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January 06, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-01-06

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STnI -ZYV Nn 71

N'01. X15. V r J'Q.,11 *..

Pennsylvania, Cornell and Syracuse
May Be Only Intersectional
Games in 1915
Michigan Probably Meets Quakers in
Philadelphia on
Nov. 13
Michigan's 1915 football schedule is
still a mystery, so far as official an-
nouncements go, but it seems to be an
assured fact that Pennsylvania,Cornell
and Syracuse will be the only import-
ant games, and that no other inter-
sectional contests will be scheduled.
The rumor of a Dartmouth game was
unfounded, and it is evident that No-
tre Dame will not return to the Wol-
verine gridiron schedule. No steps
were taken towards scheduling a
Princeton game, and the Tiger list, re-'
cently announced, contains no Michi-
gan game.
nThe gCornell game will be the big
attraction on Ferry field, the Big Red
team coming back to Ferry field in
1915, as the first game of a new two
year contract. The Quakers will be
played at Philadelphia, and these two
games will come Nov. 6 and 13, but the
order is still uncertain.
Last year, Pennsy accommodated
Michigan by coming west out of her
turn so that the Maize and Blue might
take on Harvard. Michigan is there-
fore under a moral obligation to ac-
commodate the Quakers in dates this
fall, and Pennsy wants Michigan to
go east Nov. 13, to avoid a conflict
with the Yale-Priiceton battle on Nov.
From the financial standpoint, this
arrangement would also be best for
the Wolverines, although it would ne-
cessitate the Michigan team's winding
up the season away from home. Coach
Yost, from a playing standpoint, would
of course rather finish up the season
on Ferry field with Cornell, and this
undoubtedly would be the most pop-
ular arrangement on the campus. It
seems likely, however, that Cornell
will be booked Nov. 6.
Syracuse will undoubtedly be ad-
vanced a week on the schedule. The
showing of the Methodists this fall en-
titles them to a later date, and as they
desire it, the Salt City eleven seems
due on Ferry field Oct. 30. M. A. C.
will appear in Ann Arbor Oct. 16, leav-
ing Oct. 23 an open date.
Case will undoubtedly get the first
Saturday date, Oct. 2, and it is likely
that Mount Union will be advanced to
a Saturday date, which would be Oct.
9. Vanderbilt probably will not come
north again next season, and it is un-
certain as to who will get the Wednes-
day dates of Sept. 29 and Oct. 6.
The Wolverine schedule therefore
shapes itself as follows:
Sept. 29-Open.
Oct. 2-Case.
Oct. 6--Open.
Oct. 9-Mount Union.
Oct. 16-M. A. C.
Oct. 23-Open.
Oct. 30-Syracuse.
Nov. 6-Cornell. (Or Pennsy at Phil-
Nov. 13-Pennsy at Phila. (Or Cor-

7 y.
Commerce club meets 7:30 o'clock,
room 104 economics building.
Forestry club smoker, Prof. H.A. Glea-
son speaks on "Tropical Forests,"
7:30 o'clock, room 407 new engi-
neering building.
Women's Vocational conference, Sarah
Caswell Angell hall, 4:05 o'clock.
Fresh engineer 9moker, Michigan Un-
ion, 7:30 o'clock.
Members of Rifle Club Meet Daily
With the first match only three days
away the Rifle club enthusiasts are ex-
pected to be on hand every afternoon
at the Ann Arbor Armory, which has
been secured by the executive board
until some permanent arrangement
can be made. A general meeting of the
club will be held in room 311, new en-
gineering- building, at 7:30 o'clock to-
morrow night, at which meeting the
'executive committee will report on the
vacation's activities.

