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December 12, 1914 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-12-12

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_____ ______- --~-


Kind Clubs Contr
Complete Cl
Say, Bill, do you remember that first
S ibran' new suit o' clothes? Were you
TODAY ever happier during all your kid days,
bored Beams of Spotlight to .than when your father took you down
licker on Riot of Songs Junior girls'olunch, Barbourgymnasi- to that great big store, and got you
Dances and u, 12:15 oclock. You werent, were
Junior lit dance, Barbour gymnasium, all rigged out? Yo wen
Plays 2:30 o'clock. you? Well, Christmas is coming. Do
LINE ELEMENT LIMITED; Peace contest tryouts, oratory room, you get the connection?
CONSISTS OF 100 WOMEN University hall, 3:30 o'clock. Those same ticklings of joy that ran
CCraftsmen club banquet, Masonic tem- through your three foot, eight inch
>mmences at 8:00 ''clock ple, 6:00 o'clock. frame, when you viewed yourself in
eill Auditorium, Lasting Chess and Checker club, Michigan Un- the mirror, dressed up in a complete,
ion, 7:30orio'clostk.gnever-been-worn-before outfit, will
Two Hours oen 7: ermess" H a o run through the three foot, eight inch
Women's "Kermess," Hill' auditorium,fa f1 AnAb' idfr f
pormvrebyabwde- 8:00 o'clock. frames of 14 Ann Arbor kids, four of
program varied by a bewild Membership dance, chigan Union, them girls, on Christmas day. And it
cession of songs, dances and 9:00'o'clock. will' be more than 14, if more frater-
>ned down and harmonized by Grand Rapids men meet at Michigan nities and sororities will contribute
ticolored rays of the calcium Union, 2:00 o'clock. r a few dollars.
e Kermess will make its cour- Its this way: the Phi Kappa Sigma
ore the Michigan student body TO Rfraternity will give 10 boys, between the
o'clock tonight in Hill audi- Cosmopolitan club McMilan hall, 4:00 ages of seven and 12 years, complete
And when the curtain drops o'clock. outfits of clothes, "from the skin out,"
final number, the production Hon. R. Waite Joslyn, on "Politics," at some time before Christmas. The
>n the university annals as the Michigan Union, 3:00 o'clock. sets have been obtained from Ann
ertainment to be presented in Prof. Graham Taylor, at "Y" meeting, Arbor merchants, at a price slightly
itorium with a cast compris- Majestic theater, 6:30 o'clock. less than $5.00 each, and will include
women. Dr. William T. Manning, on "The woolen suits, shoes, toques and all
t of 100 women will carry Meaning of Patriotism,". St. An- the other requisites of the dress of a
the performance,--a cast fair- drew's- church, 7:30 o'clock. boy. Alpha Phi and Chi Omega soror-
ing with the names of women Prof. W. W. Florer, at Menorah soci-
'e already made a name on the ety meeting, Newberry hall, 7:30 am N f[ S
in their various lines of theat- o'clock.
leavor. The only masculine
to be introduced, will be the NEW CAMPUS PUBLICATIONS TO
niment of the Spanish dance, BE-DISTRIBUTED NEXT WEEK
ng orchestra of the Mandolin
d the directing influence of Bulletin Contains Resume of Football
John, concealed behind the Seao Union Activities an arvard Will Play Tournament of Five
Seasn, nionActvitis ad ,Ganes With Michigan
color will be introduced Campus in General by Mail
the medium of "Alice's Ad- _i'sa
at Michigan," a humorous Edward W. Haislip, '14L, assistant HONOR SYSTEM TO BE EMPLOYED
e presented by Masques. In it, manager of the Michigan Union, as ed-
y women will take a fling at itor of the university bulletin. "Campus Harvard will play Michigan in-chess.
ailing men's organization of News Notes," announces that this pub- This was the text of a message receiv-
ius. lication is to be off the press December ed by the Michigan Chess and Checker1
s of Night," a. colorful fanta - 16. The' project was framed at the
hn Marshall, will take its, last meeting of the board of regents, club, as the result of a challenge for
long the leading numbers of and, if successful, the bulletin will be a correspondence match of five games.1
am. The play has been per- continued every fourth or'sixth week The challenge, issued by. Michigan,1
Mr. St. John,'in so many-e'during the 'year. About 30,000 copies had its origin in a proposal made by!
as to assure its faultless ren- are being printed for this issue, and Harvard, earlier in the season, for a i
these will be distributed, chiefly '
'ance of the Hours," a stately among alumni, free of charge. match over the boa'ds at Cambridge,
ntin of h ni c o +h A-1. T h- .i is+ ho hn rl P ntthe tim of the H-avrMrho

