THE DAILY EVERY MORNING I he Michigan Daily SUBSCRIBE NOW X2.00 I I p. ,_w --_ , s XXV, No. 70. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ...,.._.e. ." ... ., .. . MANAGER SELECTS CAST FOR COED Cunininghan and Mary True Will Take Leading Roles in "Pomander Walk," Play Given mv-72i"s F TODAY Leland Powers in "The Pigeon," Uni- versity hall, 8:00 o'clock. in February Illinois club special car leaves Mich- CLUB AY PRESENT PRODUCTIOIN igan Central depot, 1:17 o'clock. IN CHICAGO ANDI URBANA, ILL.!-_ HE ALTH OFFICER FINES WILK Expesies Giving Two Performances DEALER FOR UNCLEAN BOTTLES Will Total Nine Hundred Dollars Manager H. L. Nutting, '15L, of the Comedy club, announced yesterday the cast of "Pomander Walk," which will be presented by the club during the early part of February.w Leon Cunningham, .'16, because of his versatility in character work, was chosen for the part of Rev. Jacob Sternroyd, the most difficult part in the play. He will also assist in the coaching of the production. Mary True, '15, whose delineation of juvenile charactersis pronounced ex- cellent, will take the leading role. # Although, the date has not been de- termined, the management is planning to'give two shows in Ann Arbor and two outside engagements. Invitations have been received to play at Urbana and Chicago, Il., Madison, Wis., and at Saginaw and Kalamazoo. Chicago and Urbana will probably be the only outside engagements planned, the in- tention being to make a week-end trip to these cities. "Pomander Walk" is a light play which illustrates the proposition that "Love is stronger than caste." The - author is Louis N. Parker, writer of "Joseph and His. Bxethren," and "Dis- raeli." Pomander Walk where the ac- tion takes place is near the east coast of England. It is estimated that the expense of, giving the production for two n'ights, will amount to $900. Original costum- es and scenery are being ordered from a New York firm.. The cast follows: John Sayle, 10th Baron Otford ... ..............C. A. Lokker, '17L Lieift. Jack Sayle . .M. C. Wood, '17 Rev. Jacob Sternroyd, D.D., F. S. A. ...... Leon M. Cunningham, '16 Admiral Sir Peter Antrobus..... .......Walker Peddicord, '16L Jerome-Brooks Hoskyn, esq....:.. ............. . L. Cook, law Mr. Basil Pringle.,........... .......... H. Springstun, '17 Jim ...........'.. E. F. Bankey, '17 The Eyesore......J. S. Switzer, '16 M1le. Mariolaine Lachesnais ....... ............. Mary True, '15 Madame Lucie Lachesnais....... ..Phyllis Povah, '17 Miss Barbara Pennymint ........ ...........Frances Hickok, 116 Miss Ruth Pennymint ........... ....... .....Ethel Buzley, '15 Mrs. Pamela Poskett........... ........... Grace Reynolds, '15 Miss CaroUne Thring .. Elsa Apfel, '16 Nanette.............Helen Ely, '16 Jane .............. Bertha Marsh, '15 BISHOP E H. HU HES OF SAN FRANCISCO PREACHES SUNDAY Former D Pauw University President Conducts Union Services in Methodist Church Dr. J. A. Wessinger, city health ofil- cer,. caused the arrest of Gulchirst Chalmers, Wednesday, charging him with selling milk in unwashedrbottles. Complaint was made by Dr. S. R. Guild, instructor in the histology de- partment, where Chalmers left milk, bottles, which contained dirt in the bottom, and which were almost black in spots. Chalmers was brought be- fore Judge .Doty, who fined him $25 and costs. ENTER :SLOWLY FOR CHRISTMAS LEAGUE Vacation Basketball Players Delay in Signing Up for Holiday Pastime REQUiRE 30 MORE ENROLLMENTS As the Christmas holidays draw nearer, the prospects for a league of basketball players grows more prom- ising. Although only one man had signed up for play up to yesterday, 20 signified their intention of playing up to today. Word from Intramural Director. Floyd A. Rowe recommends that no league be formed unless as many as 50 men sign up for the sport. Those who are interested in basketball are urged to enroll and those who have al- ready signed up are urged to enlist their friends. Responses from the fraternities have not yet begun to come in, but it is ex- peted that material for at. least four teams can be found in the housed or- ganizations. This, coupled with the added entries expected today, will make up a sufficient number to launch a league.% The idea of an inter-departmental league has had to be abandoned on ac- count of the scarcity of entrants, and unless the list of names on the entry cards is more than doubled by tonight it will be necessary to abandon the whole scheme., BENEFIT CONCERT PROCEEDS TO PURCHASE BELGIANS BEANS Mr. A. Lindquist and Miss Lenora °Allan to Substitute for Busoni in January Event Albert Lindquist and Miss Lenora Allan, both of the school of music, will give a concert in Hill auditorium Jan. 14, in place of Busoni, the pianist, who is detained in Europe on account of the war. The proceeds of this choral union number are to go to the Belgi- tans. Mr. Lindquist is now travelling with the Chicago Symphony orchestra, but will return to Ann Arbor about Janu- ary 1 to resume his studies. POWERS TO RECITE PLAY,"THE PIGEON" Boston Speaker to Give Galsworthy's Problem Drama Tonight CHANGE MADE IN TICKET PRICE Leland Powers, of the Leland Pow- ers School of the Spoken Word, Boston, will deliver