Playing of "Rag Pickers"
Scores Biggest Hilt
on Program


With the combined concert and en-
ertainment given by the Harvard and
Michigan musical clubs in the Hotel
Pontchartrain at.Detroit, January 2, the
vacation trip of the Michigan Glee and
Mandolin club was brought to a close.
Although one of the shortest trips
ever taken, it was one of the most suc-
cessful both from a social and a fin-
ancial standpoint. There were good
audiences in all cities, and the recep-
tions accorded to the visiting Michi-
gan men were especially cordial.
The features of the concerts were
the playing of the "Rag Pickers" quin-
tet, composed of LeRoy Scanlon, '16L,
piano; H. F. Forsyth, '17E, violin; F.
C. Wheeler, '15E, cello; L. 0. Aldrich,
'17E, saxophone, and K. F. Boucher,
'15, traps, and the skits produced by
H. L. Nutting, '15L, and Durward Grin-
stead, '16L. The impersonations of
the latter two caused special comment
from the press, while the ability shown
by Scanlon at the piano in the "Rag
Pickers," made a sensation.'
Chase Sikes, '16E, was the solo star
of the trip, his singing in competition
with the Harvard club, proving his
superiority as the soloist of the even-
ing. Russell Mills, '15E, leader of the
Mandolin club, and Roy Parsons, '14,
were the only other soloists scoring
heavily during the trip, though the
work of U. S. Wilson, '16, was well re-
Dances, smokers, dinners and recep-
tions were offered by the alumni at all
stops during the trip, their treatment
of the club being especially cordial.
Upholds Ruling of Lower Tribunals;
Judge Administers
$100 Fine
During the holidays the final round
of the fight of local saloon-keepers up-
on the students' anti-liquor law was
completed The supreme court con-
firmed the ruling of the lower courts
of guilty against Lawrence J. Damni
on the charge of selling liquor to stu-
dents. The final decree of the supreme
court is of great importance, as the
trial was a test case, and upon its out-
come rested the fate of saloonists who
sold intoxicating drinks to students.
Damm was arraigned in October
1913, on the charge of selling liquo
to students. When his case came up
for trial in the circuit court, the jury
contrary to instructions from JudgE
E. D. Kinne, referred the case toa
higher court. Following the suprem
court decision, Damm was fined $10
by Judge Kinne. George Schaible, an
other saloon-keeper, was fined $50 or
a similar charge.

President Harry B. Hutchins Opens
Vocational Conference With
Talk Tomorrow
Florence Jackson Talks at Reception
at Home of Dean Myra
B. Jordan
Final arrangements for the program
and administration of the first Voca-
tional conference for women tomorrow
and January 8 and 9, under the aus-
pices of the Women's League, were
completed at the committee meeting
yesterday afternoon. The program is
announced as follows by Judith Gins-
burg, '15, general chairman, all the
meetings to be held in Sarah Caswell
Angell hall:
At 4:05 o'clock tomorrow afternoon:
President Harry B. Hutchins will
open the conference with a short talk.
Helen Bennett, director of the Chicago
Collegiate Bureau of Occupations, will
talk on general opportunities for wom-
en in the vocations, particularly in the
field of jourpalism. Prof. David Fri-
day, of the economics department, will
speak on the opportunities in voca-
tional training offered by the universi-
At 4:05 o'clock Friday afternoon:
Florence Jackson, head of the Wom-
en's Vocational and Occupational bu-
reau of Boston, and vocational advisor
for Wellesley, Vassar and Smith col-
leges, will speak on secretarial work.
Adam Strom, head librarian of the
public libraries of Detroit, on library
work, ad George T. Hamilton, of the
Detroit School of Design, on interior
decoration. The Women's League will
serve refreshments at this meeting.
At 10:00 o'clock Saturday morning:
Sophronisba Breckinridge, dean of
the "Chicago School of Civics and Phil-
anthropy,-will speak on social service;
Abby Marlott, of the University of Wis-
consin, on home economics, and Maud
Kelsey, national traveling secretary of
the student volunteer band of the Y.
W. C. A., on Y. W. C. A. secretaryships
as .a profession.
The conference will close with a
luncheon at 12:15 o'clock Saturday
afternoon, at which the conference
speakers will talk briefly and inform-
A reception for the speakers and out-
of-town guests, to which all universi-
ty women are cordially invited, will
be held at 8:00 o'clock Thursday ev-
ening at the home of Dean Myra B.
Jordan. Miss Jackson will speak in-
Cornelia Newman has been elected
by the women of the State Normal Col-
lege at Ypsilanti to serve on the com-
mittee as their representative in the
conference, in which they are co-op-
Requests for the entertaining ' of
speakers or guests for any length of
time may be made to Ruth Hutzel, '16.
Itanagement Seeks to Fill Auditorium
for Big Eent
Michigan's concert for the relief of
the Belgians, to be given by Leonora
Allen and Albert Lindquest, will be
held in Hill auditorium on Jan. 14, the
date left open by the postponement of
the Busoni concert.

