AN DA.LY I >t wear I I I V ~ ' / Going Like Hot Cakes The 100 Kodaks at from Y3 to Y/3 off (and a 20 credit, good for developing) are going fast-but there are some big snaps left. Think of buying a $12.00 Brownie (good as new) for $7.75 and $1.55 worth of developing Free of Charge, Don't miss this opportunity to buy a kodak for a mere trifle. r HAND PRE LADIES WORK A SPEOIALTY C I. KIDD-- -Sophom 1830-J 1112 S. Univ. Ave *5' I LYND@ N _1 F Iw . - e toe effect. Tops and quarters of fine grey panish heels. )., 115 S. Main Street m GYM RESOLUTION FAVORED BY ADDITIONAL CAMPUS SOCIETIES Resolutions favoring increased gym- nasium facilities have been passed by three more campus societies within the past few days. Griffins passed fa- vorably upon the resolution at a meet- ing Wednesday night, while Archons and Barristers took similar action yes4 terday. Thus far, every society which has considered the resolution has tak- en favorable action. All petitions, whether filled or not, should be left at the office of The Michigan Daily, not later than tomor- row noon, as they must be in shape for presentation to the Board of Re- gents at the next meeting. Freiburg Student to Speak About War John Metz, of Freiburg, Germany, president of the International Stu- dents federation, will speak at the Presbyterian church at 7:30 o'clock' Sunday evening. His topic will be "The Present War and Reconstruc- tion." It is also expected that Dr. George W. Nasmyth, of Boston, direc- tor of the International Student bu- reau and one of the directors of the 1rpheumm House of Famous Plays by Famous Players Friday, Dec. 11th-H. B. Warner in Ghost Breakers, by Paul Dicky. Saturday, Dec. 12th-Jack Barimar in An American Citizen. Extra-The Police Dog. Mon.-Tues., Dec. 14-15-David Higgins in His Last Dollar. World Peace foundation, will be pres- ent, will be present and speak on the same subject. The two will be here Saturday to look after the organization of an In- ternational Polity club at Michigan and an effort will be made to have both stay over Sunday. Mr. Metz was a student at Freiburg, coming to this country only a few weeks ago. Mr. Nasmyth was traveling in Germany when the war broke out. Christmas cigars and Christmas can- dy. University Ave. Pharmacy. tf Theatre ocials and and Low- U06 S. Kalta Quarterback is real footbali for the home. Quarterback gives you the strategy and sc of football. You live the game. Quarterback does more. It teaches the tl and principles of football in the cle' and most fascinating manner ever devil SOLD BY University of Michigan Urn ANN ARBOR, MICH. 0 ... and of Music P GET THAT E I Freshman ALSO CANDIES Sophomore College Teaches Many This But the Best Is the Lunches AT "POP BANCROFT'S" 722 ,I at the 605 F. William St. WE USE PURE LARD OREN'S CAFETERIA of Music - - . Y HI 0 N E. 1 7 0 1 A .ther Ds Irrda~y.' i~rdyDco.11-12 ThisIs Halton Powell, livc., presen th e LifI OF Calf and Pig ii A Musical Comedy of Song Hits and dancing "Beauties" Big Country Store Night at the Malestic, Thursday, December 17. $100.00 in prizes given away absolutely Free. Order your seats now. Ladies' Souvenir Matinee every Tues. and Fri. School children's Matinee every Saturday; any child under 12 years 5c. Matinees Tues., Wed., Fri. and Sat. Folds, Pocket rd, Cigar Otte Cases and Matinee Prices: 1000 Seats at 1o, a few reserved at 15c. Night Prices: Entire Main Floor 25c, entire Balcony 20c Only first show t night is reserved. Seats held untlt 7:30 rer Co. s - I12 South Main Stret t Goodyear See "Michigan's Famous Band" and tf the "Roosters" arriving at the Copley -- Plaza in motion pictures at the Majes. Michigan's tic Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 14, 15, 16. Lngell, also 62-47 For Musical Instruments of Every Description, Victrolas, and Edison Di- amond Disc Machines, go to SCHAE- BERLE & SON MUSIC HOUSE, Main Street. eod Wed.I See in motion pictures at the Ma- jestic Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 14, 15, 16, the entire crowd that went to the Harvard game viewing Niagara Falls. 62-67 Monday, Tuesday,. Wednesday, Dec. 14, 15, 16-The Majestic will show "The Trip to Harvard" in motion pi- tares. 6"-7 See the most phenominal pictures of a touchdown ever made at the Majestic Mon., Tues., Wed., December 14, 15, 16. 62-67 The Majestic Theatre will show Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Decem- ber 14, 15, 16, all incidents that happened on "THE TRIP TO lHAR.. YARD." This is one of the greatest motion pictures ever made. 62-67 See the Michigan-Pennsylvania game play by pl.y at the Majestic Mon. Toes., Wed., Deccember 14, 16,"16. 62--67 A laundry agency proposition bring- Order your seats now f ing good commission is open to a wide- sack of flour at the "Coup awake student. Address T care Daily. Night at the Majestic, Thu 62-3-4 17th. big ARNOLD & CO. sof1 Jewelers 220 So. Main 62-67 at the See the student's cheering section in the "Block M" at the Pennsylvania" game in motion pictures at the Majes- tic Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 14, 15, 16. 62-47 Maybe you can win a big sack of flour at the "Country Store" Night at the Majestic, Thursday, Dec. 17th. I, Buy your Xmas Gifts No 11 63-9 C at -the 63-9 - ii 522 will bring a Holmes Taxi to Call 522 for Holmes Taxi, Limou- your door at any hour. tf sine or carriage. 522. t! The Choicest Line High Grade II I- i 1 Check. Yozsr Peg Lei sm~ii4 Crutches III Jewelry Diamonds Toilet Ware Brass Goods Chime Clocks Michigan Jewelry Cut Glass Sterling Ware Leather Goods Silverware $100.0 DIG TWO BUCKS OUT OF YOUR JEANS, HVNT A WOMAN (A COME TO TII iday, Dec. of prizes bor Mer- 63-9 WRIGHT SAXOPHONE PARTY TIME FRIDAY' Dee 11,9 p.m. Flocks of Features, F1un and Frills for Finicky Fellows!1 PLACE II A Large Stock of Diamond La Valleres from $5,00 "Up MICHIGAN UNION ARNOLD & CO., 220 'o obterdn the precious pasteboards, call 236 or 374 it IL...