THE MICHIGAN LAILY n-Bloch $25 Suits and Overcoats r Men are the BEST Made-Ready Dthes in the World at that Price -Plain statement of a plain fact. Has been so through three generations. Will stay so. -Why best? Because they do not stop (as does the usual $25 suit) at good fabrics 2134 good style; they contain the best possib 1workmanship. -Without that the best of fabrics won't stand, the best of style won't stick. l i - ASK ANY COLLEGE OR HIGH SCHOOL MAN WHO MEASURES UP TO HIS IDEAL IN STYLES THE ANSWER WILLL INVARIABLY BE L ADLER'S ROCHESTER CLOTHES I Whether you want to dress smartly or conservatively our L. ADL:R'S CLOTHES can take care of you in either case. Wonderful showing in Suits, Balmacaans and overcoats. Prices $18, $20, and $25. winter suits and topcoats are ready. 1 HMM-MITT., APFEL , ftCO. The Majestic will give away $100.00 in prizes absolutely FREE at the big Country Store Night Thursday, Dec. 17th. Watch papers for list of prizes given by leading Ann Arbor Mer- chants. 63-9 TO THE PUBLIC I re Buying Your Fall Suit See W. E. DIETERLE at his Ann Arbor Store, 516 E.Williams St., three doors below Maynard. All foreign Woolens of the latest weaves and designs. Come in and see for yourself. See if you can win the' the big "Country Store"I Majestic, Thursday, Dec. "Go-Cart" at Night at the 17th. 63-91 Christmas time is fast ap- proaching, and nothing makes a more suitable gift than an ar- tistic portrait. If you wish pic- tures now is the time, for in spite of increased facilities we are very busy. Make dates for sittings at earliest convenience. Hoppe's Studio 619 E. Liberty St. Phone 1078 J Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. 200-202 So. Main St. PHONE17 Big "Country Store" Night at the Majestic Thursday, Dec 17th-$100.00 in prizes given away free. 63-9 i I I AILOR WM. E. DIETERLE Martha Washington Christmas, all sizes. Pharmacy., candy, fresh for Uniiversity Ave. % tf PREKETEES SWEETS ARE the best because they are manufactured of the best materials and under our supervision. Xe give you quick service in our fountain drinks and lunches. SUGAR BOWL i 'I., CUT HERE Please send Catalogues and full information regarding Victrolas and your SPECIAL XMAS PAYMENT PLAN I hi Roasted uts - - 10c Sign here.. ...... ........... Address............. .................. FUJLL FUND 214 S. Main St. -Br1s. 20sic House 120-122 E. Liberty Street CUT HERE Why Not Make this Xmas an ELECTRIC One ? I I $30.00 Suits Have IALITY THAT IALIFYS IICKLY Henry & Co.. Christmas boxes of cigars. Drug Co., 302 So. State St. SugdE en in future all 'cars stop at Goodyear Drub; Store. tf I Christmas cigars and Christmas can- dy. University Ave. Pharmacy. tf Maybe you can win a Silk; at the big "Country Night" at1 jestic Thursday, Dec. 17th. Kimon the ME 63 0 . Va' a- -9 II Tenpl. Theatre Wed.,' Dec. 16- Martin Chizzlewit (with Isabel Rea). Thurs., Dec. 17-Perils of Pauline (16 Story). Fri., Dec. 18-Rose and the Thorn (with Naomi Childers). Sat., Dec. 19-Sparks of Fate (with Francis X. Bushman). Coming Next Week-Blood Will Tell (with Francis X. Bushman). Order HILL'S SWEET CIDER Phone 2140 Why not have it delivered or tri- woekly', maiiy do. Always .fresh. Na preser- vatives used. Visit the mill atthe orchras KENMORE BROOK ORCHARDS An Electric Chafing Dish Is the very best thing for the long winter evenings. Think of the Welsh rarebits and other combinations. Electric Toasters Make the finest toast for the breakfast without any fuss or trouble, and they are always ready. HIMRt ARBr SOMPU SUGGR$TIfONS:' Electric Flat Irons Save time and steps in the kitchen. . Electric Heaters Take that chill off the room and do it quickly.' use a cold room whenjt can be easily avoided? iriristmas Greetings!! Arcade Theatre Wednesday-Thursday, December 16-17 "Northern Lights,"-A Five Part Dra- ma by the Life