The management is making an effort
to entirely fill the hall, a feat which
* was only accomplished at the recital
- by Paderewski last year. In line with
this, the prices will be as low as pos-
sible, and will be announced within a
few days. Posters will be placed about
the campus.
During the holidays, Lindquest tour-
ed with the Chicago Symphony or-
Seven Professors Attend Meeting
Due to the early meeting of the
, American Bar association this year, th(
r Association of American Law School:
P was compelled to assemble by itself ai
, the Congress hotel in Chicago, De-
e cember 29 and 30. Michigan was rep.
a resented by Dean H. M. Bates, ProfI
e R. W. Aigler, Prof. J. B. Waite, Prof
0 E. Holbrook, Prof. W. G. Stoner, Prof
- J. R. Reed and Prof. W. T. Barboui
n Dean Bates led a discussion on lata
school administrative problems.

Chicago Decorating Firm to Submit
Plans Unlike Anything
Ever Seen ind
Ann Arbor
Question of Providing Booths for More
Than Four Couples
Causes Trouble
Preparations for the Junior hop,n
which were under way during vaca-~
tion, were reported at the first meet-I
ing of the hop committee at the Mich-i
igan Union last night. All of the four-c
teen members of the committee, rep-
resenting the various junior classes,t
were present.
The hop will be held in the combined
gymnasiums on Friday, February 5, the
end- of the second week of examina-
tions. Although few details have been
arranged, the committee has the gen-l
eral plans well in hand.-
A Chicago decorating firm now has
a representative in the city, who is
said to have original plans for deco-I
rations, such as have never been used
here before, ready to submit at the,
next meeting, which will -be held at
the Union at 3:30 o'clock next Sunday.
Several other firms will submit bids at
this time, while the matters of music,
programs and invitations are to be de-
cided then.
Tickets will go on sale each after-
noon from 4:00 to 5:30 o'clock, start-
ing Monday, Jan. 11, in the hallway on
the second floor of the Michigan Union.
The sale is limited to 300 couples, the
tickets costing $5.00. For the first
four days, only juniors may securet
tickets; on Friday and Saturday, tick-r
ets may be bought by juniors, seniors
and members of the faculty; after this
time, the sale will be open to the en-#
tire student body and alumni. 1
One of the troublesome questions'
before the committee is that of booths.
According to the first ruling, no booth
should accommodate more than four
couples, but now they may be made
any size. There will not be roomI
enough in the booths, however, to ac-
commodate the entire crowd, and thei
committee has not yet decided howz
they shall be distributed.
T. D. Weaver, '16E, was elected sec-
retary, and L. M. Bruch, '16L, treasur-i
er, R. C. Jeter, '16E, was elected
chairman by the junior engineer class
before vacation.
"Lew" McAllister, a former Varsityl
baseball coach, has signed a contract
with the Detroit "Tigers" for the 19151
season, in the capacity of coach to thei
recruit pitchers. While the agreement
holds only during the spring training1
season, it is understood that if he gives
satisfaction, he will be retained for
the whole year as a scout.
McAllister coached the Michigan
nines during the years 1905, '06, '08,
'09, and made an enviable record dur-
ing that time. He is the second for-
mer Wolverine coach to sign a con-
tract with an American league club
for 1915, Branch Rickey, who succeed-
ed him, remaining with the St. Louis
Browns for the coming season.
Prof. Gleason Gives Lecture Tonight
Professor H. A. Gleason, of the bot-

any department, will deliver an illus-
trated lecture on "Tropical Forests"
at a Forestry club smoker to be held in
room 407; new engineering building, at
7:30 o'clock tonight. The pictures
were taken in the Philippines and oth-
er southern Pacific islands by Profes-
t sor Gleason, who made a trip around
the world in 1913.

