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December 11, 1914 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-12-11

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'T 1 9 il /ou 7
oys nan usa 1 get Y1 s
tho '1tie speee S« asY ou bete ifnadfla e av o ti; dlY
Listen s eut lyo s then come dob uyt
to ease mq;ygrts. Thercoe MCArtists wants tor t ul 1,11
atin a I"a 0oeapetn are fr
lese ' .3 dlUsjett a ys a ~
wholesa teir di Positiond and enj
TIhe $500 Prize
This$is the firstadwill be paid to the college student who sends
published in the to us the best original advertisement for Fatima
$500 Fatima Ad- cigarettes before June 1, 1915. In the meantime,
.nContest. for each ad. we publish we will pay the writer $5.
vertising CIllustrate your ad. if you can, but if you can't
It is the work of draw, then use your kodak or describe your idea.
Mr. AlbetFrancis Prize will be awarded by a committee of three prom-
inent advertising autheritios, The names of this
Southeimer, of committee will be announced next month.
the University of .t47. .codr-
Pennsylvania. 21Z Fifth Ave., New York City


o muni &ti 0
Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
Much interest has been aroused on
the campus by the recent stand taken
by the Varsity athletes in regard to
drinking, carousing and the lesser evil
practices indulged in by a few Michi-
gan students, and I want to take the
opportunity to explain in more detail
the nature of the movement, and what
prompted it.
Most of the men consider the drink-
ing and carousing the chief object of
their disapproval, and, as the editor
of The Michigan Daily aptly stated, it
fits in with the general trend of pres-
ent-day thought so well that it is re-
garded as rather natural.
Michigan, as many know, has for
several years had the reputation of
being a place where a young man
can come, and learn to drink and ac-
quire other practices that are under
the ban of public censure. This be-
lief is only too prevalent among the
people of our state, but we feel, as
most Michigan men do, that it is en-
tirely undeserved, although easily ex-
plained. Conditions here are much
above the average college or univer-
sity town, and are improving rapidly,
but Michigan being the great institu-
tion it is, and being the leading state
university of the country, this unsav-
ory and undeserved prejudice has
spread even more rapidly. The reason
for it, we believe, is this,-every year
during the footbal season, we have.
thousands of visitors at the games.
After the games and in the evening
they are drawn downtown to watch
the students celebrate our victories.
We are all familiar with the forms
of celebration. Many students become
intoxicated; deplorable scenes result.
The rougher town element, seeing an
opportunity to carry things further
than they otherwise would, join in and
incidents take place that the average
student is ashamed of later. This is
the impression our visitors take back
with them to their homes.
Celebrations are necessary and
should be encouraged, but they should
be of the right kind. Drinking and
carousing will not aid our team or
our university, and have resulted in
keeping many good athletes away.
These were sent to other schools when
we should have had them. I, for one,
do not want such celebrations over
victories that I have had a part in, and
most of the members of the teams hold
the same view.
The athletes are not attempting, and
do not expect to abolish drinking, but
they do stand fo- moderation. The
real Michigan spirit is the spirit of
sacrifice for the university, and if it
means anything to us,' as Michigan
men, It means that we should be will-
ing to give our support to any move-
ment or practice that has as its pur-
pose the general moral, athletic, and
academic uplift of our university. Any
practice that dissipates our energies
and lowers our efficiency can mean
only one thing,-a lower standard in
school work and athletics.
Some of the campus leaders believe
that this step is but a part of our
national problem which must be .faced
everywhere, sooner or later, and that
Michigan; standing out as a leading in-
stitution, should be the first to take
the lead. The fact that 14 of our
states have voted themselves "dry,"
is significant in itself, and shows the
Most people are agreed as regards
betting on athletic games. The recent
unfounded scandal here, and the ones
at the University of Illinois and at

the University of Chicago, need only
be referred to, Gambling has killed
the race-track, it has killed boxing and
wrestling, and where it will stop if it
is not discouraged, we can only prop-
hecy. There are many more effective
ways to support teams, than by bet-
ting on them.
The use of profanity, and the use of
cigarettes at smokers, are minor con-
siderations in comparison to drinking
and gambling, but are practices con-
trary to the best interests of the uni-
The plan endorsed at the recent
meeting, was to put the question be-
fore every student organization on
the campus and to ask their support.
We believe that every student who
clearly understands the motive back
of this movement, will feel as did one
of our athletic captains, when he told
his men that "this is not a Y. M. C. A.
matter, but a matter of common
sense." The Ann Arbor Civic associa-
tion has promised its most hearty
support and co-operation, and I trust
that every Michigan man with that
true Michigan spirit, will respond in
the same way.