a dramatic recital on "The Pigeon," by John Galsworthy, in Uni- versity Hall, 8:00 o'clock tonight. The recital is given under the aus- pices of the Oratorical association. "The Pigeon" is a modern problem play by one of the strongest writers of this kind of drama. It Is full of intense human interest, and presents a prob- lem in a strong and forceful manner, the strength of the impression being gained by the end, which offers no so- lution. The audience is left with a problem which each one may meet, and each one is given an opportunity to solve it in his own way. Mr. Powers is one of the best im- personators of character in public life today, and his work tonight will con- sist in taking all of the parts of the drama himself. An attempt was made to change the date of his engagement, after the change in the time of vacation, but it was not successful. This is the eight- eenth time that Mr. Powers has been on a Michigan schedule. He Is the only person on an oratorical. associa- tion program who has been invited to return to the university so many times. It was found necessary to sell gen- eral admissions at 50 cents instead of 25 cents as announced yesterday. Memn- bers of the Oratorical association will be admitted upon their season tickets. Tickets will be on sale at the box of- fice in University hall tonight. "CAMPUS NEWS NOTES" MAKES DEBUT. WITH ISSUE OF 30,000 a Copies of the University Bulletin, "Campus News Notes," are being turn- ed off the press, and before tonight it is expected that the total of 30,000 will be completed. A limited number of the Bulletins will be placed in various campus buildings today so that stu- dents leaving the cit'y may take copies home with them. All other copies will be mailed to alumni and former stu- dents, The Bulletin, which is the first of a special series of university bulletins, is a booklet of 16 pages, to be edited by the Michigan Union every four or six weeks. Among the illustrations are cuts of President Harry B. Hutch- ins, President-Emeritus James B. An- gell, Secretary Shirley W. Smith, and John Maulbetsch, '17P, and also a pic- ture of the present Union building. Special articles are included about the Varsity teams, the "t' club, the Mich- igan Union, the Y. M. C. A. activities, the Union opera, Sunday programs, and recent campus alterations. Jeffersonian Selects Men for Squad Jeffersonian society selected its members of the varsity debating team for the Mid-west debate last night. The men are: F. J. Jones, '15L, N. H. Goldstick, '15L, W. M. Brucker, '16L, W. I. Goodwin, '16L, M. B. Kelly, '17L, and S. J. Ogden, '17L. These men will be added to those selected by Webster, Alpha Nu and Adelphi societies to make up the varsity debating squad for the Mid-west debate. From these 24 men, the team of six will be chosen to meet Wisconsin and Illinois. Soph Engineers to Hear Prof. Friday Prof. David Friday, of the economics department, will be the principal speaker at the meeting of the soph en- gineers, to be held at 10:00 o'clock this morning, in room 348, of the new engi- neering building. As this is the lastj class meeting of the semester, all mem- bers are urged to attend. S, C.. A. WILL GITE INFOR.MAL I I OUBADOURS SET = = =RJ-HOP COMMITTE OFuONtions to Bnd WedMonday Tuesday Musical Clubs Leave for Cincinnati Toledo, Youngstown, Rochester and Detroit ALUMNI UNDERWRITE FINANCES Michigan's Glee and Mandolin club will begin tomorrow night its Christ- mas trip to Toledo, Cincinnati, Youngs- town, Rochester and Detroit. The chief concert of the tour will be given in the Pontchartrain hotel, in conjunc- tion with the Harvard Glee, Mandolin and Banjo club. The trip of the Michigan musical clubs Is being financed by the Alumni associations in the different cities, a certain sum, and also a percentage of the profits, being guaranteed in each place. Sale of tickets makes the arrangement a profitable one for the various associations. The program which will be present- ed, consists of the more popular num- bers in the two concerts presented in Hill auditorium. After each perform- ance, the members of the club will be entertained by the alumni at dances, except in Cincinnati, where a smoker will be held. The Harvard club is about the same in number as the Michigan organiza- tion. It is touring as far west as Chicago and Milwaukee. DEBATERS WORK FOR CONTESTS WITH CENTRAL LEAGUE TEAMS Men Sacrifice Large Part of Vacation in Preparation for Annual Talkiests Much interest is being taken in the Michigan-Chicago and Michigan-North- western debates in the Central Debat- ing league, which are scheduled for Jamtary 16. The members of the de- bating team, with the alternates, will devote most of the vacation in train- ing for the contest. Plans are now being made for them to stay in Ann Arbor until the day before Christmas and to return before the end of vaca- tion to resume work. They will meet each day for consul- tation upon the problems in the de- bate, and will actively debate each side of newer phases of the question. In addition, the contestants will have daily practice in exercises for the voice and throat. CLASS MIRACULOUSLY ESCAPES WHEN F-M GAS ENGINE BURSTS Backfiring of Gas in Base Retainer Causes