40~ THE MICHIGAN LAILA . i' 1' r V' ) P'+ V 1 r'Ariw .w.r w..w'!r'S. r. *. r.~ .rte-- 025 Suits and Overcoats e the BEST Made-Ready the World at that Price o ASK A tCOLEE OR H Sc L MAN 4 WHO MEASURES UPIOT S-I L INS S* THE ANSWER WILLL INV IABLY BE L ADLER'S ROCHESTER CLOTHES Whether you want to dress smartly or ., ' t0 -Plain statement of a plain fact. Has been so through three generations. Will stay so. -Why best? Because they do not stop (as does the usual $25 suit) at good fabrics and good style; they cgntain the best possib Il workman ip. -Without that the best of fabrics won't stand, the best of style won't stick. -Fall and winter suits and topcoats are ready. s .1' conservatively our L. ADLER's CLOTHES can take care of you in either case. Wonderful showing in Suits, Balmacaans and Overcoats. Prices $18, $20, and $25. I4 400 MENSCHMIT'T, APFEL ft COU. , r I r I r Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. 200-202 So. Main St. lore Buying Your Fall Suit. See W. E. DIETERLE at his Ann Arbor Store , 516 E.Williams $t., three doors below Maynard. All foreign Woolens of the latest weaves, and designs. Come in and see for yourself. I P H 0 M1f Y TAILOR WM E. DIETERLE U ~~i EAN'S Fresh Roasted Peanuts A FULL , I oc POUND ,. 214 S. Main St. v 5 acceptable. Dainty and Handsome Gifts in ES RINGS OPERA GLASSES PENDENTS f"LbCKS -- Michigan Jewelry in PENDENTS ture in the Congregational church at 6:30 o'clock this evening on the-gen- eral subject of "Java," under the ausg4 pices of the Young Peoples' society, of the church. Dr. Gleason has consented to give two additional illustrated talks lateron in, the year. One of these lectures will be on the topic of "Ceylon," and the other on the "Philippine Islands." The time of the lectures will be an- nounced later. Grangers Favor Mill Tax Revision Revision of the mill tax of the state was the resolution passed by the Mich- igan State Grange assembled during the week at Battle Creek. This will, if adopted by the legislature, reduce the annual appropriation of the uni- versity. The Grange also asked that M. A. C. be given preference over the university, as an institution more vi- tal to the welfare of the state. NOTICEI Students wJho are going home for the. Holidays, put down in your note book a memorandum.to bring your Panama hats back with you, and when you re- turn bring them to us at once so we can bleach and block them when there. is favorable weather, so as to have them ready for you when you want them in the Spring. Remember we use no acids in bleaching Panamas, and as sunshine is a part of the proper process of bleach- ing them, so as not Ito injure the hat it is therelore necessary that we have them so as to do the bleaching during periods of sunshiny weather. In the Spring there is -often. long periods, of cloudy weather- when Panamas can't be bleached unless they are bleached with acids which ruins the fiber. Bring your Panama back with you and leave it with us and it will be bleached and blocked right; we will have all the latest Spring styles to show. you, and we carry insurance to. cover the value of your hat in case of fire. We wish to call your attention to our big hat and cap sale; We are clos- Ing out all hats and caps in our store in order to make room for new stuff which we will commence making up immediately after the Holidays. We are selling soft and stiff hats so cheap that you can't afford tof go home with- out a new hat, and you can afford to take along two or three for presents; there's no nicer present than a nice up-to-date hat; We always keep our hat stock right up to. the minute in style. Every hat must be sold, some half price, some a third off and some quarter off; All caps half price. FACTORY HAT STORE, W. W. Mann, Proprietor, 118 E. Huron St. Near Allenel Hotel sittings at earliest convenience. Hoppe's Studio 619 . Ube ty St. Phene 1078 1 Temp%%I. Theat Mon., Dec. 14-Bootle's Baby (with Mable Tronell). Tues., Dec. 15-Barefoot Boy (Mar- guerite Courtot). Wed., Dec. 16-,Martin Chizzlewit (with Isabel Rea). Thurs., Dec. 17-Perils of Pauline (16 Story). * Fri., Dec. 18-Rose and the Thorn (with Naomi Childers). Sat., Dec. 19-Sparks of Fate (with