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January 08, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-01-08

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o. 73.




1ele1 Bennett of Chicago Urges Every
Woman to Choose and Train
Definitely for One
President Harry B. lutchins to Preside
at Session Today in Sarah
Caswell Angell Hall
"It is necessary that every woman
choose a profession and train for it
definitely, in addition to the liberal,
arts education she may have," was the
statement that formed the keynote of
the talk given by Helen Bennett, of
the Chicago Collegiate bureau of occu-
pations, at the opening session of the
Vocational, conference yesterday af-.
ternoon. Miss Bennett illustrated her
point of view from her own profession
of journalism, and explained the op-
portunities in that field.
Profesor David Friday, of the eco-
nomics department, followed Miss Ben-
nett, explaining the opportunities for
training in journalism, actuairal sci-
ence, accounting, statistical work and
the like, that are at present offered on
the campus, and advocating their ex-

Camp Davis Smoker, Michigan Union,
8:00 o'clock.
Peace Contest, University Hall, 8:00
Bridge tournament at Union, 7:00
Women's Vocational conference Sarah
Caswell Angell hall, 10:00 o'clock.
Membership dance at Union, 9:00
Union Directors Name Committeemen
Francis F. McKinney,r'16L,and Frank
W. McDonald, '15D, are members of
a committee appointed by the board of
directors of the Michigan Union, to
investigate and strengthen the em-
ployment bureau. Reports will prob-
ably be completed in a few days, and
active work begun by the bureau.

Take Test on Sentiment
Peace' Contest

Af Campus at

Noiel Scheme Will Have Racers Carry'
Colors of Different
As a result of his recent trip to the
larger colleges of the west, Intramur-
al Director Rowe has secured an idea
for a novel athletic event to be staged
at Michigan. The proposed plan calls
for a "motley" relay race. Teams of
five men each will be selected, and the
men will run one lap, two laps, four
laps, eight laps and a mile, according
to their respective qualifications. The
laps may be run in any order by the
different teams, thus securing the'
"motley" effect.
The most novel part of the affair
will be in the manner of the selection
of teams. According to the scheme
favored by Director Rowe,and which
has proven popular at Illinois and
Wisconsin universities, each team will
run for a sorority. At these schools,
each sorority chooses a fraternity to
represent them in the relay carnival.
Director Rowe expects to modify the
plan here, so that each sorority will
choose a man to represent them, and
this man will choose the other four'
members of his team. In this way it is
hoped to stimulate interest among men
of track ability who ordinarily do not
work out. Members of the Varsity
squad will be ineligible for the com-
petition, but the men who show well
in the "motley" race will be urged to'
report for training.
Although the plan is somewhat in-
definite now, Director Rowe expects to
get in touch with sorority representa-
tives, and explain to them the manner+
in which the event is carried on in
other schools, where it forms one of
the leading athletic attractions of the
year. As soon as the support of the
sororities is assured, definite plans
will be formed.
Prof. GramnRecovering From Operation
In a letter just received by Mr. J. H.
Bringhurst from Prof. L. M. Gram,
who has been recovering from an oper-
ation in Rochester, Minn., the profes-
sor states that he hopes to be able
to start for home this week. Professor
Gram has been ill since last July, and
has undergone several operations in
that time. His life was despaired ofa
several times.7
Strenuous Workouts and Races Against
Time Will Be Future

Speeches on Marksmanship Delivcred
By Army Officers and
Prof. Finch
About 70 rifle enthusiasts turned out
for the meeting of the Rifle club which
was held in room 311 of the new engi-
neering building last night. Intramu-
ral Director Rowe, secretary of the
organization, made a report, and was
followed by Major A. C. Pack of the
Michigan National Guard. Major C. E.
Wilson, who has recently been raised
from the rank of lieutenant, illustrated
the necessity of care' in the use of
guns, with personal experiences. Prof.
R. R. Finch closed the program of the
evenin.; with a talk -on range deport-
In his report, *Secretary Rowe an-
nounced that class teams would be
formed from the men who failed to
make the Varsity ten, which will be a
more or less indefinite team, varying
according to the form in ,which mem-
bers of the club shoot. Eligibility rul-
es simil:: to those applying to Varsity
athletes w .11 be in use, except for the
fact that freshmen will be eligible for
the team.
Seven rifles are now to be had at'
the range and men are asked to turn out
today for the final practice before to-
morrow, when a match will be shot.
Those who report at the Ann Arbor ar-
mory can enter the rifle range by us-
ing the back door, opening on the
north end of the building, as the front
door will be locked.
"International Arbitration" is the
topic on which undergraduate men stu-
dents may write essays in competition
for the prize of $100 offered by the
Lake Mohonk conference. The contest
is open to any undergraduate man
student of any college or university
in the country, and closes March 15,
1915. Essays must not exceed 5,000
words, and should be mailed to H. C.
Phillips, secretary Lake Mohonk con-
ference, 3531 Fourteenth street, Wash-
ington, D. C., where additional infor-
mation for the contest can be secured.
Will Feature Campaign With Series of
Bulletins Giving Programs
of Concerts