Serious Though Harmless Explosion Several students and faculty men escaped serious injury yesterday after- noon in the mechanical engineering laboratory, when the base of a gas en- gine was burst by an explosion. The engine, which is known as the Fair- banks-Morse gas engine, rests upon a hollow base, into which a flow of gas was discharged. The engine backfired and sent a spark into the base, causing an explosion. The pieces of steel were sent flying, several of them going from 25 to 30 feet. Although there were many per- sons in the room at the time of the explosion, none of them were hit by the flying metal. . Prof. J. E. Enswiler expressed the opinion that it was miraculous that 'no one was even scratched by the explos- ion. He said that if any one had been struck the results might have been serious. Prof. Wenley Talks in Grand Rapids Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the phil- osophy department, will go to Grand Rapids Sunday, where he will deliver a lecture before the men's club of the - First Congregational church, on the subject, "The Factor of Human Na- ture." University students who can not go home during vacation are promised holiday entertainment by the series of informal parties to be given at New- berry hall, by the Students' Christian association and the various church de nominations. The parties will be held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ev- enings of next week, starting at 7:30 o'clock, and will be continued through- out the vacation, if enough are inter- ested to warrant this. The affairs will be entirely informal. Singing, games and plenty of "eats" will be features. Marriedcouples will act as chaperones. All university men and women are invited to come, and help make the meetings merry. Any one who has talent as an entertainer is requested to notify Walter . John- son, 1200-M, who wil see that his ser- vices are utilized. Each person is to bring a nickel con- tribution to defray expenses. BAND WILL BOUNCE Mimes, Comedy, Girls Glee and Musical Clubs Participate in Program Plans MELODRAMA CALLS FOR MILITIA With a tentative program composed of numbers by the Varsity band, the Mandolin and Glee club, the Girls' Glee club, the Mimes and the Comedy club, the Band Bounce schedule for Thursday and Friday, February 25 and 26 in Hill auditorium is already as- suming definite form. The addition of the comedy melo- drama, farcical skits, monologues and solo dances will finish out a varied and novel entertainment. If present plansi materialize more than 250 students will participate, in the program which Henry C. Rummel, '16L, is preparing. Although active preparations will not begin until the end of the semes- ter, several skits of monologues have already been submitted. W. A. P. John, '16, editor of the Gargoyle, has1 written a rapid-fire burlesque melo- drama especially for the production, which will include stage effects calling for a company of militia and a real motorcar. C. M. Kountz, '02L, writer of "Men of Yost," and the new song, "That Michigan Band," has promised to write a humorous monologue on campus life. Negotiations have been begun with Waldo Fellows, '14, campus comedian for the past two years, to induce him to appear on the program and chances are bright that he will make a favora- ble reply. "SPOTLIGHT" PERFORMERS GET SUMMONS TO SHOW IN DETROIT Brick Makers Desire All University Program Featuring Campus Vaudevillians President P. Duffy Koontz, '14-'17L, of the Michigan Union, has received a request that several of the Spotlight Vaudeville acts be staged in Detroit the latter part of February. The re quest came from Wm. B.. Wreford, manager of the Detroit Brick Manu- facturing and Dealers Association. The acts are to be given at the Board of Commerce in Detroit, according to the request. Mr. Wreford has secured a local engineering professor to give an illustrated lecture the same evening, and if the vaudeville acts are secured, he promises to have an All-University of Michigan program. Although Mr. Wreford did not wit- ness the entertainment himself, sever- al of the acts were recommended to him by a local man. 11 Wolverines Study Law at Harvard Michigan has five men in the first year class of the Harvard law school, out of a total of 288, and 11 men in the whole department, in which there are 703 enrolled, these representing 144 colleges in all. Michigan is tied with Bowdoin for ninth place in the num- ber of freshmen entered. These fig- ures correct an earlier report which put the Michigan representation in last place. Richard C. Jeter, Jr., General Chair. man, Calls Meeting, Reads Rules and Divides Tasks Among Men VACATION WILL NOT IMPEDE PROGRESS OF PREPARATIONS Head of Arrangements Says Function Will Conform to Spirit of Faculty's Wishes Actual work on the 1915 Junior hop began last night at a meeting of the hop committee called by Richard. C. Jeter, Jr., '16E, *4ho was elected gen- eral chairman of the hop, by the engi- neers in their assembly yesterday morning. The rules and restrictions which the faculty has placed on the hop were read to the committeemen present at the meeting. The subject which caused the most discussion was the question of the booths and