Francis X. Bushmau). Coming $Text Week-Blood Will Tell (with Francis M.Bushman). Order HILL'S SWEET CIDER Phone 2140 Why not have it delivered.regularly bi or tri- waekly? Many do. Always fresh. Nopreser- Vatives used. Visit the mill at the orchard. KENMORE BROOK ORCHARDS Arcade Theatre I I HE RE ARJF SOMESUGGES3TION8S An Electric Chafing Dish Is the very best thing for the long winter evenings. Think of the Welsh rarebits and other combinations. Electric Toasters Make the finest toast for the breakfast without any fuss or trouble, and they are.always ready. Electric Flat Irons Save time and steps in the kitchen. PREKETEES SWEETS ARE the best because they are manufactured of tce best materials and under our supervision. Ne give you quick service in our fountain drinks and lunches. SUGAR BOWL Why Not Make this Xmas an ELECTRIC One? STICK PINS CUFF BUTTONS e BROOCHES FOBS LARGE LINE OF STERLING SILVER, GUN METAL AND GERMAN SILVER CJGARETIWECASES HALLER JEWELRY CO. STATE STREET JEWELERS Monday-Tuesday, December 14-15. "Across the Pacific:" A Drama in Five Parts. One of the World Film Productions that are always so good. Wednesday-Thursday; December 18-17 "Northern Lights,"-A Five* Part Dra- ma 'by the Life Photo-Film Compa- ny. Friday-Saturday, December 18-19. "RIP VAN WINKLE,"*- Washington Irving's story with Thomas Jeffer- son. Friday is the Benefit Day for the Fed- erated Charities. Look for the places where the tickets are for sale. X EWLEs A"E M SCiAN sA EYFR E A ;,os ° ERS R Electric Heaters Take that chill off the room and do it quickly.. use a cold room when it can be easily avoided? Eastern Michigan Edison Company Corner E. William and S. Main Streets Why now" rs to Men jr Special $30.00 Suits Have UALITY THAT UALIFYS UICKLY Henry & oo. . University Ave. f UG "THE BRILLIANT SPOT." 71 See Michigan's Band in "Block M" on Soldier's Field at the Majestic The- atre Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 14, 15, 16. 62-67 See if you can win the "Go-Cart" at the big "Country Store" Night at the Majestic, Thursday, Dec. 17th. 63-9 The Majestic will give away $100.001 in prizesaabsolutely FREE at the big Country Store Night Thursday, Dec. 17th. Watch papers for list of prizes given by leading Ann Arbor Mer- chants. 63-9 Big "Country Store" Night at the Majestic Thursday, Dec 17th-$100.00 in prizes given away free. 63-9 See in motion pictures Michigan's Grand Old Man, President Angell, also President Hutchins and the deans of each department at the Majestic Mon., Tues., Wed., December 14, 15,18. 62--7 In future all cars stop at Goodyear Drug Store. tf MONEY-RAISING SALE-All Cloth- ing, Balmacaans, Overcoats, Suits Men's Furnishing Goods and Hats at Sacrifice Prices. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. The Majestic Theatre will show Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Decem- ber 14, 15, 16, all incidents that happened on "THE TRIP TO HAR- VARD." This is one of the greatest motion pictures ever made. 62-47 Martha Washington candy, fresh for Christmas, all sizes. University Ave. Pharmacy. tf Which Carry With Them True Mi ch ig9an Spirit Michi a I A Victrola for Christmas Maybe you can win a. Silk at the big "Country Night" at jestic Thursday, Dec..17th. Kimona the Ma- 63-9 MONEY-RAISING SALE-All Cloth.- ing, Balmacauns, Overcoats, Suits," Men's Furnishing .Goods and Hats at Sacrifice Prices. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE,1 Main Street., U- The world's best music and entertainment for the entire family-and all your friends besides. A VARISTY OF STYLE $1-$200 SEALS Blankets Banners Pillows Rugs Pins Spoons Bracelets Cigarette Cases Etc., Etc. O r iznsill Phone 1707 for a demonstration Bros* I I" '"i ON STATE STREET YOU CAN GET YOUR HOLIDAY GIFTS Are to be found at See the Harvard team at signal prac- tice in motion pictures at the Majestic on. Ties. Wed. Dec. 14, 15, 1. r62-7 Fountain pens make good Christmas at right priees DON'T WAIT-Comne and See Our Big, Carefally Selected -Stock Darlig & Malleaux Fancy Goods Store Corner State and Liberty We have gifts which you can not buy whe - you get home. H. L. Switzer Co., ET Hardware ai 310 STATE S" 'ting Goods