ibute Chi
iris fmas
ities will clothe t
slightly greater co
The idea was con
the Ann Arbor f
ties, and is being
organization. It is
other fraternitiesa
ested, as they bel
best plan to bring
hearts of unluckyI
unlimited amount
may be obtainedc
chants at the abov
a great reduction
cost of the garmen
posed to those frab
ties that have be
giving Christmas
youngsters, that t
custom with this
minds of those in
ran gement.
Those house club
list their aid in t
wish further infor
ject, may correspor
tion through Mrs.
dent, 1706 Cambri
Students given LA
Sign Lists Be
of Re
Students will tod
opportunity to sig
petitions, which go
gents at the Decei
blanks which havex
nmist be left at theo
igan Daily before
i order that the
of the matter may

Costumes * WalterCamps annual selec- *
wo girls eac, at a * tion of an All-American really *
st for each girl. * brings the football season to a *
* close. This year there are many *
ceived by officers of * surprises in store for gridiron .*
ederation of chari- * fans, in the makeup of the three *
worked out by that * teams which the Eli critic has *
s their desire to get * picked. *
and sororities inter- * Through the courtesy of Col- *
lieve this to be the * lier's Weekly, The 'Michigan *1
happiness into the * Daily will publish the elevens *
Ann Arbor kids. An * chosen by the dean of football, *
of sets of clothing * in tomorow morning's issue. *
of Ann Arbor mer- * * * * * * * * * * * *
e prices, whih are
ternities and sorori-
,en inthe habit of Members of Michigan Union Entitled
dinners for the to Free Admission to
hey supplant their Show
newer and, in the
terested, betterar- Tickets for the big Spotlight Vaude-
ville show, to be presented at 8:00
bs, that wish to en- o'clock next Wednesday night, in Hill
he project, or that auditorium, are now rapidly being dis-1
mation on the sub- tributed, according to Chairman J. S.
rid with the federa- Leonard, '16L, of the ticket committee.
W. H. Wait, presi- Every member of the Michigan Uniont
dge road, telephone is entitled to a free admission, the on-
ly requirement being, that the mm-t
ber present his membership card, ats
the desk in the clubhouse. No one willI
be admitted who has not obtained a
ticket. - t
In orler to provide against a rush
at the last minute, the committee urg-1
es all members to call for their ticketso
today. If this request is compliedg
ist. Opportunity to with, no one will be disappointed in
efore Meeting getting a free ticket, Regular admis-c
gents sion tickets at 25 'ents may be obtain-,
ed at the Union, Wahr's, Sheehan's,
OW -NUMBER 656 University Music house, and Trubey's.t
Each of the six acts was rehearsedt
ay have their last yesterday afternoon. They appearedl
pn the gymnasium to be ready for production tonight ifa
to the board of re- necessary.With three days left in whichW
to perfect the acts, the show ought tor
mber meeting. All excel any entertainment .ever offered
not been handed in by a student organization. Those who
offices of The Mich- witnessed the rehearsal were unani-d
1:00 o'cock today, mous in predicting a performance wor-g
1: la'ythy of the professional stage.
students in charge The Mimes, operatic society of the i
prepare them for Union, which is putting on the produc- c
tion, plans to make the vaudeville an
natures on the pe- annual event, such as the Opera. Wed- b
nesday night's production will be the o
he hands of the in- first of its kind ever attempted, but, r
which is conducting with the talent represented, there is
it is expected that every reason to believe, that the cam-s
petitioners will be pus will demand its repetition in years t
to come.
at The Michigan s
convenience of stu- OF ART WORKS BY GERMANS
to sign them, but
;o 1Dr. You Brode, the Author, Claims c
Story Now Circulating'
EADINESS FOR Fabricationu
Dean Victor C. Vaughan, of the med-
vantage may be ical department, received a letter yes-
ent of any tempor- terday from Professor Abderhalden, oneo
lition of. foreign of the greatest of German scientists, u
purchasing depart- in which there was a communication
tters to the differ- from Dr. W von Brode, chief directord
university, asking of the Berlin museum, denying certain s
r lists of supplies to charges concierning the destruction of c
the ensuing year. works of art by the Germans. It icon-
quisitions are not tained a request that Dr. Vaughan
h. have the letter published, although Dr.n
rates have been Vaughan himself is neutral in his sym-
increase of 25 per pathies.- .
y were the begin- In the letter, Dr. von.Brode said that
er. As, for some the widely circulated story, saying that t
ever would be as- the German commanders were givena
this sign is taken lists of the works of art to be takend
rade relations with from the various public collections in t
approaching their France, is a pure fabrication of Ugo f
Ojetti, "a writer of fiction in Florence."