Photo-Film Compa- ny. Friday-Saturday, December 18-19. "RIP VAN WINKLE," -Washington Irving's story with Thomas Jeffer- son. Friday is the Benefit Day for the Fed- erated Charities. Look for the places where the tickets are for sale. :'THE BRILLIANT SPOT." Eastern Michigan Edison Company Corner E. William and S. Main Streets Greetings which convey . . I I TRUE MICHIGAN SPIRIT X M A S fMOp J EWELER5 ATCIF E 13 pN 11SEYFRI SAR80 SILVERS gMS N ARp Y Campus Views 4 College Celebrities 11' ,L I or anything you would like made in a most attractive Xmas Calendar' can be purchased at LOST-Cameo brooch. Heirloom. Call 637. LOST-Ladies' small gold Prized as 67 watch with I Damses & Nickels M fob and initials G. E. L. Call 407 N. Ingalls or phone 637. Reward. -ONEY-RAISIG SALE-All Cloth- ing, Balmacaas, Overcoats, Suits, Men's Furnishing Goods and Hats at Sacrifice Prices. ALLEN"'S 0OOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. Soft Hats-Another shipment just in. Wagner & Co., State St. 07-70 ing compositions. Concerto No. 8, "Gesangscene" ..Sp Allegro molto-Adagio-Allegro m / erato. (Accompaniment by Miss Frances Tamilton March of the Magi Kings ... .Dul - "Now when Jesus was born - Bethlehem of Judea in the days S- Herod the King, behold, there e wise men from the East to Jeru Earl V. Moore, of the organ depart- lem, ment and Samuel P. Lockwood, of the "Saying, where is he that is b violin department of the school of mu- king of the Jews? for we have s sic, will give the last of the series of his star in the east and are come complimentary concerts before the .worship him." Christmas vacation, at 4:15 o'clock to- Matthew II, 1 and. 2. morrow afternoon in Hill auditorium. The sustained note represents The program in full is as follows:- star which guided the magi kings Toccata and Fugue in D. minor .... Fantasy on "Holy Night"......... ...... J. S. Bach '.. Adam-Hart One of the earlier compositions of The old German chorale of Chri the master, it is more brilliant in mas night is ever fresh and beat style and less compact in form than, ful' in the many arrangements- those of his riper years. The recita- cal or instrumental. tive character of the toccata with its Hallelujah Chorus "Messiah" ..Han bravura passages is contrasted with By association more than a the unique fugue theme built on a thing inherent in It, has this cho pedal point. A return to the recita- become associated with the expr tive style concludes the work. sion of the Christmas spirit. Vorspiel--"Lohengrin"......Wagner Transcriptions at best, can only approximate the originals-especial- ly is this true of orchestral pieces. This prelude, however, is not far from the modern organ style, and needs no note of justification. It aims to depict thy' descent of the Holy Grail to earth and its return Fresh lit social committee will m upward again. at 4:00 o'clock tomorrow instead of Scherzando de Concert ...... Pierne day, in the economics building. A free treatment of a fugal sub- ject, in the spirit of the modern Junior lit class meeting, TapI French school, coming from the pen hall, 4:00 o'clock, today. of the director of the Conservatoire Members of junior lit football te Nationale de Musique in Paris, we call for their sweaters at the athli are assured of a scholarly, yet pleas- association office. Aker 1st- miti- vo- adel ny- rus es4 ...STUDIO... ~S. State St. Phone 310- Maybe you can win a big sack flour at the "Country Store" Night the Majestic, Thursday, Dec. 17th. of at Headquarters for Xmas Calendars and Suitable Pictures to take home with you. "THE ONLY STUDIO ON THE CAMPUS" Auto Baggage Service. Phone 2280. Holiday Slippers and. Novelties in Jewelry for Young men. Wagner & Co., State St. 67-70 For Taxi or Limousine phone 2280. Traweling Bags-Wagner tifaf Cf & Co., W7-f -.0"Alloutw ot. ., 1, II wi N wFS ww .T ..J.vv ,., -I