Pred B- Foulk Elected Editor and L.D.
Randall Business Manager
of Publication
Michigan students received their
share of the honors at the eighth an-
nual convention of Cosmopolitan stu-
dent clubs held at Columbus, Ohio, De-
cember 26 to 29. The convention vot-
ed to retain the general offices of the
Cosmopolitan Student in Ann Arbor.
Fred B. Foulk, '13-'16L, was unani-
mously re-elected editor of the Stu-
dent, and Leroy D. Randall, '16, was
unanimously elected business manager
to succeed W. W. Welsh, '12. Staff
members of the official publication re-
ceived warm praise for the quality of
the magazines they have turned out.
Foulk was elected to the central com-
mittee of the International Federation
of students, Corda Fratres.
The Michigan chapter of Corda Fra-
tres had the largest delegation at the
convention, with two faculty members
and four students in attendance. Welsh
was elected field secretary of the Cos-
mopolitan clubs.
The next convention of the Cosmo-.
politan clubs will be held at Cam-
bridge, under the auspices of the Har-
vard chapter, in December, 1915.
Arrange Monster Mass Meeting For
Next Week to Arouse
Captain "Hal" Smith, of the Varsity
track team, issued an official call last
night for all candidates to report at
Waterman gymnasium this afternoon
to begin work for the coming season.
A monster mass meeting e. a ar-
ranged for some evening next week to
arouse enthusiasm among all track
men in the university.
Michigan's prospects in track are
by no means as bright as they might
be this season, but Trainer "Steve"Far-
rell hopes to uncover some unknown
material during the next two months
which will make the Maize and Blue
at least a serious contender in the us-
ual dual meets..
Of the total 29 1-2 points Michigan
scored in the last intercollegiate, the
Wolverines retain just six. Captain
Smith scored a second and a fifth in
the two dashes, and Ferris took a fifth
in the broad jump. Kohler, Bond, Sew-
ard, Jansen, Brown and Armstrong, of
last year's intercollegiate team, are
all lost. The other two men taken to
the big meet, Ufer and Murp#,; are the
most promising of the older men in
addition to Smith and Ferris, but it is
to the sophomore class that Farrell
must look to build up his teaa.
Michigan will be represented 'his
season at the first indoor intercoll; 4
ate track meet at Madison Square Gar-
dens, New York, on March 4. As all

Ask Legislature Today for Funds to
Start Educational Training
School and Enlarge
Raise Homeop Entrance Requirements
to Two Years of Work
in College

When the state legislature meets
today at Lansing, a resolution will be
submitted asking for adequate funds
to provide for the establishment of, an
educational training school at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, and also for an
enlargement of the university library,
as a result of action "taken by the
board of regents at their December
An increase of salaries for the sum-
mer session was also adopted by the
regents, the following scale to be in
effect for the session of eight weeks:
Instructors, $300; assistant and junior
professors, $400; professors,- $500.
The petition from the student body,
relative to the enlargement of space
and equipment of Waterman gymna-
sium, was referred to the buildings
and grounds committee, to consider
the desirability of the extension, and
report to the regents, with sugges-
tions for ways and means to make the
Dr. W. E. Forsythe, of the university
health service, tendered his resigna-
tion, to take effect last Dec. 31. It
was accepted, and Dr. Joseph Elliott,
of St. Louis, Mo., was appointed in
his place.
The entrance requirements to the
homeopathic college were raised to
two years of college work, thus plac-
ing the homeops on the same entrance
oasis as th (edics. The change will
take effect in the fall of 1916.
The American Bible society, through
Librarian Koch, presented the univer-
sity with 105 volumes, representing
translations of the Bible into 83 lan-
guages. Of several of these languages
there have hitherto been no specimens
in the university library.
The regents provided for the remod-
eling of University HEall, so that it may
be used for university theatrical per-
formances, although it was stipulated
that the maximum capacity of the hall
should be 1,500 people. The stage will
be remodeled, and the vacancy left by
the removal of the Columbian organ
will be filled.
The board approved of the purchase
of 576 acres of land adjacent to the
Bogardus Engineering camp, and ly-
ing between Douglas and Burt lakes.
Dr. Hugh M. Beebe was appointed
assistant medical director of the hom-
eopathic hospital. Instructor W. F.
Hauhart, of the engineering depart-
ment, was raised to an assistant pro-
fessorship.- To fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of J. R. Shulters, of
the French department, H. C. Barnett
was appointed. Lee Hughes, grad,
will take the place of Mr. Barnett, as
teaching assistant.
In order to lessen the fire risk, the
board voted to replace the old wooden
lockers in the engineering shops with

