THE MICHIGAN bAILY I Is' Down! Down! Down! GO THE PRICES I Whirlwind Finish for I JANUARY Removal Sale Now On Mens' Suits and Overcoats Divided in Two lots Calkin's Pharmacy 324 S. State Street I 2 off --/3 off BLUE & BLACKS 1-4 OFF ODD PANTS 207 OFF We are compelled to give you this great opportunity of all Suits and Overcoats 1-3 off, Furnishings 20°o; Bags and Suit Cases 20°1. o ° ___ WADHAMS & CO. 'FI ___iiy1It:&ti l, 121-123 So. . i.e s Main St. r - The farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main Streot Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits . . $15,000 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Sto*ce r $300,000 Surplus $100,000 Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Chas. F. Hiscock, Pres., Michael J. Fritz, Cash's, W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres., Carl F. raun, Asst. Cash'r, Win. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r Savings Dept. Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking College Men! My assortment includes the latest novelties for the college men. Workman- ship and designing of the highest quality, and at a reasonable figure. A. F, Marquardt Campus Tailor New Location 516 WILLIAM STREET Bleterle Bldg. The Reliable Laundry Is responsible for your laundry linen, Does not tear your linen, but mends it., Does not promise to sew on buttons, but does it. The RELIABLE LAUNDRY wants your trial to show that it is Reliable. We are anxious to serve you. Prompt service. 0 Editor, The Michigan Daily: The recent visit to Cincinnati of the University of Michigan Glee and Man- dolin clubs was a pride and joy to ev- ery loyal alumnus within the city lim- its. Cincinnati, the cradle of Theo- dore Thomas and the home of two. great permanent musical organiza- tions, the Symphony Orchestra and the May Festival Chorus, fell for these slim, nimble, singing Wolverines in a way to cheer the heart for a twelve- month. The boys didn't have a dull moment while they were here. They werere- ceived and lunched and feted and din- ed and carried over town in private autos and introduced to the whole sea- son's crop of debutantes, but bore it all with becoming modesty. And how, they did repay us at the concert! Glee, catch, ballad,achorus came so lightly and naturally, from their lips with the soft, throbbing accompani- ment of the strings that the sound seemed to come from all around, to immerse its hearers. Encores came so thick and fast that the boys had fin- ally to desist from sheer weariness. A smoker had been arranged at the University club to folldfw the concert, but the time of leaving forbade this, and many impromptu receptions oc- curred at different places in Emery auditorium. All the way out words of praise were heard, differing according to the sex and temperament of the speaker. "A bully concert," barked a gruff old man. "Agen't they dears?" cooed Mrs. Blank-with others be- tween. As the train pulled out, the air was vibrant with a certain half-articulate murmur. U. of M., 'Rah, 'Rah, U. of M., 'Rah, 'Rah, Hoo-rah, Hoo-rah, Mich-i-gan, Rah, Rah! FRANKLIN SMITH,"08. Woodward High School, Cincinnati, Ohio. REGISTRAR ISSUES SCHEDULES FOR SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS Phone 794 215 S. Fourth Ave. Temple Theatre Wed., Jan. 6-The New Magdalen.- Ford's Weekly. Thurs., Jan. 7-Perils of Pauline (The Nineteenth Story). Fri., Jan. 8-When the Gypsy Hates. Sat.. Jan. o-The Real Agatha (Mary Phck ford). Cunming Next Tee-The Master Key. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARBOR' Capital - - $100,000 Surplus and Profits $65,000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. W. Clarkson, 1. D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. Order HILL'S SWEET CIDER Phone 2140 why not have it delivered reulaly,bi or ti weokly 2Many do. Always fresh Nopreser vatives used. Visit the mlii at the orchard. - KENMORE BROOK ORCHARDS Arcade Theatre WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6. "Shannon of the Sixth," a Five Part Kaleni Feature. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7. "The Treasure of Abdar Rahruan," a Pathe Feature. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JAN 8-'e M. E~L TAIlAF ,RRO in "The Three of Us." A Five Part ALCO Feature. COMING, Wednesday, January 13, "THE SEATS OF THE MIGHTY," by Sir Gilbert Parker. ond Thursday A. M. Drawing 4, 5, 4a, 5a-First Thursday 8:00-12:00 o'clock. Irregular-First Friday 2:00-5:00; first Saturday 2:00-5:00; second Tues- day 2:00-5:00; second Thursday 2:00- 5:00. Examinations begin Monday, Janu- ary 25. "Time of exercise" means the first exercise of the week in a course. If there are both lecture and quiz sec- tions, the hour of the first lecture in the week is taken. BOARD TO CHOOSE EDITOR AND 1IANAGER FOR 1915 WOLYERINE Positions of managing editor and business manager of the Wolverine, for the 1915 summer school, will be filled sometime during the present month by the board in control of Stu- dent publications. Applications will be received by Prof. F. N. Scott until January 9. All applicants should state qualifications for the position desired.: LOST-Main part of a fountain pen, With gold band about center on which is inscribed the name "Lena." Finder please call 2466. 