
not been made public, several feature,
are announced. One of these will be
an exhibit of the occurrence of road-
making materials in Michigan. Special
attention will be given to the opera-
tion of the highway laboratory and to
laboratory tests.
The course -is to be open to engi-
nners, highway commissioners and
other officials engaged or interested in
the improvement of roads and streets
in Michigan. There will be no labora-
tory fees or charges of any kind in
connection with the course.

N. E. Pinney, '16, speaking on "The
American Conquest of Europe," was
awarded the first honor in last night's
University Peace Contest, and he will
represent the university in the state
contest, to be held in Ann Arbor,
March 29. Roy R. Fellers, '15, whose
subject was "Europe and Armed
Peace," won second place.
Pinney outlines the development of
democracy in the United States, and.
says that the combination of individ-
ualism and internationalism,the fund-
amental principles of true democracy,
as embodied in the goternments of the
tates, maintains the peace of one state
with another. Applying the sanie
spirit to the European nations, he sug-
gests the establishment of a United
States of Europe. No coercion would
be used in our conquest which would
not be one of arms or commerce, but
a conquest of ideas. The only way
to accomplish this result is by our
tgtal disarmament at the end of the
present struggle abroad, whereupon,
Europe, seeing and realizing our earn-
estness, would follow tha exampe.
The second honor oration tried to
show that armed peace has failed in
the present European crisis, because
maintained on a national basis. The
remedy proposed iscthe establishment.
of a "league of peace" among ntos
by which disputes would be settled
by a supreme court of nations whose
decrees would be enforced, if neces-
sary by an' international police power.
Thus the future development of peace
would be away from nationalism to-
ward internationalism.
S. J. Skinner, '15, speaking on "The
Evolution of Peace," suggested giving
a course on peace in the normal
schools, and thus obtaining interna-
tional peace through the education of
children to that idea. C. H. Ross, '15,
on his subject, "Militarism and , the
Masses," said that, as soon as the mas-
ses realize that they can no longer
gain by war, they will heartily en-
dorse the peace movement. The ex-
pression of public sentiment as oppos-
ed to 'militarism is all that is neces-
sary to secure peace was the idea ex-
pressed by A. P. Bogue, '16, in his
talk on "The Opportunity of Public
Six Day Trip for Troupe During Spring
Vacation Expected as Big
Drawing Card
Chorus tryouts for the 1915 Michi-
gan Union *opera will be held at the
clubhouse, on Tuesday evening, Janu-
ary 19, according to the announce-
ments made yesterday, by General
Chairman K. S. Baxter, '15E. The tri-
als will consist simply in the execu-
tion of the modern dances by couples.
L. E. Hughes, '16E, dancing director
for the opera, will be present, to dance
either tie man's or the woman's part,
with any who are unable to secure
their own partners. With the added
incentive of a six day trip for the en-
tire show, during spring vacation, a
record number of tryouts is expected
by the comnittee.
The lyrics for the production are
now being arranged by the author,
and will be sent to the music publish-
ors within a week. Zimmerman
Brothers, the well known music pub-
lishers of Cicinnati, have the contract
for printing the score and the sheet
music for the opera.
Richard Thorsch, '16, one of the as-

sisftants to the general chairman, has
resigned his position, because of his
intention of leaving college At the end
of the semester, to enter his father's
business. His successor will be ap-
pointed at the meeting of the Mimes'
comMittee on committees, tomorrow

"The American Conquest of Europe"
A warded First Honors
By Judge Last
Establishmlent of New United Si;ates
by Conquest of Ideas

for the foundry work, was Robert ,tins.
iAlexander , (Bob), Winslow, who was About 250 from the audience signed
a part time instructor from 1882 to the papers and went on record as fav-
1887, and from 1887 until the time oring a drill for the collegians: The
of his death in 1906, he gave his en- adherents of the proposed military
tire time to teaching foundry practice. 'training for the university are back-
With the separation of the depart- ing their contentions with the state-
ment of engineering as a special ment that Congressman Loud of the
school, and the growth of this depart- northern part of the state will back
ment, it was found necessary that a measure to obtain federal finances
Professor Cooley devote more of his to aid in the building of an armory
time to class room instruction, and here should the regents place mili-
so Mr. C. G. Taylor, who had been tary training in the curriculum. A
an assistant in the mechanical lab- double strength is attributed to this
oratory, was placed in charge of the statement by its bearers who point
work in the shops, with the title of out that an armory would be also
Superintendent of Shops. Mr. Taylor useful to relieve the present inade-
held this position until 1899, when his quate gymnasium facilities.
position was taken over by. Prof. W. -
L. Miggett. While during all this FACULTY AND TRUSTEES MEET
time the shops were considered as one -
of the sub-departments of mechanical Princeton Authorities Settle Disputes
engineering, laterly they were made a Through Committee
separate department, directly respon- Princeton authorities have perfected
sible to the Dean. the details for a plan of co-operation
The engineering shops are primar- between the faculty and .the trustees
ily maintained for the purpose of of the university,' which is a dis-
teaching the manual arts to the engi- tinctively new step in American uni-
neering students, as will be found nec- versity life. It is characterized as
essary and useful in practice, yet there something "never before attempted in
has always been a minor demand from any college or university," and its
certain students in the literary depart- success at Princeton has been remark-
ment, who intend to teach manual able.
training. This latter demand is now To do away with the disagreements
under discussion, with the view of de- and widely differing points of view of
veloping the course, and offering a the faculty and the trustees, which
special one for just this purpose. has seriously hampered the daily work
While the present engineering shops and development of the institution,1
occupy about 10,000 square feet of Princeton has devised a plan which
floor space, yet, with the present in- provides for the organization of a
structional force and equipment, th1ey conference committee, comprising rep-
are taxed to their limit, being able resentatives of the faculty and trus-
to accommodate, at most, about 200 tees, which meets prior to all of the
students in the forge and carpenter board of trustee me'etings. Through
and about 100 students in the foundry, this meeting, the faculty may present
machine and advanced pattern making its views on any matter of adminis-
shops. tration policy by which they are af-
The present buildings are too small, fected. The plan, though simple, has
and are not modern or well adapted worked with benefits so apparent, that
for the purpose of introducing modern its permanent use at Princeton is as-
(Continued on page 4) sured..


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