Our great president, in his recent
message to Congress, intimates that
the strongest military resource of our
nation lies with the common citizen-
ship. The fullest development of this
resource, the one whose realization it
is the duty of every citizen to promote,
assumes this citizenship trained, at
least, in the elements of military tac-
tics and manoeuvers. The war de-
partment, realizing that by developing
a military training system at our
large educational centers, such train-
ing is more effectively propagated to
the ultimate common citizen, accord-
ingly offers to install such systems
at practically no cost to the individ-
ual states.
One of our campus deans, who was
incidently yesterday accredited by Dr.
Takamine as being one of the great-
est of world-known, modern scientists,
in effect, heartily advocates some sys-
tem of military drill for university
students in the place of the present
gymnasium instruction offered. In his
terse way, he very logically links such
a. drill system with the new gym
movement. The regents'would doubt-
less feel more enthusiastic about the
new gym proposition if they could be-
lieve that by constructing a large'
armory, or "barracks," down on Ferry
field, they would settle the gym ques-
tion, and incidently provide for a fea-
ture of university education which
must inevitably become existant at
Lastly, there is another considera-
tion which rather strengthens our
ideas on university militarism. Cor-
nell, for years our strongest rival in
track, and this last year strong In
football, has practically no' gymnas-
ium facilities whatever. Her track
men are said, by competent authority,
to train almost entirely in the open.
Her required athletics are confined en-
tirely to military drill and regulation
army "setting-up" exercises. This is
true also of Illinois and many other
large western universities. Of course,
we do not want to render the opinion
that required military drill Is synono-
mous with successful athletic compe-
tition. Yet the truth seems pretty
generally borne out, that successful
athletics do not depend on such cales-
thentics as constitute our present re-
quired course, and that the substitu-
tion of military drill is not, as far as
precedent indicates, likely to weaken
Michigan athletically.
Concluding then, military drill is a
feature of university education which
the nation needs, which far-seeing
men advocate, and which, coupled
with our new gym movement, and
backed by a goodly number of peti-
tioners, the regents should look upon




local sentiment in the matter of mili-
tary training, induces me to write you
another letter on the subject in the
hopes that throughtyour organ, it will
receive such campus support that the
regents shall actively approve of it,
and shall secure some sort of a mili-
tary drill system here at Michigan.

Rules governing the competition for
those entering the advertising con-
test, conducted by the committee on
courses in journalism, have been
drawn up, and are given below. The
competition closes April 24. One of
the prizes was won last year by Adna
Johnson, '16L. A total of $500 was
offered in prizes for three years by a
prominent Michigan business man as
an experiment, and this is the sec-
ond year of the competition.
Following are the rules governing
competition for the two prizes of $300
and $200, respectively:
1. The competition shall be open
to all students in good standing in the
University of Michigan.
2. As a test, each com'petitor shall
submit (a) advertising copy, or (b).
drawings for an adverisement, or (c)
a plan of an advertising campaign, or
(d) a discussion in essay form of
some problem in advertising, or . ty or
all of these may be combineu.'.. Athe
case of (a) and (b), the copy or the
drawings may be accompanied by a
statement of the specific aim of the
advertisement, though, generally
speaking, the advertisement should
explain itself. The candidate mst
also enclose a signed statement to the
.effect that the material submitted is'
wholly original with him, and that to
his knowledge it has not been publish-
ed in any form.
3. The choice of the commodity,
business, institution, etc., to be ad-
vertised Is left to the competitor, with
the suggestion that sandard products,
well-known firms, etc., about which in-
formation can readily be obtained, are
preferable to little-known or ficti-
tious products and concerns.
4. All copy, drawings, etc., submit-
ted must bear an, identifying device
or pseudonym, and must be accom-
panied by a sealed envelope contain-
ing such device or< pseudonym, to-
gether with the name of the competi-
5. All material must be sent by
mail to the chairman of the committee
favorably for the good of Michigan.
Leaders of the new gym movement
and student body generally, please
think it over, and incidently dream of
your alumni days when you may re-
turn to the campus for a reunion, and
witness three full regiments of Uni-
versity of Michigan infantry, fault-
lessly manoeuvering down on the Fer-
ry field green.

All of our best quality, in their
proper colors, with colored em-
tither assortment, for limited
time, sent postpaid for' 5o cents
and five stamps to cover shipping
Write us for prices before placing
orders for felt novelties of all kinds.

