THE M2.W I LAILY . ..... .. . . _. a . _.e _..:..... -I WOkow Sale, Sale Starts Sat. Nov. 28 A off 'Suits, Overcoats, Rainmias, Mackinaws & 8811111o11s 515.00 Suits & Overcoats, Now $11.25 18.00 466{..13.50 20.00 6" < 15:.13 k. _ i When You Think f Christmas 'THINK OF Whitman's. Candy 60c., 8kc. and $1.00 a pound CALKIN'S PHARMACY 324 South State Street 2096. ott on all, Suits, Overcoats, Pat- A rick Mackinaws, Balmacaans and Furnishings. F(W I IAV&I ti a' 1'6i.50 6' 18.75 +' 21.00 4'22.50 ,.. 1 .. .:. cc 4 ODD PANTS 207, _ i OFF WADITAMS & CO* 121-123 So, f lai n St. I WA ; f 8.105 South Main Street Capital, $100,000 I Profits . . , $75,000 ni Arbor Savings Bank k $300,000 Surplus $ioo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 al Banking Business Transacted 3iscock, Pres., Michael J. Fritz, D. Harriman, Vice-Pres., Carl F. ;Cash'r, Wmn. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r College Men' My assortment includes the latest-nvelties-for the college men. Workman- ship and designing of th~e highest quality, and- at a reasonable figure. A.iFK Marquardt Cantp a Tail*~ New L.ocation 514 WIL~UAM STREET Deterle 314y .b. rty and Main at Convenient Plaos Banking Ste, lor Your The Reliable Laundry, sponsble for your laundry linen. not tear your linenx, bwut t4id it. not promiseto sew on buttons, but does it. ELIABLE LAUNDRY wants yoiur trial ;'t6 sho'wthat it is Ria ie. e anxious to serve you. Prompt, service. x 215 Sr Fourth Ave. Under the leadership of Professor Samuel P. Lockwood, the University Symphony orchestra will make its first appearance on the couiplimenta- ry faculty concert series in 11111 audi- torium at 4:15 o'clock today. The or- chestra, consisting of 50 players, has made splendid progress, and has pre- pared a program of especial interest for the occasion. Mr. Harrison A. Ste- vens, pianist of the school of music, will appear as soloist, while Earl V. Moore, '12, will do a delightful organ number with the string members of the orchestra: The program in full is as follows:- Overture, "The Merry Wives ofJ Windsor".... ..... .......Nicolat Orchestra Trauersymphonie, F minor . . Locatelli Strings and Mr. Moore Elegy...............Tschaikowsky Strings Concerto, Op. 16.........Grieg Orchestra and Mr. Stevens Sigma Delta Rho will meet in a short business session at the Union tonight at 7:00 o'clock. Members of the cast in "Pomander Walk"' may secure their parts at the Cercle Francais rooms at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. All entrants, for ,the Alpha Nu try- outs for the Mid-west debate must hand in their names to H. B. Tee- garden, '17, not later than' 12:00 o'clock Saturday. A'e Newer Coneeptioh- of Business. A house' planned and built solely as an expression of beauty 'and the fine sentiments of the mind,-A spot on the busy commercial street where only objects of finest development in good taste are sought as an ideal, and where may be' found choice gifts not for the few exceptional people but for those of refinement and small means-A place of -enjoyment and profit for all. You are cordially-invited to visit the James Foster House of Art. eod-T ITemple Theatre Thurs., Dec. io--Perils of Pauline (05 story). Fri., Dec. iu-Moving Picture Cowboy ( with Tonm Mix). Beloved Adventurer (with, Arthur Johnson). Sat., Dec. .12-The Devil's Signature (With Richard Trovers). Mary Pickford in The Three Sisters. COMING NEXT WVEEK=~Margurite ,ourtot in "The B arefoot Boy,"I S A I N L B N ANN.AEDORR Capital - - $100,000 Surplus and Profits $65,000 Directors Wirt" Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. W. Clarkson, E. D. Kinne; Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. CGrder HILL'S SWEET CIDER Phone 2140 Iwhy not have it delivered re'gularly, bi or tri- weekly ? Many do. Always fresh. No preser-x vatives used. Visit the mill at the orchard. KEtfiORE 13ROOK ORCHARDS Arcade Theatre Thursday, December io "VICTORY" by J. Parker Read, Jr. Aremarkable Five Part Drama propuced it th the aid and permission of the United Sta tes Navy. Notable, cast including Sect retary of the Navy Daniels. 