'ity women and faculty men
r wives, to the number of sev-
Ldred, attended the reception'
speakers and guests at the
Dean Myra B. Jordan last ev-

During the Peace Contest in Univer-
sity Utall tonight, a test will be made
of the sentiment on the campus re-
garding militarism. Since the war at-
tention has been drawn to the system
of military preparation in vogue in
European countries. There are some

,rry B. Hutchins will
session today at 4:05


on iwrarianstip,
Hamilton, director
ool of Design, on

University women have displayed
a marked interest in the conference,
Sarah Caswell Angell hall having been
completely filled yesterday at the first
meeting, while requests for personal
interviews with the speakers have
been numerous. Arrangements, to be
announced later, are being formulated
to make the results of the conference
permanent through some sort of a
Vocational bureau under the auspices,
of the Women's League.
Prof. David Friday will make ap-
pointments over the telephone with
women who desire conferences on vo-
cational ideas.
For the regular Sunday evening
meeting of the Y. M. C. A. to be held
at the Majestic theater, Dr. Ozora S.
Davis, head of the Chicago Theologi-
cal seminary has been secured as the
speaker. In addition to enjoying an
enviable reputation as an exceedingly
forceful speaker, Dr. Davis has become
well known through his work in the
slums of Chicago. He possesses a rep-1
utat~ion for his prowess in sports of
various kinds. His talk will be pre-
ceded by 'a short program of moving

in official positions in the United States'
who are already advocating similar sys-
tems for this country. The matter has
been attracting attention in several
parts of the country, and many univer-
sities have passed resolutions against
militarism. The last to take this step
was the University of Columbia, which
passed resolutions condemning such a
thorough military system, and which
has requested the University of Mich-
igan to do the same.
It has been thought by those in
charge that the matter should be
brought up while Mr. Albert'G. Bryant,
of Boston, organizing secretary of the
World's Peace Foundation, is the
guest of the university. He will pre-
side at the Peace Contest tonight, and
while the votes are being counted will
address the audience on the subject
of militarism. He is considered an
authority on the subject of interna-
tional relations.
When interviewed on the subject,
several men expressed themselves as
against militarism. Prof. Thomas E..
Trueblood, of the oratory department,
said, "If you arm every man in Ann
Arbor, something is bound to happen.
We in this country certainly do not
want to adopt such an extensive sys-
tem of military preparation."
Preceding the Peace Contest, Mr.
Bryant will be entertained at dinner
by the members of the Cosmopolitan
club,, at Newberry hall.
Tickets for the Peace. Contest will
be on sale at the box office of Univer-
sity hall at 7:00 o'clock. Members of
the Oratorical association will be ad-
mitted on the season tickets, and oth-
ers may be admitted for 25 cents. Sea-
son tickets for the remainder of the
course will also be on sale.

You May Not
Believe It, But---
CHICAGO, ILL.-Just as a sort of
midweek pastime, Clara Pause, a
freshman at the University of Illinois,
swam around among the cakes of ice
in Lake Michigan on Christmas morn-
ing. Declaring to the crowd of shiver-
ing onlookers at Wilson Beach that
the "water was fine," she imitated Eli-
za, mounting cakes of ice and jump-
ing from one to another. While doc-
tors and undertakers watched from
the depths of their heavy coats, the
hardy swimmer remained in the water
for several minutes.
At the close of her mild sport the
young lady departed leisurely for the'
bathhouse, and today shows a few
scratches as the only ill effects of her
swim. Miss Pause swam daily up to1
December 19 last 'year, and regrets
that her attendance at the university,
prevents her from indulging in daily
"dips" this year.
Board of Directors Sets Saturday fort
Election of Executives of
At a meeting of the board of direc-
tors of the athletic association heldl
yesterday afternoon, the time of th
election of various officers was set for
Saturday, January 16. At this time,
the secretary and treasurer of the ath-
letic association, together with theC
football and interscholastic managers
and their assistants will be chosen.t
The election will be held in room 101I
of University hall, and the polls willx
be open from 10:00 o'clock to 1:30t
Petitions for nomination to the of-t
fices of secretary, treasurer and inter-~
scholastic manager will be receivedt
by the present secretary, A. R. John-
son, '16L, up to 4:00 o'clock next Tues-~
day afternoon. At that time, all can-
didates for any office, whether nomi-
nated by petition or competition, will
report at the athletic association office.
For the office of assistants to the
football manager, which is a competi-
tive office, eight sophomores will be
nominated from the tryouts and four
will be elected. For football manager,
two men will run, one of whom will
be elected. These two men are,
Boyd Compton, '16, and Joe Fee, '17L
After the closing of the polls at 1:30
o'clock in the afternoon of the day of
election, the annual meeting of the
athletic association will be held in the
election room. To vote at the election,
association members must present cou-
pon number 32 of their athletic books.
At the meeting held yesterday after-
noon, the soph lits were denied their
petition for two extra sets of numerals
for their class football team. It was
decided to award members of the soc-
cer team black V-neck sweaters and
numeral caps of their respective class-
es. Last year the'team was grantedC
only caps.
Retiring members of the board, P. D.
Koontz, '17L, J. S. Leonard, '16L, H. G.
Gault, '15 and A. R. Johnson, '16L,j
were awarded watch fobs for their
servces on the board.