The Com City Novelty Co.
4210 Bittner Street
Dayton, Ohio


on courses in journalism not later
than the Saturday following the spring
6. The prizes shall be 300 dollars
for the, first prize, and 200 dollars for
the second prize.
7. The judges shall be chosen by
the committee on courses in journal-
8. The prizes will be awarded to
the competitors who, in the opinion of
the judges, give most promise of suc-
cess in the advertising field, or show
the greatest insight into advertising
principles and problems. It is not in-
tended that the prizes shall be award-
ed for mere cleverness, and no "freak"
or sensational advertising will be
seriously considered.
9. The right is reserved to with-
hold either or both of the prizes; or to
reduce the amounts in case the judges
shall so recommend.
10. The prizes shall be awarded
within one month after the closing of
the competition.
11. All material submitted shall, at
the close of the competition become -
the property of the university, - and
be open to public inspection and use.
Star Back Selected by Authorities For
Even while the football season in
Ann Arbor has been dead for almost
a month, "Johnny" Maulbetsch con-
tinues to reflect honor on the universi-
ty, by being included in all of the all-
star selections, that are being made
by the post-season critics. His latest
accomplishments in this line consist in
his selection as the only western man
on Walter Eckersall's All-American
team, and his securing one of the half-
back positions on the all-western team,
picked by E. C. Patterson for "Collier's

Committee On Courses in Journalism
Announces Rules Governing

Beautiful College Pennants
Each 9 In. x 24 in.
Each 7 in. x 2 in.
4--PENNANTS, Si ze 2x30--4
Any Leading Colleges of
Your Seleotion.




The ]perfect Study Chair
More than a chair, for the Erskine is chair, desk and studio, so
ingeniously constructed and combined that every possible con-
venience is ready at the fingers tips.
And the Erikine is built to stay; solid quartered oak is used throughout,
with upholstering of best Spanish leather, and metal parts and trimmings
of very highest quality.
Ask to see this new kind of study room furniture.

Ii El


Slip into One of these Suits
Look at Yourself in the Mirrorl


?LrMXC 1n
A popular ballot on the question of
compulsory chapel attendance at
Princeton resulted in a total of 960
negative as against 169 affirmative
Students of Stanford university have
just ended a successful campaign to
raise $1,000 for the Belgian relief fund.
At Tulane University, the committee
on student regulations, has recently
decreed that freshmen shall not smoke
on the campus between 8:00 and 6:00
Women at Stanford published the
Daily Palo Alto last Wednesday.
Minnesota has inaugurated a weekly
reading hour. Popular stories are read
aloud by good speakers, and refresh-
ments are served during the hour.
Illinois women now wear blue felt
hats with gray bands.
Minnesota students who made the
football trip to Chicago on the week
of November 21, have been charged
with the purloining of 120 dollars

forks, etc., from the Chicago Beach
A new chapter of Phi Kappa Psi has
recently been installed at theUniver-
sity of Colorado.

That's A.ll

You'll Buy it


Here are such Suits as young men have never had a
chance to buy before for $25. They are actually cus-
tom tailored Clothes. We cut the pattern, for them.
They are English Models, designed especially for
young men. As different from ready-made styles as a
1915 Packard from a five-year old buzz wagon. Smart


Daniel J. Hayes, a
Colgate, was killed in
accident last Sunday.

sophomore at
an automobile

lines ; sterling quality throughout;


inch a

President Hise, of the University of
Wisconsin, is fighting the contention,
that Wisconsin is mixed in state poli-
tics. He has offered a challenge to
anybody to prove such charges true.
Jacob Speelman, of Grand Rapids,

Don't be Just One of the Mob in Dress;
Wear One of These Distinctive Models
Many imported materials in the assortment, such as Bannockburn Cheviots and
English Serges; soft unfinished worsteds; rugged homespuns; patterns not ob-
tainable elsewhere.
And the price is only $25. Couldn't duplicate the quality or workmanship or
style in a made-to-measure Suit for less than $50.
Are you interested?

Mich., has been chosen
taincy of the University
football team of 1915.
Edward E. Harris, of
was selected to lead the
football team of 1015,

for the cap-
of Missouri's

Four students have been expelled
from the University of Nebraska for
poor showing in mid-semesters.
William J. Parkes has been elected
captain of the 1915 Tufts football

Lewis C. Reimann, '17L.



The very best of
Foreign and Yankee
Woolens await your
selection in our Cus-
tom Tailoring De-
Suits $40$60


Full Dress
Very new and fash-
ionable to the last de-
gree-white Pique
Waistcoats for full
dress wear.
Ten Dollars

Lafayette Boulevard
and Wayne Street

Maybe you can win a Silk
at the big "Country Night" at

the Ma-

December 9, 1914.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
The recent trend of national and

knives, jestic Thursday, Dec. 17th.



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