the events are for four an( .ve man
teams, the Wolverines will gt enter
any of the field events.
Farrell hopes to enter a f <am in the
medley relay race, in whic the first
man runs 200 yards, the second 300
yards, the third 500 yards and the
fourth 1,000 yards. The Wolverine
trainer also hopes to enter a four man
team in either the 1,000 or 2,000 yard

Cosmopolitan Club Elects Secretary7
E. S. Sy, '15, was elected secretary
of the Cosmopolitan club at a meeting
of the board of directors held during
the holidays. Sy will fill the vacancy
made by the resignation of F.B. Foulk,
'13-'16L. John Bonilla, '15M, was{
elected news editor of the Cosmopoli-+
tan student for the local chapter.
Fresh Engineers 'Will Hold Smoker
Fresh engineers will hold a smoker
at the Michigan Union at 7:30 o'clock
tomorrow night Dean Mortimer E.
Cooley, Prof. J. P. Bird, secretary of
the engineering department, Carrol B.
H'aff, '15L, Leroy Scanlon, '16L, and.
the "Midnight Sons" are on the pro-
Alumni Send Invitation to President
President Harry B. Hutchins receiv-
ed a telegram yesterday morning from
the alumni association of Minneapolis,
inviting him and Dean Victor C.Vaugh-
an to attend the annual meeting, to be
held in that city on January 22.

Graduate, Writes on German Policy
Gustavus A. Ohlinger, '02L, has writ-
ten an article in a current number of
the Atlantic Monthly on "The Ger-
man Policy in the Iar East." Ohlinger.
spent many years of his life in China,
and practiced law there for two years
after his graduation. He is now prac-
ticing law in Toledo.
Bank President to Speak at Meeting
Charles Brooks, president of the
State Savings Bank, will speak at a
meeting of the Commerce club at 7:30
o'clock tonight in room 104, economics

relay events.t
The indoor schedule is not yet an-t
nounced, but the usual class and Var-t
sity meets will undoubtedly be held,
while at least two dual intercollegiate
meets are probable. Cornell and Syra-
cuse are the usual opponents of Mich-l
igan, but it is. possible 'that a new
team might 'appear in Wat rman gym
this season.
Prof. Allen Returns from As, Iowa
Prof. J. R. Allen, of the civil engi-
neering department, has returned from 1
Ames, Iowa, where he headed a com-
mission appointed to investigate part
of the equipment of the Iowa State
College of Agriculture. The report of
the board is being prepared by Pro-
fessor Allen.

steel ones.
A purchase of $1,393 worth of equip-
ment for the homeopathic nurses'
home was approved.
An appropriation of $200 was made
to the Michigan Technic in considera-
tion of copies of the magazine sent to
the alumni.
The board adjourned to meet again
Jan. 22. Petitions for consideration
at the January meeting must be in the
hands of President Harry B. Hutchins
not later than Jan. 14.

Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, Dean Vic-
tor C. Vaughan and Dean J. R. Effinger
will have charge of a unique civil ser-
vice examination tomorrow to deter-
mine the mental and physical fitness
of candidates for West Point and An-
napolis, in room 108, N. W. The ex-
amination, to be conducted on a com-
petitive basis, will be open to all young
men in this congressional district.
The morning session will be held
from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock, and the af-
ternoon meetng from 1:00 to 4:00

1913 Football Captain Marries Today
George C. Thompson, '14E, captain
of the 1913 football team, will marry
Helen Diggens, daughter, of a wealthy
lumberman, today in Cadillac.

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