Wi 1C I igan )ai I I NOW f; ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1914. PRICE FIV _________________________________________________________________________...* "' x . . TODAY 7:00 o'clock. Union, 7:30 CHOOSE ASPIRANTS TO MUSICAL CLUBS Trycut's Size Forces Manag'ement to Work Overtime in Weeding Out Process PROSPECTS PLEASE OFFICIALS SFl I flMlISIDIfS heater, trophy 1, 7:30 e room, CLASS FOOTBALL GIVEN BOOST ting, U LLL. nu inw tInun u J. S. Crawford, '15L, Engaged to Act as Coaeh For Teams interclass football at Michigan re- TO :H A DVAGD CAME ceived adecidedbosyetrawn _ it was announced that J. S. Crawford, Athletic Association Receives 5,00O '15L, had been engaged as a profes- Pasteboards For Sale at sional coach for the class teams. He $2.00 Each will assume charge of the class teams as soon as they report for practice. IUTST BUY TICKETS BY (0T. 1o An interclass clubhouse is now a reality. The building behind the sta- Five thousand reserved seats for the dium has been fitted up for the use of class athletes. Four new hot water Harvard-Michigan football game which shower baths have been installed, and will be played at Cambridge, October 200 lockers have been built. Appli- 31, have been received by Athletic Di- cants can procure keys by seeing In- rector Bartelme and have been placed tramural Director Rowe. on sale at the athletic office. The An electric baker will be installed in the club house in .a few days for pasteboards will sell for $2.00 apiece the class athletes to use to remove and are open to students, alumni, and soreness from their muscles. INDICATOR P9ll TOWARDOLD[0R Prof. C. B. Vibbert, Dickinson, and Johnson to AdM Canvassers at Dinner Tomorrow Night S FOR TOMORROW Union. at Ferry field, Both Glee and Mandolin clubs were. chosen last night. Mandolinists and 4:05 songsters reported in such numbers that the managements of the respect- WILL BIN] CONTAIU Volume to As D MEMBERSH NING MANY S Be Kept In RI Interesting R For Future -ae canvass smoker, k. e' lecture for first cal amphitheater, tH BACKS. rE SQUAD Bill" Schultz Play to Fashion AIDS TUTORING Ss.AFF asses, Dunn to Romans, st All-Fresh team their 1 a twenty minute scrim- y afternoon eld, ard th uncover ed stl n. The work e basketball by Douglas' :he first year ;er than last -g the line in I for the op- this fall, and Bill" Schultz ,ck is as spectacu- one half, as Harry scrimnage with a ugh he was in for '15L, joined the y, and will aid uglass and Intra- vxe till interclass ive organizations were kept busy over- time testing the ability of the tryouts. About 300 men respOnded to the com- bined clubs, which is one of the larg- est turnouts in years. The selections made will constitute the 'clubs at least temporar'il and re- hearsals commence at 7:00 o'clock to- night. The Glee club will assemble in the Adelphi rooms at University hall, while the Mandolin club will practice in the same room where the tryouts were held. All members pf the combined clubs last year must re- port at this rehearsal also. Manager W. M. Shafer, '16, Kenneth Westerman '14, and Russell Mills, '14E, expressed themselves well pleas- ed with the prospects for the 1914-15 musical year. The following are to report at the rehearsals tonight:.' Mandolin club: mandolins-P. Mul- key, '16E, J. C. Abbott, '15E, J. :. Swit- zer, '16, C. H. Breyman, '17L, Rex: St. Clair, '17, E. E.\Eady, '16, E. . Roth, '15, 0. 0. Leininger, '16D, C. C. Goult, '17E, S. Robinson, '16. Guitars-R. E. Motely, '16D, B. . 0 Sippy, '19M, C. C. Ashbaugh, '16, Hon- ey, '16E, E. K. Marshall, '17E. Mandla-L. O. Aldrich, '17E. , The following are asked to report at the Adelphi rooms, fourth floor, Uni- versity hall, this .evening at 7:00 o'cock, and are requeted to bring both the old and new Michigan song books: 1st tenors-Russell Almann, ,P. G.; F. S. Barnett, '16'18M; George Becker, '16; Lyle CGift, '16; L. E. Griossman, P. P. Hartesveldt, '14'1'L;rCharles P. Lowes, "16; R. A. Parker, '16; Harry G. Sparks, '17E; Claire Straith, '15- '17M; Vone Wells, P. G.; K. Wester- man, P. G.; Earl Woodruff, '15., 2nd tenors-Ray Anderson, soph spec.; James B, Angell, '16; C. Carroll Bailey, '17; H. B. Bassett, '17E; Paul W. Beaven, '17M; M. L. Drake, '151D; Harry W. Kerr, '16; Willi m Kline- steker, '16D; Richard McKean, '1 18M; Harold Quigley, '16D; ,Earl Ross, '15; Roy Scanlan, '16L; Leonard Siev, '16D; Don A. Smith, '16E; Mor- rison Wood, '17. 1st bass-Fisk S. Church, '16; Wal- ter De Lano, '17;- Harold Easley, '16; W. Churchill Edwards, '17;I Durward Grinstead, '16L; E. E. Hawkes, '17L; Vilroy L. Miller, '15L; Roy Parsons,1 '15; R. C. Perkins, '15E; Charles P. Russell, '17E; Chase B. Sikes, '17; George B. Sutton, '15M; W. Scott Wes- terman, '17; U. Stanley Wilson, '16; Jerome Zeigler, '17,. 