decorations. Booths for the hop are restricted to four coup- les, a charge of 25 cents being made for each couple. The decorations will be made by the hop committee, in all probability. It was the opinion of the committee that groups could secure reservations together, if enough room is 'provided in the gymnasiums for the establishment of booths. The parti- tions between adjoining booths will only be nominal. The engineers elected to serve on the committee are: Francis T. Mack, Ther- on D. Weaver, and Carleton E. Stryker,. Junior laws elected W. C. Mullendore and L. M. Bruch to represent them. Louis F. Voorhees is the architect committeeman, and Maurice L. Rush- more will act in the same capacity for the pharmics. The presidents of the junior medics and homeops failed to appoint delegates in time ifor last night's meeting. The lit representatives as announced are: James B. Angell II, David R. Ballentine, Richard M. McKean, and Harold L. Smith. F. G. Dratz was ap- pointed the representative of the den- tal class. General Chairman Jeter appointed committees from those representatives present, all of whom will report to him during the holidays, so that prep- arations may be definitely made on the re-opening of college in January. The representatives who were not present at the meeting will be placed on com- mittees later on. The following con- stitute the committees; as now select- ed: Refreshments, Smith, Mullendore' and Rushmore; music; Angell and Mack; booths, Stryker; decorations, Voorhees, Weaver and McKean; pro- grams, Bruch 'and Balentine; and tickets, Jeter. By the action of the senate council committee, the selection of the chaperons for the dance falls upon the general chairman. No plans have yet been made for any entertainments to be held during the week-end of the hop, which will take place on February 5. The committee will, however, attempt to arrange some form of amusement for those w.h at- tend the hop. It was suggested that the Comedy club might be secured to play a Saturday afternoon engagement, but whether this plan will materialize is not known. Because of the fact that he was on- ly elected to the position yesterday morning, general chairman Jeter said that things were in such a state that he could make no definite statement in regard to the hop. He said that the committee would live up to the spirit of the rules laid down by the faculty, and there would be no evasion or stretching of the regulations. "We are, as it were, on probation, and it, depends on us, to a large extent, whether the Junior hop shall again become Michi- gan's greatest social function, or whether it shall be abolished forever. And we are not so sefish as to want to deprive other classes of their hop." - he next meeting of the hop commit- tee will be held at 7:15 o'clock, Tues- day, January 5. Athletic Annual Has Banner Day Sale Yesterday's sale of the Michigan Athletic Annual was the largest enjoy- ed by that publication any single day since its issuance. It is expected that today's sale will almost exhaust the few remaining copies of the annual. The publication is being purchased largely for "home use" by students. Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, of San It was originally intended that the Francisco, will speak at the Methodist proceeds derived from the entertain- church at 7:30 o'clock Sunday even- nent would be used to buy flour for ing, his lecture being the second of the Belgians, but as they already have the union services given under the plenty of flour, the Ann Arbor Civic auspices of the Federation of Relig- association has decided to send a dar- ious Workers. His subject has not load of beans. been determined. Bishop Hughes has spoken in Ann Homeopath Guild Will Resume Classes Arbor before, lecturing here two years Immediately after the Christmas ago and also at earlier dates. The holidays, the dancing class given last Methodists decided that he was one of spring under the auspices of the Hom- the strongest speakers that they de- eopathic hospital guild will be re- nomination could bring here for the sumed. The class will meet in Bar- union meetings. One of his recent: bour gymnasium from 8:00 to 10:00 lectures in Chicago made an unusually o'clock Tuesday evenings. The first favorable impression and it was re- meeting will be January 5. Those de- ported at length by Chicago papers. I siring to attend the class will please Bishop Hughes was prominent as a notify some member of the following pastor near Boston, and as president committee: Mrs. F. N. Scott, Mrs. L. of DePauw university, before his elec- L. Clark, Mrs. R. E. Bunker, Mrs. J. R. tion as Methodist bishop in 1908. Miner or Mrs. A. W. Smith. Because of the change in the date of the vacation, the meeting has been Detroit Engineers Hear Dean Cooley transferred from Hill auditorium, and Dean M. E. Cooley, of the engineer- the Choral Union will be unable to ing department, will address the De- furnish music. Special music, how- troit Engineering society tonight on, ever, is being arranged. "Engineering in a Broader Aspect." Union Service Under' the auspices of the Wesleyan Guild BISHOP Edwin H. Hughes OF SAN FRANCISCO sundaTy, Decomtber 20, 7:30 PoM METHODIST CHURCH A