1 'riday-Saturday, December 111L12. Al \TDREKW MACK noted Irish Come- dian and character actor in the comedy- drank a "THE RAGGED EARL.", M#,) day-Tuesday, December 14-.15 " AC. ROSS -THE PACIFIC" a Feature Photop, lay in Five Parts. Gas does the work better than Electricty. Toasters, Chafing Dishes, Coffee Percolators, and all accessories for Table Cooking. Concealed floor connection under the table making the outfit entirely portable.j We invite your a tttn t io ifor Christmtas Gifts. For use with Gas. Table Cooking Sets quicker and WASITNAW hAS ,CO'MVANY U R FINISHING US VIEWS TRAITS & NICKELS- I ~ate ~ The only Stssdl on the Camp~us Po Official Photographrs P.. The M4ICGHIGAN ENSIAN. "'3tO.J BI t'OADWAY AND JOHN R. E~' OIT ----where the U. Of M.. spirit iLsmauifest and I'M" men are C ::en care of. .' Go to Tie Rf~elweiss for your luncheon xw~i~ nDetroit, Soo,. Also for 'yoir Dinner or after-the- Iti eatre Supper. And we make a specialty of U. of M. Ban- quets. Dancing from 6 to 8:30 and uo to 12:30. Delightful music- orchestral and voice. Cuisine unexcelled, and Ser- vice the best. A royal wel- come awaits "M" men at any rhour of the day or night at I I $1.00 Best Little Xmas Vres 1915. Athletic and All-Campus Calendar Cloth Shop, Featuring pictures of teams, band, campus, new stadium, etc. With a 'silk, hand-embroidered cover T AILORS, I Published by Students Sold by Students Out this Week vice and durability, built on--the lines}-of. fashionable Tailor- you will find in the Myles productions. Our own Tailors and our own Workshops .. .. . * * * * * * * * * * * 618 E. LIBERTY STREET WRIGHT SAXOPHONE PARTY At the Michigan Union Friday~ Dec. 11, 9 to 2. For Paste-boards' call 236 or 374. 1' * * Tafle L3 A og '4B MACK, manager . ." . - -mum, o MONO I I Ft T H - 302 So. Main Street in yozr ho .Aa this 3 TMkS Select yours from the laergest VictrcM' stock in the city: Why not NOWft V1iT-ROLAS $15"$24 10 120-122< Liberty St. ESTABLISHED 1818 BkOADWAY COft.TWENT1YSECOND 5' NEW YORK~. Our representative, Mr. Gorman, will be at the Hotel Pontchartrain TO-DAY with Winter Styles in Suits and Overcoats Sporting and Motor Garments, Eniglish Haberdashery, Hats, Shoes. ,I i Holiday Gifts NOW ICF40DISPLAYED Caorue Ini an~d let ass show you' 4 &WALKER, s*. n trs iii lw Qi i i LU BosToN BRANCH: 1 49 Tremont Street NUWPORT. BRANCH 220 Bellevue Avenue I esuits for both and GENT'S ,er-garments in con- 1our dress-making Come in -and try g gowns a specialty. TYPEWRITER RARGAIN S We have a few Trial' Machines which we offer at greatly reduced prices on the easiest of terms. Will be, glad to have you try-them. We rent typewriters, too. ROYAL TYPE WRITIEA CO. INc. A. H. COHIRN, Resident Salesman Phone 2282~ 1314 So. University Avenue FLAN oDkR 11 See the Michigan=Pennsylvanila game play; by play at the Majestic Ion, Tues., Wed., Deccember 14, 15, 16. 62-67 FIF t ST The Majestic Theatre mill A'ouday, Tutesday, Wednesday,:] ber 14, 159, 16, all Ineideni happened on "THE TRIP TO YARID." This is one of the g motion pictures ever made. 5 Universfty -Ave. Pharn Pens and Student Supp macy. Fountain plies. . U ... . .