2nd bass-S. T. Alden, '17E; C. T. Bushnell, '15; Harry E. Carlson, '17E; T. M. Downing, '15L; M. G. Hedin, '17; S. J. Hiett, '16L; H. R. Leslie, '17; >. N. Newling, '16D; M. Pitkin, '16L; L. G. Puchta, '17; C. P. Ritchie, '16; D.Sessions, '17L; S. Shipman, '17; H. Snyder, '17E; F. Tinsman, '16. Dr, J. Frischer Joins Hospital Staff Dr. Julius Frischer,formerly of Kan- sas City, Mo., has been added to the staff of the university hospital as an assistant in genito-urinary diseases. which have been set aside for the ex- press use of the Michigan supporters are located in sections four and five of the Harvard stadium, and the aisle which divides the two sections is cut by the 50 yard line. October 10 is the time limit which has been placed on the stay of the, tickets in Ann Arbor and all people who wish to see the fray and who do' not purchase their reservations before' that date will be compelled to take their chances with the general public at Cambridge. The tickets have been going at an aimazing rate and there is a great po:sibility that all of the 46,000 seats of the Harvard horse- shoe will be sold before the whistle blows on the coming scrap between the east and' the west. Assistant Athletic Director Moe yes- terday denied the rumor that a fur- ther reduction of the fare for the Har- vard game was within the range of possibility. The officers of the ath- letic association have been in touch with the higher officials of the Michi- gan Central railroad, and the railroad officials state that since the train will leave the M. C. tracks at Buffalo, a further reduction is impossible. The tickets and berth reservations may be made at any time at the local office of the Michigan Central railroad. ALWAI) MIORTARBOARD AND LICINDA STONE' SCHOLARSHIPS Administration of the available' loan scholarships for women was complet- ed yesterday with the granting of the Mortarboard scholarship, now amount- ing to $102, to a senior woman. This included the $40.00 added by Mortar- board of 1913-1914 to the permanent Mortarboard scholarship. The same disposition has been made of the loan fund left by "he 1914 Literary class. The Lucinda Stone fund, the inter- est of a $5,000 principal, has been granted in four loans, two to senior, and two to junior women. During the eight years of the existence of this fund, 47 University women have re- ceived loans from it. So quicklyhave the loans been repaid, that during the time $3,300 in all has been available. Promising Track lien Enter University Among the new men in the universi- ty who intend to come out for the All- Fresh track team this fall is T. H. Cox, '17L, formerly on the track team at Earlham College at Indianapolis Ind. Cox is a sprinter and has made good marks in the 100, 220, and 440 while at Earlham. He was to have captained the track team there this season but at the last moment decided to take his law at Michigan. Together with Robinson, the Keewatin wizard, who is enrolled in the school of phar- macy, Cox will add strength to Coach Farrell's squad of All-Fresh dash men. Michigan supporters. t Membership figures for last night show that the to ues to rise steadily toward Those seatsI as follows to t night:- ends kles-Pobanz re and Post, >ack - Dunn; iltz; fullback U4GHITT, FALL RUSH '15E, C. B. hitt, '15E, will esh-soph con- RETAIN STANIGS,' fO RGNIZTIONS Comparison of Charts Distributed by University Shows That Average Remains Same KAPPA ALPHA THETA LEADS ALL In a comparison of the charts show- ing the scholastic standing of various campus organizations, which is issued annually by the university, the aver- age of the entire university remains the same for last year as for the year 1912-13. The average of the general fraternities, which two years ago was below C,rose last year to a mark slight- ly above C. While none of the general fraternities have a grade of more than B, Kappa Beta Psi leads the group with an average of about half waya between C and B. Of the entire group,' 19 were above C, and 12 fell below tha mark. The highest mark won by any of the fraternities, sororities or house clubs was attained by the Kappa Alpha The- ta sorority, whose averagewas ;almost B. None of the -srritis fell below an average of C. The professional ra- ternities varied from Phi Alpha Delta, with an average only sighty behind Kappa Alpha Theta to three fraterni- ties which were below C., In the other men's clubs, only one fell below C, while none of the- other women's clubs was below an average half way between B and C, with the Whitney club well towards B. On the whole the average of all organized stu- =dents compared favorably with the record of the year 1912-1913. PRESIDENT USES NEW METHODS TO STOP SOPUS HAZING FRESH Pres. Harry B. Hutchins initiated a new way of dealing with hazing yes- terday. Officials of the sophomore classes in the university were sum- moned to the president's office at his request by A. T. Ricketts, 'i5E, presi- dent of the student council. President Hutchins pleaded with the sophomores to -use their personal nflu- ence to prevent haring on account of the harm it does the university. The second year men declared tbemselves against the practice, and promised to discourage it. Warthin Lectures to Freshmen on Sex Dr. Aldred S. Warthin, professor of pathology in the medical department, began a series of lectures on "Sexual Physiology and Pathology" last night and will continue tonight, and Wed- nesday at 7:15 o'clock in the medical building. The lectures are gven un- der the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. for freshmen and new men. Tickets