Hobart Guild will hold a meeting at
Harris hall at 7:30 o'clock tonight, at
which plans for reorganization of the
society will be discussed. Arrange-;
ments will also be made for the Jan-
uary party. '.
The business meeting will be fol-
lowed by a social evening and an oys-
ter stew supper. Mrs. Henry Tatlock
will chaperone. All episcopal students
are asked to be present.
Graduate of Michigan Publishes Book
"Pathogenian Micro-Organisms" is
the title of a book recently published
by Prof. Ward J. MacNeal, '05, M.D.,
Ph.D., who is professor of pathology
and bacteriology in the New York
post-graduate medical school and hos-
pital. Professor MacNeal wrote with
the intention of making a text book of
microbiology for practicing physicians
and students of medicine.

Intramural Competition Developed By
Director Rowe Is Superior
of Any College Ii
Reports Scheme in Vogue Here Offers
Opportunity to Most
Michigan has the best system of in-
tramural athletics in the country, ac-
cording to Director Floyd A. Rowe,
who recently returned from a two
weeks' tour of the larger colleges of
the west. Last season Director Rowe
made a similar trip to the leading uni-
versities of the east, and found that
Michigan was ahead of any university
in the number of men taking part in
athletics, the number of sports offered
and the general results.
On his recent trip, Director Rowe
visited Chicago, Wisconsin, Northwest-
egn, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Iowa State,
Purdue and Missouri, the list includ-
ing all of the conference colleges ex-
cept Minnesota. Of this number, only
three had half the number of men en-
gaged in actual competition that Mich-
igan boasts. Illinois, Wisconsin and
Ohio State all claim nearly 1,000 stu-
dents competing in the interclass
sports. The total at Michigan last year
was 2,058, including duplications, or
in the neighborhood of 1,500 individual
In the number of sports offered for
competition,'Michigan is far in advance
of any of the other western colleges,
with a total of 13. Illinois and Wis-
consin offer six; Ohio State, five; Iowa
and Northwestern, four; Chicago,
three and Purdue, two. Minnesota and
Indiana have made practically no prog-
ress in the development of an inter-
class system.
In addition to offering more sports
than other colleges, Michigan generally
has 15 or 20 class teams enrolled, in
the major sports, while only five or
six teams compete at the other insti-
Michigan is the only college in the
country which eniploys a director for
class athletics alone. This year Di-
rector Rowe had two paid assistants,
and next year plans to have five.
As a result of his trip, Director
Rowe secured several ideas for enlarg-
ing the intramural system at Michigan.
The main obstacle to further advance-
ment is the inadequate gymnasium.
Waterman gym is inferior to the in-
door plants of any of the large uni-
versities of the country, and is a for-
midable handicap in the development
of any aquatic sport and of most
of the indoor sports.
Must Present Well Organized Brief
and May Talk Only Eight
Preliminary tryouts for the mid-west
debating team will be held at 9:00
o'clock tomorrow morning in Univer-
sity hall, room 301, north wing. The
squad will tryout under the new sys-
tem, which will be used then for the
first time.
The 'men must present a well or-
ganized brief on either side of the

question and will be ' allowed eight
minutes to deliver their argument. For
the present, candidates will speak al-
phabetically before the committee pri-
vately. Six speakers will be elimin-
ated in this first tryout.
The question to be debated reads
as follows: "Resolved, that in anti-
trust legislation, labor unions should
be exempt from construction as com-
binations in restraint of trade, consti-
tutionality waived."
Bridge players in the Union tourna-
ment will assemble at 7:00 o'clock to-
night for the second round of play.
I Arrangements have been made where.-
by any who desire to enter the tour-
nament, but have .not yet handed in
their names may begin playing tonight.
Scores in the first round have been
posted, and the additions will be made
each week thus keeping the, score card
up to date.