72 Buy your Mazda lamps at Switer's, 310 S. Sate. R tf University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pens and Students Supplies. tf Toasters, Chafing Dishes, Coffee Percolators, and all accessories for Table Cooking.° 1i Table Cooking Sets Gas does the work better than Electricity. quicker and W~FA tI 'K: Concealed floor connection under the table making the outfit entirely portable. For use with Gas. .1 WASHTENAW GAS COMPANY AMATEUR FINISHING. CAMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS DAN iS & NICKIEiLS The only Studio on the Campus 334-336 S. State St. Official Photographers For The MICHIGANENSIAN. Phone 310-3 CMVY LES Cloth shop 'I Hours for Final Bluebooks in Departments Given Out; Start Jan. 25 Two TAILORS Service and durability, built on the lines of fashionable Tailor- ing, you will find in the Myles productions. Our own Tailors and our own Workshops 618 E. LIBERTY STREET U .... Htorme-Marsde Candies AT 302 So. Main Street Examination schedules for the liter- ary and engineering departments were issued by Registrar A. G. Hall yes- terday. The lists are the same, ex- cept that the engineering exams last four hours, from 8:00 to 12:00 o'clock, and from 2:00 to 6:00 o'clock, while the lit finals begin an hour later in the morning, and stop an hour earlier in the afternoon. The schedule follows: Monday or Wednesday-at 8:00 o'clock, first Saturday A. M.; at 9:00 o'clock, second Wednesday P. M.; at 10:00 o'clock, first Monday A. M.; at 11:00 o'clock, first Tuesday A. M.; at 1:00 o'clock, first Thursday P. M.; at 2:00 o'clock first Wednesday P. M.; at 3:00 o'clock, second Tuesday A. M.. Tuesday or Thursday-at . 8:00 o'clock, first Monday P. M.; at 9:00 o'clock, second Monday A. M.; at 10:00 o'clock, first Tuesday P. M.; at 11:00 o'clock, first Friday A. M.; at 1:00 o'clock, second Monday P. M.; at 2:00 o'clock, first Thursday A. M.; at 3:00 o'clock, first Wednesday A. M. Friday, any hour and E.M. 3-Sec- ond Wednesday A. M. Saturday, any hour-Second Thurs- day P. M.I Any day, at 4:00-6:00 o'clock-See- 'V.- Li is earned through greater strength; abii y to think quickly and act while thinking through the possion (f nuscular power, prowess, and endurance that enable an alletc, to defeat his opponent. is more nourishing thian meat. It pos ess s all the elements of ' h e vheat that con- tribute to tissue-stieugthening and the building of brain, bone and brawn. Brains and bodies nourished by SHREDDED WHEAT meet e:nergenci:s, tests and crises as they should be met---victoriously. Latin-German specialist, will students in these branches. moderate. Call Ypsilanti 472. tutor Rates 71-76 Makes Your Hands like Velvet Mann's Benzoiu Cream has a marvellous effect on the skin. Two or three applications will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Delightful after Shaving. Price 15 een MANN'S DRUG STORE 21s ;aIn Street : University Ave. Pharmacy Martha Washington Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco.-tt In future all cars stop at Goodyear Drug Store. tf "MARY ,GRAY" OH BEAUTIFUL "MARY GRAY" The Waltz Girl in "Miles of Smiles." The Girl with the millior dollar personality at the Ma- jestic with the "ALL-GIRL-SHOW," Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 12, 13, with a daily matinee. 72-7 "All the Mca of t-w Golden Wheat" its Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. - - -- rnone 07tr P'4 i .-, ' - - .-_ :,.r ,. ,._-. .-,Q.,.... --. s -;.'i re-q" Quality Tailor We make suits for both LADIES and GENT'S ALSO make over-garments in con- nection with our dress-making department. Come in and try. us. Evening gowns a specialty. Phone 1090- J. J. rSCHANTZ 340 S. STATE ST. Over Schleede's Book Stoe TYPEWRITER BARGAINS We have a few Trial Machines which we offer at greatly reduced prices on the easiest of terms. Will be glad to have you try them. We rent typewriters, too. ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. INC. A. H. COHIN, Resident Salesman Phone 2282 1314 So. University Avenue Welcome Back, Boys!Z ii Marie Doyle and Myrtle Elaine are two very clever girls who have a lot, of eccentric Comedy and Songs-They are with the "ALL-GIRL-SHOW" at the Majestic, Monday, Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Jan. 11, 12, 13. DAILY MAT- INEE. 72-7 FOR SALE-Beautifully tailored, up to the minute full-dress suit-all silk lined-about 36 size, at a sacri- fice. Call 677-M for information. 7 The McNeil Girls are three m cians who certainly offer a very pr number on the French Horn. They with the "ALL-GIRL-SHOW" at Majestic, Monday, Tuesday, Wed: day, January 11, 12, 13. DAILY M INEE. Reserve your seats now for "ALL-GIRL-SHOW" at the Mai three days with a daily matine ginning Monday, Jan. 11th. 11 'III E ^l t44 I AMr!W 'Y"MlL 24AM I -m Ar A -W-% W--%, Phn 4 A x