have been mailed to those eligible to attend and should be received by this after- noon. Tickets may be procured at the university Y. M. C. A. if not received in the mail. Position Offered to Student as Tutor The Y. M. C. A. employment bureau reports a position available for some student who feels obliged to leave the university. The position is' that of tutor in a private family and pays $75 per month with board and room. Dr. V. C. Vaughan -to Lecture in West Dr. Victor C. Vaughan will deliver a lecture before the National Prison association, at St. Paul, Minn., Wed- nesday night, October 7. Dr. Vaugha'"s subject will be "Crime and Disease." mark of 2,800. That yes ure is not up to the mar on the same day last year, accounted for by the nun installments on life subsc have been paid thus far. installments on life s amount to $10 as compare for the regular membersh The big canvass which every student who has not taken out a membership, w urated tomorrow night wi at the Union for the sub-c committeemen and the c take place tomorrow' an night, Prof. C. B. VibbE dress the gathering. Selder '13-'15L, president of the year, and Patrick D. Koor president this year, will al talks. A4na Johnson, '14. man of the membership will have charge of the m Arrangements have be the Union for binding all membership books dating thus giving a permanent 1 ter containing the signat members during the past The book will be kept i room of the clubhouse a open for reference. The each yearies book will bE V-t ie ,,3 COLE New ' men in any depart- es together 'with all en have been request- , '15, secretary of stu- report at 'the center >ck Saturday morning. I to help the crowd in Board to Report Games is which were set up Michigan Union, are res of all big football vorld's series baseball lay. The bulletin board' sts of Cyril Talbot, '17, de following freshmen: .ey, Howard Grant, G. Villiam L. Kemp, Jos- Ralph Campbell. The_ operate with Huston tting football scores til after the Army and hanksgiving, and will ng Drug Company in all scores inning by "King" Cole, who played at on the Michigan varsity in 190 been engaged to coach the re this fall, taking the place which mie" Craig has resigned. Col written from his home in Slebar Ohio, that he will put in his al ance within the next day or tw Besides being regarded as c the best linesmen ever tutor Yost, Cole has acquired consid of a reputation as a 'coach. Il coaching position was at Mariett lege, in Ohio, and previous to t had acted as head coach at V and Nebraska. Besides having c of the "scrubs" Cole will assist Yost with the varsity in preps for the eastern games. "Jimmie" Craig gave up the p in order to retain his amateur. ing. Cosmopolitans Progress on T Work on the tableau which present at the Red Cross mass m was started by the Cosmopolita at its initial meeting of the year day afternoon. Twenty men will pointed to represent 20 foreign i in -the tableau. The club decided to have r social programs once a month formal meetings will be held month in the new club rooms Ann Arbor Press building. Call Cross Country Men Out I Aspiring candidates for the country squad are requested to the meeting called for this ever the trophy room of the gymn President Young, Captain Trelf Intramural Director Rowe, who es the road runners will be the ers. The meeting 'will be cal 7:30 o'clock. Must Submit Opera Music Oct Contributions in the conte writing the music for the 1915 Opera must be submitted at ti ion on or before October 20. doubt has existed as to the exac Yost's Greatest Guard Finds His Vacation Fun Coaching Eleven UNIVERSITY NOTICES ent council i .h h meets. at 7:30f nth wiP of I Lg nt in t e noAr wi ng of .11. try, men, both fast and ve Waterman gymnasium k this afternoon. b tryouts have been post- Thursday, October 8, at in Cercle Francais room. 11hilosophy 1 will meet in pan hall until further no- ill meet promptly at 7:00 Union tonight. Try outs m of band major are urg- Michigan spirit just doubled yester-1 day afternoon when "Dave" Smith, a big jovial Kansas lawyer who breathes,I eats and talks football, and incidental- ly is the greatest guard Yost ever de- veloped, showed up on Ferry field to spend his two weeks vacation as a member of the Wolverine coaching staf,.] Smith Ind Yost haven't seen each other for some fifteen years, and th.e two men were so glad to meet again that they were at a loss to express themselves. Yost bubbled over with what he calls "the old ginger snap," and couldn't content hiiself with coaching his men at charging practice, but mixed it up hi.=seh 4 :ianaged to walk all over his watch, "Dave," as he is already known in the Michigan camp, couldn't stand it when he found he would have to wait until tomorrow for a suit. He had a football in his hands on an average of 30 times a minute. Also, he gave one of the classiest exhibitions of goal. kicking seen, on Ferry field this year. With street shoes on, Smith had Hugh- itt, Raynsford and Watson all watch- ing him. Smith, who hails from Hiawatha, Kansas, was the ,right guard on the greatest team Kansas ever had. Need- less to say, this was the team coached by Yost in 1899, on which Smith kick- ed 44 goals. 11