S"City May Aid Boys' Conference Deficit t
At a meeting of the Ann Arbor board
of education recently, it was voted to 1
refer the matter of contributing $150
towards the making up of the defici- f
ency resulting from the Boys' confer-
IX1O ence, to the finance committee. TheS
proposal for a contribution was made
by a committee of high school boys,g
headed by James Beal. It was inti-c
mated that the request would beo
granted. t

Petition Signed By Class Presid
Numbering 27 Will Be
Presented to

Price to

Be Not More Than
Spectators to Be


y Te bulletin is to be a booklet or
s 16 pages, devoted to news, from the
e campus in general, alumni, the Michi-
- gan Union, and other organizations.
e A resume of the past football season,
the principal Union activities, the Y.
e M. C. A. campaign and the "Boys' Con-
- ference" will be given. Figures of the
e Union membership for this year will

aL MeLme o Le arvar -icigan presentation.
football game. This proposition wasT a r s
turned down, owing to the fact that
the local players were not notified in titions already in th
time. Following the football game formal committee w
and the announcement of a combined the campaign, andi
musical concert between the two insti- the total number of
tutions, the new chess relations are well over 1,000.
considered indicative of a permanent Petitions will be
closer bond between Harvard and Daily, the Michigan
Michigan. ton's today, for thec
The rules of the tournament pro- dents who desiret
vide that moves be made weekly, the have not yet done s
Michigan plays to be sent every Sat-
urday night, immediately following the SAKE LISTS IN RI
regular meeting of the club. Any RENEWAL OF]
games that are not completed by June

Whethe1 or not the J-Hop at Michi-
gan will be revived, will be taken up
by the university senate at its reg-
ular meeting, called for Monday night.
When submitted to the senate coun-
cil last Monday night, the petitions
contained the signature of 27 class
presidents, including all except the
head of the fresh dent class, the meet-
ing of which was not held in time to
take action on the matter.
The petition came to the attention of
the council through the committee on
student affairs, of which Prof. A. H.
Lloyd, of the philosophy department,
is chairman,; ani had the approval Qf
that committee. No action was taken,
however, as the hop was abolished in
1912, by the university senate,. and in
order to restore It, the same body must
give its sapction.
Following is the petition which will
come before the university senate:
"To the Honorable, the senate council:
"Deeming it to be for the best in-
terests of the university that long es-
tablished istitutons be allowed to
live, we, the undersigned presidents
of the classes in the University of
Michigan, authorized by the vote of our
respective classes, in regularly called
meetings, do hereby petition that your
consent be given to the holding of a
dance in Waterman gy "4nasim to be
known as the Junior hop.
"We respectfully suggest the follow-
Lng rules under which the, hop may be
1. The hop shall be a dance given
by the junior classes of the University.
of Michigan, Friday evening, in Fob-
uary, between semesters.
2. The management of - the hop
shall rest In a committee representing'
he junior classes.
3. The members of the committee
shall be elected in regularly called,
4. The dance shall be formal.
5. The price per ticket shall not ex-
coed $5.00.
6., It shall be a democratic whole-
university function, which fact shall
be made plain through class meetings
and advertising.
7. There shall be no booths or dec-
orations, except such as represet the
university, or the Junior classes.
8. The floor committee shall be un-
der the orders of the chaperones, and
shall be directly responsible for the
conduct of the dancers. .
9. No spectators shall be allowed.
10. House parties shall commence
not earlier than Friday morning, and
end not later than Sunday afternoon.
"These rules are to be considered
as a general working plan, and subject
to your amendment. Further getails ,
as to committee, music, 'features,"
decorations, etc., shall be settled by
the senate committee on student af-
"We ask your advice and assistance
n elaborating the above rules, so as
to mae the J-Hop an institution of
which Michigan men and women, may
be proud."
The names of the class presidents
Scott Wilkins To Speak On Socialism
Scott Wilkins, lately candidate for
governor of Ohio, will speak on "So-
cialism," at Newberry hall, at 8:15
o'clock, Sunday night. Admission to
he meeting is free.