With nearly all of th
dates working out the
in the gym, activities
have begun in earnest
lett has not turned up
but Coach Farrell is
Beginning next Mond
rell announces that f
start. The men were
before the holidays, an
their attention to less st
this week, merely limb
week they will be pe
loose. Coach Farrell st
that in all probability:
using the starter's pi
would have the dash me
marks under pressure.
John, -the quarter m
for the team last year b
out owing to the press
promised to turn out, a
wait until after the ind
passed. An effort will1
him out sooner, howev
440 man on last year
should prove faster than
he appears in better co
Captain Smith of th
stated yesterday that
nouncement would be
ing the track meeting

he track candi- Michigan is likely to have a 100
past few days piece band to send to eastern gridirons
along this line next year, if plans for the next "Band
. "Buzz" Cat- Bounce," the date of which is an-
fornounced as Thursday and Friday, Feb-
fruary 25 and 26, prove successful.
expecting him There is a wealth of mate-
rial of high professional calibre in the
lay, Coach Far- university, and the only problem to be
ast work will solved is that of financing the larger
held in check organization. If all goes ,well, how-
d are confining ever, it is expected that the next two
trenuous efforts ooncerts will net in the neighborhood
ering up. Next of $2,000, an amount which would set-
rmitted to cut tle all accounts to date, and leave a
ated last night substantial margin.
he would begin One of the features of the campaign
stol then, and will be a series of bulletins announcing
en leaving their the aims of the band management, and
the program of the "Bounces." Ac-
viler who tried cording to the present plan, 20,000 let-
ut who dropped ters will be sent out, in four editions
of studies, has of 5,000 each, one each week for four
lthough he may weeks preceding the concert. R. P.
oor season has Blake, ex-'13E, is chairman of the pub-
be made to get licity committee, other members of
er. , Burbee, the which are Harold R. Schradzki, '15L,
's fresh squad, and W. A. P. John, '16.
n last season, as The program is already well under
ndition. way. A prominent part will be taken
e track squad by the band, and several features for
further an- 'the concert are being worked up for
made concern- the rehearsals which begin after ex-
slated for next , aminations. As the band has given

U jnier~sity Club Publishes Bulletin
"Gothamite" is the name of the bul-
letin issued by the University of Mich-
igan club of New York, a copy of which
has been received in Ann Arbor. Be-
sides containing a list of the new mem-
bers of the club, and several an-
nouncements of coming events of in-
terest to the alumni, it gives a large
number of personals of alumni who
are accomplishing things in New York
city. The publication is issued in an
attempt to keep the Michigan alumni,
whether members of the club or not,
in close touch with their alma mater.


Mary Bancroft Makes Serious Charges
Concerning Her Treatment
in Hospital
Suit for $30,000 was instituted Tues-
day morning in the circuit court by
Mary Bancroft, formerly of the nurses'
training school, against the board of
regents of the university and Genevieve
Read, superintendent of the nurses at
the homeopathic hospital.
It is alleged by Miss Bancroft that,
due to infection contracted in washing
a diseased child during her attendance
at the hospital, she was forced to spend
two months in a Detroit hospital,
where her left arm was operated upon.
Miss Read failed, she says, to instruct
her to wear rubber gloves during the
washing. Other charges of a serious
nature are enumerated in the com-

Opera Poster Competition ends Sunday
Contestants for the opera poster will
close the competition Sunday night,.
at which time all posters must either
he submitted to the men in charge, or
left at the Union counter. Robert H.
Tannahill, '15, who is chairman of the
poster committee, is securing judges,
one of whom will probably be a stu-
dent and the others faculty men. More

Tuesday. A big turnout is expected,
according to the track leader, and
plans will be laid accordingly. Cap-
tain Smith also announced that the
track schedule would be rpade public
in a few days.
Realizing that only the hardest kind
of work will develop a new teah,
Coach Farrell has had Clarence, the
rubber, return. This is a full monthl
earlier than usual.

but few concerts, there are many num-
hers to be presented which have never
been 'used here before.
Last night the following officers
were elected: C. B., Worth, '15E, presi-
dent; F. C. Wheeler, ,'15E, first vice-
president; R. R. Root, '17, second vice-
president; 'R. R. Monroe, '15, secre-
tary; W. M. Mathews, '15, treasurer;
L. T. Diedrichs, '17L, governing board

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