ed in
11 up

ushers will show
r seats, and will
page programs,
guide to the rec-

ts may be secured tonight af
office, and the price still re-
it 25 cents. The performance
t for approximately two hours,
giving those who so desire a
to go to the Union dance.
Films Held By Custom House
for the moving pictures on
logging, which were to have
hibited December 2, were dis-
in the custom house at De-
sterday morning. Through a
they were billed for Toronto
ty, but were held for duty at
rolt custom house.
try club officers expect the
arrive in time to be shown
he end of next week.
ton Sings at Bible Chair House
0. Patton, of the university
f music, first tenor in the Meth-
oir, will give special songs at
s meeting of the Upper Room
ass at the Bible Chair house.
the last meeting before the
It starts promptly at 7:00
and will close sufficiently ear-
11 who wish to attend the Ker-
mtertainment. The student

be compared with other years, and an
article on "Why The Michigan Union,"
and stories of general interest from
all parts of the campus will be in-
Assistants to the editor are H. Beach
Carpenter, '14-'17L, Chester H. Lang,
'15, T. Hawley Tapping, '16L, and Jam-
es W. Thomas, '16. These men will
write the different parts of the book-
let. Art contributions will include sev-
eral pictures, among which are those
of President-Emeritus James B. An-
gell, President Harry B. Hutchins,
Secretary Shirley W. Smith, John,
Maulbetsch, '17P, and other well-
known persons.
Princeton's dramatic organization,
the Triangle club, will make a tour of
the west during the Christmas recess,
playing, among other cities, at Detroit,
Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati. The
performance in St. Louis will be given
on December 28, and a matinee and
night performance will be given on
December 29, in Chicago. The Detroit
show is scheduled for December 30,
and that in Cincinnati for December
This year's show is entitled "Fie!
Fie! Fi-Fi!" The performers have been
coached by Lewis Hopper, who pro-
duced the original "Floradora" in this
country. The music is the work of
three men, while'the book and lyrics
have been written by another.

are to be adjudicated by the British
Chess magazine, which will also act
as arbiter in case of any disputes.
Both the Harvard and the Michigan
teams have been put upon their honor
(Continued on page 4.)
President Harry B. Hutchins re-
cently appointed J. B. Wright, '94L,
J. W. Fletcher, '10E, and U. Young,
'09E, to represent the University of
Michigan at the inauguration of Rufus
B. Von Kleinschmid as president of
the University of Arizona. The in-
augural exercises will be held Jan.
11 and 12.

In order that ad
readily taken, in ev
ary favorable cond'
trade relations, the.
ment has written le
ent heads of the
them to submit their
be imported for !
Ordinarily these re
received until Marc:
Marine insurance
reestablished at an
cent, over what the
ning of last summ
time, no risk what
sumed at any rate,
as indication that t
Europe are again
normal course.


'4- not a

Dull Mo


"~ not a

W~~tt ~.R..

JuruII Plog ent"


Unrivalled Spectacle of Brilliance and Splendor
Written by Girls - Staged by Grls- Acted by Girls


-8:00 P. M.-

iaturday Dec. 12


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